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Everything posted by Staff

  1. Hello, is this issue occurring with with Tor Browser 6? Can you test Eddie 2.11beta? It should have been resolved. Kind regards
  2. Hello! In Eddie 2.10.3 and older versions Network Lock sets specific firewall rules which allow incoming packets in the tunnel and deletes your rules (to restore them when it is de-activated). When Network Lock is off you probably have rules blocking incoming packets to your service or in the tunnel or anything similar. Kind regards
  3. Hello! 1. Please tick "Lock current" (in the "Servers" window). 2. Please define a white list of servers. Eddie will connect only to servers included in a white list if one is defined. Right-click on each server name to open the contextual menu. Kind regards
  4. Hello! The issues with Windows Vista/7 are under investigation as well as other ones, like the OS X missing digital signature. In general, if we don't reply to a feedback, it's because it's under investigation. Acknowledged and planned, however with low priority. Ok, it will be fixed in the next 2.11.x release. The 9.21.2 TAP driver version will be bundled in the next 2.11.x release. Please provide us with more info, other people with Mint 18 don't report this issue. We are are adding Manjaro in our testing platforms today. On top of that, we are interested in an AUR release following guidelines for ArchLinux, with the correct packages dependencies like our .deb and .rpm package. https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?O=0&K=airvpn You can still be the "Maintainer", we simply want to deploy a right/perfect package into AUR. We shall investigate about this after fixes of current issues have been deployed. Did you un-check the "Automatic" checkbox? Kind regards
  5. Hello! There are absolutely no problems with PayPal as far as we can see, so please feel free to open a ticket to the "Sales" department and they will investigate quickly. Remember to include the transaction ID you have experienced problems with. Kind regards
  6. Thanks, your guide / tutorial has been promoted to How-To section. The delay is perfectly normal, nothing wrong in your guide or lack of time or anything else, it's just that we always wait for several feedbacks before putting anything in the How-To section. This usually requires some weeks and we normally should have waited some more time, but given your reaction we have moved it right now. Kind regards
  7. Well, it's impossible to tell, because the client uses the round trip time between the node it runs into and the VPN servers as one of the parameters for the rating, so it heavily depends on the location of the client. In our previous message, when we said that those three servers became the best servers "for the client", we were imprecise. That was true only for those who picked or white listed the Netherlands only. For anybody else, that was possible, but not certain Kind regards
  8. Hello! You can check the "Status" page. At the moment in the Netherlands we have 3 servers down, out of 44. In Germany we have 0 servers down. The problem arose because when those three Netherlands servers went down, the monitoring system failed in a peculiar way. The servers obtained the highest ranking in the world and one of them became the "best" server for the client software, for the NL domain name, for the Europe domain name and for the Earth domain name. Their rating skyrocketed because their latency was low as usual, they could yell to our monitoring system that all of their bandwidth was available, that their CPU load was 0, and more (and everything was true... because nobody could get their traffic through). In reality they had problems with the OpenVPN clients, but not to prevent completely the connections (so we did not even get one of our alerts, "suspicious low amount of users in a single server"). The problem is momentarily patched but we will soon investigate to understand the reasons of this odd (and somehow funny...) failure of our monitoring systems. Kind regards
  9. Thanks LZ1. Pasting here for readers' comfort. Hello, this may help: http://android.stackexchange.com/questions/60819/can-i-share-my-androids-vpn-connection-over-a-hotspot Kind regards
  10. Hello, perhaps your decision is biased by the assumption that a proxy-fied torrent client ensures that the torrent client does not communicate to trackers and DHT your real IP address, but that's not necessarily the case. Using a proxy to hide "your real" IP address when torrenting is simply wrong. This misconception is widespread and we don't know why (maybe marketing reasons? or just lack of knowledge?). A good report on the above has been compiled for example by the Tor Project: https://blog.torproject.org/blog/bittorrent-over-tor-isnt-good-idea The first reason alone shows why the assumption is wrong and why it might put you in troubles. In your case, if you want to surrender to entities which do not allow access from IP addresses assigned to business/datacenter lines, the real solution is different, i.e. just tunneling the torrent traffic and nothing else. Kind regards
  11. Notes from Staff 1) this topic has been split to keep it readable because it contains at least two important pieces of information which deserve to not be mixed with funny flames. Off topic forum is the correct place for the split messages that you can now find in "[TOXIC WASTE] ---" topic. 2) the two persons who say that we allow this type of information for our purposes and suggesting that we should censor it are not in good faith in our opinion, because our forums have been full of marketing promotion of competitors and we never saw them advocating the censorship of such messages. The difference is that this thread reports alleged facts from various sources, it is not marketing. Additionally, when you claim that the reported facts and/or the opinions and/or the actions by a moderator of a single sub-forum of a forums set dedicated to the community and handled by the community reflect in any way any AirVPN opinion, idea or action, then you're living in a fantasy world. It should be superfluous to remind you that any message not written by "Staff" does not necessarily reflect any opinion, ideology and/or technical or non-technical knowledge of AirVPN personnel. Kind regards
