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  1. Hello! Instructions for Windows, Linux and OS X can be found here: https://airvpn.org/ssh Remember that OpenVPN over SSH should be used only when absolutely necessary, for example when a direct OpenVPN connection is not possible (China residential and mobile lines, Iran). When a direct OpenVPN connection is possible and not throttled, OpenVPN over SSH should not be used. Kind regards AirVPN Support Team
  2. Hello, your system can't resolve nl.vpn.airdns.org (which is not used by the Air client). Can you please tell us if nl.vpn.airdns.org is resolved by your system now? Commands: tracert nl.vpn.airdns.org ping nl.vpn.airdns.org Kind regards
  3. We received a notification of solved problem from auto24955520: "I think the problem was upgrading my tunnelblk. Basically I looked through the preferences, and for some reason the OpenVPN version was still on default, an old version. I changed it to the latest, v2.3.2, deleted the profiles and created a new one. And it works fine now." Kind regards
  4. Hi, of course, of course. It's planned in the next client release (Eddie). Kind regards
  5. Hi, actually there's a guide: https://airvpn.org/topic/9549-guide-to-setting-up-vpn-just-for-torrenting-on-windows-thanks-to-nadre/ see section "Routing Table Change to Block Outgoing Native Traffic" It does not depend on firewall. Kind regards
  6. Hello, you need to edit your hosts file because the Air client needs airvpn.org resolution (when your system is disconnected from the VPN, it can't resolve names via DNS, because and are private IP addresses). Add the lines: airvpn.org airvpn.org Kind regards
  7. @stefeman You're typing the wrong file name, please type the correct file name. If in doubt issue command "ls" to see the list of the files in the current directory. Press TAB for auto-completion help while typing the filename. Kind regards
  8. Hello, it's difficult to say something useful without logs, anyway try to install configuration files by keeping one and only one configuration per folder. Make sure to rename the folder with a ".tblk" extension only AFTER you have pasted the .ovpn configuration file inside it. Kind regards
  9. @johndough Yes. Just to explain more to the readers, the client, without any server co-operation, can either disable TLS renegotiation (NOT recommended at all) or set any TLS re-keying period NOT HIGHER than the server setting. It's not possible that the client set a TLS re-negotiation (if active) to more than the time value set on the server. Our servers are set to 60 minutes, so you can't have TLS re-negotiations higher than 60 minutes. Kind regards
  10. Hello, there is a GMail option to disable that warning and allow any IP address, and even an option to authorize certain IP addresses (so you could put there the exit-IP addresses of the VPN servers you connect to). Please consult the GMail guides at your convenience. Once you have authorized an IP address, it will be authorized regardless of the device you use to access the mail server. Kind regards
  11. Hello, the unsolvable problem for NSA in this case is that our customers client keys for OpenVPN Data Channel encryption are re-negotiated at each new connection AND every 60 minutes (essentially the core of Perfect Forward Secrecy). Customers can also lower the TLS re-keying interval on the client side. Kind regards
  12. Hello, these log entries: show that there was no communication between your node and the VPN server: no routing to the server was possible. Kind regards
  13. Hello, please run the PortListener and report the server names where you experience the problem at your convenience. Kind regards
  14. @tangomega Ok, it was wrongly understood that OpenVPN was running in a DD-WRT router. Our fault, you were very clear in your description. Your idea on how to fix the issue is just fine, please see also here: http://wandin.net/dotclear/index.php?post/2009/01/08/OpenVPN-MTU-Size http://openvpn.net/archive/openvpn-users/2004-11/msg00044.html Alternatively, just connect over TCP, but this might not be the ideal solution due to performance hit. Kind regards
  15. Hello, if the client does not notify the server about a disconnection on UDP, the server has absolutely no way to know that the client disconnected. In this case, you will need to wait for the inactivity timeout (normally 60 seconds) to be authorized to re-connect or click the button "Disconnect Now" from your control panel. Kind regards
  16. Hello, CPU load is normal. Routers CPU do not have built-in AES commands and their processing power is low, if compared to nowadays desktop and laptop computers. The limit for a typical consumer's router CPU to encrypt and decrypt on the fly AES-256-CBC is 7-10 Mbit/s total throughput (AES-256-CBC is the cipher of our OpenVPN Data Channel). Some fragmentation may be perfectly normal, as long as it does not impact performance. Since you already reach the maximum theoretical throughput peak allowed by your router processor, you probably have nothing to worry about. Kind regards
  17. Hello, are you using network-manager? It might have problems in resolving host names. If it's the case, re-generate the configuration in the following way: - click "Advanced Mode" - in the "Advanced" table, tick "Resolved hosts in .ovpn file" and "All servers for area region" Re-generate and re-download. it should fix the problem. Kind regards
  18. Hello, thank you very much for the information. We'll check it out and update the thread. Kind regards
  19. Hello, the only problem in the infrastructure is that Bootis is down. Can you please send us your client logs at your convenience? Kind regards
  20. Hello, you can do it through policy routing, supported by DD-WRT. In DD-WRT, once it is connected to an OpenVPN server, you can decide which devices must be tunneled and which not. Kind regards
  21. Hello! IPv6 will be fully supported in the future. Kind regards Any update on ipv6 support? Thanks Hello, no update at the moment. Kind regards
  22. Hello, if you have resolvconf installed please see here: https://airvpn.org/topic/9747-dns-problem-can-only-connect-to-airvpnorg/?do=findComment&comment=11334 If you don't and you wish to install it: sudo aptitude install resolvconf If you don't want resolvconf package, just edit (as root) /etc/resolv.conf and add as first nameservers and nameserver nameserver Kind regards
  23. Hello, just run OpenVPN as a Windows service. See here for details: http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/install.html (look for "Running OpenVPN as Windows service"). Use the configuration file(s) generated by our Configuration Generator, as usual. Kind regards
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