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  1. Yes, but only in Eddie 3 (with GTK#-based UI). Kind regards
  2. Hello! Please test Eddie 2.11.10beta, it does not set anymore the "NO_SSLv2" option. Kind regards
  3. New version 2.11.10beta RC7 is now available. Changelog from 2.11.9beta RC6: [change] Windows - FlushDNS not done anymore in Checking Environment phase[bugfix] Linux - Shutdown pending (bug introduced in 2.11.9)[change] System info in Support Report[change] Removed 'NO_SSLv2' option in SSL tunnel[change] Bundled with OpenVPN 2.4[bugfix] Windows - Detection of VPN interface on rare Windows configurations (especially when they include Unicode characters)[bugfix] Windows - Fixed UTF8 encoding of OpenVPN output in UI (for example, VPN interface name)[new] Option "log.file.encoding". Now by default UTF-8 and not ASCII anymore.[bugfix] Linux - Immutable flag issues[bugfix] OpenVPN 2.4 issue - no connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it[change] New 'workaround' option in Windows: used for testing beta-workaround for spot-investigation of issues[change] 3 attempts on both route and DNS check, with incremental delay (10 in workaround mode)[change] 'Cancel/Disconnect' more reactive in some circumstances[change] Windows - "net start/stop dnscache" removed. Still used in "workaround" mode.[change] A lot of internal changes, for alignment of Eddie3 internal code branch.See the whole changelog here: https://eddie.website/changelog/?software=client&format=html Kind regards
  4. Hello, Ivacy brand was for sale some years ago but we were not interested in the deal. Ivacy is no more owned by the original founders to the best of our knowledge. Kind regards
  5. Your sarcasm is understandable because we missed a "we" in the original sentence. Edited and fixed. Now the issue should be clear to you too (while you can write, in good faith, as many times as you wish things that imply that we infringe trademarks, we stay on the safe side and re-affirm that we don't and what you write is false). Kind regards
  6. Hi, impossible, that's not how DNS works (luckily, because what you describe would be crazy: imagine if each fully qualified name ought to be associated to a single port in a DNS record! ). As explained in panel, entering a name for each port is just a graphical expedient to make everything more comfortable and handy. Kind regards
  7. Yes, of course. As usual, any new Eddie version is announced in the "News and Announcement" forum. As long as Eddie 2.11.x remains beta, follow the thread pertaining to Eddie 2.11 beta. Release of the stable version will be announced in a separate thread too. We also provide RSS feed. Kind regards
  8. Error 111 means that the connection is actively refused. Packets are dropped by some firewall. Kind regards
  9. DynDns is a registered trademark of Dyn Inc. AirVPN and its DDNS have nothing to do with DynDNS and/or Dyn Inc., and we never suggest anywhere any confusion between Air DDNS or any other DDNS and the DynDNS DDNS. Names are resolved into an IP address, Ports do not have any room in any DNS record, so you need to specify the port. Always. You might be used to not doing that for web site names only because if you don't, every browser will automatically append ":80" for HTTP and ":443" for HTTPS. Kind regards
  10. Hello, Eddie 2.11.10 is not public, it's only used internally. If nothing goes severely wrong the binaries will be made public very soon. Kind regards
  11. Hello, the bug has been finally detected and fixed. You will see the fix in Eddie 2.11.10. Kind regards
  12. This will of course not work if the VM is attached to the host via NAT. To make this solution effective for the purpose make sure to bridge the VM. Kind regards
  13. @omegart Try this: remove ESET completely from your system and test again. In any case, if you decide to not remove it, do NOT use Network Lock with Windows Firewall. You can't run two competing firewalls in a system. Kind regards
  14. Hello, something is blocking UDP, please check any packet filtering tool in your system and router. If you find nothing blocking then your ISP can be culprit, switch to TCP. Kind regards
  15. Hello, please see the quote from the OpenVPN manual, reported here: https://airvpn.org/topic/3773-pls-help-strange-logs/?do=findComment&comment=3784 If UDP is not throttled in your ISP infrastructure AND your applications do not fall in the very exceptional cases that are mentioned there, you can safely prefer UDP. Kind regards
  16. Hello, https://airvpn.org/topic/20939-eddie-openvpn-24-rc2-issue-no-connection-could-be-made-because-the-target-machine-actively-refused-it/ Kind regards
  17. Hello! We're glad to inform you that we are contributing to the OSTIF project for an extensive OpenVPN 2.4 audit and bugs bounty. https://airvpn.org/mission https://ostif.org/top-ostif-donors/ Kind regards & datalove AirVPN Staff
  18. Hello and welcome aboard! About the syntax and logical errors in your commands please refer to appropriate manuals for your culture or curiosity. Anyway, they are not essential to resolve the problem. Now the main problem is that Eddie 2.10.3 is not compatible with Mono 4-related packages, and the Mono version required by Eddie 2.10.3 is not available in the canonical repositories of your distribution. Just upgrade to Eddie 2.11.9beta which is compatible with Mono 4 and will run fine in your distribution. If you run a desktop manager, the swiftest way to install Eddie 2.11.9beta in your Kali is downloading the .deb version (pay attention to 32 or 64 bit), right-click on the icon of the downloaded package and select "Open with" > "Installer" (or "gdebi" or any equivalent menu item). All dependencies will be resolved automatically. To download Eddie latest beta version for GNU/Linux click in our web site "Enter" > "Linux" > "Other versions" > "Experimental", select the appropriate edition and click the blue download button. See also: https://airvpn.org/topic/18625-eddie-211beta-available/ Kind regards