  12. Hello, it's not an issue in Eddie itself, it's a missing dependency which additionally can't be satisfied in Debian 9 by default. You can test the brand new Eddie 2.11beta, built on Mono 4. https://airvpn.org/topic/18625-eddie-211beta-available/ Kind regards
  13. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that a new Eddie Air client version has been released: 2.11beta. This software has passed successfully internal alpha testing weeks ago, and finally passed internal beta testing now. It is ready for public beta testing and we consider it a Release Candidate of the 2.11 stable version. Anyway, remember that it's still a beta version, so if you don't feel adventurous you might like to stay with 2.10.3 (stable). To download Eddie 2.11beta please select "Other versions" > "Experimental" from the download page. UPDATE 30-Jan-17: version 2.11.15 stable has been released. UPDATE 24-Jan-17: version 2.11.12 is available. No changes from 2.11.11, just a version revision to prepare distribution via repositories properly. UPDATE 17-Jan-17: version 2.11.11beta RC8 has been released. Please see all the updates here: https://airvpn.org/topic/18625-eddie-211beta-available/page-22?do=findComment&comment=55393 Changelog: https://eddie.website/changelog/?software=client&format=html The current Eddie status: a message from the chief developer First of all, we apologize for the delay of this release. We are working on two different versions of Eddie: 2.x and 3.x. Eddie 3.x will have a new UI engine (also based on GTK+ under Linux, to drop Mono WinForms that are affected by a lot of unresolved bug) and a lot of new features. We plan to release Eddie 3.x soon, but it's not ready/stable yet, so we decided to port some of the new features back to Eddie 2.x edition. This was the cause of the delay: a lot of features are totally rewritten (for example the OpenVPN directives manager). We promise that next releases and bugfixes will be faster. Biggest changes in Eddie 2.11: - Latest versions of OpenVPN (2.3.11) and stunnel (5.32), built with OpenSSL 1.0.2h. - A new Network Lock method under Windows (Windows Firewall not used anymore) - A new IPv6 lock method under Windows - A new DNS lock method under Windows - Built with Mono 4 under GNU/Linux - New ports/protocols available - DPI-Aware UI under Windows. System fonts used both in Windows and Linux. - Various bug fixes - And so many other internal changes and minor UI updates. Please see the changelog: https://airvpn.org/services/changelog.php?software=client&format=html === Windows users, please be aware that the new Network Lock method uses the WFP in persistent mode, so the Network Lock settings will survive even a reboot, when Network Lock is not disabled properly in Eddie. If you kill Eddie without grace, or Eddie crashes, just re-run it (even after a reboot) to cancel Network Lock. We might change this behavior according to your feedback. Eddie 2.11beta for GNU Linux can be downloaded here: https://airvpn.org/linux Eddie 2.11beta for Windows can be downloaded here: https://airvpn.org/windows Eddie 2.11beta for OS X Mavericks, Yosemite and El Capitan only can be downloaded here: https://airvpn.org/macosx PLEASE NOTE: Eddie 2.11.10beta package includes an OpenVPN version re-compiled by us from OpenVPN 2.4 source code with OpenSSL 1.0.2h for security reasons and to fix this bug: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/ticket/328 Eddie overview is available here: https://airvpn.org/software Eddie includes a Network Lock feature: https://airvpn.org/faq/software_lock Eddie 2.11 is free and open source software released under GPLv3. GitHub repository https://github.com/AirVPN/airvpn-client Kind regards & datalove AirVPN Staff
  14. That creature is a troll!
  15. Please move here https://airvpn.org/topic/17556-eddie-210-not-installing-on-ubuntu-1604-lts-due-to-libmono-dependency and please do not hijack old threads.
  16. Hello! First you need to solve the most basic problem and only then a proper troubleshooting can be done, because the first failure may cause all the other apparent problems. 19700101 10:08:52 W WARNING: Your certificate is not yet valid! Not only this means that your router date is wrong (preventing any successful handshake), but also that the router probably can't even reach an NTP server. Please check. Kind regards
  17. It is NOT possible to have three days recurring subscriptions. They do not make much sense and we explicitly forbid this option. Kind regards
  18. Hello! The performance you get is remarkably good. Our infrastructure is not sized to provide much more than that: consider the price and the fact that each server is connected to a 1 Gbit/s line. Out of curiosity, what are your bandwidth allocation per client expectations for less than 5 EUR per month? See again the Terms of Service you explicitly declared to have read and accepted to see the current guaranteed bandwidth allocation. Please note that to the best of our knowledge no consumers' VPN provider in the world is currently able to offer the same, not even for a higher price. That said, since there is still plenty of free bandwidth in the infrastructure, you can probably get higher performance (only if you have a powerful CPU and your ISP does not shape traffic) by enlarging OpenVPN sockets buffers sizes. Set them to 256 KB. Additionally, do not trust too much speed tests. They just measure the peak performance in a short interval of time in a single connection. To pick a specific server of your choice, use the "Servers" tab. You can also define a white list of servers. Eddie will connect only to a server included in a white list, when one is defined. Kind regards
  19. Staff

