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Everything posted by go558a83nk

  1. Yep, it's squid's fault. Plenty of talk about that in this forum.
  2. you must post your logs here for us to get any clue.
  3. You can use the same server if you use different ports.
  4. What device is running the openvpn client? If you're using the Eddie (AirVPN) software on a PC then you're correct in your assessment that you do not need to forward ports in any way on your router if you're wanting to access services through the VPN tunnel. And to access those services you'd go via the exit IP of the VPN server to which you're connected. But, if you're connecting with Eddie yet still want to access services on your router NOT via the VPN tunnel then you'll need to figure that out on your own. As that has nothing to do with AirVPN that would be off topic for this forum. If your router is running the openvpn client then you will need to forward ports on the router using iptables as you have read. Whether or not you can access services on the router through the VPN tunnel it's creating is unknown to me. I've read of another user having trouble doing so. But, forwarding ports to other devices on your LAN is common practice. It's accessing the router itself that may be a problem.
  5. Eddie has an option to allow the local network in the settings. You said you specified your windows box as allowed. Where? In the routes section?
  6. That would be interesting that Deutsche Telekom blocks that server in particular. It's the last one that was installed in Germany to my understanding. Luckily they don't block all the DE AirVPN servers yet :-) I guess smarter to leave it at that, and not reach out to them to ask why I can't reach this IP. If you can reach other servers using the same protocol and port then it seems they're blocking that IP address. It may stem from that IP address' previous history - before it belonged to AirVPN.
  7. Looks like your ISP is blocking your access to that server.
  8. I don't know the whole story here but I did continue reading a little bit. Apparently one of the problems people have is that the entry IP and exit IP are different. But, AirVPN entrance and exit IPs are different on purpose, as a security measure.
  9. The only other explanation that I can think of is that speedtest.net flash test seems to show abnormally high speeds sometimes if the VPN connection has LZO compression enabled. It must be something about the data it sends. Since AirVPN doesn't use compression it wouldn't show the false high speed. But, I don't know if the other two tested use compression.
  10. Different port and protocol are the first things to try differently. I don't read that you did that.
  11. Sorry, but there's something wrong. It's impossible for that router to do those speeds for openvpn. The CPU just can't handle it. My guess is that the speed test isn't actually using the VPN tunnel or the VPN tunnel isn't actually "up".
  12. What router are you using? I think 150mbit/s from a dd-wrt router would be a world record.
  13. Sounds like you have it. <ip address of apple tv>/32 should work if you have NAT outbound and LAN outbound rules created that point that apple tv towards the WAN interface not VPN.
  14. works for me and I think most people. else there would be a lot more complaints about it.
  15. Didn't you want to allow just the apple TV through? That would be a /32 mask.
  16. Definitely odd. As you can see by the status page AirVPN doesn't disconnect people. Some have been connected for weeks.
  17. So, you've followed the guide but do not understand what things like "" mean? Because I know such IP ranges are in the guide. Why would you follow a guide and not understand what you're being asked to do? Look up CIDR notation.
  18. https://airvpn.org/topic/17444-how-to-set-up-pfsense-23-for-airvpn/?p=61027
  19. It's probably a nightly release of your ISP connection. Perhaps it boils down to how the different firmwares handle DHCP release.
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