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  1. @Yammy75 Hello! On top of @hugootto suggestion (WireGuard is another valid option too) please check problem explanation and solution available here: https://airvpn.org/forums/topic/53004-openssl-error-restart-every-3-seconds/ Thank you! Kind regards
  2. @seanwezzy81 Hello! That's a different problem. The following interface: is causing a critical error: Eddie's developer is looking into the apparent incompatibility or conflict, which occurs even with NordVPN and ExpressVPN wintun interfaces and causes OpenVPN to exit. In the the meantime you should be able to resolve the problem by disabling the Kaspersky Wintun interface. Kind regards
  3. Hello! IPv6 Privacy Extensions pertaining to network card MAC and more are Operating Systems features while you can find the other info about subnet and more on the specifications page here: https://airvpn.org/specs Kind regards
  4. Correction. The problem is caused by the client certificate signed with SHA1. Switch to SHA512 based signature for those certificates was finalized in 2017, five years ago. For reference the pinned thread pertaining to this problem and why we do not force client certificate renewal is here: https://airvpn.org/forums/topic/53004-openssl-error-restart-every-3-seconds/?do=findComment&comment=187787 Kind regards
  5. Hello! They are important for IPv4 only systems. The word "only" in "IPv4 only" has a definite meaning of "only" and it is available in the Internet Protocol version options (both in the Configuration Generator, where you can only see it by clicking "Advanced mode", and in Eddie and the AirVPN Suite configuration files and options). If someone doesn't know what an option does, he/she should refrain from activating it. Kind regards
  6. Hello! First of all thank you for your continued support in so many years. We are surprised that in 5 years you never opened a ticket for such an important problem and we warmly invite you to do so. Network Lock is simply a set of firewall rules so if it doesn't work then it's your firewall that must be investigated. However, we see that you usually connect WITHOUT our software. Remember that Network Lock is a feature provided by our software (in your case you may use Eddie or the AirVPN Suite, as you prefer). By connecting without our software you don't have leak prevention (unless you build your own network lock rules). Kind regards
  7. Hello! The problem is completely different: the log shows that UDP is blocked. Please check your firewall both on your system and router and make sure that they do not block UDP. If you find nothing blocking your ISP might be the culprit and in this case you will need to switch to TCP. You can change connection mode in Eddie's "Preferences" > "Protocols" window. Kind regards
  8. Hello! This interface: is causing a critical error to OpenVPN: Can you please test again after you have removed anything PIA related and check whether the problem gets resolved? You should remove the interface and its driver too, then at the next run Eddie will re-install a standard wintun driver. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Kind regards
  9. Hello! Probably because you did not log your account out (from the main window) as Eddie desktop edition updates the client certificate only when an account logs in to the service. By deleting the configuration file you anyway forced Eddie to re-download everything, including client certificates and keys. Enjoy AirVPN! Kind regards
  10. How much if I want one? In general you have the same price of a plan to add five slots (i.e you can add multiples of five). Please contact the sales department for details (open a ticket by clicking "Contact us" from the upper menu while your account is logged in to the web site.)- Kind regards
  11. @FezzyWig Hello! If Eddie 2.22.0 or some other version resolves the blank/black window problem, use it and fix the problem with client certificates. See here how to solve it very quickly: https://airvpn.org/forums/topic/53004-openssl-error-restart-every-3-secondes/?do=findComment&comment=187787 ... and thank you very much, you're another long time customer! Kind regards
  12. Hello! You have, since recently, a grace period for the amount of connection slots, so even if the VPN server did not free automatically the dead connection slot within the router reboot time, the new connection will not be rejected. You can also add more connection slots to a single account for a fee (contact the sales department) if necessary. Kind regards
  13. Hello! All the lists are updated daily if a an update is available. We see that only porn lists are sporadically maintained, all the other lists have been updated very recently. Remember, you can suggest new lists in the dedicated forum. Kind regards
  14. Yes, a very nice one. Apparently it is perfectly formulated, because it's 100% true and accurate, and it's not formulated here, but there. It's mentioned because Crossrider/Kape was founded by a member of Unit 8200, a cyber spy agency, and its (Crossrider's) primary business was facilitating malware and computer infections. Recently it acquired major VPNs (such as Private Internet Access, Express VPN and CyberGhost) as well as review web sites. In reality in the FT article you mention you can read the interview to Lempert (chairman of the Unit 8200 alumni association and CEO of MER mobile comms group) who claims that 8200 is focusing (the article is 7 years old) on huge data mining, which is exactly extensive surveillance of the Internet, and we could also mention the documents leaked by Snowden, which revealed how Unit 8200, referred to as ISNU, receives raw, unfiltered data of U.S. citizens, as part of a secret agreement with the NSA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Israel_Memorandum_of_Understanding_SIGINT.pdf Are US citizens "bad neighbors" too? Anyway. It's irrelevant whether the purposes of Kape match those of Unit 8200. Kape could be or not a puppet of 8200, you don't know and we don't know, and perhaps it's not, and still that's not the point. The relevance of a member of 8200 founding a company spreading malware and now controlling VPN is the relationships and competence acquired by that member during his/her previous job, used against citizens unconditionally, since Kape operated essentially in browser hijacking, ad injectors and other remunerative computer infections worldwide. Remember for example Gericke ("strangely", he is also ExpressVPN CIO), Adams and Baier: they used their great competence acquired while they worked for US intelligence agencies to assist UAE regime to crack journalists, activists, monarchy political opponents phones and computers, to help UAE suppress or control any possible dissident or uncomfortable journalist. Officially it was not CIA or USIC interest to do that (and actually all three of them have been charged by DoJ for that "job") but anyway they greatly succeeded in their UAE job because they were trained by and had the knowledge of and access to certain technology from their former employers. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/three-former-us-intelligence-community-and-military-personnel-agree-pay-more-168-million Kind regards
