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  1. Hello! You must tick "Force DNS" under Windows. Select "AirVPN" -> "Preferences", click the "Advanced" tab, tick "Force DNS" and click "Save". Kind regards
  2. We have updated the OS X package (without a version change). Now 'Mono' is not required anymore, and the connect-disconnect loop is fixed. Please re-download and retry. Thanks.
  3. Hello! sg.vpn.airdns.org resolves into the "best" Singapore server entry-IP address, so you can't assume that. The "best" server is the server with the highest rating computed every 5 minutes by keeping into account server status, latency, available bandwidth and packet loss. If the best server does not change then sg.vpn.airdns.org may resolve to the same IP address your other device is already connected to. You must actively choose another server. If you don't mind about port forwarding, then you can connect the to the same server on a DIFFERENT port/protocol. Kind regards
  4. Fixed, sorry. This is unexpected, we'll investigate on it. From your logs, it's caused by an exception that didn't happen on our test environment. We'll investigate on it. Thanks for your feedback.
  5. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that a new Eddie Air client version has been released: 2.2beta. It addresses a lot of issues after the previous beta testing phase. Please read the changelogs: https://airvpn.org/services/changelog.php?software=client&format=html Sorry, the network leak protection is still not available. We're experiencing issues on some network environments that we need to fix before a public release. It's our current priority. This is the first version available for Mac OS X. It's currently tested only under Mavericks, feel free to report if it works on other versions. The OS X version currently have some graphical glitches in speed chart, and incomplete implementation of custom routes and advanced events. The 2.2beta version is compatible with several Linux distributions. For very important notes about environments, please read here: https://airvpn.org/forum/35-client-software-platforms-environments Planned next steps: Network Leak Protection implementation, improved OS X version. Eddie 2.2beta Linux can be downloaded here: https://airvpn.org/linux_ex Eddie 2.2beta Windows can be downloaded here: https://airvpn.org/windows_ex Eddie 2.2beta OS X can be downloaded here: https://airvpn.org/macosx_ex Eddie 2.2beta is free and open source software released under GPLv3 Kind regards & datalove AirVPN Staff
  6. Hi! If LoL is unplayable for competitive gaming with 35 ms packets latency then lol! Kind regards
  7. Hello! Eddie release alpha for OS X has been postponed to 23 / 24 Jun. We apologize for the inconvenience. Kind regards
  8. Hello! OS X does not have built-in OpenVPN support. You need OpenVPN (which is free and open source) because our service is based on OpenVPN. We based our choice on security and openness reasons. For various reasons, we can't trust PPTP or IPsec. As specified in the welcome e-mail, instructions for supported systems are all available by clicking "Enter" from the upper menu of our web site. Instructions for OS X are available by clicking "Enter" and then clicking the "OS X" icon. Incidentally, we are going to release in the next hours a dedicated client for OS X, "Eddie", an OpenVPN wrapper with a nice GUI (Eddie is free and open source as well). Kind regards
  9. Hello! Yes. Make sure that OpenVPN has connected to the TOR proxy, browse to airvpn.org web site (with a browser configured NOT to connect to TOR) and make sure that the central bottom box is green. If you can browse AND the central bottom box is green, then data are passing through a TOR fixed circuit, because OpenVPN sends all the packets over the proxy. If OpenVPN and/or TOR proxy lose connection, then you get either no browsing at all or a red bottom box. Kind regards
  10. Hello, when you start it, the TOR proxy starts as well. Remember that if you wish a browser traffic tunneled over OpenVPN over TOR, you must run a browser NOT configured to connect over TOR. If you use a browser configured to connect to the TOR proxy, that browser traffic will be tunneled over TOR only. Kind regards
  11. Hello! Yes. It's not that it "breaks" the chain, it's that the final exit-node is a VPN server, which is not a TOR exit node. On the Internet your system is visible with the VPN server exit-IP, since OpenVPN connects to the TOR proxy. Your outgoing data, after having passed through the TOR nodes (still encrypted by OpenVPN), reach the VPN server. Kind regards Kind
  12. Hello, which GUI are you running? Kind regards
  13. Hello! Maybe, or maybe not... after all it is clearly written that it's a working tested configuration, of course you are free to experiment with different configurations, including different bundles, TOR proxies and anything you like. Kind regards
