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  1. Hello! You might apply policy routing. It's not what you asked but it's very simple and it can achieve the same purpose if you have more than one computer connected to the router. You could reject the routes push from our servers (route-nopull directive) and then build your table according to the devices you want to be tunneled. So you could avoid tunneling for a computer dedicated to run a p2p client and a Usenet client (or whatever you do not wish to be tunneled). In the following thread, check out the message starting with "I finally did it" http://serverfault.com/questions/382498/howto-only-tunnel-specific-hosts-route-through-openvpn-client-on-tomato If the above does not meet your needs, splitting traffic on an outbound ports basis will be necessary (see the subsequent message in the very same thread). Kind regards
  2. Hello! Can you please make sure that you have the correct version (in particular, 64 bit versions will not install on 32 bit systems)? What is your Windows version? If the installer fails and you are sure it has administrator privileges, try to launch manually the OpenVPN installer (with administrator privileges, as usual). The Air client, which is an OpenVPN wrapper/GUI, does not need any installation , but OpenVPN does (at least of the TUN/TAP adapter driver). Kind regards
  3. Thanks! ipleak.net is run by us, do you like it? Kind regards
  4. Hello! We beg to differ, this is very well explained in the welcome e-mail, in the forum (in something like dozens of threads) and in the How-To guide. A DNS leak is a typical Windows problem (the only OS which lacks the concept of global DNS), guides to fix it abound (please browse the forum, hint: look at this very same thread...), please see our external web site http://ipleaknet.net Suggested fix is once and for all, you don't need to re-apply it over. Kind regards
  5. Hello! Problem should have been fixed now (two vicious, hidden bugs), can you please try again? Please feel free to report. Kind regards
  6. Hello! There may be several reasons: the service expects UDP packets, the service does not reply within the timeout, the service is forcefully bound to the physical interface etc. Can you provide additional details about the service you have issues with? Kind regards
  7. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that a new 100 Mbit/s server located in Portugal is available: Tureis. The AirVPN client will show automatically the new server, while if you use the OpenVPN client you can generate all the files to access it through our configuration/certificates/key generator (menu "Member Area"->"Access without our client"). The server accepts connections on ports 53, 80, 443, 2018 UDP and TCP. Just like every other Air server, Tureis supports OpenVPN over SSL and OpenVPN over SSH. As usual no traffic limits, no logs, no discrimination on protocols and hardened security against various attacks with separate entry and exit-IP addresses. Do not hesitate to contact us for any information or issue. Kind regards and datalove AirVPN Team
  8. Hello! It's not possible with JavaScript to reveal your real IP address. Please see https://airvpn.org/topic/9058-will-using-java-reveal-my-true-ip/?do=findComment&comment=9123 Kind regards
  9. Hello! We do not block any web site. Omegle.com is accessible from our servers (just checked from NL servers), from which of our servers do you see the problem? Please see here for additional information: https://airvpn.org/forum/10-websites-support Kind regards
  10. Hello! Inaccurate databases. Most services anyway correctly report the exit-IP of our California servers as located in California. Remember that IP geo-location databases are difficult to maintain and inaccuracy is normal. Kind regards
  11. Hello! Are TCP connections successful? If they are, please check that nothing is blocking openvpn.exe and airvpn.exe in your system. The connection is established successfully, according to the logs, but the Air client is unable to complete the checking successfully. Please try also OpenVPN GUI instead of the Air client. Also, even if the Air client remains stuck in "Checking..." do not disconnect. Instead, open a command prompt and send us the output of the following commands: ping airvpn.org ping ping google.com Kind regards
  12. Hello! Do you have resolvconf installed? Can you send us the content of your /etc/resolv.conf file? Kind regards
  13. Hello! Please make sure that the service you wish to be reachable on your device is running and listening to the correct port when the test is performed. Also, test with canyouseeme may be misleading with UDP, it's better that you test your service reachability by yourself. Kind regards
