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  1. Has anyone seen this news yet today?? Americans could be cut off from the internet over copyright claims A court ruled that ISPs can avoid liability by kicking customers off the internet. The ruling is being challenged. Correct me if i am wrong but IF AND WHEN an American uses a VPN to connect to another site, and they are connecting to a TUNNEL EXIT that is OUTSIDE of their home country, then their connection IS NOT, technically, "american", anymore, is it?
  2. I'm thinking of changing my Internet Provider in the UK Are there any UK ISP that are incompatible with Air VPN in any way?
  3. Hey everyone, When ı try to connect airvpn, i can not connect. Turkey ISP servers don't allow using VPNs. What can ı do? Thanks.
  4. I believe my ISP is throttling OpenVPN. I have been a very satisfied AirVPN customer and until recently got good speeds. In the last month, since switching to Fibre, I have noticed that OpenVPN connections appear to be limited to 1 Mbps. I have tried changing ports (53/UPD, 80/TCP, 443/UPD, 443/tcp) to no effect. I normally run OpenVPN on my router, so to isolate the issue, tried my other router that gives me full 15 Meg unencrypted while running the AirVPN windows client. In every case, the best I get is 1 Meg down and 10% of that up while encrypted. The change seems to coincide with my ISP "resolving" evening congestion problems in my area. The evidence seems strong that this is a throttling issue and not a configuration problem. Is there a solution or am I condemned to take the slow lane?
  5. Hey, everyone: Recently I've been having issues with my network speed and connection while connected to the VPN. Evidently this s an issue with Kaspersky. I've uninstalled Kaspersky, and my connection isn't cutting out like it was, and my speed has definitely increased. THat said, it still isn't quite what I would hope for. Without the VPN connected, I get a steady and consistent download rate of ~115Mbps. Right now, with the VPN connected, I'm getting an inconsistent download rate that is about a max of around 60Mbps (around a 50Mbps loss). I know that when connected to a VPN, the speeds decreases and latency increased, but It seems I shouldn't be losing that much speed. Does that seem reasonable or common? I'm not sure if my ISP is blocking any ports or capping certain protocols. Is there any good way to test if ports are being blocked or if they are capping? Also, can anyone recommend some good ways of trying to increase network speed, or determining why I'm getting a decrease in speed that large (if it's not standard/common)? Thanks, all!
  6. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/03/senate-votes-to-let-isps-sell-your-web-browsing-history-to-advertisers/ Comments, questions, concerns.
  7. Hey, I am using airvpn to hide tor usage. Of course I don't want the network that I am using to know I am using a vpn either... Does the ssl/ssh tunnel remedy this or could the isp still figure out im using a vpn? How can I conceal my traffic as best as possible? thanks in advance
  8. I'm new to VPN, but I am tech savy~ish, and I am looking for an answer to torrenting from work. I'm currently using some other, inferior , VPN service, and the root of my question is: What do I need to ONLY avoid my bosses receiving copyright-downloading-warning emails. I don't care if the NSA is watching my browse the internet, I don't care is hackers are using my credit cards around the world, I don't care about being a ghost and phantoming around cyber-space. I only want to ensure that the next time I grab the latest Tame of Ghrones episode, I don't have to worry about the corperate internet service being disable on the account of mine downloading. My torrent client has a network select and ip binding, and it works correctly, so I knoe that if my VPN cuts out I won't have any leaks there is a TON of information on being a phantom in cyber-space, and how to keep the NSA out of your life; but very little information on foiling your ISP from knoeing what you are using the internet for. I mean, I can assume that just using a VPN I am masking what I am using the internet for; because over the last 3 days I have been testing out my new VPN by downloading a number of things that I thought my ISP would flag, including a couple of episode that I have previously been flag for. Nothing in the company email yet, concerning the downloading. I'm currently seeding these now, and I will do so for a couple more days (still in my 7 day trial with ivacy VPN) will update this post when I knoe that seeding is still safe. (Seeding is the REAL illegal part) TO SUM UP is the VPN all I need to foil my ISP. is it safe to use ONLY PPTP. do I NEED encryption? (128bit and 256bit options) I knoe it is based on your VPN provider, but I feel like there needs to be more info regarding what is needed to only foil your ISP, obviously if the NSA has trouble seeing your activity, your probably not going to have to worry about your ISP, but that takes head room, and with file sharing I want speed.