  14. Hello! The first correct DNS detection was by ipleak.net. According to your description, that was a real DNS leak: a DNS query was sent outside the tunnel to your router which sent it to your ISP DNS server. The reply followed all the way back up to your Windows box. The confusion you claim is normal. To understand the behavior you must consider first and foremost that Windows lacks the concept of global DNS. DNS servers can only be defined inside network cards (a configuration which must be customized to be replicated on system where DNS is properly implemented). You have also to consider that svchost.exe is the system process running with very high privileges which (amongst many other things) reads DNS addresses from network card configurations and sends DNS queries out. Now, even when a routing table and a default gateway are correctly defined in a way that only DNS of a certain interface should be queried, svchost.exe reads anyway all the DNS servers IP addresses of all cards. In some circumstances (apparently in a random way, but probably there's some underlying "rule") svchost.exe sends DNS queries to different DNS servers listed in other network cards. All the trouble is caused by this particular DNS implementation in all Windows systems which still nowadays lack the concept of global DNS. Eddie client has a feature for Windows that prevents DNS leaks, as you are already aware of, by forcing the correct DNS on other network cards, besides the tun/tap adapter. Client 1.92 and older versions do not have this feature. Kind regards
  15. Hello, from the logs it appears that the TOR proxy is either not running or not listening to localhost:9150. Another option is that a firewall is blocking OpenVPN packets to/from localhost. Kind regards
  16. Hello, the Malwarebytes message is a false positive (not uncommon with it), while the error message with Firefox is correct, there is no web server on Phoenicis (OpenVPN responds). Funny thing is that Malwarebytes was already informed (last year) and aware that our web site is obviously not a malicious web site but they kept their absurd point that it is. Draw your own conclusions. Kind regards
  17. Hello! Yes, that's totally normal. If any contact with any possible frontend server fails, Eddie will try to bypass censorship by using any possible older available configuration file to connect to a VPN server. Once inside the VPN (where contacts will be again possible) Eddie will update everything transparently. Kind regards
  18. Hi. Interesting idea. We ALREADY have a XMPP server, but it's used only by our staff (we use Pidgin+OTR on pc, and Xabber on mobile). It's not actually ready for public only because it has a lower priority : - We need help to study how XMPP works to configure it. - It's not currently under failover servers. - It needs a join between registered AirVPN forum members and XMPP accounts. We don't know how, but maybe it's possible to create chat rooms with XMPP, maybe with a web frontend that can be used from a page in https://airvpn.org website Kind regards
  19. Hello, if it happens on every and each server you try, it might be your ISP line. If the same behavior occurs with many different providers the probability that it's our ISPs fault extremely low. If it happens only on some servers, can you please post a list? Kind regards
  20. Hello! The test is hosted inside the VPN server. Random data are created and then sent to/from your system from/to VPN server entry-IP (therefore out of the tunnel) and inside the tunnel. These tests are not very reliable in absolute terms, their value lies more on relative comparisons between in-tunnel and out-tunnel throughput. Increase the buffer to try to get more precise results. We wanted to implement a test that does not need Flash or Java and that at the same time is running inside the VPN server in order not to rely on a 3rd node which causes bias. Kind regards
  21. Hello! Because the test is performed to and from the same VPN server your system is connected to (that's why this test can work only with our service and when your system is connected to a VPN server). There is no bypass at all, routing table is respected. Kind regards
  22. Hello, true, in Mavericks the tun interface is UTUN and does not seem to be easily accessible by the user, we need to investigate. Kind regards
  23. Hello! In case of geo-location errors, "real" Google search engine is anyway available at https://www.google.com/ncr ("ncr" is "no country redirect"). Kind regards
  24. Hello! iwih2gk comment is good especially for security. In order not to weaken anonymity layer, it is even more important not to mix identities. As long as identities are not mixed, the anonymity layer is not compromised. An isolated from the rest of the local network computer can anyway weaken the anonymity layer if it uses, over the VPN, non-VPN identities. For "identities" in this context we mean any possible account, behavior, pattern. Such elements should not be used over the VPN and not over the VPN. Kind regards
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