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Everything posted by go558a83nk

  1. you just bought a router that's 15 years old? yep I hope you only paid like $5 for it.
  2. you just bought a router that's 15 years old?
  3. I think utp will give you the green light. Disable it and restart the app and see. I get better performance with it off anyway.
  4. https://airvpn.org/topic/19732-asus-4g-ac55u/?hl=%2Bcharacters+%2B2999&do=findComment&comment=61817
  5. If you're testing with AirVPN's testing page I encourage you to try another test like dslreports or beta.speedtest.net. Or try downloading an Ubuntu torrent. That'll show you max speed.
  6. I can't believe mods are allowing you to post the same thing over and over again. Just use for DNS.
  7. Just maxmind database (used by ipleak.net) being outdated and google keeping up with things better.
  8. What port+protocol combinations have you tried?
  9. Does the config look correct though? Is the speed limitation from the hardware or airvpn in general? I'll have to look into configuring iptables. if it connects and works then the config is correct. The speed limitation is from the CPU of the router.
  10. I hope you're prepared for about 10mbit/s max speed. Port forwarding is done with iptables in the same way as dd-wrt or tomato. Do not use the web GUI for port forwarding as that works from WAN to LAN, you need TUN to LAN.
  11. go558a83nk

    My review

    SSL and SSH tunnels are methods of obfuscation of openvpn.
  12. Also, test speed another way. I suggest dslreports. The Air speed test doesn't usually show you the max possible.
  13. I definitely notice an improvement in speed when I use MTU 1200. Even the websites I previously had trouble with just load great. Now I have two more questions: 1) If P2P use TCP, then why is UDP recommended for a VPN? Isn't it counterproductive? 2) How can I find the best MTU value for my connection? UDP packets are sent/received easier in a loaded network. mssfix and MTU aren't the same thing. Read up on it. Adjusting MTU has to be done on both server and client to have an effect. Adjusting mssfix on the client is the way to go to help with MTU problems. Default mssfix for openvpn is 1450. You might start with just 1442 and work your way lower to find what works best.
  14. Yeah, looks like the network your packets are traversing is treating UDP badly or it is an MTU problem as you said earlier. Try adding 'mssfix 1200' to your UDP config and reconnect to see if that makes a difference. Unless you turn on "utp" or whatever it's called in your torrent client, bittorrent usually uses TCP.
  15. I don't know why some websites won't load. First I've heard of that sort of thing depending on what protocol is used. But, if UDP is slow then perhaps your ISP is treating it very unfavorably.
  16. You get to a (real) air referral link when you click to buy ah. Sneaky. I assume that real user account will be terminated soon.
  17. Basically it's a problem with the router. There might be some settings you can change on the router. Perhaps it's a "security" function or something. This isn't the first time we've seen problems with routers handling many UDP connections.
  18. The point is the servers can't do anything to increase the latency that you see. Latency is a measure of time *between* you and the server. If your ISP has made a change in routing to the Netherlands datacenter then you'll probably notice a change in latency and possibly speed.
  19. The thought I have is what torrent. It makes no sense to blame Air when you get good speeds otherwise.
  20. You can use the routes function in the settings of the Eddie (AirVPN) app to route connections to IP addresses of your choice outside or inside the VPN tunnel.
  21. What port and protocol are you trying? If you haven't tried TCP 443 then do so. If that doesn't work then it's probably refusing to resolve the domain name as part of their "security" system. If you can edit the configs on the phone then do so with resolved hosts. If you can't edit configs on the phone then re-install configs from the config generator with the resolved hosts option selected.
  22. then the router doesn't matter. just make sure deluge is using the port that AirVPN assigns you.
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