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  1. Staff

    Spy Files 3

    That's one of the reasons for which it's important to have Perfect Forward Secrecy. With a TLS re-keying at each new connection and every 60 minutes, it does not matter if somehow an adversary comes into possession of your user.key: even if that happens, your traffic between your node and the VPN server can't be decrypted. Kind regards
  2. Hello! Migration ended, we are reconfiguring Algol and we are facing some unexpected problems. Kind regards
  3. @phantasteek Hello! Of course, it's just fine, thank you! Also feel free to publish or send us in private the connection logs. Kind regards
  4. Hello! We're sorry, AirVPN is based on OpenVPN. We have never received elements to assume that Virgin is throttling bandwidth against OpenVPN, did this happen recently? Kind regards
  5. What you mean ? And why "de-anonymize" ? Hello, if you use your Skype account with AND without VPN, anybody can correlate your real IP address with your VPN IP address, due to a Skype exploit that lets anyone easily get your IP address in a few seconds . When you're connected to the VPN, they'll get the VPN IP address, when you're not, they'll get your real IP address, so they can correlate those two addresses. Additionally, if your Skype account can disclose your real identity, potentially all of your VPN activities could be correlated to your real identity by a sufficiently powerful adversary, simply because it's you the one that's giving away your identity. Skype should never be used for security and privacy purposes. Anyway if you're really forced to do so, at least never mix the same account with VPN and non-VPN connections, and never use an account that can somehow reveal your real identity (this is very difficult). Kind regards
  6. Hello! Ok, so there's no subnet conflict. Also, the logs are just fine, however there's apparently something very wrong in the routing table. Are you behind a proxy? Kind regards
  7. Hello! So, if we understand it correctly, sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. In this case, it's a symptom of some TCP/IP stack problem (and perhaps also Winsock problem), further suggested by that very suspicious "General failure" error in the ping output in your previous message. If the problems persists, it is usually fixed by a TCP/IP and Winsock reset followed by a system reboot, please see here: https://airvpn.org/topic/8320-solved-connects-but-ip-doesnt-change-on-windows-server-essentials-2012/?do=findComment&comment=8321 Kind regards
  8. Hello! Yes, stay tuned! There was some long delay but in the end the server we paid 5-6 weeks ago is almost ready to be configured. We will probably be able to start configuring it in less than a week. Configuration will take just 10-20 minutes, after that we'll keep the server on testing mode for a couple of days, and finally, if everything goes well, we'll announce it and put it public. Kind regards
  9. Hello! You're doing everything just fine, it's OpenDNS that's messing up the whole thing. Look at this log line: Take note of that IP address. It's the IP address of a server to which OpenDNS hijacks users when a domain name is non-existent (according to OpenDNS...). So, OpenVPN correctly asks for america.vpn.airdns.org resolution, your system queries OpenDNS, and OpenDNS returns its own server IP address (because it very wrongly "assumes" that *.airdns.org does not exist). This is passed back and OpenVPN tries to establish a VPN connection to an OpenDNS server (!), which obviously fails. You have two options to solve the problem: 1) get rid of OpenDNS (use for example OpenNIC http://www.opennicproject.org or any other public DNS you like), you might like not to use a DNS that hijacks you. In this case the hijack has caused you some minor trouble and waste of time, in other cases it might cause more serious troubles. OR 2) re-generate the OpenVPN configuration file(s) ticking "Advanced Mode" and "Resolved hosts in .ovpn file" in the Configuration Generator. In this way the CG will not insert names in the .ovpn file, but only IP addresses, solving the problem at its roots. Kind regards
  10. @tunica Hello! It's clearly a problem in the Windows firewall as you correctly found out. Can you please make sure that the VPN network is not blocked in any way? It must be a trusted network. Warning: Windows firewall, for some inexplicable reason, bizarrely calls a network in which you potentially might wish to receive incoming connections as "Home network". See also here for more references: http://superuser.com/questions/44503/how-do-i-tell-windows-7-to-trust-a-particular-network-location Kind regards
  11. Hello! Since Deluge does not need DNS to work, perhaps it's just a DNS issue. Can you please send us at your convenience: - the logs of your client taken after a connection to a VPN server is established - the output of the following commands (from any shell, or a command prompt if you run Windows) while your system is allegedly connected to the VPN: ipconfig /flushdns (this command is necessary only if you run Windows) ping google.com ping ping Kind regards
