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  1. Hello! Clearly that was the key. It would be really interesting to know which data you have now deleted, that you did not previously delete, because in those data there's the key to understand how YouTube could locate you (wrongly or rightfully, it does not matter) in Germany. Kind regards
  2. Hello! You can bind the applications that you do NOT want to be tunneled to your physical network adapter with ForceBindIP: http://www.r1ch.net/stuff/forcebindip/ Please see also here for potential problems with Windows 7/8 64 bit: https://airvpn.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=3&id=6621&limit=6&limitstart=12&Itemid=142#9103 Kind regards
  3. Hello! We could manage to solve the problem on a Windows 7 64 bit system by disabling UAC and running ForceBindIP from a command prompt launched with administrator privileges. Hopefully this will work in your system too. Kind regards
  4. Hello! Problem solved: BBC and iPlayer are again accessible from Phoenicis (Romania). Kind regards
  5. Hello! We're currently experiencing port forwarding problems on Phoenicis only [EDIT: problem solved]. The fact that it works for a couple of days is quite puzzling, does it happen on every and each server? For example, if you change server without changing forwarded port, does it work again? Kind regards
  6. Hello! It's a permission problem. Anyway, you must not generate a key. Your key is generated by our servers and can be downloaded through the configuration generator (menu "Member Area"->"Access without our client"). It only means that your system suffers of DNS leaks, please see here to fix: https://airvpn.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=3&id=9049&Itemid=142#9051 Kind regards
  7. Hello! According to some reports, ForceBindIP does not work anymore on Windows 7 64 bit after latest updates, but you might solve the issue by disabling UAC. Also, please check here: http://john.jhw.co.za/?p=161 Kind regards
  8. Hello! We confirm you that the video you have embedded is accessible from every Air server except Phoenicis. The video you have linked is accessible from our Germany servers as well. You have already made sure that HTML5 geo location is disabled, that cookies and flash cookies have been wiped out and that you are not logged in YouTube with a German account, correct? If so, just for an additional check, please read here about a user in the USA who had your same problem and make sure that your system is clean from malware: http://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/youtube/zWnsZsxXa0c Please also test, if possible, with another machine where you run a portable browser to make a comparison. Kind regards
  9. Hello! We recommend Comodo for Windows on the basis of objective tests on pro-active security. The PCMag article you refer to unfortunately lacks the depth and the objectiveness of such tests. Although the writer is a very competent person, the article seems to be targeted unfortunately to readers with rudimentary or none technical knowledge (the sentence "Super-techie users will love it; ordinary folks may be a bit overwhelmed." is disconcerting, to say the least). Compare the poorly mentioned tests of the PCMag article (for Comodo but also for ZoneAlarm) with the detailed and reproducible tests performed here: http://www.matousec.com/projects/proactive-security-challenge-64/results.php That said, we have always underlined that Windows lacks a real powerful packet filtering tool. If compared to iptables and pf, Windows firewalls are weak and lacking important functions. But there's no alternative for Windows users, so we recommend to use the firewall that at least passes successfully the highest number of leak tests, and Comodo performs better than any other software firewall for Windows. This is just a recommendation, of course we also recommend that you form your own, informed opinion and pick your firewall accordingly. Kind regards
  10. Hello! Yes, the VPN server sees your IP address while your machine is connected to it and until it closes the connection, that's quite obvious (it's how the Internet is possible). If you need to hide your real IP address to our servers you have some options, for example: https://airvpn.org/tor We have widely discussed on this important argument since years ago, when a stronger anonymity layer is needed (typically for whistleblowers or persons operating in human rights hostile countries, or in any case in which you simply can't afford to trust us), for example here: https://airvpn.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=3&id=54&limit=6&limitstart=6&Itemid=142#1745 Kind regards
  11. Hello! In this case no possible correlation is visible to this admin. If anybody has some idea (which does not rely on web server intrusion/security breach) please feel free to post. Kind regards