  15. Hello! It's not you, the message "DNS Detect feature under maintenance" means that the DNS detection feature is under maintenance (i.e you can interpret it literally). Please see here for some additional complications which arose recently: https://airvpn.org/forums/topic/53074-ipleaknet-not-working/?do=findComment&comment=189566 Kind regards
  16. Hello! It mainly depends on WireGuard and OpenVPN after all. QUIC looks very promising and is widely used by Chrome for HTTPS/2 (mainly with Google sites) so we guess it's quite robust after 9 years of tests and no critical problems found. However we frankly don't know how it would speed up OpenVPN or WireGuard, because it includes some error correction and packet re-ordering routines working on packets on the userspace which are, apparently, quite unwelcome by WireGuard (and OpenVPN too, due to its efficiency in packet re-ordering in UDP), exactly because they tend to waste a lot of time. Kind regards
  17. Hello! Very interesting analytical and investigative work by Windscribe disclosing ties (even hidden ones) between VPN companies, publishers, review web sites. Click on node icons to read more details. Very sinister situation at a glance. Note for example how Crossrider (now Kape), well known malware company co-founded by a member of israeli Defense Forces Unit 8200, nowadays controls major VPNs and review web sites: https://embed.kumu.io/9ced55e897e74fd807be51990b26b415#vpn-company-relationships/control-d Kind regards
  18. Hello! An exception could be attempted, as "opt-in" and not part of the main service, in order to avoid contract violation with our customers. We need a legal advice first, however under a practical point of view we really don't know who would connect to a server where you can't do HTTP(S). As a second option we could run servers which only block outbound ports 22, 25, 465 and 587 (to prevent many SSH attacks, and spam mails), but again we would be subjected to black listing due to HTTP(S) based attacks (malicious forms, injections etc. etc.). Frankly it seems that the pervasive monitoring and logging required to punish those who allegedly perform attacks based on HTTP(S) would impact legit users remarkably, and it would make our service more or less the same as using directly your ISP (or worse in some circumstances), as it already happens with most VPNs out there. Kind regards
  19. Hello! The main reason of complaints and black list presence of IP addresses are attacks via HTTP(S) and spam mails. A server with blocked outbound ports 80 and 443 blocked would be avoided by anyone, we think, while we might consider to block outbound ports 465 and 587 (outbound port 25 is already blocked on all servers) and renounce to our fight to defend net neutrality. This will require however a mission as well as Terms of Service modification, as noted by @OpenSourcerer , so it's not a viable solution for the current management administration and the contracts with our current users. Out there you can already find tons of VPNs which violate net neutrality by inspecting your traffic and blocking (or shaping) applications, protocols and ports. Or you can just use your own ISP. The peculiarity of AirVPN is that it doesn't enforce that rubbish.. If one asks for traffic inspection, ports blocking and so on and so forth to get a "cleaner" IP address, then he/she probably "deserves" a pervasive surveillance and must take into account that his/her personal information and his/her behavior will be sooner or later used against him/her, as it already happened to millions and millions of people around the world in the last years. Kind regards
  20. Hello! Interestingly, a sharp flood attack hindering the DNS detection feature has overlapped the maintenance. It will be used by the maintainer as an opportunity to update the server, rewrite the firewall rules, perform a deep maintenance and check whether the new setup will be able to neutralize the attack. In the meantime all the functions are working except the DNS detection related routines, which are most vulnerable to the type of ongoing attack, according to the web site maintainer. The web site is totally split from AirVPN infrastructure, so there's no time pressure as AirVPN service is completely unaffected, of course. Kind regards
  21. Hello and thank you for your tests! Can you please generate and send us a report after the problem has occurred (the log will be wiped out, but the logcat will still be available)? In the "Log" view please tap the "send" arrow, it will create and send to our servers a full report, and you will be given the link to it. Note down the link or the code and send it to us a in a private ticket, or via e-mail to support@airvpn.org. Thank you! Kind regards
  22. Hello! Also remember to reply, at your convenience, to the support team request for info in your own ticket. Kind regards
  23. @harold.lewis Hello! No malfunctions detected, the behavior is expected, because the device is not connected to any network and correctly Eddie can not initiate a new connection. It's a very different case from the one reported by @183aTr78f9o - in his case the network is up and Eddie tries to reconnect, then an error occurs and an exception is thrown. We would like to cross-check with the logcat the network status. Please follow our previous instructions to send us a report. Do not send us only the log but a whole report (by tapping the "send" icon, i.e. the arrow-like, rightmost icon) and preferably do not publish it here if you don't edit your real IP address beforehand, for you own privacy protection! Send to us, in private via a ticket or an e-mail to support@airvpn.org, only the link. Kind regards
  24. Question for @harold.lewis too: what is in your case an extended period of time? @harold.lewis Can you please send us a report from Eddie via the dedicated option in "Log" view (tap the "send" arrow and note down the code)? You can send us the link to it in a ticket. Kind regards
  25. Hello! We suspect that you have improperly cut the log and therefore the problem is completely different. Just in case, please read here: https://airvpn.org/forums/topic/53004-openssl-error-restart-every-3-secondes/?do=findComment&comment=187787 You will need to renew your client certificate when you use OpenSSL 3 so it's not wasted time in any case. Kind regards
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