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Everything posted by go558a83nk

  1. Antares does get pretty loaded sometimes. More than the average server for sure. I think it's an expensive place so Air is probably careful about adding servers there. But, I think if they are convinced it's needed they will add one.
  2. Plenty of netflix threads already exist and AirVPN no longer claims to support Netflix. Unfortunately they've done a great job of defeating VPN users.
  3. better to head to asus merlin forums to ask this question because I think some versions of the firmware take slightly different wording/syntax in the iptables rules. http://www.snbforums.com/forums/asuswrt-merlin.42/
  4. what is the server that's listening? it sounds like it's listening on your WAN interface instead of TAP except when it's forced to listen to TAP interface by network lock.
  5. It may be better to ask a windows forum about what port RDP uses. It's easy to create a forwarded port with AirVPN that redirects to a different local port (RDP port). However, can you tell your remote machine to connect to a port other than the usual RDP port? It will need to connect to the port AirVPN has opened externally.
  6. The best thing to do is build or buy a pfsense box or some other good firewall software. These are powerful enough to run openvpn at good speeds for the whole house. It doesn't take much understanding to configure them to your needs and there is an excellent setup guide in this forum. Consumer routers will probably not make you happy. The best can run openvpn at about 60mbit/s, max. The best. Not an asus n66 or the like.
  7. not sure I understand what you've done 100%. as I understand it you have altered the listening port on your FTP server to match the forwarded ports you've created. correct? what are your routing tables?
  8. Just one more language then? Or do you for get that English is European?
  9. I used to be a PIA customer and am quite familiar with their forums. This place is kind and peaceful compared to the PIA forums. The PIA "shills" on their forums were/are maniacal and utterly hateful. I'm quite taken aback that you imply PIA never did "this". I'm also really surprised that you're defending PIA. In my mind this situation PIA is/was in is like the old saying "fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me."
  10. Is this the proper thread to report problems? For now I'll write here I guess. Using 2.11 in a Mint 17.3 VM on a win10 host. The .deb installer worked smoothly. First startup of the app seems a little out of sorts - says there are no servers at first. Then it seems to behave properly. I took the time to arrange the columns in the servers window but they didn't survive a reboot of the machine. That annoyance should be fixed. Appreciate very much the new ports available!
  11. I did not know PIA was having other problems. That fills in some of the story. I just wish my name weren't used in their article.
  12. Doesn't matter, if you ask me. Trust in both the RuNet providers and PIA is already broken. The best you can still do is operating a rerouting server to watch local TV or something. I don't know how your trust in PIA is broken. Since they actually have court documents as proof to back up their no logging, while AirVPN doesn't. You people have to remember that PIA has 3k+ servers compared to the 130 servers AirVPN has. I really don't think a single location in Russia is going to make them go broke, when they still have servers in AU. Bandwidth costs a lot more there then in Russia. It's pretty clear that for a mod, zhang888 really doesn't know the situation in Russia. They are asking providers and companies to give up encryption keys and that effects non-russian citizens. I actually liked AirVPN, but it seems they are turning into cryptostorm by spreading bullshit about other providers with no proof to back anything up. I really don't see how they can allow a mod to destroy the AirVPN name like that. Falsely accusing AirVPN of spreading BS will get you nowhere. Or, can you point me to where AirVPN staff have said anything about PIA? What a moderator did do is retell a story of a personal nature. Perhaps you'd also like to call him a liar?
  13. if you are running a VPN from your computer to AirVPN then DO NOT forward ports on your router. in your client area, forwarded ports section, create forwarded ports with the internal ports you need input into the local port field. if you can't get connected then something is wrong on your end most likley. unless you're in china or the like...
  14. I've never seen those domain names *_exit.airservers.org. are those correct? Also, having to reset DHCP each time indicates the OP isn't shutting down the app properly. improper shutdown also is the reason for DNS problems. disconnect first, then exit the app and DHCP and DNS will be returned to what they were.
  15. I think this is caused by antivirus or firewall software detecting many UDP connection attempts and disrupting things.
  16. why did PIA send an email to customers urging them to update their client and config files if there was no seizure?
  17. Well one could be a bit cocky and cynical and perhaps say that "reason" isn't even a theme here, since if it was, there wouldn't be such laws to begin with. But you know, I imagine it's much like with when the NSA says they won't collect information on their own citizens. However if during the dragnet surveillance a couple of their own citizens do get their data swept up, that's an unfortunate accident. The difference is NSA is an american company and they have those constitution stuff that is to protect their privacy so if the NSA collects their data it goes against that, there is none of that here like I wrote above the law is because if people do something here with logs they can find whoever did it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency And those Constitutional protections ceased to exist with the "Patriot Act". I know it's not an actual company but didn't really know what else to call it. Also what is the "Patriot Act" ? Patriot Act is something congress keeps passing that allows them to do whatever they want because "terrorism". It's a serious repression of liberty and freedom yet most americans don't care because they think it makes us safer.
  18. If Air thought the situation there would be a threat to their operations they'd shut down Ukranian servers Perhaps you've forgotten but Air did have a server seized in Ukraine for ransom. But, apparently that didn't compromise the users or the system. It seems that in the case of PIA things are different. Perhaps their system does require important information on the servers that fell into the wrong hands. Thus, they had to warn their users to update config files and/or software.
  19. no, PIA should have known better than to have servers in Russia Really? You favor the jerks stealing information to use against everyone? PIA should have known better, but that does not mean PIA and their users deserved this to happen. I do not know about you, but I favor the victims, not the perpetrators of a crime like this. you know I don't favor Russia. that's why I think it's crazy any VPN provider has a presence there.
  20. no, PIA should have known better than to have servers in Russia
  21. We told you Russia wasn't a good place to go.
  22. Do you have a link on this to support your post? By support (not being adversarial), I really mean to help us all visualize how its being internally handled. Self directing of a "tunnel within a tunnel" provides a safety factor in that I am controlling its construction, and thereby managing the avoidance of a breach in protocol. I would love to study this as described by you. You'd have to ask them how they actually do it. The provider I use (in addition to Air) actually calls them "chains" and you can build your own with several hops. https://thatoneprivacysite.net/vpn-comparison-chart/ that comparison chart shows there are currently 17 providers that provide multi-hop.
  23. you can certainly do this but you're correct in thinking that with that router openvpn speeds will be very slow.
  24. Your router should have nothing to do with things here if you are using Eddie. I'm concerned that things are being improperly and insecurely done...
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