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Found 8 results

  1. lopi098


  2. ipleak.net relies on using a specific js draft spec that is breaking with previous (and established) ECMAscript standards. The problem is that trailing commas in argument lists and arrow function arguments are not allowed in standard specification JS. Only the non-finalized draft spec for ES2017 allows trailing commas. Browsers which adhere to finalized standards will therefore have a lot of page elements missing on ipleak.net due to the following errors: SyntaxError: expected expression, got ')' index.js:129:12 ReferenceError: IpLeak is not defined ipleak.net:38:0 Please remove trailing commas. Not only is it nonstandard, it's also very sloppy.
  3. Not sure if this is correct place to post, however, if not, please direct me to proper area. I performed a test and my results are as follows; Down: 15.095 Mbit/s Out, 8.994 Mbit/s In (59%), 20MB - Up: 4.374 Mbit/s Out, 3.794 Mbit/s In (86%), 20MB - Date: Tue, 30 May 2017 14:14:35 GMT - Buffers: 20MB/20MB - Laps: 3, Time: 180.72 secs Is there anything else I can do to bump it up some more? Thanks, Muzzy
  4. Hello All, I've been with AirVPN a while now. I think they're the best. My ISP plan was 10 Mbps down and 1 Mbps up. Initially, I had some speed issues. Staff were wonderful and solved my issue. Great speed all around. I recently upgraded my line to 50 Mbps up and 10 Mbps down. When not connected to the VPN I get speeds around 45 to 47 Mbps down and 7 to 8 Mpbs up. Connected with AirVPN, I get about 25 to 27 Mbps and 7 Mpbs up. Strange that the upload is not affected. I have tried so many things; different protocols with different servers and so forth and yet no resolution. I have contacted Staff and they suggested a few things but nothing has worked. I think they may be stumped as well. My modem is a TP-Link TD-W9970. I believe it's properly configured. I do NOT want to try another VPN service. I've been reading online to find a solution. Someone mentioned changing the MTU settings from the computer (not the router). Could not quite get it to work. I don't know if my CPU is responsible as it is about ten years old. I plan to upgrade my system soon. If it is the CPU, I don't understand why the speed is fine without the VPN. Any ideas would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you all, DL
  5. I may be making some wrong assumptions, so I thought I'd ask if I'm simply barking up the wrong tree. I thought it would be interesting to take Eddie off "automatic" and try some specific protocols, looking to see if I could bypass my ISP's throttling. First question... Can I flip protocols (and expect it to take effect) in Eddie on the fly, or do I need to disconnect, change my setting, and reconnect for each protocol that I want to test? I noticed the website tool can throw some errors when running the test... usually the initial "out of tunnel" tests... which leads to my second question. Is Network Lock supposed to be disabled for a proper AirVPN Steedtest? I seem to be having some success with NL either way, and wondered if that was just browser caching... third question... Should I be closing my browser tab (or whole browser) when switching between Eddie configurations and/or VPN server disconnects/reconnects? I've also wondered if letting Eddie automatically pick the server skews my tests. Fourth question... Should I lock Eddie to a server when doing these tests? Fifth question... Might that help the web-site app too, or eliminate having to refresh the site or close the tab/browser? Thank you!
  6. This is a follow-up thread of the general perception of and opinions on AirVPN on Reddit. There's a VPN subreddit dedicated to news and questions regarding VPNs in which I read mostly positive things about AirVPN in September 2014. Which VPN is better for the money, AirVPN or PIA? Best AirVPN alternative? How is AirVPN? TorGuard Vs AirVPN? Which do you recommend? price inst an issue , just looking to purchase the best option NordVPN or AirVPN for a Mac user? Which is faster, AirVPN or ExpressVPN? << not many answers, though Does anyone have experience with AirVPN? << same here Some interesting findings: Can we ban /u/PCAddiction please? << a redditor claims a user is shilling for AirVPN and therefore might be affiliated with or even might work for AirVPN AirVPN banned me << Anyone remember the fradulent activities guy? - VPNs - the only case known to me where a post of a new member have been edited by mods /r/AirVPN << did anyone know we've got an inofficial AirVPN subreddit?
  7. In the past I could run the TCP Test to check my Port Forwarding. Now I missed the Check button! Thanks for your help ;-)
  8. Out of boredom I searched for AirVPN on Reddit. This is what I personally found most interesting. The subreddit (VPN) isn't very popular but I think it's enough. Opinions on AirVPN? Worth it to switch over from AirVPN to Private Internet Access? Trying to decide between proxy.sh and AirVPN An object lesson in how to handle Heartbleed and customer interaction - AirVPN Edit: I found one more subreddit (/r/vpnreviews) but there's only one AirVPN review by vpncompare.co.uk dated November 24, 2013. Their conclusion:
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