  19. Copyright infringements as a market failure to meet demand is a strong point supported about 10-12 years ago by Oopen Rights Group, EFF and others to a certain degree. Here comes the clash between the need of control and the revenues, because higher control on how and when and on which devices customers can "consume" a content causes lower revenues on the short term, but copyright industry (until some years ago: things are evolving) reputed that on the long term stricter control was to be preferred, as lack of control could bring to other problems (more independent creators/artists, new distribution methods, rise of new licensing methods "copyleft" etc., and rise of startup companies able to become highly competitive even with sector giants in a short time thanks to the level playing field provided by a neutral Internet). In short, losing control was (and is still to some degree) seen as long term loss of revenue due to stronger and more diversified market competition. It's not a matter of confirming our words or not, it's a matter on how to investigate so called "reality". If we agree that a scientific approach is the only acceptable way to investigate reality and build predictive models, the above quoted sentences have been falsified exactly by the studies we mentioned: a paramount purpose of statistical inference is providing/deducing one or more properties which are true when you consider the whole population (data set) and you can't falsify it with any empirical, single example (any deviation is already included in the data set from which properties derive, in a quantitative, and not qualitative, way), so the sentence is "false" (in the sense that it's an unsupported assertion/dogma falsified by currently available data). Of course, when the "population" is made of persons, behaviors, social manners, ways of living can evolve quickly, so it's important to periodically repeat studies and gather fresh data, and of course things can change in the future: it can't be ruled out that one day pirates will be worse content customers than non-pirates, but this is, to the best of our scientific knowledge, FALSE now and here ("here" = European Union and United States, where most of the studies have focused). Kind regards
  20. Hello! About option "Force all network interfaces for DNS": some people have DNS leak if unchecked, it's still under investigation. With - DNS -> DNS Switch mode - Automatic - DNS -> Check AirVPN DNS - YES - Advanced -> Ensure DNS Lock - YES - Advanced -> Force all network interfaces for DNS - YES 1) do you have ALWAYS a "The remote name could not be resolved" error, or only sometimes? 2) if you uncheck "Force all network interfaces for DNS" as explained in your topic/post, do you have ALWAYS a successful connection? In this case, after an established, successful connection, please post the log generated by "life belt" icon. It's important for us to understand if your issue is always reproducible. Thank you. Kind regards
  21. Issue: error No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it when using OpenVPN 2.4 (or similar "Connection refused" error). Temporary workaround: upgrade to Eddie 2.11.x beta and add management 3100in AirVPN -> Preferences -> OVPN directives -> Custom directives In any case the issue will be fixed in the next Eddie release. EDIT: fixed in Eddie 2.11.10beta. Kind regards
  22. Movies are made to be watched, it's only fitting to let people pay for watching it since that's what a movie is there for. Otherwise, no one gets compensated for their work. ? Yes, and the most important part of people supporting them are so-called "pirates". It has been repeatedly shown in the last 12 years that so-called "pirates" are the best customers for content (especially videogames, movies and music) and that the infringements of copyright (only those for non-commercial purposes) are an essential pillar to sustain even the obsolete business model based on copyright. Just some random studies that prove the above in the last 12 years: http://copy-me.org/2015/10/ep-4-pirates-anti-piracy-artists/ http://www.webpronews.com/new-research-once-again-confirms-that-pirates-are-the-best-customers-2013-01/ https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/07/20/2119232/suppressed-report-shows-pirates-are-good-customers etc. etc. etc. (you should be able to find about 15 different, independent studies which, with different analysis methods and different gathered data, all show a causal correlation between the act of "pirating" content and being better customers). It has also been shown in the past that "pirates" spend up to 10 more times to access content than "non-pirates" customers. Only one study (commissioned by BASCAP/TERA, so already suspected of being biased) tries to show a causal correlation between piracy and contraction of work places available in the content industry, but that study has been proved as containing two important scientific mistakes which make the study irrelevant: Piracy and Jobs in Europe: Why the BASCAP/TERA Approach is Wrong. Social Science Research Council, Nice executive summary: https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20100317/1617328605.shtml Kind regards
  23. Just downgrade to OpenVPN 2.3.13, it's the most straightforward solution. Please see here: https://airvpn.org/topic/20939-eddie-openvpn-24-issue-no-connection-could-be-made-because-the-target-machine-actively-refused-it/ Kind regards
  24. In reality it's quite simple: a pure TLS tunnel. As long as pure TLS tunnels are allowed, no problems (but note that pure TLS tunnel traffic is shaped, even heavily - that's one of the reasons why HTTPS is frequently much slower than HTTP in China residential lines). Whether a company is big or tiny does not matter because the ways to circumvent the blocks, under a technical point of view, are simple and can be achieved even by a single person in a matter of minutes with minimal monetary involvement. And note that "such a sophisticated piece of Chinese engineering" does not exist as a single piece. It's just a set of non-uniform ISP techniques, which are not even coherent between lines and zones. For example, in many residential lines in mainland China OpenVPN is disrupted, but on mobile lines it is not (you can successfully use OpenVPN in TCP most of the time, no need of double tunneling). In Shanghai less blocks than in other areas are enforced. And so on. Kind regards
  25. Hello! The problem is showed in the quoted log entry: your system can't resolve "localhost". Somehow your system hosts file has been wrongly modified, or corrupted. Please make sure that in your hosts file the first hosts block line is: localhost How to edit hosts file in various Mac systems: https://www.tekrevue.com/tip/edit-hosts-file-mac-os-x/ Kind regards
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