  9. Hi I am moving house to a new area that has (as far as I can tell) Sky Fibre, Virgin Media 200Mbit/s and BT Infinity, in addition to having relatively good speeds on standard ADSL+ services. Ideally I'd move to Virgin Media (Branson being marginally less offensive than Murdoch). I'd give BT a go, but I've not had a good experience with their customer service. Since any LLU provider also suffers from OpenReach, I'd rather not go there, but needs must.... SO... Since I access the Internet (including from mobile devices) almost exclusively via my server's OpenVPN tunnel, and sometimes my usage gets pretty high, I was wondering if anyone could share their experiences. Do any providers have an active anti-VPN/anti-privacy policy?Do any aggressively restrict traffic volumes specifically for VPN?Do any of the so called "unlimited" services have traffic management policies that are not immediately apparent from their publicity materials?Many thanks
  10. Hello ! Would AirVPN & members be interested in supporting guifi.net? An open, free & neutral Telecommunications Network, which started out as a mesh-network run by 1 guy. I think that even if Air chose not to support it monetarily, it would still be very interesting for a VPN provider to provide advice and/or further support in other ways. But guifi strikes at the heart of AirVPNs hacktivist & activist roots as well. Maybe there could be a partnership between guifi.net & Air in the future? Like their users get 10% off of the price or something. Maybe there's a business opportunity there somewhere. The StoryGuifi was started when a man in Spain couldn't receive network access, due to one of the biggest Spanish ISPs, Telefonica, being sloppy/lazy/careless and/or just not interested in providing him a service. Due to them being a very large company and having an effective monopoly on networking, he decided to start his own business. It started out as just him using long-range directional wi-fi from government buildings to his home, to get access to the internet. But eventually it caught on and others wanted it too. So his network grew and now many many people rely on guifi to get access to the net. It also aligns nicely with the parts of Spain which want independence, that they have their own network, which they control. Once you read this description, I'm sure you'll find this is precisely the sort of thing Air can get behind: guifi.net is a Telecommunications Networks as a Commons. In guifi.net, users promote and invest in telecommunications infrastructure that ensures Internet quality access at a just price. guifi.net network is open, free and neutral to avoid restrictions on content and technology. Anyone can be a user of guifi.net, a network infrastructure that is part of a Commons. The network uses best available techologies, radio and optical fiber, with connections up to 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps Internet interconnections. In 2008, users founded guifi.net Foundation, which objective is work for Network as Commons, develping and applying an economic model basen on management infrastructure as a Commons Pool Resource and Collaborative Economy. guifi.net Foundation is a NGO for Development, a telecommunications operator ans Volunteer organitzation. Transform telecommunications sector. Improve capabilitis of Internet access. Guifi.net Network Terms of Use: You have the freedom to use the network for any purpose as long as you don’t harm the operation of the network itself, the rights of other users, or the principles of neutrality that allow contents and services to flow without deliberate interference. You have the right to understand the network and its components, and to share knowledge of its mechanisms and principles. You have the right to offer services and content to the network on your own terms. You have the right to join the network, and the obligation to extend this set of rights to anyone according to these same terms. Why Air Might LIke ItThe special thing about guifi is that it's an open, sometimes monetarily free network, which follows a lot of principles that Air would agree on; such as Net Neutrality. Many people, especially in rural areas, can't get online, because it's supposedly too costly to get them connected and let's be honest, who needs censorship or data caps to block people from having access, when there's simply no service at all? Just as the Air mission reads: "Circumvent censorship and any other barrier to seek, receive and impart information and ideas without interference and regardless of frontiers". But with guifi, everyone can get connected and it doesn't always cost money (from my reading). But even though this is currently only in Spain, just imagine if such initiatives could spread to other parts of the world! Many americans for instance, either don't get serviced by an ISP at all or have to live with very bad deals/terms. But with guifi, you get more for less. So in short: Open, neutral & unrestricted. Community-run & supported by paying customers and donations. Uses FOSS software & has a robust yet straightforward rulebook Helps people, both rural and non-rural alike, get access to the Internet Fair pricing. Especially compared to corporate ISPs such as Telefonica. Could spawn similar initiatives, which in the long-run, could ultimately help rid the world of greedy, slow, controlling & bad ISPs. Other Interesting Things Here you can see how their network expanded, in a short video. Here you can read a long review of it Please feel free to tell me what you think
  11. Hello AirVPN As stated in the title, I'm fairly new to this way of 'interneting' but hopefully this works out in the long run. My reason for joining AirVPN is due to my father working for my isp and I fear he may be spying on my downloads and internet browsing. I found this vpn via Reddit in search of ways to keep prying eyes out of my internet life. I guess I have just a few questions about just how private vpns are when it comes to things like that. -Am I really invisible from my isp? -What are the dangers of using VPNs? -Can an ISP bypass a VPN to access someone's searches? -How much can isp employees/supervisors see when looking at a client's internet usage? (If this isn't supposed to be on this forum please let me know T_T) Thank you in advance SSC
  12. Yesterday I was running airvpn over tor with socks5 (vip72). I had no issues, iplocation.net had my location pinned as the location of my socks5 proxy. But today I am running the same setup but iplocation.net still has my location pinned as the location of the airvpn server. ( we'll say airvpn server is somewhere in WA, and socks5 is somewhere in Texas) The only change I have made since yesterday is that I switched my DNS servers to Comodo rather than my ISP. Would this be enough to change the differing results?
