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Everything posted by Staff

  1. Hello! You are right. In the future, if you need separate certificates, key and configuration files, in the configuration generator select the option "Advanced Mode" and tick the box "Separate keys/certs from .ovpn file". OpenVPN works just fine with embedded files, but network-manager for Linux does not support them. The Linux instructions will be updated soon. In the meantime please see here for new services and features that have been recently added: https://airvpn.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=3&id=8517&Itemid=142#8517 Kind regards
  2. Hello! A first hint could be given by the Air client logs, can you please send them to us? After the problem occurs, please right-click on the Air client dock icon, select "Logs", click "Copy to clipbard" and paste in the message. Kind regards
  3. Staff


    Hello! Everything seems just fine with your account (connected and exchanging data successfully), if the problem occurs again please check you panel (menu "Member Area"->"Your details") to know the exact reason of the last failed connection attempt and report back at your convenience. Kind regards
  4. Hello! If you just need to secure your p2p client against leaks in case of unexpected VPN disconnection, then you might just set application rules for your torrent client. In Comodo they would be: Allow TCP or UDP In/Out From IP In [ -] To MAC Any Where Source Port Is Any And Destination Port Is Any Allow TCP or UDP In/Out From MAC Any To IP In [ -] Where Source Port Is Any And Destination Port Is Any Block IP In/Out From MAC Any To MAC Any Where Protocol Is Any strictly in the above order. With Windows Firewall for Vista, 7 and 8 the procedure is completely different. Here's a good tutorial: http://practicalrambler.blogspot.nl/2011/01/windows-7-firewall-how-to-always-use.html (ads apart! ) With Windows Firewall for Windows XP, as far as we know it is not possible to do that. Alternatively, just in case your p2p client is Vuze, you can bind it to the TAP-Win32 adapter as described here: https://airvpn.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=3&id=8472&limit=6&limitstart=6&Itemid=142#8486 Kind regards
  5. Hello! It's very simple to do that in Ubuntu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1627920&p=10147351#post10147351 Also, our authentication is not based on login/password so you don't need any interaction. Kind regards
  6. Hello! No, there's no security problem. Kind regards
  7. Hello! No, we don't block anything on our side. Probably the block comes from the final service side. Kind regards
  8. Hello! Glad to know that you found that LittleSnitch was the cause of the problems. Actually we do not provide any guide for LittleSnitch, you just need to authorize OpenVPN and any wrapper (if any) you use (for example Tunnelblick or Viscosity) to fully connect to the Internet. Kind regards
  9. Are there any plans to allow payments via paysafecard? Hello! No, sorry, currently that's not planned. Kind regards
  10. Hello! In order to prevent any leak (including DNS leaks and leaks in case of unexpected VPN disconnection) please see this guide: https://airvpn.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=3&id=3405&Itemid=142 If you wish to prevent only DNS leaks just set and as primary (preferred) and secondary (alternate) DNS IP address in your physical network card and modify your hosts file by adding to it the following lines: airvpn.org airvpn.org which will allow your system to resolve airvpn.org even when it is disconnected from the VPN, because the Air client needs to access airvpn.org during the login phase. Kind regards
  11. Hello! Currently not, there's no inactivity with an OpenVPN connection and forcing the disconnection poses some security issues. We are anyway evaluating the problem to meet your needs in a less dangerous way. Kind regards
  12. Hello! Tunnelblick 3.2.8 is not compatible with Mac OS X 10.8.x. Please use an appropriate Tunnelblick version: http://code.google.com/p/tunnelblick/wiki/DownloadsEntry?tm=2 Kind regards
  13. Hello! What are your OS X and Tunnelblick versions? Can you please send us Tunnelblick logs just after the problem occurs? Kind regards
  14. Hello! Please send us your support request through "Support"->"Contact us" form. Thank you in advance. Kind regards
  15. Hello! Brazil has no mandatory data retention law at all. This is not the problem with Brazil. When we pick a datacenter, it must comply with some requirements. We have these requirements because we want to provide the same quality experience and the same security on all servers. For example, the datacenter must be network neutral, it must have direct Point of Presence with at least one tier1 provider, the AUP of the datacenter owner must not discriminate against any protocol, the line which the server will be connected to must not be shared (in the sense that it must be able to have always available the bandwidth we declare in the servers monitor), too restrictive limits on the traffic are a no-go (our Gbit servers normally need 70-120 TB per month) etc. This does not mean that there are no providers in Brazil meeting our requirements, it just means that we have not yet found a provider that can meet these requirements all together. Should we find a suitable provider, of course we would be EXTREMELY happy to offer servers in South America. Kind regards
  16. Staff


