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  1. Hello, Eddie (the next client release) should be ready in the next months for Windows, OS X and Linux. It will be released under GPL. Anyway, we will never force our customers to run proprietary software of our to connect to our VPN server. This is a very basic security rule. DNS leaks blocks, IP binding... are inessential features, but they are all planned in Eddie. Kind regards
  2. Staff


    @zhang888 Hello, you talk about a ratio, do you have some verified information and/or any more detail about that? Kind regards
  3. Hello, it is currently not technically possible for our system to show in customer's panel the IP address the connection comes from, when such connection is over OpenVPN over SSH. Kind regards
  4. Hello, yes, paste all the files into the "build" folder. Kind regards
  5. @ciub Hello, ok, the problem has been detected and fixed. It should have caused to you some hours of service interruption when your free trial expired today, we deeply apologize for the inconvenience. Thank for your subscription! Kind regards
  6. Yes, see the edit in previous message. Kind regards
  7. Hello, access to the Configuration Generator is reserved to accounts with a subscription (it is useless for a non subscribed account like yours). Your account subscription has expired. EDIT: your account "ciub" is now active. We're looking into the issue (apparently there's been a delay between your payment and the activation of your account, please see your ticket). Kind regards
  8. Hello! Thank you for your subscription. 1) It makes no difference. You can launch OpenVPN installer or AirVPN client first. If the Air client does not detect OpenVPN installation, it will ask you whether you wish to install it and it will do that for you. The instructions just say to launch the Air client because it's probably the easier way. 2) The Air client (airvpn.exe) does not need installation, so you can copy & paste it everywhere you like (for example on the Desktop). If you can't find it on your HDD, maybe you have not extracted it from the archive or you have deleted it. In any case, just re-download it. 3) You don't need to manually create any certificate or key, and you don't need to set manually any gateway etc., everything is performed automatically. If you still have issues, please send us the Air client logs: right-click on the Air dock icon, select "Logs", click "Copy to clipboard" and paste in your message. Kind regards
  9. Hello, no apparent problem is showed in the logs. Does the same happen if you connect directly with OpenVPN? Kind regards
  10. Hello, if the speed is very similar on all of the 5 datacenters (Manassas, Fremont, Chicago, Jacksonville and Denver), it is a strong hint that your ISP has implemented port shaping on outbound 443 UDP. Test 53 UDP and 80 TCP for a comparison. If the speed remains very similar on every server, datacenter and port, your ISP might have implemented unconditional traffic shaping against your line on everything different than some limited protocols, ask your customer support for clarifications if it's the case. Kind regards
  11. Hello, what is cd_build? If you refer to command cd, cd is a built-in bash command, and an example of its syntax is: cd [dir] where dir is the directory you wish to make the current directory. Kind regards
  12. Hello, thank you for your subscription. As far as we can see it's all right, this account was active since the subscription date and has been successfully connected to some VPN server, can you please confirm? Kind regards
  13. Hello, from the output of the commands you sent us, it seems there's no problem with your ISP: everything appears to work just fine. Would you please try, at your convenience, a connection directly with OpenVPN? It will take some minutes to be configured, but it may be worth the time, because the test will allow to see whether the problem is somehow related to Viscosity or not: https://airvpn.org/topic/9325-development-of-os-x-airvpn-client/ Kind regards
  14. Hello, you have various options, maybe the most "elegant" is: https://airvpn.org/topic/3405-windows-comodo-prevent-leaks/ and then have OpenVPN running as a service. In this way your system can't get out on the Internet, not even before logging in, until a connection to an OpenVPN server is successful. This is a much more complete solution than the one you cite (which will not prevent your computer to communicate with the Internet while booting and starting services, before a user logs in), anyway please do not advertise competitors in our forum. Kind regards
  15. Hello, no we don't. Please note that that was already answered in your ticket, please do not duplicate your requests across multiple contacts. Kind regards
  16. Hello, it looks perfect. Can you please check your browser configuration? In particular, it must not be configured to connect over some proxy. Test also some different browser please. Kind regards
  17. Changelog: - "Premium" field in "userinfo" service fixed. - Nested group "user" & "connection" in "userinfo" service. - Output format "text" now supports nested information. - Updated FAQ. Kind regards
  18. Hello, it is now available: https://airvpn.org/faq/api/ Ports control is currently unimplemented, all the other features are working. Do not hesitate to post your feedback. Kind regards
  19. Hello, it might be a DNS problem, can you please check? Feel free to send us the output of the following commands (while the system is connected to a VPN server): ping traceroute google.com ping and the Viscosity connection logs. Kind regards
  20. @ciub Hello, make sure that your current directory includes openvpn executable file and .ovpn configuration files (generated by our Configuration Generator), or that openvpn executable is in the path. In order to change current directory, use the command cd, for example: cd "name_of_the_directory_where_you_have_openvpn_and_configuration_files" Kind regards
  21. Hello, please access the Configuration Generator ("Client Area"-->"Config Generator") and follow the instructions. After you have downloaded the files you wish, decompress the archive if necessary, copy the files and paste them in the appropriate directory. Since you wish to run OpenVPN directly on OS X in order to connect OpenVPN over TOR, just paste the files in any folder you like and follow the instructions for OS X for direct OpenVPN usage (you can't use Tunnelblick because it does not support connections of OpenVPN over a proxy): https://airvpn.org/topic/9325-development-of-os-x-airvpn-client/ Kind regards
  22. Hello, it's not our program, it's OpenVPN compiled for OS X. It is confirmed that it works. What problem do you experience? Kind regards
  23. Staff


    Hello, mix unencrypted and unimportant traffic with encrypted traffic. However, this problem is still unconfirmed and we might delete it, do you have something to add or note about it? If so, feel free to update the thread. Kind regards
  24. Hello! Thank you very much for the information. Our monitoring system does not detect problems with Herculis. We'll test the server extensively and manually, anyway. It might be a (hopefully momentary) problem between your ISP and Herculis, or actually a problem inside Herculis datacenter (but we have no reports from the provider about any network issue at the moment). Does anybody else wish to report about Herculis? Kind regards
  25. Hello! Yes, it is possible, and the Ubertechie is completing its implementation. We are all confident it will be ready in the next 24 hours. (see here for further references about some obscure Air operators, if you dare) Please do not hesitate to send us your feedback, it will be much appreciated. Kind regards
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