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  1. Hello, you probably mean OS X 10.10.4. In this case, we're aware that Eddie does not run in 10.10.4. On the other hand, that's a preview version. Kind regards
  2. Hello! Today we're starting AirVPN fifth birthday celebrations! From a two servers service located in one single tiny country providing a handful of Mbit/s, the baby has grown up to a wide infrastructure in 16 countries in three continents, providing now 86000 Mbit/s to tens of thousands people around the world. Quite electrifying for a service initially thought as a small experiment! Well, at least WE are electrified... you know, sometimes creators tend to overrate their creatures. If you're curious to know something about a series of fortunate events which gave birth to AirVPN, have a look here: https://airvpn.org/aboutus To worthily celebrate Air's fifth birthday, we're glad to inform you that starting from now we will offer a 25% discount on all plans. Hurry up, celebrations as well as this special offer will end on June the 6th, 23:59:59 UTC! Kind regards and datalove AirVPN Staff
  3. Hello, glad to know it. Nothing worrying, your post was split because you entered it in an unrelated topic (the announcement about problems and resolution on the auth servers). Kind regards
  4. UPDATE: we believe we have solved all the problems. We'll be closely monitoring the infrastructure to make sure it's stable again and be ready to intervene in case of unexpected problems. Kind regards
  5. Hello! Please follow this thread: https://airvpn.org/topic/14362-problems-on-authentication-servers Kind regards
  6. UPDATE: it is now possible to download the client software. Any other previously inaccessible page of the web site is now reachable. Kind regards
  7. Please follow this thread: https://airvpn.org/topic/14362-problems-on-authentication-servers Kind regards
  8. UPDATE: we are aware that it's currently not possible to download any version of our client software, we're working on this as well. The main problem has been partially mitigated but we still need to work hard on some part of the infrastructure. We'll keep you updated. Kind regards
  9. Hello, due to different causes we are experiencing issues on our authentications servers. We have been and are working on the problem in order to resolve it as soon as possible. NOTE: the problem will make VPN connections difficult or slower to be established for those using our client Eddie, but it does NOT affect VPN connections stability or performance once they are established. Additionally, VPN server might be unable to forward your reserved ports. Kind regards
  10. Hello! We have been and are experiencing problems on the authentication servers, we're working on the issue. Kind regards
  11. Hello! We're experiencing connectivity issue with our authorization servers, please hold on, we're working on it. Kind regards
  12. Hello, that 443 port is a port that one of our OpenVPN daemons listen to.443 is also a listening port (in the alternative entry-IP address) for SSL connections. Both of those ports have nothing to do with your system ports or with your VPN remotely forwarded ports. Kind regards
  13. Hello! It's harmless, you can safely ignore it. Kind regards
  14. Hello! Every peer is peer to any other peer, hence "peer to peer": no node acts as a client only, no node acts as a server only (with a relevant exception for the initial seeder of something). For true p2p, each client must be able to accept incoming packets from the Internet. If all the nodes were unable to receive incoming connection, p2p would completely stop working. That's correct. Disable UPnP, NAT-PMP and any other auto port mapping when in the VPN, and do not forward any port from the router to the devices connected to it (assuming that it's NOT the router itself to connect to a VPN server by running OpenVPN). That will only expose you to correlation attacks. You don't need your physical network card ports. This FAQ answer may clarify concepts: https://airvpn.org/faq/what_is Kind regards
  15. Hello! Servers marked as closed for "Imminent Withdrawal" are closed to new connections because their withdrawal is imminent. Already connected clients will be disconnected only at the very last minute before the withdrawal. We also recommend that clients connected to such servers disconnect as soon as possible. Please connect to any open server. Kind regards
  16. Hello! We had to remove that option because OpenVPN can't handle configuration files with more than 64 "remote" directives. Now, with the growth of our infrastructure, we now have various areas with more than 64 servers. The only other option we had to generate correct configuration files would have been to over-complicate the generator, adding warnings for each case exceeding 64 remote directives and stopping the generation in such cases. We have evaluated that this would have caused confusion to a lot of customers. The advanced users who need this option can anyway easily circumvent the problem, as you have noticed. Just remember that with your method, if you build a .ovpn file including more than 64 "remote" directives, you'll end up with a non-usable configuration file. Kind regards
  17. Hi, I've exactement le same problem. Is there a solution to resolve it ? Thanks lot. bestway@sigaintorg Hello! Install all the required packages first. Please see here for a complete list of dependencies: https://airvpn.org/topic/12509-kali Kind regards
  18. Same, but on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS I see that it will be fixed in version Eddie 2.10.In the mean time, I reverted back to 2.8 Thanks for all your hard work! Hello! If you're interested, you can try now Eddie 2.10 Experimental. Kind regards
  19. Hello, the problem is here: I 2015.05.27 04:29:55 - Checking DNS E 2015.05.27 04:29:59 - DNS checking failed. Go to "AirVPN" -> "Preferences" -> "Advanced" -> "DNS", set "DNS Switch Mode" to "Renaming", click "Save" and try a new VPN connection. Keep us posted. Kind regards
  20. Hello! Thank you for your subscription. Most probably you need this: https://airvpn.org/topic/9270-how-to-forward-ports-in-dd-wrt-tomato-with-iptables/https://airvpn.org/topic/9270-how-to-forward-ports-in-dd-wrt-tomato-with-iptables Kind regards
  21. Hello! Not much, due to good Voxility direct peering https://www.voxility.com/shop/connectivity/internet/voxility-peerings We reputed that is enough to guarantee a comfortable experience to most customers connecting to Ruchbah. Of course the final judgment on the accuracy of our decision will come from our customers. Kind regards
  22. Hello, as usual we needed to set some priorities and allocate resources accordingly. Netherlands LW datacenter had assumed a role which was too important, a sudden collapse of the NL servers would have caused paramount problems in the whole Europe. This is not the case with Germany. The most important situation has been fixed with addition of servers in Sweden, Netherlands itself, UK, Czech Republic, Romania, Spain and Switzerland. We can evaluate Germany situation with no time pressure in the near future. Bandwidth demand in Germany is so low that Air infrastructure is not over-depending on Germany servers (if Germany dc collapsed, impact on our customers in terms of bandwidth would be negligible). Kind regards
  23. Hello! We inform you that the following VPN servers will be withdrawn during the next days, according to our previous informative note https://airvpn.org/topic/14291-informative-note Acrux Botein Canopus Castor Ceres Corvi Dorsum Erakis Grafias Haedi Julliet Keid Leporis Lyncis Mizar Nekkar Ophiuchi Pallas Propus Riguel Sedna Syrma Taygeta As you may have noticed the above servers have already their replacements added during the last three months. The replacement servers have the same connectivity and better hardware. Kind regards AirVPN Staff
  24. Which OS do you experience this problem on? EDIT This is not a bug. The client does not kill OpenVPN, but communicates with OpenVPN management. Until an ongoing connection attempt succeeds or fails you can't stop it because the client must wait for management to send a command. This is a very correct way to handle OpenVPN. We could add the sending of a SIGTERM signal from the client for this situation, but is this really necessary or desirable? Not a bug, this is intentional. Which OS version do you experience this problem on? Kind regards
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