  12. Hello! We don't detect any problem in YouTube geo-location of all the other Air servers, so it's your browser or your system that's telling YouTube that you're in Germany. Please do not hesitate to inform us if you find the "guilty" leaker. HTML5 geo-location is disabled, right? EDIT: can you also post a link to a YouTube video not available in Germany that you can't access from Air servers (except Phoenicis)? Kind regards
  13. Hello! As long as you don't allow correlations no security concerns are apparent. To make an example (it's a stupid example, but just to make it clear), assume that you want to run an FTP server behind an Air VPN server (for privacy reasons, for example), on a machine which also runs a web server which does not need that privacy. If you allow the web server to be reachable from the physical network interface and the FTP server only from the tun adapter, your machine may become vulnerable to correlations, i.e. it could be possible to discover that the web server runs on the same machine where the FTP server runs and therefore it would be possible to discover the real IP of the FTP server too. Kind regards
  14. Hello! Understood, just one more question, the torrent client does not connect at all, or does it just display a yellow token and works anyway? In other words, the torrent client is unable to receive incoming connections or is it completely unable to work? Kind regards
  15. Hello! If you're connected to Phoenicis, YouTube wrongly identifies Phoenicis exit-IP address as coming from Germany. It's a YouTube mistake, nothing more. Kind regards
  16. Hello! Do you mean that when you forward remotely a port, everything is fine for some days and then the forwarded port does not work anymore for you on any server? If so, it's very strange, we'll investigate. We are looking forward to your confirmation (or feel free to elaborate, any detail could help us). Kind regards
  17. Hello! Unfortunately there's nothing to add at the moment, please see here: https://airvpn.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=3&id=9024&Itemid=142#9040 Have you already asked your ISP for explanations? Have you already tested a different machine on your same router? If so, what is the outcome? If not, you should do that at your earliest convenience. Kind regards
  18. Hello! It's a PayPal security feature. PayPal refuses to complete a transaction if the account holder is logged from any IP address that does not match the previous data PayPal has about the customer country. It can't be ruled out that there are also additional security features we are not aware of. Please contact PayPal customer service for additional information. Kind regards
  19. Hello! Thousands of forums and threads talk about AirVPN, it's humanly impossible to read them all. About the the thread you linked, it has been widely debated in our forum. We already provide guides to prevent any leak, including leaks in case of unexpected VPN disconnection, without forcing the customer to use closed proprietary software. Of course there will always be people who love closeness and do not appreciate openness, but we prefer openness. The next Air client release (only for Windows and Linux with Mono) will include a security feature to prevent such leaks, but it will not be based on unreliable methods. In any case, using a firewall is still the optimal solution, and we will never compel a customer to use our proprietary software, that must always remain totally optional. Finally, using a task that forcefully kill applications is deprecated and unsafe. Kind regards
  20. Hello! The only way for Google to track your real location is when it's your system that informs Google about y it, for exampe with HTML5 geo-location or simply if you have an account in Google associated to your real country. Disable HTML5 geo-location, delete geo-location permanent tokens, delete cookies and do not send to Google deliberately your information. Kind regards
  21. Hello! Your case does not require policy routing. If your server is connected to an Air VPN server but you want it to reachable via ssh NOT behind the VPN server, just bind sshd to the IP address of the network card you want it to listen to. In /etc/ssh/sshd_config locate the line ListenAddress and set it to the appropriate address. Then restart sshd. You can also specify multiple IP addresses with multiple "ListenAddress" lines. On the contrary, if it's your client connected to an Air server, and your server is not, just use ssh normally. Kind regards
  22. Hello! We'll surely do our utmost best. Kind regards
  23. Hello! Don't forget that this service is experimental and not advertised. We'll look into the issue but we don't guarantee anything. That was an additional information, we tested YouTube as well. Yes, obviously. It's not a database with problem, it's a database with wrong data. Phoenicis is in Bucharest, Romania. A service that correctly geo-locates Phoenicis IP addresses is http://ip2location.com. Kind regards
  24. Hello! No, it's an IP geo-location error, the Singapore servers are in Singapore. You can see the real locations of our servers here: https://airvpn.org/status Kind regards
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