    Hello! Killing forcefully programs is not the way to go in our opinion. We believe that it is an undue interference with the system and a barbarian method which, besides being insecure, can also cause data loss or data corruption. Anyway if you think that this method is appropriate, there are several free and easy to use programs which already do just that (see previous posts). Kind regards
  17. Hello! Yes, that was clear from your message, no problems. You're running NO risk of real IP leak from your torrent client. Unless you have some very specialized malware running, but that's a totally different argument of course. Kind regards
  18. Hello! Thank you for the report. This is not a known issue. Are you running .NET framework 2.0 or 4? Can you tell us your Air client version? Correct, it is not currently possible to do that with the Air client. Please use OpenVPN directly, as you are correctly already doing. Yes, when you see "Checking..." the Air client contacts airvpn.org which in turn verifies the IP address and compares it with the list of Air VPN servers exit-IP addresses. If the verification is not successful (i.e. the IP address which the client is connecting from is not one of the exit-IP addresses of the VPN servers) the client notifies an error, because the VPN connection (or the push by the VPN server to the client) was not successful. Kind regards
  19. Hello! So the connection is successful but there's an unhandled exception which is not apparently fatal. Does the error message display any additional information about the unhandled exception? The Air client programmer will be notified about it. If you use OpenVPN GUI to connect to a server, is everything all right? Kind regards
  20. Hello! Please see our guide: https://airvpn.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=3&id=3405&Itemid=142 Do not hesitate to contact us if you have problems at any step. Please take 5 minutes to read the linked Comodo relevant instructions, there are some deep differences from Norton. Kind regards
  21. Hello! Your ISP can see anyway your unencrypted DNS queries, even if they are not directed to your ISP DNS. Anyway it's very hard to see any problem in resolving a torrent tracker name. The following project is interesting: http://www.opennicproject.org Correct, just the DNS IP of your physical network adapter. Kind regards
  22. Hello! Can you please check that the Air client version is the correct one for your system? Please see here: https://airvpn.org/windows Please make sure that when the test is performed, the service you want to be reachable from the Internet is already running and listening to the correct port. Please browse to https://airvpn.org and check the central bottom box after you have completed the connection procedure. The box must be green. If it's red your system is not properly using the tunnel, or is not connected. You can also check here: http://ipleak.net Kind regards
  23. Hello! Thanks for the suggestion. Could you please tell us which services / web sites need to be accessed in order to watch Spain soccer matches? Kind regards
  24. Hello! Do you notice any difference if you disable LittleSnitch completely? Kind regards
  25. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that a new 1 Gbit/s server located in the USA is available: Arrakis. The AirVPN client will show automatically the new server, while if you use the OpenVPN client you can generate all the files to access it through our configuration/certificates/key generator (menu "Member Area"->"Access without our client"). The server accepts connections on ports 53, 80, 443, 2018 UDP and TCP. As usual no traffic limits, no logs, no discrimination on protocols and hardened security against various attacks with separate entry and exit-IP addresses. Just like every other Air server, Arrakis supports OpenVPN over SSL and OpenVPN over SSH. Do not hesitate to contact us for any information or issue. Kind regards and datalove AirVPN admins
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