  12. Hello! You have wiped out some key private IP addresses in your routing table (why?), but we can anyway speculate that there's an overlapping between VPN and your corporate network IP ranges. Try to connect to different ports, see also here, hopefully you will find a non-overlapping IP range: https://airvpn.org/specs Kind regards
  13. Hello! Do you have administrator access to your computer at work? OpenVPN needs to modify the routing table and in order to do that high privileges are required. Can you please post the (alleged) connection logs? Kind regards
  14. Hello! It's fine, because we run DNS backup servers on Amazon. Actually those IP addresses are "ours". Well, it's not totally fine on our side, because when you see the "emergency" DNS it means that the primary DNS of the VPN server you're connected to does not work properly or has some problem, anyway it's a problem on our side about which you don't need to worry at all: no privacy or anonymity is compromised in any way, on the contrary the event shows that the "failover" system works. Kind regards
  15. Hello! Actually it looks like some firewall "security event" triggered by "too much" UDP traffic. We think it has nothing to do with leaks. Kind regards
  16. Hello, yes, the IP address can be easily discovered via Skype through an old exploit. The problem has not been fixed since years. http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-57424107-94/skype-exploit-reveals-user-ip-addresses/ http://www.techstagram.com/2013/03/22/skype-exploit/ If you connect to the VPN and start Skype while streaming, the attackers will start to attack our VPN server anyway. Under a security and privacy point of view Skype should never be used, but if you really need it, at least do not run it while you stream. Kind regards
  17. Hello! Obviously it depends on the strength and type of the attack (pps and amount of flood bandwidth are the key parameters), but in general yes, the servers can handle various attacks. However, further information would be needed. In particular, how is it possible that the attackers come to know your ISP-assigned IP address? Is it a static IP address? Does the attack start only when you connect to some streaming service? Or is it your node that provides streaming services? Kind regards
  18. Hello! We currently do not provide any proxy service, we're sorry. Anyway we will evaluate this suggestion during the next week. Kind regards
  19. Hello! https://airvpn.org/topic/9929-pollux-imminent-withdrawal-announcement Kind regards
  20. Hello! Please check in your "Client Area" (after you have logged in the web site) the reason of the last failed connection. Also, please have a look at the servers status: https://airvpn.org/status Kind regards
  21. (Re-published on this thread for readers' comfort) @seanconnery That's totally correct, there is a problem in the driver signature on installer I002 (and maybe on I001 as well): maybe related to expiration on 21-Aug-2013. I003 solves the problem. We will update our package in the nearest future. EDIT: package was updated In the meantime, those who run Windows and need a new OpenVPN installation can download OpenVPN 2.3.2 with installer I003 on the official OpenVPN community site: https://openvpn.net/.../downloads.html Other OS users can ignore this message. Kind regards
  22. (Re-published on this thread for readers' comfort) @seanconnery That's totally correct, there is a problem in the driver signature on installer I002 (and maybe on I001 as well): maybe related to expiration on 21-Aug-2013. I003 solves the problem. We will update our package in the nearest future. In the meantime, those who run Windows and need a new OpenVPN installation can download OpenVPN 2.3.2 with installer I003 on the official OpenVPN community site: https://openvpn.net/.../downloads.html Other OS users can ignore this message. Kind regards
  23. @seanconnery That's totally correct, there is a problem in the driver signature on installer I002 (and maybe on I001 as well): maybe related to expiration on 21-Aug-2013. I003 solves the problem. We will update our package in the nearest future. In the meantime, those who run Windows and need a new OpenVPN installation can download OpenVPN 2.3.2 with installer I003 on the official OpenVPN community site: https://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/downloads.html Other OS users can ignore this message. Kind regards
  24. EDIT: provider pulled back the request. Server online. Hello, we regret to inform you that due to irreconcilable contrasts with the provider, the server POLLUX will be withdrawn and relocated, or replaced with a different USA server. We recommend that you disconnect from the server as soon as possible, because either we or the provider will bring down the server in the nearest future. The reason of the contrasts originated from the request by the provider, inviting us to discriminate against a range of protocols (in particular, p2p protocols), which is contrary to our mission and a breach of our agreements in an allegedly network neutral datacenter. Kind regards
  25. Hello, we were not aware that there's a specific Netflix for Canada. In this case we will deactivate the microrouting on Canadian servers. Kind regards
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