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  1. Hello! We're sorry, our plans do not include any VPN server in Italy. Kind regards
  2. Hello! Neither the previous versions of the Air client nor Eddie affect performance, they are both OpenVPN wrappers. The 10 Mbit/s is just a dummy hard coded value in the TAP-Win32 driver which has remained there since years ago, it does not mean anything. Kind regards
  3. Hello, put the servers you don't want to connect to in the black list. You can also define a white list. Kind regards
  4. Hello! Because there are system processes constantly exchanging data. Kind regards
  5. Hello! The poll is now closed. The winner is: OpenNIC. Donation will be delivered in the next days. Details of the donation will be published in our web site as usual. Thank you for your participation! Kind regards AirVPN Staff
  6. Hello! Normally OpenVPN over SSL can get rid of traffic shaping, unless the ISP throttles https too, of course... @pelado Make sure that no packet inspection tool is active either on your system or on your router. Kind regards
  7. Hello! Yes, from your description everything is fine. OpenVPN connects to stunnel, which listens on (localhost):1413, that's why you see correctly that OpenVPN is connected locally. For an ultimate proof, browse to airvpn.org (with a browser not configured to connect to any proxy) and make sure that the central bottom box is green. Kind regards
  8. Hello! Thank you for the report. At the moment the information you provided are useful, should we need more information we will contact you, thanks again! Kind regards
  9. Hello! Yes, we confirm that we are receiving some reports from China according to which on mobile networks OpenVPN is not disrupted anymore. The block remains on residential fixed lines, where OpenVPN over SSL still seems mandatory (OpenVPN over SSH works as well, but it is often too capped). openvpn-connect for iOS supports a lot of OpenVPN directives on the client side, but not all. By the way there's everything you need to connect to our services. We tend to believe that it's probably not a matter of different implementation, because our servers packets are anyway the same, but maybe it's just that the disruption does not take place on (some?) mobile connections. Feel free to keep us posted! Kind regards
  10. Hello! Yes, what gigan3rd writes is correct. Some trackers administrators block entire datacenters in an attempt to mitigate trolling from copyright trolls. Nowadays trackers have become a burden and a problem under this aspect, they are perfect for copyright trolls and IP harvesting. Please use DHT and PEX which make trackers useless. Kind regards
  11. Hello! Ok. Now try "OpenVPN over SSL". In Eddie click the "AirVPN" button, select "Preferences", click "Protocols" tab, select "SSL Tunnel - Port 443" and click "Save". Then connect to several, different servers and perform again tests. Kind regards
  12. Hello! Which VPN servers do you experience the problem on? And which trackers? Kind regards
  13. Hello! First of all please try different ports to compare the performance and gather more hints. In particular, try port 53 (in UDP) and 443 (in TCP) on different servers. Kind regards
  14. Hello! No, we don't block UDP, we do not discriminate protocols or applications and we do not monitor traffic. Kind regards
  15. Hello! We have tested it from some random servers and we do not detect any problem. Please specify at your convenience from which VPN server(s) you can't access Softpedia. Kind regards
  16. Hello! The stats showed on the status page are on RAM so they are not logged, they are lost as soon as the client disconnects. Anyway, they are not relevant for privacy and even less for the case you cite. On top of that, such stats are results of computations from VPN servers report to different servers contacted indirectly, so they are not kept in VPN servers RAM, but on the RAM of other backend servers which can't be contacted directly by clients or anybody else. Another kind of stats can be stored on file. They are optional: by default they are not active and can be activated by you in your control panel. In case of activation, anyway no IP address is recorded. Also, they can be deleted anytime by de-activating the option. They are meant as an additional commodity (to aid troubleshooting sometimes), not for privacy intrusion. Kind regards
  17. Names are easy to fake, but major email providers are starting to demand quite a bit of personal information before you can get an address. For example, Gmail requires SMS confirmation, if I remember correctly. Should users get temporary addresses for signing-up? Hello, no real e-mail address is required, we don't check it. However, if you insert a fantasy e-mail address, make sure not to lose your password, because you will not be able to reset it via e-mail. There are still very many mail service providers which accept connections from TOR and do not require SMS verification or other privacy hostile methods. Only using Bitcoin. You can't and we can't delete transactions recorded through a bank, a credit card issuer company etc. They remain (and it must be so) stored in your account, our account, bank records etc. "for ever". This may be relevant or not according to your needs. Kind regards
  18. How? Does anyone insert real name and surname and/or e-mail address that can be used to disclose their real identity in their account data? If so, it is more a fault on the client side, rather on the service side. Anyway port forwarding is optional and you can delete forwarded ports immediately after you needed them. Kind regards
  19. Hello! The problem is that the tun/tap interface (the virtual network card used by OpenVPN) does not come up. Please try this: https://airvpn.org/topic/8320-solved-connects-but-ip-doesnt-change-on-windows-server-essentials-2012/?do=findComment&comment=8321 Kind regards
  20. Hello, @tlc Important pre-requisite: micro-routing is available ONLY if you query VPN DNS. Netflix USA is accessible from every VPN server located in countries where Netflix is not available: - from NL, GB and SE VPN servers, you will access respectively Netflix NL, UK and SE (no micro-routing) - from any other country, you will access Netflix USA Kind regards
  21. Hello! ipleak.net compares the IP address against a list of TOR exit-nodes by TOR Project. Now, some IP addresses might be included in the TOR exit-nodes list by mistake, because some Air customer might be running TOR exit-nodes from behind VPN servers. This does not mean that you're inside the TOR network. Since this kind of information can be misleading (not for ipleak maintainers' responsibility, but for the limitations on how the TOR exit-nodes lists are necessarily compiled), we'll think whether to cut it out of the web site. Kind regards
  22. Hello! Yes, the name belongs to us. It serves an internal purpose now and then, nothing interesting for you at the moment. Kind regards
  23. Hello, yes, it's the highest priority. This feature will be implemented in some Eddie version planned to be released during the first half of August. Kind regards
  24. Hello! That's correct. Its purpose is OpenVPN fingerprint encryption to bypass China and Iran OpenVPN disruptions. Sometimes it is useful to greatly mitigate even traffic shaping from some ISPs with rickety or oversold infrastructures and to bypass particular restrictions on corporate networks. The overhead is not negligible and on top of that OpenVPN is forced to work in TCP, which is less efficient than UDP for OpenVPN. Therefore connect OpenVPN over SSL/SSH only when strictly necessary or just for didactic purposes. Kind regards
  25. Hello! Do not worry, ipleak.net will be back very soon! Kind regards
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