  14. Hello! We're very glad to know it, thank you! The Minecraft server can bind to a single IP address or every IP address (, all adapters), not to a selection of IP addresses or adapters. It's odd that you needed to bind yours to the tun adapter IP address: we have tested it and it bound to all adapters without any configuration modification. In general binding a service to the tun adapter is a good move when you have no control over the next network node, it prevents correlation attacks and also prevents leaks in case of unexpected VPN disconnection. Unfortunately if the service can be bound to an IP but not to an interface, the process becomes uncomfortable, because you need to re-insert in the service configuration the VPN IP address (which is dynamic) each time you re-connect to a VPN server. We will soon offer a new dynamic DNS service to all Premium members. It will provide additional, relevant comforts and will let anybody wishing to reach your service to point to the same url, regardless of the Air VPN server the device running the service is connected to. Kind regards
  15. Hello! Please consider Liberty Reserve. If you connect through a DD-WRT (or Tomato) router, the client needs to run only on the router. All the connected to the router computers will have their traffic tunneled transparently. If you run a client on Windows, all the traffic will be tunneled transparently (ONLY on that computer), no need to configure any program. Just make sure that you launch your programs AFTER the connection to an Air VPN server has been established. Kind regards AirVPN Support Team
  16. Hello! Yes, we have two servers in California, both with a 1 Gbit/s line. You can check anytime the available servers on the real time servers monitor, which will provide you with several information (click on "Status" in the upper menu). Direct link: https://airvpn.org/status Kind regards
  17. Hello! We have currently prepared pre-packaged solutions for Linux and Windows. A guide for Mac OS X and OpenVPN will be ready very soon (stunnel installation and direct OpenVPN usage will be necessary). If you live in a country where OpenVPN connections are disrupted (in any other case, OpenVPN over SSL is NOT recommended, essentially for performance hit - in any case in which a direct OpenVPN connection is possible, OpenVPN over SSL does not make much sense but in very exceptional circumstances) please contact us and we'll provide you with the draft guide. Kind regards
  18. Hello! The test is fully successful. That site will always claim nonsense if you are not connected to their service or TOR. Your post might be edited (no advertisements allowed in this forum). Kind regards
  19. Hello! If so, it looks like a different bug. We'll continue working on it with your new information. If we need to make you some questions to reproduce the bug we'll contact you, thanks in advance. Kind regards
  20. Hello! The logs are fine. The first thing you can try is a connection to a different port: maybe Verizon performs port shaping on outbound port 443 UDP. Please test connections to 53 UDP and 80 TCP to make a performance comparison test. Kind regards
  21. Hello! In order to let us provide a preliminary overview, can you please send us your client connection logs? Kind regards
  22. Hello! Yes, if the tun/tap interface does not come up (in which case, you are probably running Windows, can you confirm?) OpenVPN will not be able to modify your system routing table and therefore even if a connection to a VPN server is established nothing will get tunneled. Please send us your complete connection logs in order to determine if it's your case. Kind regards
  23. HOW TO FORWARD PORTS TO YOUR DEVICES WITH IPTABLES You need to create a basic DNAT on your router. Remember that the router GUI forwards ports from the WAN to LAN. When connected to the VPN you must forward ports from TUN to LAN. Therefore, it is imperative that you do NOT forward ports in the GUI of the router. Assuming that: destIP is the IP address of the destination deviceport is the port you wish to forward to that devicetun1 is the tun interface of your router (please check! on some routers it can be tun0, on Tomato it can be tun11)you need to forward both TCP and UDP packetsyou need to add the following rules. Please note that the following rules do NOT replace your already existing rules, you just have to add them. iptables -I FORWARD -i tun1 -p udp -d destIP --dport port -j ACCEPT iptables -I FORWARD -i tun1 -p tcp -d destIP --dport port -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i tun1 -p tcp --dport port -j DNAT --to-destination destIP iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i tun1 -p udp --dport port -j DNAT --to-destination destIP Note: if your router firmware iptables supports the multiport module you can use --match option to make your rules set more compact. Please see here, thanks to Mikeyy https://airvpn.org/topic/14991-asuswrt-merlin-multiple-ports/?do=findComment&comment=31221 Kind regards
  24. Hello! ISSUE (CRITICAL) Just 4 days ago Tunnelblick 3.3beta44 was released. We can now surely recommend the upgrade to 3.3beta44 (or beta46) to all Mac OS X 10.8.x (Mountain Lion) users, however it is now clear that there's a critical problem with this version of Tunnelblick and OpenVPN 2.2.1 which prevents connections to our service. SOLUTION Switch to OpenVPN 2.3.x from inside Tunnelblick menu. Kind regards
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