  13. I'm slightly confused on the nomenclature of Tor over VPN, and VPN over Tor. Say I don't want my ISP to know what VPN I am using (such as AirVPN), and want all my visible surface IP's to be the VPN server. I don't care if the ISP knows that I am using Tor. What configure should I be aiming for exactly?
  14. Hi there! Imagine a scenario in which one is in a country in which it is illegal to use a VPN. In this scenario, the ideal solution for would be to use a VPN or method in conjunction with the VPN that conceals the fact that one is being used. Is this a service that AirVPN offers? How does one implement this, if possible? Is it automatically a part of the setup/deal? If it's not possible using AirVPN alone, how does one go about making this possible? Many thanks!
  15. I'm with Virgin Media in the UK, on 160/12 cable. Last year I had a spate of low speed (3MB/sec hard cap) which I initially blamed on throttling of OpenVPN as I could hit full speed on my naked ISP connection. After some investigation I found it was actually a bug in the ISP supplied router, so I switched to my own and the problem went away. Lately however, I'm having a hard speed cap problem and it really looks like issues caused by either VM's use of DPI and/or OpenVPN throttling/shaping at ISP level. VM operate a whitelist for shaping, so unless the protocol is whitelisted it's shaped by default. VM categorically and publicly deny any form of throttling, shaping or interference with OpenVPN connections. I've been using an Ubuntu torrent as a speed benchmark as it's multi-threaded, consistently very fast, and can be used off-VPN without fear of legal issues. I have tested every port and protocol in Eddie, as well as via Viscosity (to rule out Eddie issues). I also tried the same tests with several other well respected VPN providers with good networks and the results were consistent across them all, Air included. Note that I am using MB/sec in its proper format, meaning megabytes per second. 1MB/sec = 8Mbps. All results are for the same Ubuntu 15.04 x64 torrent downloaded in the latest qBittorrent v3.2.3 on Mac OS X (also verified on Linux, PCBSD and Windows 8.1 Pro). As well as checking against multiple VPN companies, multiple OpenVPN software and multiple operating systems, I also reproduced the results on multiple machines (mid 2012 MacBook Pro and my FX8350 / 16GB DDR3 / Samsung Evo 850 sad / Radeon R9 380 gfx desktop). I repeated the tests with several ethernet cables (to rule out cable issues), as well as with *machine* > router > modem and *machine* > modem (to rule out firmware or routing issues). Every time, regardless of the variable, the results below were consistent. ISP : 19MB/sec OpenVPN 53 UDP : 2MB/sec OpenVPN (all other ports in turn) UDP : 5MB/sec OpenVPN (all ports) TCP : 4 - 5 MB/sec OpenVPN + SSH 22 : 2MB/sec OpenVPN + SSH 80 (or 53) : 13 - 18 MB/sec (lower in peak times, high off-peak) OpenVPN + SSL 443 : 13 - 18 MB/sec (lower in peak times, high off-peak) As we can see, generally SSL and SSH masking the OpenVPN connection allows almost full line speed (minus the encryption overheads). That's great. As soon as it's a bare OpenVPN connection the speeds cap out at around 33% of what they should be. Bare OpenVPN TCP is a little slower than UDP (as you'd expect) but otherwise in accordance with the general 5MB/sec cap experienced on UDP. The only exceptions are UDP:53 and SSH:22 which are both heavily restricted to around 2MB/sec. Now to my mind, knowing what I do of VM's shaping and DPI systems, this would only make sense if they were interfering with OpenVPN either by purposefully throttling it, or else their DPI system is messing up the connection. They further seem to restrict SSH:22 and UDP:53 by protocol but not by port. This actually makes sense, as all other Eddie combinations are quite random whereas SSH:22 (SSH) and UDP:53 (DNS) are established network traffic protocols and thus could be singled out for listing in the shaping systems. If we reverse the protocol/port (to give SSH 53 and UDP 22) we once again obfuscate the tunnel and go back to full speeds! I also get a lot of decrypt/replay errors in the logs on every single port for 'normal' OpenVPN. As soon as I hide the OpenVPN in either SSL or SSH the errors simply don't occur. Ever. This suggests that the extra tunnel is hiding the OpenVPN tunnel from being shaped, or else the DPI process in and of itself is breaking OpenVPN and causing the packets to arrive out of order. Maybe that in and of itself can hurt speed? So there you go. Sorry for the long post but it's an interesting (if thoroughly frustrating and annoying) issue. What do you gurus think? Given I have worked to change the variables one at a time to rule out issues with AirVPN (different providers), the router and/or its firmware (direct connection to modem, bypassing router), wireless issues (used ethernet directly) and OS limits or bugs (used multiple OSs) I can't see anything is left... except issues with the ISP shaping/throttling or else their DPI breaking things. I posted a thread very similar to this in VM's support forums, but for a whole week it has gone unanswered by any staff. Interestingly it is the only thread on the forum to have been ignored. Make of that what you wish. I await your replies with interest. Thanks in advance for reading.
