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  1. UPDATE 01-SEP-17 Due to multiple, critical problems in network-manager-openvpn which after years have not been solved we recommend to NOT use it. Please understand that we will not provide support to network-manager-openvpn. In GNU/Linux we recommend that you run our free and open source software "AirVPN Suite", "Eddie" or OpenVPN directly Warning: Ubuntu 14.04 has an issue on configuration files import. At 25/04/2014 there's still no fix. Bug Report Go to Config Generator page, choose Linux and choose your preferred options. Select Advanced Mode Tick Separate certs/keys from .ovpn files Click on any archive format. Save the downloaded archive file somewhere, say in ~/.airvpn. Extract it. Five files should be extracted. Try to make sure nobody but you can read the file user.key, because that one is secret. Install the package named network-manager-openvpn-gnome, which is a plugin to NetworkManager handling OpenVPN connections. The install will automatically include all needed packages, like openvpn etc. Click on NetworkManager icon in top-right bar, and choose Edit Connections... Click Add, choose Import a saved VPN configuration, click Create... and choose a .ovpn file extracted from files generated by our Config Generator. The imported information is displayed. Click Save... and close the NetworkManager Connections editor. From now on, the imported connections are showed under VPN Connections menu. Click it to connect.
  2. Download your configuration file from the page Config Generator. If you don't already have the OpenVPN package installed in your system, you can tick Advanced Mode and tick Bundle executable (only for x86/amd64 based systems). Have a look here to take care of DNS push (OpenVPN will not do that for you by default): https://airvpn.org/topic/9608-how-to-accept-dns-push-on-linux-systems-with-resolvconf/Open a terminal console, reach the directory where you stored the files generated by the Configuration Generator and launchsudo openvpn foo.ovpnif you already have installed the OpenVPN package, orsudo ./openvpn foo.ovpnif you have downloaded our bundled executable. foo.ovpn is any *.ovpn files generated by the Config Generator. In the example we report "sudo" to run OpenVPN with root privileges. In some systems you might not have "sudo" available, or your account might be not included in the "sudo-ers". In these cases, you just need to run a terminal as root, or become root with "su" command.
  3. Hello! There is a major problem on the datacenter. Datacenter technicians are working on it. Kind regards
  4. Hello! Thanks. You can't load airvpn.org pages in HTTP. HTTPS is forced since years ago. Kind regards
  5. My interpretation of this was to type in the AirVPN password. Thanks! Your interpretation is correct but that step suggested in the message is wrong. Getting back to network-manager, try to follow our instructions precisely. All of our tests end up with a fully working configuration. Anyway we are going to deprecate network-manager usage because it invokes OpenVPN in a way for which OpenVPN does not verify the server certificate and this is a security hazard. We recommend to run OpenVPN directly as long as we do not release Eddie for Linux. Kind regards
  6. Hello, that's a mistake. Where did you read to do that (we ask because if there are forum posts telling to do that we need to fix them)? Kind regards
  7. I personally am excited about this. I think this has good potential for future releases of OpenVPN and ultimately our uses with VPN. This perhaps might be a good canidate for AirVPN's No-Profit Community innitiative. If it meets the standards for it, i will gladly submit a post for it. Further reading: http://www.libressl.org/ http://www.openbsdfoundation.org/ http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/04/openssl-code-beyond-repair-claims-creator-of-libressl-fork/ Hello! Please feel free to duplicate your message to the "No Profit" forum. We have various candidates for April! Kind regards
