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Everything posted by Staff

  1. Hello! Yes, the service is meant to give you domain names that are consistent and persistent across all Air servers. Kind regards
  2. Hello! Thanks, problem fixed! There were huge delays in DDNS updates. You should see now quick updates as usual. Kind regards
  3. Hello! It appears to be a DNS issue, what happens if you set as primary DNS in your physical network card? Kind regards
  4. Hello! Anyone can publish a guide on the "General & Suggestions" forum, follow the thread there for feedback, correct/update it etc. Once the guide is in the "How-To" forum, it can't be anymore edited directly, any correction, update etc. must pass through the staff (now you can also send a PM to the user "staff"), it's better for security and to give those who read it the certainty that it has been reviewed by the staff. You can use any image hosting service you like, provided that it does not force any ad incompatible with our mission, however uploading the images directly on our servers is preferred (anyway the images will be uploaded by us when the guide is copied to the "How-To" section). Kind regards
  5. Hello! Can you please tell us your OS and the client (for ex. Air client, OpenVPN GUI, Tunnelblick...) you're using? Your account is authorized to access all the servers. Kind regards
  6. @NaDre The wiki idea is great. While maintaining a good, usable wiki would be maybe a hard task for the Air staff alone, probably the community is mature and competent enough to do it. An idea that deserves to be discussed and we'll do that in the nearest future, thank you. The forum editor, since mid-April, is totally new, much more flexible and features rich, and overcomes very many limitations of the previous one (which was Kunena default editor). Do you still find issues with the new editor? Each community written guide needs to be examined before being "promoted" to the How-To / Guides section, but this is a pleasant job and above all it is one of the most interesting results from letting the community grow and exchange ideas without "centralization", without forcing usage of proprietary software etc. There have been cases for which we could not "promote" a guide because it was incorrect, but those cases, until now, have been sporadic. Most guides are very well and competently written. Kind regards
  7. @portrenard Hello! Problem fixed, can you please try again at your convenience? Kind regards
  8. Hello! We will probably find a new one, in any case if you purchased the service specifically for usage in a France (a country we re-added just a month ago after 3 years) server, do not hesitate to ask for a refund, we will refund you fully. Kind regards
  9. Hello! We apologize, there is a problem with your account (on our side), please hold on: we're looking into it. Kind regards
  10. Hello! The logs are just fine and the connection goes through swiftly, no apparent problems are showed. Please check the updated step 13 rules and add the rules, if you wish to have the new primary frontend available (your connections will work anyway, the old frontend server remains available). Kind regards
  11. @Waltrip Hello! Check the servers status here: https://airvpn.org/enter when you meet similar problems. Also check your control panel in "Client Area" to know the reasons of the last failed connection attempt. As it was announced in due advance, Castor would have been closed for maintenance (since yesterday it's up again). Kind regards
  12. Hello! scp -P ... where rpf is the remotely forwarded port (not the local port sshd listens to) should work. Note that P is a capital letter, -p is for a totally different purpose. Kind regards
  13. Hi, those were implemented approximately more a couple of years ago (redundant frontend servers), some months ago (redundant DNS, soon after we re-implemented our own new DNS, dropping the old system), and again last year ("failover" database, 8-9 months ago, although it seems that not always everything goes well). EDIT: missed the word "client" in your message. The client for Windows does not connect to additional frontend servers if one fails, you're right, this feature (or something similar) is planned on Eddie (client 2.0). In the meantime as a workaround you can edit the hosts file to let the client try a connection to various frontend servers (as normal, even Windows hosts accepts multiple IP addresses for a single domain name - if one fails the system resolves the name into the next IP), for example airvpn.org airvpn.org Kind regards
  14. Hello! We regret to inform you that due to 4 (four) alleged copyright infringement notices in the last 40 days, our provider decided to cancel Fornacis. ISP did not provide any proof of such alleged infringements. We apologize for the inconvenience clearly not caused by us, we'll look for alternative providers in France. Kind regards
  15. Hello! Due to a series of unfortunate events the service quality has been severely impacted since 5 AM till 9 AM CET+1. A combination of network unavailability in an important datacenter AND a hard disk corruption in one of the backend servers caused a repeated de-sync of the clustered database. The above did NOT affect connections to VPN servers but caused: problems in connecting with the Air client for Windows (Windows users who use OpenVPN or OpenVPN GUI etc. were not affected)new account activations delaysport forwarding malfunctiondynamic DNS update delaysAll the problems have been solved, however please note: if you posted a ticket and the ticket has been set to "Resolved" without a proper answer, please re-submit the ticketif you posted a message in the forum and the post has not appeared, please re-submit the postWe apologize for the inconvenience. 4 hours malfunction is the longest malfunction time in our service in the last 24 months and we'll do our utmost best to prevent such problems to occur again. Kind regards
  16. Hello, all the problems have been solved (total malfunction time 4 hours, we apologize for that), however see an incoming post on "News and announcements" for some remarks. Kind regards
  17. Hello! We apologize, it was caused by the problem in the clustered database as specified in the last hours. Your account is then been activated regularly (after 5 hours from the payment) then automatically de-activated by the system because you opened a PayPal refund procedure (which we will accept in a few hours). We're sorry that the problem was coincidental with your subscription. Kind regards
  18. Hello! We're glad to inform you that the problems have been solved. Kind regards
  19. Hello, we're glad to inform you that all the problems have been solved. Kind regards
  20. Hello, we are currently experiencing a sudden series of problems in various backend servers. The problems are causing database de-sync, preventing connections to our VPN servers with our client for Windows. Customers using OpenVPN directly or any other OpenVPN wrapper are NOT affected. The issue also causes wrong displayed statistics in the "Status" page and a delay in new accounts activations. We apologize for the inconvenience. We are working to solve all the problems as soon as possible. EDIT: problems solved. Kind regards
  21. Hello, we are currently experiencing a sudden series of problems in various backend servers. The problems are causing database de-sync, preventing connections to our VPN servers with our client for Windows. Customers using OpenVPN directly or any other OpenVPN wrapper are not affected. The issue also causes wrong displayed statistics in the "Status" page and a delay in new accounts activations. We apologize for the inconvenience. We are working to solve all the problems as soon as possible. Kind regards
  22. Hello, the backend servers are not communicating properly with each other causing db desync, we're working on it.
  23. Hello, we have a problem with the clustered database and we are investigating right now. Kind regards
  24. Hello! Your OpenVPN client handles routing table and default gateway exactly in the identical way regardless of the 'connection' being over UDP or TCP (in routing mode). Kind regards
  25. Hello, in all honesty it seems misleading, you might like to ask them, how are we supposed to clarify that...? Kind regards
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