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Everything posted by go558a83nk

  1. my port is already is portforwarded, but airvpn shows connection timeout whenever i try to test to see if the port's open or not, also checked with other sites that let's you check your port's but shows time outs, not sure why. something's wrong with your port forwarding then. you're using Eddie on windows?
  2. I'm not sure if I understand what you've done. I have my network with some devices using VPN, some not, but they can all see eachother on the local network. I didn't create any new gateway. I do use aliases and create NAT outgoing and firewall rules to control what interface aliases can use.
  3. Have you tried unchecking nscerttype? I don't think that's right. Also, I think you need to select a TLS algorithm. Also, I encourage you to do some reading on what the firewall is there. I don't use dd-wrt but it might be proper to use that. I know when I used asus-wrt automatic firewall was the typical option.
  4. If you use Merlin Asus firmware there is a network lock.
  5. look at the images attached, i'm using transmission torrent client. takes roughly 2 hours to complete a 800mb file, without the vpn i can get this completed in 15mins utp is turned off (now) The reason I ask about time is because depending on the environment the system may write out the space needed on the hard drive as soon as the torrent is started. Since the hard drive is in 100% use for a time the torrent speed drops to 0. Once the hard drive is done writing torrent speed goes up. But, it sounds like you've been very patient.
  6. how long have you left torrents running? what torrent client are you using? do you have "utp" turned on?
  7. this may have to do with peak hours of your ISP or perhaps routing has changed from the moment you did your testing.
  8. I would create an alias for the domains I want outside VPN. You could also make an alias for the devices you want to be able to access those domains in case you don't want all devices to access those domains via the WAN. Then create outgoing NAT rule to allow your network, or your device alias, to access the allowed domains alias. Make sure the interface used for that NAT outgoing rule is your WAN. Then create LAN firewall rule(s) to allow the traffic using the aliases as well, making sure (in advanced) that the interface used is WAN. The order of your rules matters so if the same devices access VPN and WAN depending on domain you'll need to put the new rule above the rule allowing access to VPN tunnel.
  9. Online Members: 16016 - BW: 51078 Mbit/s 16000!!!
  10. Agree. At least 1 other has said the same thing. The route to me from those servers takes Cogent. Cogent to Comcast (my ISP) is horrible in my area and others I'm guessing.
  11. are you sure you're connected? maybe post a log?
  12. This is a problem with your ISP and/or the transit provider or peer used between you and the server. Unless, of course, the server is actually overloaded. Try other servers with routing to you that uses different transit provider/peer network.
  13. I guess you have to begin to create two lives. One life that's public, used for gaming, etc. Another that you keep secret behind VPN. Don't let people in the one life know about the other life you lead.
  14. That's the nature of using a VPN. It makes perfect sense to want to route gaming traffic over clear internet. I've tried to point you to where you can get help for that.
  15. Yes, you can do policy routing in pfsense. But, remember this isn't a pfsense, or discord, or ddwrt forum. Lots of pfsense talk in the pfsense 2.3 guide thread in this forum, including how to do policy routing.
  16. May I ask what your ISP is? My experience with the new servers is that during peak traffic hours they're unusable. This is not a fault of the servers I believe. Rather, it's the fault of Cogent. My IP address, perhaps most of my ISP, is routed via Cogent from Quintex Dallas. I can connect to servers in other cities that don't route via Cogent and speeds are great. Anyway, it's too late. The other Dallas servers are already gone. I'm on Comcast. They're unusable for me 24/7. With the old host I was able to maintain 55Mb out of possible 60Mb. This new host, regardless of the server, doesn't even make it to 30Mb and it constantly slows down during the test. Bad for me too because the old servers were the only ones that gave me any speed. Now that they're gone I don't get good speed anywhere. I see the same problems as I'm on Comcast, too, during peak times. I get good speeds to some of the Atlanta servers even during peak times. If you haven't already, increase your receive buffer to see if that helps. Also, you might try something like "mssfix 1330" in custom directives.
  17. May I ask what your ISP is? My experience with the new servers is that during peak traffic hours they're unusable. This is not a fault of the servers I believe. Rather, it's the fault of Cogent. My IP address, perhaps most of my ISP, is routed via Cogent from Quintex Dallas. I can connect to servers in other cities that don't route via Cogent and speeds are great. Anyway, it's too late. The other Dallas servers are already gone.
  18. You can go up to 512KB in the Eddie settings if you're wanting to try a larger buffer. Or maybe I misunderstood what you were asking for.
  19. The company that owns the datacenter may be in San Angelo and that's why geolocation shows that. But, the servers are in Dallas. Route trace doesn't indicate San Angelo is a possibility.
  20. I tested a Mint 18 Sarah, no issue (video). What do you mean exacly? You can't click the button (neither Yes and No?) or stuck after click? It's reproducible? Occur any time? Thx. I can't click any button, yes or no. No, GUI disappearance isn't reproducible.
  21. you may be running into other problems. You should post logs here.
  22. If a protocol is not working you should send a note to AirVPN staff via the "contact us" page.
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