  8. Hello! After several tests we don't detect the bug reported in the forum in network-manager. Anyway, it is possible that we have been unable to reproduce it but the bug really exists. In any case please run OpenVPN directly. What we detect, and this not good at all for security, is that network-manager runs OpenVPN so that no server certificate verification is required from your OpenVPN. We underline that this is bad for security reasons and we are investigating. This is another good reason ((the other reason is that network-manager does not pass explicit-exit-notify to OpenVPN) to run OpenVPN directly, as long as we do not release the client for Linux. If you wish further investigations, after you import a .ovpn file in network-manager with OpenVPN plugin, please send us all the screenshots of its various configuration (one per each tab), they may give us important clues. No keys or certificates need to be imported one by one: if our instructions are followed exactly network-manager will do all the job automatically: ta.key, user.crt, user.key and ca.crt will be all read automatically by network-manager and their names displayed correctly in the relevant fields. Kind regards
  9. Hello! @WcoRaaky According to the logs the connection is perfectly successful. OpenVPN is not "sitting there", it just does not have anything else to output in the terminal at the moment. It is running just fine. Kind regards
  10. Hello! We're glad to know it! Basically it depends on the lease time of the DHCP server. "IP addressing information is leased to a client, and the client is responsible for renewing the lease. By default, DHCP clients try to renew their lease when 50 percent of the lease time has expired. To renew its lease, a DHCP client sends a DHCPRequest message to the DHCP server from which it originally obtained the lease. The DHCP server automatically renews the lease by responding with a DHCPAck message. This DHCPAck message contains the new lease as well as any DHCP option parameters. This ensures that the DHCP client can update its TCP/IP settings in case the network administrator has updated any settings on the DHCP server. Figure 4.9 illustrates the Renewing state." (From http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc958935.aspx ) If the VM is in bridge mode, then the DHCP server is again your router. If the VM is attached via NAT, it depends on the host system. Kind regards
  11. Hello! We have planned to work on mediaset. Please feel free to warn us about other services (such as the cited cielotv) you would like to have accessible from out of Italy servers. Kind regards
  12. Hello! There's no disconnection every 2 hours on our system. It looks like a problem on your side, maybe you have a brief line drop or a DHCP renew from your ISP every 2 hours. Kind regards
  13. UPDATE Due to multiple, critical problems in network-manager-openvpn which after years have not been solved we recommend to NOT use it. Please understand that we will not provide support to network-manager-openvpn. In GNU/Linux we recommend that you run our free and open source software "Eddie", or our free and open source software "Hummingbird", or OpenVPN directly 21/04/2014: network-manager-openvpn runs OpenVPN so that OpenVPN does not check the server certificate. Therefore we DO NOT RECOMMEND usage of network-manager for security reasons. This issue is already fixed in newest version not yet available in Debian 7 Wheezy Download your configuration file from the page Config Generator Select "Advanced Mode" Tick "Separate certs/keys from .ovpn files" Save the downloaded zip-file somewhere, say in ~/.airvpn. Unzip it. Five files should be extracted. Try to make sure nobody but you can read the file user.key, because that one is secret. Erase the zip-file. Or at least, make sure only you can read it (since it contains the secret user.key file inside) Install the package named network-manager-openvpn-gnome, which is a plugin to NetworkManager handling OpenVPN connections. The install will automatically include all needed packages, like openvpn etc. Perhaps you'll have to log out and log in again, or even restart the computer or something. To check that openvpn plugin was properly installed in NetworkManager, click on the nm-applet (the NetworkManager icon) => VPN Connections => Configure VPN. In the little window that comes up, click the Add button. Is there an OpenVPN option in the menu? Good. But don't click on it. Just close the windows. This was just a check. Click on the nm-applet (the NetworkManager icon) => VPN Connections => Configure VPN In the little window that comes up, click the Import button. In the file chooser that comes up, find the previously downloaded file air.ovpn (perhaps you stored it in the ~/.airvpn directory?) A new little window comes up. It is pre-filled with the necessary airvpn-configuration stuff. Click the NetworkManager applet. Under VPN-connections, you should now be able to select the VPN-connection named air. After a little while, the applet icon should be decorated with a little padlock. For any comment or feedback, you can find the discussion here. Thanks to HugeHedon for this article.
