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  1. Hello, please install tuntap.pkg from our OpenVPN package for OS X: https://airvpn.org/topic/9325-development-of-os-x-airvpn-client/ Kind regards
  2. Hello, the search function of the forum does not allow searches for 3 chars words. Have you already tried to install OpenVPN 2.3.2 with disabled UAC? Kind regards
  3. Hello, your account is connected successfully to an Air VPN server... Kind regards
  4. Hello, please follow the instructions for OS X + Tunnelblick. If you wish to run OpenVPN directly, or for any further information or support, do not hesitate to search the forum and/or contact us (we provide a complete set of executables to run OpenVPN without having to use any wrapper on OS X). Kind regards
  5. Hello, at a first glance it looks like an old bug which is still unresolved: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=657964 Kind regards
  6. Hello! You're just two ticks away from the solution. Please see the instructions, in particular for Linux/Ubuntu (or click "More help" on the configuration generator page): - tick "Advanced Options" - tick "Separate certs/keys from .ovpn files" Kind regards
  7. Hello, we're sorry, we don't know the software you cite, maybe some user does. If you just need to prevent DNS leaks on a Windows machine and you don't want to set firewall rules, you might evaluate to set and as primary and secondary DNS of your physical network card (probably the quickest solution). Kind regards
  8. Hello, no, it can't see your traffic content, your traffic real origin and destinations and the applications and real protocols you run. With OpenVPN over SSL or SSH your ISP can detect that you're using SSL/TLS or SSH. With OpenVPN direct connections, your ISP can detect that you're using an SSL/TLS with a typical fingerprint belonging to OpenVPN. So, unless OpenVPN is disrupted, it is in general recommended to connect over OpenVPN directly. Anyway, in order to connect over OpenVPN over SSH/SSL please see here: https://airvpn.org/ssl https://airvpn.org/ssh Do not use Viscosity for that. Kind regards
  9. Hello, actually there is a way to make Tunnelblick install multiple configurations all at once, but it's not yet the efficient way that's needed by any basic OpenVPN client user (create as many subfolders as needed in a .tblk folder - when you double-click the parent folder, all the configurations in every .tblk subfolder will be installed). You might like to use OpenVPN directly to bypass the important limitations of all the OpenVPN wrappers versions that are currently available for OS X. We have prepared a working package that will allow you to run OpenVPN directly on OS X (tested on 10.8.2 and 10.8.3). One of our purposes with Eddie for OS X is to resolve a couple of major problems with OS X OpenVPN wrappers (for AirVPN). Kind regards
  10. Hello, there is a ticket from you in the support service, please follow the provided instructions and send feedback (your TUN/TAP adapter is disabled). Making things even easier than now will not be easy, but we'll try (Eddie will be an important step forward). Kind regards
  11. Hello, in your case connect over OpenVPN directly. OpenVPN over SSH or over SSL should be used only when OpenVPN direct connections are not possible or severely impaired. They should NOT be used in any other case. Kind regards
  12. Hello, at the moment of this writing we have no information at all about the issue and we have not been warned about any problem. Supported payment processors remain the same, without any variation. Accepting cash in mail would pose serious, practical operational problems, and perhaps legal problems as well. We are anyway working to add more and more payment methods. Kind regards
  13. Hello! Please forward remotely any port (it does not matter which) and remap it to local port 9987. Kind regards
  14. Hello! In this case the answer is yes, as long as your system is connected. We always need to clarify because "protection" is sometimes meant by Windows users as protection against malware. AirVPN is not an antimalware tool and should never be used as such. Kind regards
  15. Hello, this is a report we had from one of our customers (thanks jd83751) running Windows 8.1 Preview, it might be very useful for you too: "okay I fixed it. somebody helped me out on a microsoft forum. this is what they told me and just in case somebody else has this issue this is what I did. I went into the "Device Manager", looked for TAP-Windows v9 adapter and uninstalled it. after that I uninstalled OpenVPN. then I went into "Regedit" and deleted this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\ROOT\NET after that I re-installed OpenVPN and got it to work. thank you for your time and trying to help me out. hopefully the steps above will help out anyone else that has this problem. thank again for cooperating with me." Kind regards
  16. Hello, stats are updated every 60 seconds. "Best" server means best server to connect to in the corresponding, specified area, and it is calculated with a formula based on latency, bandwidth, status and normalization parameters. Kind regards
  17. Hello! 1. Yes: https://airvpn.org/tomato and https://airvpn.org/ddwrt You can anyway run OpenVPN automatically at your system startup, you don't need to launch it manually. 2. Your question is somehow unclear, can you please elaborate and explain what you mean with protection? Kind regards
  18. Hello, maybe you refer to TLS re-keying? http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/security-overview.html "During SSL/TLS rekeying, there is a transition-window parameter that permits overlap between old and new key usage, so there is no time pressure or latency bottleneck during SSL/TLS renegotiations." Kind regards
  19. Hello, the Air client needs administrator privileges to invoke OpenVPN with administrator privileges so that it can modify the system routing table, an essential condition to enter a VPN. Use OpenVPN directly or OpenVPN GUI if you don't like the Air client. They will need administrator privileges as well (although you might set up a method to run OpenVPN without administrator privileges and enter the VPN anyway). Kind regards
  20. Hello, the mobile dongles we tested are all working just fine, can you please describe the one you're testing? Thanks in advance. Kind regards
  21. I am afraid the three major open public trackers are being blocked again from Lyncis: tracker.istole.it tracker.openbittorrent.com tracker.publicbt.com I have not tried with other servers. Someone seems very determined. I can probably get by with DHT and peer exchange if it comes to it. Hello, no, it's a problem on our side, re-routing for those trackers failed. We have detected the problem and it will be fixed in a very short time. Kind regards
  22. @trekkie.forever Good idea. You can anyway achieve the same purpose more quickly without SSH, therefore without sacrificing performance, and without firewall (see our previous post in this thread https://airvpn.org/topic/9594-airvpn-client-as-socks-proxy/?do=findComment&comment=10948 ). We are also working to study a possible implementation of IP binding in Eddie (the next client release). Kind regards
  23. Hello, understood, but as we said a SOCKS proxy alone is not a safe solution to hide your real IP address in a p2p torrent swarm or against "p2p enemies". Offering an external SOCKS5 proxy may be or may be not a nice plus, anyway we can't advertise it for p2p and it should not be used for it. We would provide a technically inadequate service (see also NaDre's posts) for such purpose, which would be not only against our mission, but also a sort of hoax against our customers. We're not interested in providing gullible people with bad solutions, moreover deceptive advertising is something we look at with disgust. That's why we are inquiring about what a SOCKS proxy would be useful for, if there's anything that a SOCKS proxy can offer that isn't already provided (in a proper way) by AirVPN. Kind regards
  24. Hello, yes, the problems we talked about are pertaining to SOCKS proxies alone. You can have an equivalent security against leaks already now with AirVPN, without the limitations of SOCKS + SSH. See also NaDre's messages. Kind regards
  25. Hello, we have a report according to which OpenVPN 2.3.2 works on Windows 8.1 preview. We are not testing at the moment Windows 8.1 preview but you might like to try anyway. Kind regards
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