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  1. Hello! We do not detect any port forwarding problem on any server. Actually, your account is currently connected to some server, with one forwarded port which has a "green token": packets are correctly forwarded to your service and it replies correctly. Kind regards
  2. Hello! Amending previous message: there will be shortly a new forum section dedicated to that. Kind regards
  3. Hello! Publish in "Troubleshooting & Problems" or in "General & Suggestions", thanks! Kind regards
  4. Hello! About Sweden, we added support to: 3-Play, 4-Play, 6-Play, 8-Play - Viaplay Sweden -> https://airvpn.org/topic/9395-3-play-4-play-6-play-8-play-viaplay-sweden/ and Sveriges Television AB - Sweden -> https://airvpn.org/topic/9226-sveriges-television-ab-sweden/ http://viaplay.se may work, we can't have a subscription to test it. Please feel free to report whether it works. Unfortunately we don't have an accepted routing SE server for "SBS Media Group - Sweden" at the moment -> https://airvpn.org/topic/9225-sbs-media-group-sweden/ Kind regards
  5. Hello! That port 2018 does not show up is normal. Please use OpenVPN GUI and our Configuration Generator if you need this feature. That the client caused any kind of auto-download is totally anomalous. There's simply no such code inside the Air client! Kind regards
  6. Hello! Can you please send us the client logs, if possible? Please right-click on its dock icon, select "Logs", click on "Copy to clipboard" and paste in your message. If not possible, can you tell us your OS, try a connection with OpenVPN GUI and send us the OpenVPN logs? Check also that you are not mismatching versions (for example, if you have a 32 bit system and you've downloaded a 64 bit client version). Connections to are normal, but the indication of such massive bandwidth is not. Kind regards AirVPN Support Team
  7. Hello! The whole procedure is handled by PayPal on PayPal servers (we NEVER come to know a credit card number), so it might be a PayPal problem. Please note that automatic risk management and security PayPal systems may block transactions (without providing clear explanation) if the transaction is tried when connected to TOR, a known proxy, an IP address not matching the country of the society that issued the credit card etc. If that's not your case, you might like to contact PayPal customer service. Does anybody else experience the same issue? Kind regards
  8. Hello! We have already been contacted by Freenode a few hours ago, they kindly explained that the problem is abusive behavior from user(s) from our nodes. Probably they have gone ahead by themselves and started blocking all our exit-IP addresses. This could make things worse because we could start multi-hopping and rotating as many IP "secret" addresses as we wish from 4 continents, making their task desperate, but in this case we will NOT do so at the moment: Freenode is an IRC platform that supports free & open source software and their users, as well as any other service and any other user of any other service, must NOT be harassed by our nodes. We could have studied alternative solutions with automatic triggering, but if they have already chosen to block indiscriminately, that's their legitimate right. We will do nothing to circumvent the blockade before we carefully evaluate the problem and get also an informal opinion by Mr. Stallman, Mr. Cerf and Sir Berners-Lee (if they will wish to give us one, of course) on such general matters next time we meet them in person or virtually. The general point is if it's ethically acceptable for a service like ours, which provides free access to people working in human-rights hostile countries, to fight net neutrality violations and end-to-end principle violations from private entities over their private will when such fight will help harassing behavior. Kind regards
  9. Hello! Thanks, the encoding problem has been fixed. Also, an additional underscore is not added now if one is already entered in the field. Kind regards AirVPN Support Team
  10. Hello! We're glad to inform you that the Configuration Generator has been re-designed and that new features have been added: Operating System selectionSSH & SSL support to OS XBundle executables with OS XAdvanced option -> File prefixAdvanced option -> Custom directivesAdded explanation tooltipsSSH & SSL guides updated to OS XMinor fixesKind regards & datalove AirVPN Staff
  11. Hello! Yes, Tunnelblick executes scripts to accept our OpenVPN servers DNS push. On top of that, maybe it's useful to underline again that DNS leaks are a WINDOWS problem ONLY (Windows historically lacks the concept of global DNS). Kind regards
  12. Website: http://www.tv3play.se/ , http://www.tv4play.se/ , http://www.tv6play.se/ , http://www.tv8play.se/ Status: OK Native: None. Routing: All servers.
  13. Hello! It means just that, literally. When you disconnect from the VPN, TCP connections are broken, because the OpenVPN client restores your computer previous routing table and default gateway. Kind regards
  14. Staff

    Port Forwarding Tester

    Version 1.1 released, minor bugfixes.
