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  1. Hello! You can see history of issues here: https://airvpn.org/servers/Tureis This last down time lasted 41 minutes. Previous down time (the one you talk about) was 11 weeks ago. Since the beginning of the year the server has an approximate 98.9% uptime, which is not very good but not even very bad if you consider Portugal infrastructure status. Kind regards
  2. Hello! It looks like a feature, not a bug. If a connection to a server fails or is lost, it is reasonable to try a different server. However, you can bypass this behavior and at the same time keep any wished whitelist by ticking "Lock current" in the "Servers" tab. Kind regards
  3. Hello, you're probably not reading neither the tickets system nor your e-mail (the one associated to your account) because all the tickets in the queue, including yours, are handled in 0 - 2 hours. Check it out. Topic locked. Kind regards
  4. Hello! Yes. If you have to handle just one or a few IP addresses: https://airvpn.org/topic/3024-can-i-bypass-the-vpn-with-a-browser/?do=findComment&comment=3025 (for Windows, but adaptation to other OS is almost immediate). Kind regards
  5. Hello, all of them. All of our VPN servers accept connections to ports 2018, 443, 80, 53 in UDP and in TCP. Additionally all of them accept OpenVPN over SSL to port 443 and OpenVPN over SSH to port 22, 53 and 80. Kind regards
  6. Hello! Probably the web server is misconfigured. Check this out (it's only an example of a possible cause): http://www.lodesys.com/blog/2009/resolving.php It would explain why you can connect to your web server locally but not from the Internet. Kind regards
  7. Hello! sudo can't be used to elevate privileges of a program in a graphic environment. The client can run in non-graphic mode but in this case you must specify "-cli" option. With ps ("ps ax | grep airvpn"), have a look at how you can run AirVPN client Eddie on your environment (after you have launched the client through your desktop manager launcher). Kind regards
  8. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that a new Eddie Air client version has been released: 2.4beta. Please read the changelogs: https://airvpn.org/services/changelog.php?software=client&format=html 2.4beta version is compatible with several Linux distributions. For very important notes about environments, please read here: https://airvpn.org/forum/35-client-software-platforms-environments Planned next steps: Network Leaks Protection implementation. It was not possible to implement it in this version, we apologize for the delay. The NLP feature is in advanced development and keeps highest priority, but in the meantime we preferred to optimize the release cycle and deploy a version with some bug fixes and new features and a re-compiled OpenVPN (see note below) for additional security and comfort. Eddie 2.4beta Linux can be downloaded here: https://airvpn.org/linux Eddie 2.4beta Windows can be downloaded here: https://airvpn.org/windows Eddie 2.4beta OS X can be downloaded here: https://airvpn.org/macosx PLEASE NOTE: Eddie packages now include an OpenVPN version re-compiled by us with OpenSSL 1.0.1i for security reasons and to fix this bug: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/ticket/328 Eddie 2.4beta is free and open source software released under GPLv3 Kind regards & datalove AirVPN Staff
  9. Hello! https://airvpn.org/faq/port_forwarding https://airvpn.org/topic/9170-do-you-allow-p2p-how-can-i-optimize-performance-of-emule-and-bittorrent-with-airvpn For any doubt do not hesitate to open a ticket. We can read in above linked first FAQ answer: We can also read in above linked second FAQ answer: Can you tell us which part of the above sentences is really confusing? Kind regards
  10. Hello, Respectfully, I don't think your link helps me, as airvpn requires sudo.. As I said in OP, I already did what that link says, but it's not working. Hello! Of course your method fails. If you have already tried "ps" you will have already seen how to run AirVPN properly and elevate privileges in a graphical environment. If not, just look at how "AirVPN.exe" is run. Kind regards
  11. Hello, check out also Privacy Badger by Electronic Frontier Foundation (for Firefox and Chrome). We have not tested it but it looks very promising. It faces the challenging tracking problem with a completely different approach than various ad blocks, which are often powerless against tracking and anyway may have a questionable behavior. https://www.eff.org/privacybadger Kind regards
  12. Hello! @gevero Besides the excellent suggestion by sheivoko, examine OpenVPN logs (feel free to post them), perhaps they might show precious clues for troubleshooting. Kind regards
  13. Hello! More and more web sites are correctly moving to TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 and also to more secure cipher than RC4 etc. A common cause of that error message is that your browser does not support some protocol. See here, it might help: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130128165026AAUeWrB Kind regards
  14. Hello! We're glad to inform you that we're finalizing agreements for a 1 Gbit/s server in Singapore in a network neutral datacenter. Kind regards Welcome and happy news! Can you give an estimate of when it'll be ready for use? Hello! Right now: https://airvpn.org/topic/12063-new-1-gbits-server-available-antares-sg Enjoy! Kind regards
