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  1. Hello! Three years ago an Air co-founder discarded the idea to make the OpenVPN servers listen to IANA-assigned port 1194 and convinced everybody else, because it was (is) one of the first ports that VPN-hostile ISPs block or shape. After three years, was it a wise decision or not, in your opinion? We're looking forward to any feedback about it. OpenVPN over SSH has been successfully tested on various distributions, with and without any desktop manager, which problems do you experience? Logs may help. Kind regards
  2. Hello! Try to run OpenVPN GUI with administrator privileges (right-click and select "Run as administrator"). It should create the key, but if it fails see also the following ticket: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/ticket/252 Kind regards
  3. Hello! To begin with, have a look at our servers here (servers stats are updated every 60 seconds): https://airvpn.org/status You might also like this service: https://airvpn.org/forum/10-websites-support/ Be aware that some moderator might delete any competitor name or any advertisement in posts. As a general rule (not that it necessarily applies to your post, of course), moderators are instructed to delete spam and advertisements, even after a message approval. Kind regards
  4. Hello! Just as a side-note, you don't need to assign a static IP address to your network card to prevent DNS leaks (and in some circumstances it might also create issues if your network is handled by a DHCP server), just set static DNS IP addresses and, which are reachable regardless of the Air VPN server port you connect to. Kind regards
  5. Hello! About tracker.openbittorrent.com, we'll investigate (at the moment we can't neither confirm nor deny), which servers(s) do you experience the problem from? About various domain names that failed to be resolved through our DNS, it might be related to a DNS issue in some NL servers that is now fixed, please see here: https://airvpn.org/topic/9374-dns-problems Kind regards
  6. Hello! Problem solved. Kind regards
  7. Hello! Can you determine which process (if any) is causing such upload rate? Kind regards
  8. Hello! Now you can pick the compression format of the archive to download, or no compression at all (the compression options will not be prompted if only one file is generated). Please make sure you have followed the below steps reported in the instructions, because network-manager does not support embedded .ovpn files: Select "Advanced Options"Tick "Separate certs/keys from .ovpn files"Kind regards
  9. EDIT 20:04 CET+1 06-May-13 Problem solved Hello! We regret to inform you that we are currently experiencing DNS problems on the following servers in the Netherlands: Ophiuchi LeporisLyncisOrionisCastorCorviThe problem affects DNS resolution. You might be unable to resolve some (and only some) names with our internal DNS (,, ... , The problem is external: it is not caused by our DNS or configuration. We're anyway working to solve it as soon as possible. In the meantime, as a momentary work-around (not compromising security): on Linux, OpenBSD and FreeBSD, just set a public DNS on your nameservers list after the connection. Example: in /etc/resolv.conf add the line "nameserver "on Windows, on your TAP-Win32 network interface (NOT on your physical network card) after the connection set preferred and alternate DNS IP addressalternatively, simply connect to any of our servers not included in the above list We will update this post as soon as the problem is solved. We apologize for the inconvenience not caused by us. Kind regards
  10. Hello! Problem confirmed. We're posting an announcement and we'll be working to fix the issue. Kind regards
  11. Hello! We amend our previous post, the problem can arise also on symmetric lines. It has been under discussion since two years ago: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/273 As you can see there's no easy agreement on the issue. Kind regards
  12. Hello! Currently it's not possible with the Air client. To achieve your purpose you can run OpenVPN as a service. Since our system provides a double-certificates / key authentication, no human interaction is required to connect at boot. Kind regards
  13. Hello! We can confirm that (since we accept Bitcoin payments, we know the system): on ADSLs the Bitcoin client can sometimes saturate the upload bandwidth, "choking" the download bandwidth as well as a consequence. Kind regards
