This is because AirVPN, at its core, does not employ random sysadmins. The Core team seams to be specialized in and understand very well cryptography, network / systems security, threat models and various attacks and looks to do diligence research for every feature or option deployed. I was able to tell this by how a ticket that sent to professional support was processed. It's the main reason I'm here and referring this service.
Also: can anyone here read Go lang better? Is there actually any obfuscation algorithm in that tcp2udp tool because to me it looks like a lightweight forwarder that wraps and unwraps udp in tcp transparently to the daemon listening on the UDP port. I am not saying it's not good, tools like this should be encouraged to exist as I am sure many users will find valid use cases for them, but I saw it's advertised as an "obfuscation" solution and I want to understand if it technically is (for example like Tor's obfsproxy tool).