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Everything posted by go558a83nk

  1. It's noise in the area most likely. That is, between the tap your wherever the area transitions to fiber. So, making sure things at your residence are correct is good but the problem is likely bigger. They may be unwilling or unable to truly fix the problem.
  2. As far as I know the two are completely unrelated. But, employees of many services are being told that VPNs are the devil so this is par for the course. No, you need to get a tech to actually look at line noise in the area.
  3. You'll find a software packages app which has a graphical user interface (GUI). There you can search and find all kinds of apps. Search for Eddie and I bet you'll find the AirVPN Eddie app. You can install it from there.
  4. I'd encourage you to try different protocols. The fix to packet loss is probably there. Unless you're doing this on a weak wireless connection, in which case you'll want to do testing on a better local connection.
  5. You must reconnect after each change to port/protocol. There is no need to restart the whole app.
  6. It would be helpful if you post the logs around this event.
  7. I understand your frustration but please think rationally. 1) AirVPN provides plenty of speed. Just look at the status page and you'll see. 2) AirVPN doesn't control your local network setup nor your ISP nor all the other "internet" between you and their servers. 3) There are plenty of threads in this forum which help people with speed problems. Often a configuration change (easy to do in Eddie) can make a big difference. https://airvpn.org/topic/18339-guide-to-getting-started-links-for-advanced-users/?p=43734
  8. https://airvpn.org/topic/17444-how-to-set-up-pfsense-23-for-airvpn/
  9. Thanks zhang888 I've just had a very quick look on the web into a self build router and it looks a more economical way than shelling out for another "branded" router. I have built Windows PC's in the past so putting bits together isn't a problem but I have very little, well virtually no experience using Linux etc but I'm more than willing to give it a go. I don't work so have the time to learn new stuff so just a few pointers in the right direction would be nice, not asking to be spoon fed I don't have much experience with linux either but the pfsense documentation was enough for me to install onto a self built router/gateway and the guide in this forum for getting pfsense running with a good, safe openvpn config was very helpful.
  10. Do you believe that the speed of the AirVPN servers changes? Do you believe that AirVPN controls all the internet between you and the servers?
  11. There is an encryption that you can setup between your devices that slightly decreases throughput so that others on your circuit and a powerline device can't get on your network. I have older devices that I used on a home where wireless just didn't transmit far. Speed was quite a bit lower than the optimal throughput but it was reliable. Perhaps the newer tech is even better.
  12. I completely agree on the pfsencebox and the AES-NI CPU, but a direct connection through Eddie (in my case with an AMD FX-9370) should at least give the same results (imho) Like i've said earlier, I did try other providers and their speeds weren't really optimal eighter, I would normally blame that on being a) paranoid or /b) over expecting, but since their are complaints from al over the place, it just gets me wondering. If anyone has a suggestion for a simple test setup, I would be very glad. The cheapest pfsense for a 300mb line would be the SG-2220 and that's the kind of money I don't have right now. (sad face inserted here) You can build your own for cheaper. That's what I did. It's not a pretty, little box, but it gets the job done.
  13. if it's a DNS problem you should still be able to ping, for example, if it's more then that won't work either.
  14. three devices is the limit
  15. ahh...I had in mind an older version of the AC66. You've got one with a dual core ARM CPU, at 1000mhz. Yes, you should be able to get about 40mbit/s with that I'd imagine. Just experiment with it. There are plenty of ideas in all sorts of threads on this forum. Besides changing port and protocol you should be able to do many extra things by adding the option in the custom config area. To change port and protocol just change that setting only, and click save. No need to upload a new config each time. When you're testing a download make sure both core are being used. In Merlin it should put openvpn on a different core from kernel work if you use openvpn client 1.
  16. Nope, the AC66 has a single core slow CPU.
  17. Thanks I guess I'll have to dig into iptables documentations again to figure out how to forward to a different internal port There's not much that hasn't been talked about at some point in these forums. Just search for it as I know mapping to a different internal port has been discussed.
  18. Did you notice the log posted is not from the SSL 443 config but an attempt to connect to UDP 53?
  19. there is no connection to a VPN server shown in that log. you are misinterpreting things.
  20. https://airvpn.org/topic/9270-how-to-forward-ports-in-dd-wrt-tomato-with-iptables/?hl=%2Bport+%2Bforward+%2Btomato
  21. it's impossible for the SSL tunnel to work without stunnel. Why not use Eddie?
  22. lots of them going down. are you asking for ideas?
  23. some folks can't understand that their ISP is watching and throttling speed, so they can oversell their speeds. Maybe it is ISP for some people. Who knows. I think Air provides enough options that users should be able to get around ISP throttles. I've been able to show with 3 different VPN providers (all with servers in the same city) that I can max out my line over VPN. I've come to believe that the method of testing has as much to do with perceived speed as anything. 1) I prefer single stream tests. Multi stream tests can easily saturate a line but may not give you a realistic picture like a single stream. If you can saturate your line with a single stream then you know it's good. 2) Therefore, my test of choice lately is to simply download a youtube video. In firefox I have greasemonkey installed, then the youtube center developer build userscript. With that installed any youtube video page has a link to download the file. With youtube's vast array of servers I'm very likely to get a fast connection.
  24. Why isn't openvpn adding routes properly? Can you use Eddie on Debian 8? It would sure simplify things and make a lot of options easily available to you.
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