  15. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that a new 1 Gbit/s server located in Singapore is available: Antares. The AirVPN client will show automatically the new server, while if you use the OpenVPN client you can generate all the files to access them through our configuration/certificates/key generator (menu "Client Area"->"Config generator"). The server accepts connections on ports 53, 80, 443, 2018 UDP and TCP. Just like every other Air server, Antares supports OpenVPN over SSL and OpenVPN over SSH. As usual no traffic limits, no logs, no discrimination on protocols and hardened security against various attacks with separate entry and exit-IP addresses. Do not hesitate to contact us for any information or issue. Kind regards and datalove AirVPN Team
  16. Hello! This guide can help you: http://askubuntu.com/questions/30931/how-do-i-make-a-program-auto-start-every-time-i-log-in You can find out the PIDs of the various airvpn processes with ps aux | grep airvpn Kind regards
  17. Hello! Eddie will never have a built-in firewall, this option has never been announced and not even wildly speculated. The leaks prevention is our highest priority but it could not be delivered as announced in the first half of August, it has been postponed to the beginning of September, with version 2.5. Eddie 2.4 has never been released on our web site, but it will be very soon. Kind regards
  18. Hello! We're glad to inform you that we're finalizing agreements for a 1 Gbit/s server in Singapore in a network neutral datacenter. Kind regards
  19. Hello! Hadar is working fine but if you don't see the "latency" time on the Status page maybe your system can't reach it. That time is calculated by your browser, it's the time your browser needs to connect via https to the VPN server and download a 1 byte file (so it's not a latency time, but it is very useful to perform a relative comparison between servers). Kind regards
  20. Hi, they can be TCP as well. uTorrent supports both. Maybe UDP is preferred when sending out packets (unsure about that)? Note: it is not possible to provide in a web site a fully reliable, working with any application UDP port checker for some technical reasons (consequence of the nature of UDP, connectionless), for that our port checker only tests in TCP. Kind regards
  21. Hello, you can find it here: https://airvpn.org/repository/1.8/air_windows_x86_64.zip https://airvpn.org/repository/1.8/air_windows_i686.zip https://airvpn.org/repository/1.8/air_windows8_x86_64.zip https://airvpn.org/repository/1.8/air_windows8_i686.zip Pick the correct one for your Windows version. Beware: the bundles include older OpenVPN versions. It will be interesting to see whether the old client solves the problem, feel free to keep us posted, thanks in advance. Kind regards
  22. Hello! We're glad to see that you removed defamatory contents in your post. This is false. Avangate requires that information only for suspect transactions and only if you can't provide the transaction ID. Remember that by contract and international agreements any seller has the full right to require exhibition of an official ID card for ANY credit card transaction and has the right to decline any transaction. This is also very important for an online service in order to prevent, as much as possible, frauds. If that does not satisfy you but you wish anyway to use our service, do not use Avangate as payment processor: pay with credit card through PayPal, or even better just use BitCoin, it's there exactly to provide a payment method with much higher privacy. Assuming that "who's" means "whose" the answer is no. Otherwise the sentence is not understandable so no answer can be given. Kind regards
  23. Hello! Could you post the logs? Kind regards
  24. Hello! In your environment you must NOT forward ports on your router. Although Vuze is bound to tun, your description suggests that Vuze is exposing your real IP address through your physical interface. You should investigate this anomaly. Vuze must be working (forget about the trackers at the moment, they might block our VPN servers and anyway you don't need them) in the VPN without any forwarded port in the router. Kind regards
  25. Hello! We're sorry to inform you that we have received a communication from SoftLayer IBM (owner of the datacenter where we operate our servers in Singapore) telling us that we must block p2p protocols on the servers as a consequence of very few copyright complaints received. If we complied to this request we would prevent VoIP, BitCoin, BitTorrent and many other uses of the servers. This would be an unacceptable inconsistency for the the purposes of our services and a betrayal of a key part of our mission (no discrimination against any protocol, Net Neutrality preservation). Additionally, complying to such requests would silently encourage protocols discriminations and other detrimental practices for an open Internet. We are therefore planning to reject this request, cancel our business relationships with IBM and withdraw the servers in the Singapore datacenter. We are already working to find alternative, network neutral solutions in the Pacific Asia area (as you probably know we already operate a 1 Gbit/s server in Hong Kong), if possible in Singapore itself. Kind regards AirVPN Staff
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