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  1. Hello! So, to summarize and simplify: cd /home/mikkelmcl/air sudo openvpn --config air.ovpn --log-append airvpn.log Wait a minute until the connection is established, then browse to https://airvpn.org. Check the central box in the bottom of the page. If it's green and says "Connected!" then you have successfully connected. From now on you might like to use some graphical user interface for OpenVPN if you don't feel comfortable with command lines. On the contrary, if the central box is red and says "Not connected", send us the airvpn.log file. Since it requires root privileges to be accessed, open it with sudo nano airvpn.log If the nano editor is not installed, install it with sudo aptitude install nanoor use your favourite editor, or copy to clipboard with xclip as said before. We're looking forward to hearing from you. Kind regards
  2. Hello! Is the file user.crt in the same directory where air.ovpn, ca.crt and user.key are? The error message clearly says that user.crt could not be found. sudo nano airvpn.log just opens the nano editor with su privileges and loads the file airvpn.log. Once inside, you can select the text with the mouse, then right-click and select "Copy". Kind regards
  3. Hello! The air.ovpn configuration file has no absolute path to certificates and key files. Before launching openvpn, either you edit the air.ovpn or you make sure to be in the correct directory, for example cd /home/mikkelmcl/air Kind regards
  4. Hello! Which file? [EDIT] If you refer to airvpn.log, it's because it's generated by openvpn running as su. Access it for example with: sudo nano airvpn.log copy all the content and paste here. Or you could copy & paste through xclip. Examples: If you use the KDE desktop manager: kdesudo xclip airvpn.logthen paste with the central mouse button. If you use the Gnome desktop manager: gksudo xclip airvpn.logthen paste with the central mouse button. Kind regards
  5. Hello! Whoops, sorry, type this: sudo /usr/sbin/openvpn --config /home/mikkelmcl/air/air.ovpn --log-append /home/mikkelmcl/air/airvpn.log Kind regards
  6. Hello! Let's assume that you paste all the 4 files (certificates, key and configuration that you find in air.zip) in a certain directory, let's say /home/mikkelmcl/airvpn Then you might just type: sudo /usr/sbin/openvpn /home/mikkelmcl/airvpn/air.ovpn --log-append /home/mikkelmcl/airvpn/airvpn.log After that, open airvpn.log with any text editor, copy its content and paste here. Kind regards
  7. Hello! Not sure to understand the question. If what you pasted is the output of the command "openvpn", then you have openvpn installed in your Ubuntu box. If you wish to know where it is located, try whereis openvpn If you need to install it, try (as superuser): aptitude install openvpn or you might just upgrade it: aptitude upgrade openvpn Finally please follow the instructions. Remember to generate certificates, configuration and key with "Member Area"->"Access without our client" and paste the 4 files you will find inside the archive air.zip where appropriate. Kind regards
  8. Hello! Please launch OpenVPN with the log or log-append directive. Just put the directives in the air.ovpn configuration file or launch openvpn stating the directive option. For example: sudo openvpn /path-to/air.ovpn --log-append filename You will find the logs in the file . Kind regards
  9. Hello! Can you please tell us which program says "Invalid VPN"? Also, can you please describe all the steps you perform to obtain that message, and send us the OpenVPN connection logs? Kind regards
  10. Hello! Please do not forward your router ports for aMule. They have nothing to do with the problem and they expose your system to dangerous correlation attacks (further details: https://airvpn.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=3&id=1616&Itemid=142). You should have obtained a "red" token, which underlines the danger. Since you have obtained a "grey token" AND you have forwarded also that port on your router, your service is not reachable neither on your real IP address nor on the AirVPN exit-IP address you're connected to. Your account have further forwarded ports which are on "green" status. Just follow the same procedure for the port which still has a grey token. In particular, please check that the port number and its protocol on aMule match the remotely forwarded port number & protocol. If in doubt: select "TCP & UDP", do not remap to a local port, and just change the port(s) on aMule to match the remotely forwarded port number(s) (leave "Local Port" field empty). Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. Kind regards
  11. Hello! A grey token means that your service is not reachable. Please make sure that it is running and that the configured port in aMule matches the remotely forwarded port number, or the remapped local port number, and the protocol type (TCP or UDP). Also, keep in mind that aMule, contrarily to eMule, needs various additional forwarded ports: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/aMule Have a look at our FAQ for further details on how to forward ports and to map local ports to remotely forwarded ports: https://airvpn.org/faq Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. Kind regards
  12. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that a new 1 Gbit/s server located in the Netherlands is available: Castor. The AirVPN client will show automatically the new server, while if you use the OpenVPN client you can generate all the files to access it through our configuration/certificate/key generator (menu "Member Area"->"Access without our client"). The server accepts connections on port 53, 80 and 443 UDP and TCP. As usual, no traffic limits, no logs, no discrimination on protocols and hardened security against various attacks with separate entry and exit-IP addresses. Do not hesitate to contact us for any information or issue. Kind regards and datalove AirVPN admins