  15. Hello! "Access denied" errors like could be caused by the fact that you launch OpenVPN without enough privileges. Can you please check? Try to run OpenVPN GUI with administrator privileges (right-click and select "Run as administrator"). Those errors prevent your client to modify the laptop routing table, therefore a connection is established but nothing is tunneled. Kind regards
  16. Hello! It is mandatory to use one of our VPN DNS (, etc, see https://airvpn.org/specs) in order to have full access to the additional anti-geo-blocking service. Kind regards
  17. Hello! Can you please send us the client logs after each error? Does that happen with another OpenVPN wrapper as well (try OpenVPN GUI for example)? Kind regards
  18. Hello! We're sorry, it's a bug in the client related to timezones. It will be fixed in the next client release. It does not affect in any way your connection. Kind regards
  19. Hello! After 3 years, the Air VPN project has incredibly grown, well beyond any founders' expectation. Even the most enthusiast and optimist of us have been completely unable to correctly foresee AirVPN expansion. One of the key and worthiest element of such a growth has been and is the community. Thanks to the community, AirVPN is cited in literally hundreds and hundreds of big forums, blogs, magazines etc, and users and customers find intriguing discussions and competent analysis. Can we do anything to power up or anyway enhance the community capacity and/or make the service experience better? Features, options, things to fix or improve, anything you can think of to keep the 3 years old baby right on track? We will be glad to hear your suggestions and feedbacks. Kind regards AirVPN Founders
  20. Hello! These instructions describe how to build Stunnel on OS X. Go to https://www.stunnel.org/downloads.html and download stunnel-4.54.tar.gz and stunnel-4.54.tar.gz.sha256. Open a terminal from Utilities => Terminal. Terminal is case sensitive, before you do something think twice before you press RETURN - there is no undo or redo in terminal. Each line is one line in terminal and you need to press RETURN at the end of the line. cd $HOME/Downloads openssl dgst -sha256 stunnel-4.54.tar.gz more stunnel-4.54.tar.gz.sha256 Compare the output of the last 2 lines - if it matches all is fine, if not you had a security problem during download. tar -xzvf stunnel-4.54.tar.gz cd stunnel-4.54 ./configure && make && make check && sudo make install The configure script uses autoconf, so put your fingers away from other options because if all is there and supported it will build a fine 64 bit app for you. make check is optional. "sudo make install" requires your root (administrator) password. During this step you have to input some basic informations (self explaining). The && is used to run commands after each other ONLY if the previous was successful. Once everything is done your stunnel app will be installed in /usr/local/bin. Note: - To avoid /usr/lib/libwrap.7.dylib dependencies (not available on fresh Mountain Lion), use ./configure --disable-libwrap Kind regards AirVPN Support Team --- Thanks to NaWi at Mac, guide from this topic on stackexchange.com
  21. Hello! We're glad to inform you that in your "Client Area" you can now find a "Disconnect Now" button. If you click it, your account will be forcefully disconnected from any VPN server it is connected to within 60 seconds. Use it with caution! Kind regards
  22. Hello! IP/interface binding is ok! Forcefully killing applications is not: it may allow leaks anyway (between the time of detected disconnection and forced killing) and it may corrupt applications data. Kind regards AirVPN Support Team
  23. Hello! Absolutely the same, identical protection on any port. TCP connections are less efficient (see FAQ "UDP vs. TCP"), but in your case this does not really matter. On the other hand TCP adds an additional, extremely strong protection against replay attacks (see the 2nd part of the post, in our opinion it is very interesting). Kind regards
  24. Hello! Can you manage to connect via ssh or telnet into your router? If you can, please look at the running processes, for example: ps aux | grep -v grep | grep openvpn and have also a look at the interfaces: ifconfig and at your INPUT and NAT iptables: iptables -L iptables -t nat -L Additionally, assuming that you can access via a ssh, have a look here, just in case the web interface has been disabled: http://superuser.com/questions/263295/how-can-i-re-enable-the-web-interface-of-a-dd-wrt-router-with-no-ssh-or-telnet-c Kind regards
  25. Hello! Can you please try connections to different servers on different ports for comparison tests? In particular, can you please try ports 53 UDP and 80 TCP? In order to change connection port with the Air client, after you have picked a server please select the "Modes" tab and click "Enter". Kind regards
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