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Everything posted by LZ1

  1. Hello ! Please check ipleak.net to see if your DNS is leaking. By default, it probably is.
  2. Hello ! I believe Air once said that if it was SHA1 on its own, then perhaps it's bad. But since it's HMAC SHA1, then it's more secured.
  3. There's a misconception in this sentence. If you give me your copy of a game, I can use it while you can't; when I own your copy, you obviously don't possess it to use it. If you give it to me via the digital equivalent of today, you're giving me a copy of it. A copy you should have compensated the creators for. Unless you've got a file sharing client explicitly moving it from your computer which seldomly happened in the past since downloading something from a server is copying it on the server. Desperate try to panic people, lol. Agreed. Look out for legal alternatives wherever you can. But: Also agreed. Most services are inferior, especially movie streaming sites of today. It doesn't apply to music, though, since Spotify, Tidal and others fill the gap in a superior way. You can't know; assuming BREIN is lying doesn't mean they lie. Assuming you even get any service at all, I should add. Many things are so old that no one sells them after all. I like to assume BREIN lies, as they are, per my view, one of the many dishonest anti-pirate organisations. If the erosion of the freedom online is their calling card, as it is with other groups like the MPAA and RIAA, I don't consider it above them to also lie, haha.
  4. Hello ! Isn't a Pi too weak to run a VPN though?
  5. Hello ! They are good-for-nothing oppressors of the internet and as with tyrants, they get the big middle-finger. I still don't understand why they would punish VPN users harder. Perhaps to make up for the additional resources used in order to even catch one? Their statements are funny: - I'd like to see them defend the rights of anime producers lol or super old games. It's all a sham. Many of these things just aren't available anymore by normal channels. - Sharing is caring. This is tyranny. If I have an old game or such and I lend it to you and my other friends, that's not illegal. But for the digital equivalent then it's suddenly different. - VPNs like AirVPN are logless and unlike many other VPNs, make an effort to not see what you do, as per my understanding. - You run a greater security risk of not using a VPN lol. Especially while torrenting. - Yes it's possible to be identified, but a lot of that just comes from misconfirguration, such as not turning off WebRTC or otherwise leaking. - VPNs like Air also allow P2P and turn down DMCA requests. So they can, as Michael Jackson once suggested, "Beat It". Then they say: ´- Why should someone pay for inferior services, which is often the case? Many Europeans for instance, pay for a Netflix with less content, yet higher prices. - Lots of content isn't even available and not all torrenting is about movies either. There's many torrents on old games, software and books; especially from Asia. - The creators, if by that they mean artists, probably don't take much of a hit anyway and companies like BREIN probably don't give the artists/actors the money either.
  6. Hello ! Try go to www.ipleak.net which is AirVPNs own site. If you don't see your own IP, then you're secured. It'll also show in red at the top of the screen on this forum, if Air is seeing your real IP.
  7. Hello ! I have to agree that it would be nice with more Asian servers
  8. Hello ! Maybe you could try selecting no proxy, since you have a VPN. Then find out which ports that program listens on and then go to your Client Area on this website, under "Port Forwarding" and put the port number you found that your program needs, into the field called "Local Port", without changing anything else. Then just click add. Maybe that'll help .
  9. Mm, I saw others say multi-hop as in through more servers than 1. I of course doubt its usefulness. It was just my attempt at an example of a technology which Air might be considering. I'd love it if Air released their own Android app lol. Thank you.
  10. I'm just trying to lower expectations for sales, since I think there's a good chunk of new people who expect huge deals. But to date I've not seen any offers on other websites for AirVPN; which I just wanted to express is okay, since it's so worth it anyhow. But it's of course nice if they have black friday sales (I think it's called Cyber Monday and maybe that's when the sales are).
  11. Hello ! It should be pointed out that even if you only use it for X thing, it can still be attacked and then infect the rest of your network. NAS drives can sometimes be especially vulnerable if not handled right I think. I don't know if you could configure some protection on your router perhaps. Maybe pfSense, but I'm not sure. Ask zhang.
  12. Hello ! I just want to point out that there's been issues of Win 10 updates also doing other strange things, such as uninstalling user apps.