  16. https://grepular.com/Punching_through_The_Great_Firewall_of_TMobile I have connection issues similar to the above due to spoofed packets. Could OpenVPN config changes be made?
  17. Hey..I have recently (and happily) moved to Ubuntu and "re-upped" my membership with AirVPN. One issue. My ISP is blocking some of my ports so downloading the required dependances or accessing the repository either by Synaptic, the Software Updater or the Ubuntu Software Center. I am looking for a workaround, I cant seem to find how to switch ports or download a full copy of Airvpn dependancies so I can get this to work. Thanks!
  18. Hey I got a problem. When i connect to a vpn server, it says connected. but im still using my ISP IP instead of the IP of the VPN Server... How do i fix this? These are my machine details: Operating System Version: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Datacenter Hardware information: HP ProLiant ML110 G6 Processors: Intel® Xeon® CPU X3430 @2.40GHz Installed Memory (RAM): 24GB Installed Roles: AD DSDHCPDNSFile and Storage ServicesHyper-VIIS 8.0IPAMNAPRemote AccessWDSLog: http://pastebin.com/43UnP5Ci SOLVED: This message is the answer!: Awesome StaffAdvanced Member Staff5013 postsPosted Yesterday, 11:40 PM Hello! The tun/tap interface (the virtual network card used by OpenVPN) does not come up. Please try to run our client Eddie, which includes some additional code which tries to force the interface up. If the client attempt does not work, please follow all the steps described here: https://airvpn.org/t...2012/#entry8321 Kind regards
  19. Yesterday the VPN started to be very slow (below 2 Mbit/s download), and I had to turn it off all day long. When I tested it at night time, the speeds were normal again. Today, I had the same problem. Again speeds of 2 Mbit/s and less. So I made a speedtest hourly and created a log... 17:11 Download: 0.89 Mbps Upload: 0.86 Mbps18:14 Download: 1.53 Mbps Upload: 0.86 Mbps19:02 Download: 1.52 Mbps Upload: 0.85 Mbps21:14 Download: 1.84 Mbps Upload: 0.88 Mbps22:00 Download: 2.03 Mbps Upload: 0.87 Mbps22:50 Download: 2.43 Mbps Upload: 0.86 Mbps23:02 Download: 14.15 Mbps Upload: 0.87 Mbps I luckily made two tests in a row (within 10 min that is) at 22:50 and 23:02... You can see a sudden increase in speed.. I'm not sure what to make out of that. Without the VPN, the speeds are normal at any time.(This happens on every server by the way)
  20. I read about it a few days ago. It's nothing new, I think, because, you know, NSA, surveillance, direct access and the like.. but this one is quite interesting for people in Germany. You may heard that a certain German Telecom is subject to non-stop "exclusive" traffic surveillance (NSA having direct access to it's customer's traffic). And if you read my signature you will find out that my ISP is the German Telecom. So when I'm not connected to AirVPN they basically know where I am and what I'm doing - thanks to a program named "Treasure Map". It's aim is to make a real-time "internet map" to display every single device. It's used as an additional information service for plotting targeted attacks and other cool things. How I feel about it?
  21. I'll admit I do not full understand how VPN's work so this question might seem very n00bish. Can you ISP restrict or throttle a connection to a VPN, click I've heard some ISP's restrict Netflix access.
  22. Since SSL and SSH both use a double layer of encryption, I am wondering if this hides my download totals (bytes going to my PC) from my provider? My guess is not but I would appreciate confirmation. Thank you P.
  23. Hi there, I want to open a specific port [ no matter which one it is ] as my ISP is blocking all of them! But when I connect to AirVPN servers ( I already port forwarded from the client area as in the screenshot ). But when using CanYouSeeMe.org it appears that no port is open. But I used "http://www.ipfingerprints.com/portscan.php" and it seems that port number 88 is open. So, what's the deal? Will I be able to bypass the ISP block?
  24. Hi! Sorry if I started topic in wrong category. I wonder whether username (User Account Name) which somebody use on his/her computer (with Windows installed) can be seen by ISP or server? Thank you for responses.
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