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  1. 2 points
    Hello! We would like to inform you that we have made every effort to ensure AirVPN full and efficient operation during the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2. In order to reduce hazard and safeguard health, AirVPN staff and personnel work exclusively from home and worked from home well before the current situation appeared clearly as a pandemic Each member has a landline and one or more mobile lines, when possible in different infrastructures, to maximize likelihood to stay connected to the Internet 24/7 AirVPN system is more efficiently automated and basic functioning requires no manual interventions, even for several months (if kernel upgrades hadn't been necessary, we would have had servers uptime of 4 years or more) AirVPN inner staff members have now overlapping competences. Therefore if a key member, including a founder, is forced to stop working, the other ones can carry out his/her functions Emergency funds already secured in the past in different facilities as well as banks remain unaltered and ensure AirVPN financial health for a very long time even in very harsh scenarios. However, we would like to assure you that they are not needed at all currently, quite the contrary. In the last 10 days we have experienced a substantial increase in the growth of our customer base We have been informed by our most important partners and providers of housing and hosting in Europe, America and Asia they they are, and expect to, remain fully operational Kind regards AirVPN Staff
  2. 2 points
    Hi to all, the latest Eddie 2.18.8 experimental released today, works with wintun, please test if interested. Go to https://openvpn.net/community-downloads/, at bottom "OpenVPN 2.5_git wintun technology preview", click the "here" link and install. If you already have the right "openvpn.exe", use it directly: Eddie will install the wintun driver when needed, and also create the adapter. Eddie -> Settings -> Advanced -> OpenVPN Custom Path -> choose your "openvpn.exe" from 2.5, if already installed probably it is "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin\openvpn.exe". At this point, Eddie will use OpenVPN 2.5 (but still with standard TUN driver). Eddie -> Settings -> OVPN directives -> Custom directives, add "windows-driver wintun". At this point, Eddie will use the OpenVPN 2.5 with the newest Wintun driver.
  3. 1 point

    Network Lock eats my bandwith

    @65tiklak Hello and welcome aboard! Eddie's Network Lock enforces something like 1000 iptables rules and 1000 ip6tables rules, so in theory it might actually slow down a Raspberry. However the screenshots you report show no performance difference between Network Lock on and off, so your conclusions are incorrect according to your very own experimental data set. In the first example of yours, you even have slightly higher performance with Network Lock on. By the way it's not a big deal because the "problem" (if it was a problem) has been completely resolved by Hummingbird, which enforces only few rules, only the strictly necessary ones. It's like 30 rules, and there's no way that 30 iptables rules can measurably slow down Linux throughput in Raspberry. Your comparison with NordVPN is also not very relevant if you don't specify the cipher and the VPN protocol you have used. We allow, like NordVPN, weaker ciphers, but by default our servers propose the strongest available cipher, so you need to explicitly force the weaker cipher. Additionally we do not support insecure protocols like PPTP, which NordVPN still supports as far as we know. On top of that Hummingbird lets you connect with CHACHA20-POLY1305 cipher which will give a non AES-NI supporting system (like a Raspberry) a performance boost. Hummingbird is available both for Raspbian 32 and Ubuntu 19 for ARM 64 bit (and should be also compatible with any other ARM 64 bit Linux distribution). Hummingbird also calls OpenVPN3-AirVPN library, which is remarkably faster than OpenVPN 2 binary. Test it and let us know. Any Network Lock not enforced via firewall rules is garbage. Do not trust such kill switches because they will not prevent leaks when a process binds to the physical network interface and when the "switch killer" process halts unexpectedly. Please see here to download and install Hummingbird: https://airvpn.org/hummingbird/readme/ Kind regards
  4. 1 point
    Please stay healthy everyone!
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