  13. Hello ! I don't think it matters much. Once you enable Network Lock, it stays enabled . Correctly sign out by opening the app one way or another and clicking "Disconnect". Be aware that with Network Lock on, you won't have a connection if you disconnect or if you just wake up your PC without having disconnected the app through its own menus (I think it's a bug they're working on). In that case, if nothing works, you'll sometimes have to go into your IP and/or DNS settings and set things to their default routes to get a connection again.
  14. Hello ! Why is there a difference? Because AirVPN is quality. AirVPN guarantees certain upload and download speeds, as you can see on the front page. They also use all their own tech, so to my knowledge, they can optimize things a lot more than many other VPN services perhaps can. Note that they also have various port-forwarding features, so that you can use P2P software and retain some good speeds. I can tell you, AirVPN is one of THE BEST VPNs out there to my knowledge. A lot of the other VPNs, including PIA, have either been caught doing things no VPN provider should do or done other things which are suspicious or unsightly. I would recommend that you go for 3 months of AirVPN. It's a reasonable price, as you'll see, because the quality is so very very high. Then you'll get time to test it out fully. Also, don't expect a sale from AirVPN. I've never seen one. But that's fine, because this is such a great service that it shouldn't be cheapened at the possible expense of our security or whatever else. I've seen many "lifetime subscriptions" to other services like PureVPN and while they're tempting, it's no use paying for something which is either unreliable, stabs you in the back or both. https://www.privacytools.io/
  15. Hello ! It's not free, but you can ask for a free trial. However just because it's not free, it shouldn't be ruled out. It's one of the BEST VPNs out there and depending on what you're wanting to do, a free VPN may or may not be so useful. For instance, if you want to download stuff via P2P, a free service might have restrictions and not allow you to. Or have download limits or just be slow. Not to mention a free VPN can easily be insecure. I recommend you try AirVPN out. You can get 3 days for next to nothing! :]. Here you can apply for a trial: https://airvpn.org/contact/
  16. Hello ! I was wondering if AirVPN has plans to implement other features and if these features will be announced ahead of time. For instance, maybe there was a feature from a different VPN which the Air Staff thought was cool and useful and so they're planning on implementing it in the future. I've seen posts about multi-hop VPNs; is this even useful? I know Air does some kind of extra DDNS hop or something, but I don't know if that's really the same. Likewise, Viking VPN writes "Viking VPN generates false traffic constantly, in order to ensure your anonymity." Which sounds appealing at a glance, but I doubt its usefulness. Anyway, I just got curious about any possible plans Air has. Not that I'm complaining or anything, I just think Air is so technically strong that I can imagine the Staff sitting around looking up other technologies which could be useful . Thank you.
  17. Hello ! Download the TOR browser bundle, then go into AirVPNs client and tick the box which lets you use VPN through TOR. That'll give you more anonymity than most :].
  18. Hello ! Wow, I guess AirVPN gets a lot of Canadian users or something? Haha. Personally, I'd love more Asian servers. I guess there will never be AirVPN servers in China, ahah. HK doesn't count as China .
  19. Hello ! Please use spoiler tags for your logs. Check my signature.
  20. Hello ! Please go to your logs in your client and post them here, inside some spoiler tags (check my signature). You can also try connect to a different server manually. Just go into the server list and double-click a server .
  21. Hello ! I've heard overheads of 20% in general terms. But of course conditions always matter. Personally, I get excellent speeds.
  22. Hello ! Please edit your post and post your logs in spoiler tags.
  23. Hello ! You should list your logs if you can, in a spoiler. You can also submit a support ticket if you wish, by going to the Client Area tab on this website.
  24. I'm sorry, but I don't remember the names. It was a Finnish server on ipleak and a Swedish one I think, on AirVPNs site. But on Ipleak, the organisation tab showed a Swedish company (the same one which gets showed when using a Swedish server) and the little map made it look like I was connected to a Swedish server. Both IP and DNS showed Finland, on ipleak. But as I said, the problem has gone away it seems, after restarting the VPN. I did refresh the pages too before doing so and nothing changed, if that matters. I just thought this was odd. Sent with TBs of Datalove
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