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Everything posted by LZ1

  1. Hello! If you or someone made a guide for something, then feel free to post a link to it here. Then I will be able to add it to my own FAQ guide. This is good because: The guides will be easier to find after they have disappeared from the front page. People who did not write the guide, can help those who did write them, by posting a link to the guide here! It will be easier for me to add those guides to the FAQ. People will not have to PM me personally. Which is more convenient for everyone. Guide makers can get the recognition they deserve for helping the community .
  2. LZ1

    Tor Project Membership

    Hello! I'll just correct this thread and close it, by underscoring that Air already supports Tor and will do so indefinitely: https://airvpn.org/mission/ Case closed .
  3. Hello! It's also worth noting that in Eddie's settings > UI > You can enable or disable promotional messages in general.
  4. Good to hear. You're always welcome to provide your thoughts on possible enhancements however, in the appropriate forum. It has been brought up a number of times. However it's not something they talk much about in long articles of text, it's rather just something they do. Therefore it's like the KISS principle. So perhaps it's a positive that there's only little detail, in the context of this specific case . You can find other links about other aspects of their operation, in the link in my signature. Under the First Questions section, the question "What does AirVPN do to make it safe to use and does it log or track people?" contains numerous links in point form.
  5. Hello! Are you using the latest version of Eddie?
  6. Hello! Are you using the latest version of Eddie?
  7. Hello! Welcome. Perhaps not so surprising, since Air has a philosophy of not trying to actively market itself in any other fashion, than by following some strict principles and technical standards, that not everyone can equally appreciate - except for those who then do experience it . I wouldn't say that it's necessarily a waste that you've used other VPNs. If anything, that only gives you perspective. I'm glad you like it.
  8. It seems you didn't turn this feature on . It'll also still be perfectly possible to torrent with this turned on. On ipleak, you can similarly download a test torrent to confirm this.
  9. Hello! You can start by considering updating your client from mid-2018 to 2020 .
  10. Hello! You're welcome to read this: And then this about the current discount: https://airvpn.org/buy/ Although I will say this: sales don't always come with a defined end date and this particular birthday sale must so far be the longest sale that Air has ever had .
  11. Hello! I believe he's referring to TCPOptimizer .
  12. Hello! Yes, it absolutely is. Just ensure you're connected to a location which is good for your specific situation/location and perhaps even using the UDP protocol.
  13. Hello! Thanks for using the new format, Staff .
  14. Hello! It's normal and is the default screen for when this website is unavailable due to something. Whether it's a poor connection somewhere, DDoS or whatever else. It usually clears up within a couple of minutes and is nothing to really worry about. It's just an inconvenience . Community Mods like myself, Zhang and Giganerd don't do work on the forums that could create such downtime.
  15. Time for the yearly, albeit this time small, update . @LMawery I hope you directed that question to a place like the general forum and received help. @Miguelden There's no tutorial for it, that's true. Assuming you're on Ubuntu/Mint/Similar, it's a matter of going to the download page and clicking download. Distros like the ones I mentioned, usually come with a built-in install wizard, just like Windows. @Testlav Thank you. We have a new moderator: giganerd. It was all but inevitable . Congratulations. Now we're officially 3 community moderators. Since we continuously get the same questions about AirVPN sales, I've made a dedicated thread for it and removed the corresponding sales FAQ in the guide. This provides better visibility and options for asking questions. AirVPN in 2019: 2019 was the year where we waited with baited breath for a long-awaited updating of Eddie, as there had been a very long dry spell with no updates. This naturally caused some uproar due to the uncertainty of it all. However it was remedied with the release of 2.18 and beyond. Air has also been working on a number of different projects, which have no doubt taken some effort. It was also this year, that Air expanded on its support for cryptocurrencies. For the first time, AirVPN has also started doing a Halloween sale - while also changing the forum layout to suit the theme of the sale in question; perhaps the most terrifying development . There's not many months that pass without sales now. It was also this year that AirVPN became a major supporter of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, officially. Happy new year 2020.