  14. Hello! It implies that the VPN server has been listed as a TOR exit-node in the TOR exit-nodes list. This is caused by the fact that someone is running a TOR exit-node from behind our server (the exit-IP of the VPN server is shared). Since AirVPN does not discriminate against any protocol or application and we strictly comply to the broadest definition of Net Neutrality, this is not forbidden. Of course this does NOT mean in any way that you're in the TOR network. Kind regards
  15. Thanks for the suggestion. I tried setting the speed limit as you suggested. Unfortunately, there was no change. Downloading starts, lasts for about 1 or 2 minutes, then drops out. Something strange I've noticed, when looking at the "Client Area" page on the AirVPN site, it shows how long you've been connected to the AirVPN service ("Connected since"). If I refresh the page, the "Connected since" time keeps growing. But at around 1m 30s, when I refresh the page again, it shows something like "Connected since: 12s ago". And it does this over and over. It makes me think that something is causing the AirVPN connection to constantly disconnect and reconnect every 1 or 2 minutes. Hello! Yes, your assumption according to that information looks correct. Please post the OpenVPN logs to see what happens. Kind regards
  16. Hello! No, the Data Channel remains encrypted with AES-256-CBC cipher, regardless of what DD-WRT pretends. Our servers are not configured to provide an AES-128 OpenVPN Data Channel cipher. It's just one of the many DD-WRT OpenVPN configuration page bugs. Kind regards
  17. Hello! We can't do much on our side: it's Omegle that bans VPNs (not only AirVPN according to anonymous reports), not the other way round. We don't block any web site, of course. So the question should be asked to Omegle administrators in the first place. Kind regards
  18. Hello! In the "How-To" section you find two guides. One for ipfw: https://airvpn.org/topic/9147-prevent-leaks-with-bsd-unix-mac-os-x-ipfw-thanks-to-jessez/ and one for pf: https://airvpn.org/topic/9140-prevent-leaks-with-bsd-mac-os-x-pf-thanks-to-jessez/ If you have an OS X version with pf, then it is recommended by Apple to prefer pf over ipfw (ipfw usage has been deprecated in favor of pf). Kind regards
  19. Hello! Two users will be on the count. Kind regards
  20. Hello! There was a change of program on the fly. The various user.key keys have been all re-generated by the system and the option to re-generate a user.key has been postponed for a while. Currently the timeline of most important changes, which are being worked simultaneously, is: - DDNS fix (completed) - port forwarding panel fix (nearly completed) - re-checking access to RAI from non-Italy servers - re-evaluation of slight changes to DDNS - release of Eddie (new Air client) beta usable version for Linux and Windows (maybe 10 days) - building up the option to generate new user.key and integrate it in the users web panel Kind regards
  21. Hello! Please allow 12/72 hours for your free trial code. Please note that if a request is performed from the same account or same e-mail address it will be not replied. The quickest way to have a free trial, if you are in a hurry, is buying a 3 days plan for 1 EUR and ask for a refund within 3 days. Kind regards
  22. Hello! A remotely forwarded port is necessary when a service needs to be reached from the Internet. This is not the case of Firefox or any other web browser. Units: 8 Mbit/s ("megabit per second") = 1 MB/s ("megabyte per second") = 1024 kB/s ("kilobyte per second"). That said, your system in-tunnel performance appears to be too low. Given that you have already tried all ports and modes on several servers, check whether your system has some non-standard network manager (such as Asus SmartConnect and similar) because some of them have been reported as dramatically slowing down tun adapter throughput (the tun/tap adapter is the virtual network card used by OpenVPN). Additionally, please make sure that either on your router or on your computer no packets inspection tools are active (inspection of encrypted packets is not only useless but can slow down your system). Last but probably most importantly, do not miss the following post: https://airvpn.org/topic/11067-how-to-improve-average-speed/?do=findComment&comment=15415 Kind regards AirVPN Support Team
  23. Thank you for the information! An investigation on this has been already planned. We will keep you informed. Kind regards
  24. Hello! Oh yes... you're right, unfortunately RAI uses Silverlight. Mobile Safari on the iPad will not support or play Microsoft Silverlight content. Apple has also restricted the use of Silverlight on the iPhone. Kind regards
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