  13. Hello! Can you please send us the OpenVPN connection logs? If you use the Air client for Windows, right-click on the dock icon, select "Logs", click on "Copy to clipboard" then paste here. If you use OpenVPN directly, locate the air.log file (on typical installation, it is in C:\Program Files(x86)\OpenVPN\log). We're looking forward to hearing from you. Kind regards
  14. Hello! Can you please send us the connection logs? Kind regards
  15. Hello! The rewriting was "excessive" because packets toward the entry-IP were dropped anyway even before. Practical consequences: - eMule KAD no more "firewalled" (+, meeting a widespread requirement from our customers) - two or more clients connected to the same Air server can't communicate with each other listening services (this is a + or a - according to different points of view). Timing attacks in theory can't be fully prevented on any low-latency network, but you can make the life of an adversary very, very hard if you use AirVPN over TOR. Kind regards
  16. Hello! The swedish server Draconis will be moved to a new rack at 7 PM CET on Thursday 8 Mar 2012. Expected downtime is 1 hour. Please be aware that connected clients will be disconnected and that Draconis will not be reachable during the operation. Kind regards
  17. Hello! Please allow 2-3 days for a reply about testing. Feel free to re-send your request if you have no reply after 3 days. Kind regards
  18. Hello! Thank you for your nice words, they are very much appreciated. We would prefer that you make your own resarch and form your own opinion. However, we can give you some golden rules. Never show your mail provider your real IP address. Always connect your POP/IMAP/SMTP client (or your browser, if you prefer to use a web interface for e-mail) through TOR, AirVPN or AirVPN over TOR (last solution is recommended if you send highly sensitive information that, if associated to your identity, can threaten your safety). The mail provider must provide also an SSL/TLS connection to their servers. Discard providers who don't. If you keep a copy of your sent and received e-mails, store it in a hidden and encrypted volume (TrueCrypt for example is excellent for this aim). Never mount the volume if not necessary, and never leave the volume mounted if your computer is unattended. Moreover, don't forget that if you put in the content of your e-mails information that can be exploited to disclose your identity, you might destroy "by yourself" your technical anonymity layer, no matter how good and strong it is. Always assume that there is the chance that the mail provider security system can have a breach or a leak. Finally, carefully consider to encrypt the e-mail contents with GnuPG. If you do so, generate and use a public key exclusively for that account, never mix keys for different accounts. Doing so might create a vulnerability that could be exploited for correlation purposes. Obviously, all of the above must be done on an already secured and clean machine. A trivial keylogger could destroy at once all the aforementioned security layers. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. Kind regards
  19. Hello! AirVPN client v.1.7 for Windows is now available. Changelogs: - Added check for corrupt configuration file - Added fix of corrupt configuration file - Added logging of configuration file load with path - Port Forwarding now re-directs to our web server, in order to provide full advantages of the new RPF system - removed "Free Access" option, that makes no more sense (trial & authorized free accesses for activists are just Premium Accesses) AirVPN 1.7 comes pre-packaged with new OpenVPN 2.2.2. When you run the client, it will detect if you need an update of your OpenVPN package, and you can decide to authorize it to make the upgrade (or a first installation) automatically or not. Upgrade to OpenVPN 2.2.2 is recommended. Kind regards AirVPN admins
  20. Hello! It is highly probable that the problem is caused by an AirVPN client corrupt configuration file. Since the client does not need installation, when you overwrite it the configuration file just remains there. Please upgrade to AirVPN client 1.7, now available, it will check and fix this problem. It also provides new features. Kind regards
  21. Hello! The problem with Delphini has been fixed (it appears there was a defect in a network interface). It is now fully available, your feedback will be appreciated. Kind regards
  22. Hello! The Air client programmer has been informed, we'll keep you posted. In the meantime, please just connect with OpenVPN or OpenVPN GUI. Direct link to instructions: https://airvpn.org/windows/ (see "Access without AirVPN client" section). Kind regards
  23. [uPDATE: PROBLEM FIXED - Delphini up and running] Hello! We're sorry to inform you that due to some major provider's network issue, we are compelled to make Delphini momentarily unavailable. The provider's internal network or Delphini switch is currently experiencing such a high packet loss that the service does not meet our quality requirements. We requested the provider to detect and solve the problem as soon as possible. We will keep you posted. Kind regards
  24. Hello! Not sure about your question, do you have issues to reconnect after a restart/shutdown? With the Air client, you can tick options "Start with Windows" and "Connect at startup". With OpenVPN, you can setup your system so that OpenVPN is launched at the boot with the option to connect to an Air server. We're looking forward to hearing from you. Kind regards
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