    EFF & FSF Support?

    @LZ1 See the license. Eddie is released under GPLv3. GPL was originally written by Stallman of the FSF. Kind regards
  20. Hi Lz1, Thanks for replying. I tried resetting my firewall settings and right now Im online without being connected through VPN for the first time in months.. Thanks man! I do still have to manually set DNS to "automatic" though since AirVPN keeps changing it to so something that doesnt allow me to acces the internet without vpn activated.. But right now that's a first world problem I can live with.. That's because you must set both DNS servers on your system network interface. Do not set the DNS settings of your Windows system to automatic acquisition, because this may make Eddie unable to restore the settings. Next Eddie release will have this bug fixed. The aforementioned setting has nothing to do with the "Automatic" setting of Eddie "DNS Switch Mode", which must remain set to "Automatic" to prevent DNS leaks in Windows. Kind regards
  21. WARNING for the casual reader who might not understand that this is only a momentary setting for testing purposes: this will cause DNS leaks on Windows. Kind regards
  22. Staff

    So far, so Good

    Yes, and it is a much more general solution. Disabling WebRTC on a browser solves the issue on that browser only. Network Lock prevents traffic leak of any process binding to the "wrong" interface. https://www.clodo.it/blog/an-alternative-approach-to-so-called-webrtc-leaks/ Kind regards
  23. Well, depends on the type of files you want to transfer. Text can be easily compressed and LZO might improve throughput. On the other hand, video containers are difficult to further compress and will therefore lower the speed with LZO. With "comp-lzo adaptive", OpenVPN will take samples of the traffic and decide everytime whether to compress or not. It's important to note here that AirVPN's server have LZO disabled, therefore setting comp-lzo to something other than no will only impact what you send but not what you receive. Just a reminder for comp-lzo pertaining to some systems. Our servers push "comp-lzo no", but on some DD-WRT builds, and probably on other systems as well, if you set LZO to "disabled" on the configuration interface, comp-lzo will be omitted, causing a connection failure. After the push, LZO will not be used, even if the client enabled it, so no problems will arise. The decision to disable LZO was taken to allocate more processing power from the CPU to the throughput. It becomes relevant (even with our CPUs supporting AES-NI) when throughput exceeds 400-500 Mbit/s with several dozens clients connected to the same daemon (each OpenVPN daemon runs necessarily in one thread of one core). We have empirically determined (no absolute truth claimed) that disabling LZO, under such conditions, provides a moderate throughput gain. Kind regards
  24. Hello, we recognize the importance of keeping Eddie in active development to improve it constantly and address any problem that can arise with new systems version, for example the cited incompatibility problems with Mono 4.x, and fix any previously undetected bug. We're glad to inform you that new Eddie releases are currently under internal alpha testing. We will keep you posted. Kind regards
  25. @LZ1 Removing cookies to prevent DNS leaks is quaint.
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