  16. We won't have any idea until we see your logs from the logs tab. There's no personal information in them and definitely not anything browsing related. But it's usually the case that when Eddie isn't closed "properly" that errors can thus occur. Since the technical conditions change all the time, you sometimes are able to resume connecting immediately and sometimes not. It could sound like you've misunderstood something: network lock is a security feature meant to guard against leakage of your real IP address. So in between server changes or during disconnects, the usefulness of network lock is shown, since it's during such times that a less carefully implemented VPN solution would see you disconnect from the VPN, have your real IP revealed, before then re-connecting to the VPN and again hiding your IP. Therefore, it's not necessary to unplug the cable, for reasons of network lock not working while Eddie is not running. Of course it's up to you. 😁 You could try to keep network enabled, but first click on "Disconnect" and then allow your Mac to sleep. Then you might encounter less problems upon trying to re-connect.
  17. Hello! But why do you do this? It's largely unnecessary to unplug it. Also, of course Eddie disconnects - your Mac is sleeping. As Network Lock is clearly enabled in your video, the same firewall rules will still be in place and thus prevent any communication to and from your Mac, while Eddie isn't active. Unless you deactive Eddie and/or Network Lock first. Posting a video is definitely rare around here. But it's not helpful - we need your logs, which are accessible through the logs tab, as seen in your video :). You're welcome to try update to a Beta version of Eddie, if you wish to. Instructions can be found in my signature.
  18. Hello! Perhaps you should start mentioning this in your posts by default, Staff - it's not a secret anyway and only raises the transparency levels further.
  19. Hello! Please submit a support ticket here, as there's little to be gained from posting in the forums for this particular issue :). You can also view your purchases in the client area - where it may be possible to cancel and/or alter orders at times.
  20. Hello! Settings>UI>Uncheck UI Confirmation Prompt.
  21. Hello! You might want to submit a support request for that issue.
  22. Hello! It'll be helpful if you post which version of Eddie you're using - ideally with some logs attached as well.
  23. Hello! I've created a central sales thread for all you need to know about AirVPN sales. So I'm locking this thread.
  24. Hello! Here's some information about AirVPN sales - it has always been present in my new user guide, but apparently many people don't see it and therefore we repeatedly get the same questions related to AirVPN sales. New topics about AirVPN sales, will be referred to this thread. Please note that AirVPN does NOT make use of paid reviews or affiliate marketing, at any point, if you see 3rd party sale offers for AirVPN subscriptions. Please also note that the Halloween sale is a new addition since 2019 and that sales are now more of an "up to" kind, rather than a flat percentage for all subscriptions, as previously. What, When, How Long & How Much: AirVPN does not sell Lifetime subscriptions, period. Simply because it's too costly and wouldn't make sense for a high-quality service like this. There's basically 3 common sales a year. Airs Birthday, Black Friday and Christmas; potentially with New Year and Cyber Monday added, to prolong the sale period. All sales are typically, but not always, around 1 week long and often discount the majority of subscription plans. The % discount is not necessarily fixed at the rates seen below. The timing of the sales is roughly the same each year as well. Simply keep an eye on the announcement forum to catch the sale. I've added "CERTAIN" and "UNCERTAIN" to the sales. Certain = the sale will definitely come again next year. Uncertain = we don't know yet, as the sale might for example only have occured 1 time previously. [CERTAIN] AirVPN's Christmas sale has a discount of: up to 68%. Sometime around the 20th December. [CERTAIN] AirVPN's Birthday sale has a discount of: 25%. Sometime around the 30th May/June. [CERTAIN] AirVPN's Black Friday sale has a discount of: (up to 74% in 2019). Sometime during November. [UNCERTAIN] AirVPN's Halloween sale has a discount of: up to 74%. Sometime around 30th October. What if you miss the sale you wanted? Well, then you'll just need to wait until the next one, unfortunately. FAQ: Q = Question. A = Answer. Q: If I renew my subscription today, will it reset my expiration date or will it just add another year to the end of my current one? A: The new amount of subscription days are added to your existing amount of days. Q: When does XYZ sale end? A: If it's not stated in the opening post made by Staff, then we don't know. But it's usually at least a week, give or take a few days. Look at the previous year for the sale in question. Q: Is there no Black Friday this year? A: Black Friday occurs at a different time every year, but always during November. Q: Can a sale be extended so that I can save up/get paid first/do XYZ? A: No, probably not, so don't expect it. Q: How does the "up to" sales percentage work? A: Like this. If there's any other questions, then please feel free to post them in this thread . The main goal of this thread is to keep the forums organised, informative and accessible.
  25. Hello! One could say, that the real high stakes power move is to recommend that he switch to PIA, to find out why AirVPN is better .
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