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  1. Hello! Thank you for your inquiry. You can subscribe to a plan. The Configuration Generator is reserved to Premium members (any subscription plan). Kind regards
  2. Hello, your account is successfully connected to some server. Please note that you can't connect to different servers with the same account simultaneously. Kind regards
  3. Hello! Additional note: can you please try a connection with any antivirus, packet filtering tool (firewall etc.) disabled? Kind regardas
  4. Hello! To keep you informed: the problem appears quite complex and we're still investigating. One of the backend servers stopped working for a kernel panic (the causes of which are still to be determined). When this happens the VPN servers simply can switch to another backend server with no strict time pressure. However, in this case, lots of OpenVPN daemons (especially those for port 443 UDP) on many different servers crashed, causing disconnections to the clients (if this did not happen, you would have not noticed anything - this is the major issue in our point of view, why so many OpenVPN daemons crashed all at once) and of course preventing re-connection. Additionally, since the VPN servers were still working, the remaining working backend servers did not consider any of them as "dead", and therefore did not release the connected accounts, causing another impossibility to re-connect. Finally, about the button "Disconnect Now"... it did not work, because the command has remained "stuck" to the non-working backend server (no backend switching on the frontend occurred). Now that we have re-built the chain of events (which anyway were solved in less than 20 minutes) we are proceeding with further investigation. Kind regards
  5. Hello! It was a problem on our side, now it's solved. We'll post an update on the forum when our investigation on the causes ends. Kind regards
  6. Hello! It was a momentary problem, can you please try again now? We'll post updates when our investigation on the causes of the problem ends. Kind regards
  7. Hello! It's not your fault, we had a problem for more than 10-15 minutes with disconnections, you should be all right now but please do not hesitate to contact us for any issue. Kind regards
  8. Hello, the connection to the site is not unsecured, it's https. The problem you experienced in the last minutes has been solved, it is not the normal behavior of the service, please do not hesitate to warn us about any issue. Kind regards
  9. Hello! Yes, it's a bug related to time zones of the Air client, it will be fixed in the next release. It does not affect in any way your connection, though. Kind regards
  10. Hello! It was a momentary problem with the disconnections (not strictly related to the button itself), solved, thank you for the warning. Kind regards
  11. Hello, problem solved, can you please try again? Kind regards
  12. Hi, no, the problem is not serious and it has been solved, we are investigating the cause. Kind regards
  13. Hello, can you please try again now? Kind regards
  14. Hi, they are not censored, they are pre-moderated. After the 4th message approval, your messages will not be pre-moderated, they will appear automatically (it's a procedure against some sharp bots). Kind regards
  15. Hello, problem solved, can you please try now? Kind regards
  16. Hello, as you may have heard from news bouncing all over the Internet, after Liberty Reserve (co)owner arrest the web site is down. We have therefore disabled Liberty Reserve from the list of payment processors. Kind regards
  17. Hello! Here https://airvpn.org/status/ you can find, on the tables on the right, the top 10 clients speeds updated every 60 seconds. We have no further reports about Comcast throttling OpenVPN traffic at the moment, all in all nowadays VPNs are essential for many small, medium and large companies. Feel free to keep us informed if you get a feedback from Comcast customer support. Kind regards
  18. Hello, tag pre has been enabled (you could have used the code one as well). If you already have guides witch bbcodes and you're unsure of anything, feel free to post them inside code tag, the layout will be checked by us. Kind regards
  19. Hello! You're absolutely right, fragmentation would be "a disaster" for performance. Try fine tuning with mssfix and fragment directives on the client side, a good source to start is this thread https://forums.openvpn.net/topic8279.html (besides of course the OpenVPN manual). Fragmentation will not occur with TCP, but this does not mean of course that performance is not impaired in a high-latency network. Kind regards
  20. Hello! If you get the identical performance from any server you try, you should inquire your ISP for clarifications about traffic shaping. Kind regards
  21. Hello, what do the Console logs say about OpenVPN? Kind regards
  22. Hello, actually there's nothing wrong in the logs. Would you be able to test another system on your same network to make a comparison? Kind regards
  23. Hello! Unfortunately at the moment the suggested solution is not available. However, it is very questionable that putting no encryption on the VPN Data Channel will have any benefit, UNLESS the system has some 10-15 years old CPU. Chances are that SSH is capped to 64-80 kbit/s or so. If your friend can access https web sites with higher speed, then the way to go is OpenVPN over SSL. Kind regards
  24. Hello! It is probably normal, connecting over OpenVPN over SSH/SSL implies a severe performance hit. If your ISP allows that (i.e. if you're not in China or Iran, in general - of course there can be particular cases) try OpenVPN directly, no SSH, no SSL. 5 Mbit/s is anyway an excellent performance for OpenVPN over SSH. Kind regards
  25. Hello! The top-left icon, a small switch, is meant to do that. Click there to toggle the editor mode. Kind regards
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