  14. Hello! Some clarifications: AirVPN is based on free and open source OpenVPN by James Yonan and OpenVPN Project / OpenVPN Technologies, Inc.. We consider OpenVPN the most reliable and secure VPN client/server solution currently existing. OpenVPN is available for most existing OS (Linux, OS X, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - in client mode, Tomato, DD-WRT, Windows...). OpenVPN can be invoked directly via command line or can be controlled through a wrapper or GUI. We don't bind our users and customers to run any proprietary software from us: the Configuration Generator can generate all the files needed by OpenVPN or any well-developed OpenVPN wrapper. Some wrappers have minor or major limitations, for example network-manager does not pass the explicit-exit-notify directive, Tunnelblick (an open source wrapper for OS X) is incapable to handle properly the socks-proxy and http-proxy directives. On Windows, OpenVPN is packaged with "OpenVPN GUI", an OpenVPN GUI. If you don't wish to run our client or OpenVPN directly, OpenVPN GUI may provide an excellent solution (as long as you don't need more than 50 configurations at once, currently OpenVPN GUI limit) and does not suffer, as far as we know, of any limitation apart the aforementioned one. The correct link Shippy was probably meaning is http://openvpn.net/index.php/download/community-downloads.html Kind regards
  15. Hello! In the new system, the configuration generator is accessible in menu "Client Area". Click on "Client Area" on the upper menu, then click on "Config generator" in the left tabs. Direct link (while you're logged in): https://airvpn.org/generator Old previous post has been edited to reflect the changes in the new system, we apologize for the inconvenience.This thread was outdated (it refers to the new configuration generator of Aug 2012, since then it changed again). Now the thread and the links are on-sync. Kind regards
  16. Hello! Difficult to say, in order to rule out or confirm that the switch is the "weak chain ring", would you be able to connect the XP machine directly to the router, just momentarily for a comparison test? Kind regards
  17. Hello! The TAP-Win32 adapter for Windows is not limited to 10 Mbit/s. 10 Mbit/s is a bogus hard-coded value, it means nothing. Kind regards
  18. Hello! That adapter is the virtual network card (the tun/tap interface) used by OpenVPN and it is strictly necessary. The 10 Mbit/s limit you see is just a bogus hard-coded value which has no significance at all. Kind regards AirVPN Support Team
  19. Hello! AirVPN is based on OpenVPN. The configuration of each Air VPN server is the same and you can't change encryption algorithms, if you do you will not be able to connect to any of our servers. OpenVPN encrypts both Control Channel and Data Channel. In our servers Packet Authentication is also mandatory. Encryption algorithms are respectively RSA (with 2048 bit keys), AES-256-CBC (symmetric, 256 bit keys) and HMAC SHA1 (160 bit key). Authentication method is based on double certificates and key. TLS re-keying is performed by default every 60 minutes, with overlapping windows, so that the re-keying does not affect in any way performance and does not introduce any time-pressure. This is a parameter you can change on the client side, if you wish. If you're interested in going deeper, you can read an OpenVPN manual, or for a more synthetic summary the Wikipedia article. Kind regards
  20. Hello! Choices of non-working ciphers in the configuration generator are not possible. It will generate files consistent with our OpenVPN servers settings. It would be detrimental (and somehow grotesque) that you could generate non-working configurations with the configuration generator... its purpose is exactly to generate working configurations for Air servers. Kind regards
  21. Hello! Your OpenVPN client must match the cipher set in our OpenVPN servers. Our configuration generator will generate the correct configuration files. Current set: RSA 2048 bit keys AES-256-CBC Data Channel HMAC SHA-1 160 Packets Authentication Kind regards
  22. Hello! Please use our configuration generator (menu "Client Area", then click "Config generator" on the left tabs), download and decompress the archive and put the downloaded files in the OpenVPN configuration directory. Launch OpenVPN GUI with administrator privileges (right-click and select "Run as administrator"). Right-click on the OpenVPN GUI dock icon (two small monitors) and select your favorite connection. If there are issues with OpenVPN GUI as well, please send us the OpenVPN logs (right-click on the OpenVPN GUI icon and select "Logs"). Kind regards
  23. @caranda Hello! Same as above, you're running a Tunnelblick version which is incompatible with your system. Kind regards
  24. Hello! Yes, no problems at all, total compatibility. Kind regards
  25. Hello! Can you please try OpenVPN GUI? Kind regards
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