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  1. Hello! Have you edited your hosts file according to the very same message you linked? You'll need airvpn.org resolution if you use the Air client. Kind regards
  2. Hello, under a pure performance point of view, our DNS records are updated in almost-real-time to reflect the best server for each area. The best server is determined according to a formula which keeps into considerations the following parameters: latency from nodes in the same region, available bandwidth, status parameters (such as packet loss). Once the system has performed measurements and calculations, it determines the best server and updates DNS accordingy. For example, america.vpn.airdns.org will resolve to the IP address of the best server in America continent. You can see the best server and many more information (useful also in case you wish to perform a manual pick) in our servers monitor: https://airvpn.org/status where latency is calculated directly from your computer, bandwidth and stats are updated every 60 seconds. Additionally, have a look at the Ping Matrix (updated every 300 seconds): https://airvpn.org/pingmatrix Kind regards
  3. Hello!, Please try to follow the instructions provided by Tunnelblick itself (restart, if it fails again re-install). Kind regards
  4. Hello, of course, a malware which is installed on your computer running with high privileges makes any encryption irrelevant. VPN and TOR protect your line, not your computer, they should never be considered an anti-virus or anti-malware tool. Kind regards
  5. Hello! Have you generated separate files? You should have, in addition to .ovpn configuration files, ca.crt (server certificate), user.crt (client certificate) and user.key (client key). The authentication is not based on login/password. Kind regards
  6. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that a new 1 Gbit/s server located in the UK is available: Naos. The AirVPN client will show automatically the new server, while if you use the OpenVPN client you can generate all the files to access it through our configuration/certificates/key generator (menu "Client Area"->"Config generator"). The server accepts connections on ports 53, 80, 443, 2018 UDP and TCP. Just like every other Air server, Naos supports OpenVPN over SSL and OpenVPN over SSH. As usual no traffic limits, no logs, no discrimination on protocols and hardened security against various attacks with separate entry and exit-IP addresses. Do not hesitate to contact us for any information or issue. Kind regards and datalove AirVPN Team
  7. Hello, sorry, no plans at all at the moment. Kind regards
  8. Hello! Ok, the results from ipleak.net show no DNS leak at all. Kind regards
  9. Hello! Ok, please do the following. Re-generate the configuration files with resolved host names: - click "Advanced Mode" - tick "Resolved hosts in .ovpn file" - tick "All servers for area/region" In this way you will have configuration files with IP addresses in "remote" lines instead of host names, solving the problem at its roots. Kind regards
  10. @Royee You need to have "Resolved hosts" in the Configuration Generator, anyway never mind, just feel free to ask us for entry-IP addresses (but not on the forum). Kind regards
  11. Hello, yes that's fine, however you should get just 1 DNS in ipleak.net, can you send us a screenshot? EDIT: just a clarification, is OpenVPN running on the router or on your Windows system? Kind regards
  12. Hello! You need the entry-IP addresses (each server has one entry and one exit-IP address). Do no hesitate to ask for them on a ticket to us (they are not published in the forum). Kind regards
  13. Hello, correct, on OpenVPN over SSH your client is pushed an IP address in, i.e. range starting from and ending to Kind regards AirVPN Support Team
  14. Hello, your account is currently connected successfully to some VPN server, can you please check? Kind regards
  15. Hello, some DNS are unable for short periods of time to resolve *.vpn.airdns.org. We're investigating the issue, checking whether there are problems with the authoritative DNS. Kind regards
  16. Hello, yes, you need to allow packets from to any to any ... to any and packets from any to, etc. Kind regards
  17. Hello, you can't specify multiple IP addresses with the not (!) operator (! not allowed with multiple source or destination IP addresses)So, you might simply DROP everything in OUTPUT (default policy): iptables -P OUTPUT DROP but ACCEPT all packets to the entry-IP addresses of the VPN servers you wish to connect to, to the IP range of your home network and to allow DHCP: iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth+ -d a.b.c.d,e.f.g.h,...,w.x.y.z -j ACCEPT # in this rule we use the "," operator to specify multiple IP addresses in just one line, but you can split the rule in multiple lines if you prefer so iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT iptables -A OUTPUT -s -d -j ACCEPT Kind regards
  18. Hello, please see: https://airvpn.org/topic/9171-i-have-two-or-more-computers-at-home-do-i-need-to-use-two-or-more-different-airvpn-account-for-simultaneous-access/ Also, have a look at https://airvpn.org/ddwrt and https://airvpn.org/tomato Can you please tell us your router brand and model? We'll check if it is Tomato or DD-WRT compatible. If you have already tried that, resulting in unacceptable performance, you might evaluate to setup a computer as a host, sharing Internet connection, in order to allow all the devices in your home network to tunnel their traffic transparently. Kind regards
  19. Hello, yes, it's a DNS problem. First, please try a Winsock sockets and TCP IP stack reset, then reboot the system. Please see here: https://airvpn.org/topic/8320-solved-connects-but-ip-doesnt-change-on-windows-server-essentials-2012/?do=findComment&comment=8321 If the reset does not solve the issue, force as primary (preferred) DNS in your physical network card (WiFi or Ethernet). In order to do that, please see http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/15037-dns-addressing-how-change-windows-7-a.html Kind regards
  20. Hello! Let's check whether it's a DNS problem. While connected to any VPN server, could you please open a command prompt and send us the output of the following commands: ipconfig /flushdns ping ping google.com ping Kind regards
  21. Hello I have managed to get SSL and SSH working (although only on port 22 for SSH) and the connection is significantly faster. Thank you. Hello! Excellent. Additionally, you might like to contact BT customer service. Several months ago they had major issues with OpenVPN when they implemented some new system, but then they claimed they solved all the problems. Actually we have had BT customers that had problems at the beginning, but then BT managed to solve their problems. It's worth that you contact them because anyway you can get higher performance with direct OpenVPN connections over UDP than OpenVPN over SSH. Kind regards
  22. Hello! Can you please tell us your OS? About the logs, if you use Windows and the Air client, you can find them by right-clicking the Air client dock icon and selecting "Logs". After that please click "Copy to clipboard" and paste into your message. Kind regards
  23. Hello, no, we're sorry, it's not possible. Kind regards
  24. Hello, this is a guide to prevent ANY leak on Windows 7/8 with Windows Firewall published by Omniferum. It is particularly simple to follow and well written, and it provides also a very comfortable "VPN flipper". Thank you Omniferum! Warning: the setup works on Windows 7 and Windows 8 with the default Windows Firewall. It has NOT been tested on any other Windows version. It will NOT work on Windows XP (whose firewall is completely different and very limited, Windows XP users might like to use Comodo Firewall). It is NOT suitable if you have any other firewall running on your system (remember, you must never run two firewalls simultaneously). Important: the VPN flipper script will NOT work if your Windows is not in English language, because the system Firewall rules names change (incredible but true!) according to the language (thanks to Esamu for the information). UPDATE 14-May-14: issue fixed. Original thread updated on May the 14th, 2014: https://airvpn.org/topic/9609-blocking-non-vpn-traffic-with-windows-firewall Kind regards
  25. Hello! You have probably a redirection/hijack malware in your system. Try to remove it and also add to your hosts file the line: airvpn.org Feel free to keep us informed. Kind regards
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