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Everything posted by Staff

  1. Hello, it does not seem the case anymore, we detect free access to Freenode website and IRC from every AirVPN server. Kind regards
  2. Hello! It must also be considered that we continue to receive regularly payments via credit cards. This makes very difficult to reproduce the issue (after weeks, we are unable to reproduce it). Kind regards
  3. Hello! Which server you experienced the problem on? Kind regards
  4. Hello! We're very sorry, we don't accept Perfect Money at the moment. Kind regards
  5. Hello! Yes, of course, you can modify, or even better duplicate, the configuration file and change the "remote" line with the entry-IP address of the server you wish to connect to. However, without the configuration generator you can't know the entry-IP address so you will have to ask us (open a ticket at your convenience). Kind regards
  6. Can confirm that, AFAIK not possible to pay with a CC without a PP account. Staff, please give us a step by step guide of how you made it. Hello! We just selected the option to pay as a PayPal guest from the PayPal pages (tested successfully with VISA and MasterCard). We are also waiting for the authorization to proceed from another, well-known credit cards processor. Kind regards
  7. Hello! Your system has no problems in ICMP-reaching airvpn.org, maybe TCP packets are blocked. Are you running PeerGuardian, PeerBlock, Malwarebytes or any other packet filtering tool? Kind regards
  8. Hello! We are investigating on the issue. In order to receive configuration files, but especially certificates and key, without web site support, you need to contact us in private and have a gpg public key. We can offer this service under exceptional circumstances. Kind regards
  9. Important addition: there are some Windows-based tablets with ARM CPUs which run Windows 8 RT, for which compatibility with OpenVPN must be checked: https://forums.openvpn.net/topic12078.html Kind regards
  10. Hello! Yes: AirVPN is based on OpenVPN, and OpenVPN (2.3.0 and 2.3.1) runs fine in Windows 8. EDIT: please read the next message. Kind regards
  11. Hello! Your account is authorized to access all the VPN servers, can you please send us your client connection logs? Kind regards
  12. Hello! Simply uninstalling OpenVPN is the fastest procedure to remove the driver. Alternatively, please see here: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/ManagingWindowsTAPDrivers Kind regards
  13. Hello! Please enable it. If you see that it is already enabled, disable it and then enable it (this will force an adapter reset). Also, if the problem persists we would recommend that you contact at your convenience Microsoft support, you have enough data to receive a proper support from Microsoft. Kind regards
  14. Hello! We're glad to inform you that the port checker has been fixed. Kind regards
  15. Hello! All you say is correct. The missing information that you could not have is that communications between clients inside the same virtual network are prevented. This limitation, which would be a problem for corporate/companies VPNs, but is not important for our service, is deliberately forced for security reasons (also keep in mind that AirVPN works in routing mode, not bridged mode). Only communications to, etc. are allowed, to let clients reach Air VPN DNS and internal VPN services. Kind regards
  16. Hello, we confirm the problem. The port checker in several cases returns, wrongly, a red token. It's a false positive. An investigation will start soon to fix the problem. At the moment just make sure, as usual, that your remotely forwarded ports are closed on your router. Since you had green tokens until recently, most probably you have nothing to be worried about. Kind regards
  17. Hello! It's important that you launch applications that you want to be tunneled AFTER the connection to the VPN is established. Kind regards
  18. Hello! If the screenshot is taken while OpenVPN is running, can you please check that the adapter is enabled? Kind regards
  19. Hello! It means that your system is reachable on your real IP address:port. If you're 100% sure that port 12352 is closed on the router, we'll verify the port checking system, it might be a false positive. You can also check with PortListener: put it to listen to port 12352 on your real IP address, perform a port check from the web site panel, and look whether any incoming packet is detected. https://airvpn.org/topic/9315-port-forwarding-tester/ We're looking forward to hearing from you. Kind regards
  20. Hello, you can safely discard the TLS re-keying as a potential cause because it is performed with over-lapping windows, there's no time pressure and performance difference is not humanly detectable. At the moment we can't reproduce the issue with Chrome. Does it happen to you on some particular server, or on all servers? Does it occur with Chrome or with all browsers? Is it the same if you disable all Chrome add-ons/plug-ins (if you have any)? Kind regards
  21. Hello! In the last 6 months we have been able to provide even more bandwidth per client with the addition of many servers, so the problem is not in our infrastructure. As a first test, you should try connections to different ports to verify whether your ISP has started port shaping. Kind regards
  22. Hello! So it must be something specific in that computer. Do you notice, on this computer, any problem with SSL certificates/keys (https sites not connecting, SMTP over SSL/TLS...)? Kind regards
  23. Hello! Apparently there's some new trick from BBC. Investigation goes on. Please connect to UK servers in the meantime. Kind regards
  24. Hello, something (it might seem Verizon itself from the traceroute, but that "General Failure" leaves room to doubts) is blocking TCP packets to (our third frontend server), but not ICMP. Try to delete in your hosts file the line: airvpn.org and replace it with the lines: airvpn.org airvpn.org If you're running a firewall that is configured to secure your connection to the VPN, make sure you adjust its rules according to the aforementioned IP addresses. Kind regards
  25. Hello! About screenshots, please see the instructions. About the error message, make sure that you don't run multiple services listening to the same port. Kind regards
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