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Everything posted by cm0s

  1. run your network from terminal you are on kali anyway remove network-manager, eddie, set eth0 to down upon boot, edit resolve.conf, set your iptables to airvpn and push your dns, use ssl/stunnel config you might need to fix stunnel with this: # rm /usr/bin/stunnel # ln -s /usr/bin/stunnel4 /usr/bin/stunnel # cd /etc/stunnel # touch stunnel.conf # nano stunnel.conf cert=/path/to/pem key=/path/to/key ctrl+o, ctrl+x ################################ have some tablez: iptables -F iptables -t nat -F iptables -t mangle -F iptables -X iptables -t nat -X iptables -t mangle -X iptables -P INPUT DROP iptables -P FORWARD DROP iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT # connectionz iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT # net, ssl iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT #allow loopback access iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT #communicate with any DHCP server/router iptables -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT #communicate with any DHCP server/router iptables -A INPUT -s -d -j ACCEPT #communicate within lan iptables -A OUTPUT -s -d -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o tun0 -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -i tun0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT # make sure eth0/tun0 can communicate iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s 0/0 -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to #use vpn dns iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s 0/0 -p tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to # use vpn dns iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE # map tun0 outgoing IP addy iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 ! -d -p tcp --dport 1413 -j DROP # if traffic isn't vpn ####################### # ifup eth0 # stunnel "awesomeairvpnserver.ssl" --auth-nocache # openvpn --config "awesomeairvpnserver.ovpn" --auth-nocache # ping -c 1 duckduckgo.com i set my iface like this adjust for your needs: # The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback # the static shit for eth0 auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address 192.168.1.xxx gateway dns-nameservers in the router i shut off dhcp on my side leave it on for my isp on their side keeps me off the business account rates yet i still get the benefits of static on my local, had the same damn external ip on 'dhcp' from them for years anyway run my website on standalone box no problems, so anyone tells ya diff, i dunno works for me anyway, plus do your mac filter shit if needed, hide yer essid if wifi if this is a wifi config lemme know i'll post notes up on that that i got, how to connect with hidden essid or not hidden assign your hostname if needed in the router don't forget you can 'nohup' say you boot debian old school right and want to see how much you can do just from the prompt you can cd, ls, cd .., cp, cp -r, everything from there also and hit the net and have openvpn/stunnel goin from same window tho you need to use the command 'nohup' and put a '&' at the end i figured this out coz yeah, locked myself out of my vps many times so say yer wanting to get stuff goin you up your eth0/enp2s2 then when you get to the stunnel part: # nohup stunnel "airvpnserver.ssl" --auth-nocache & then do your openvpn command now you won't see stuff 'finish' but you'll know yer connected do a nslookup and traceroute curl etc hope this helps i don't always explain stuff best way
  2. hey aquax if you are wanting to do as much as you can through the terminal i'd suggest arch linux it is basically 'generic linux' here's some notes i put together: https://splif.me/nstlz.html have a good one splif
  3. i'm guessing you are on windows and using eddie, i'm on a different system etc and not familiar with eddie here is a link, someone will help you https://airvpn.org/topic/18339-guide-to-getting-started-links-for-advanced-users/ plus youtube vids just search youtube 'airvpn'
  4. https://github.com/adamcaudill/EquationGroupLeak https://gist.github.com/iam1980/0155d277b03ec535291a1b0a788b3812 https://github.com/ElevenPaths/Eternalblue-Doublepulsar-Metasploit https://github.com/hackedteam/
  5. personally i think the t-shirt is a good idea
  6. read a bit on the article and like his blog layout btw i'd suggest get a cheap cell phone or cheap lan line in case you have an emergency i'm actually in the same boat right now in a way i'm tired of the 'surveillance' type stuff done on cell phones today and will most likely get a cheap lan line phone for my home that way things are simpler for me my home then has a stable call in/out i have some 'backup' in case the net goes down which often it does in our area due to weather i do understand the financial side of things hopefully you get your config set up the way you want splif
  7. here's my idea: if you are an admin of say a torrent site do not get involved in other activiities that will bring attention to your community. stop with the bloat code on your websites, adware, scamware etc. put a link up for your community to be able to 'donate' what they can when they can might be better to mirror the site to the tor network for the magnets not have that available via clear so in a way you are running two sites same thing but the tor network has the magnets maybe put another site up separate from that onion address for the 'forum' community where you probably will need java running for all the admin junk, this way your 'java' site is tor only and separate from your magnet site hire an attorney if and when you can, if needed so you got some help if something goes wrong as it tends to if you have enough from donations give some of that back some how, whatever your ethics are, do some kind of good with it if your site grows beyond your ability, bring someone else in that can handle it and can keep your community safe drink tons of coffee, like way more than needed # airvpn irc hidden service stealth mode ssl # mkdir hidircz # cd d0wnz # touch cool.motd # vim cool.motd hit 'i' copy paste text below or your own custom motd hit 'esc' key then type ':wq' ____ _ ____ _ _ ___ _ _ |__| | |__/ | | |__] |\ | | | | | \ \/ | | \| =========================== https://airvpn.org add this to your torrc file mod for your own config if needed... VirtualAddrNetwork TransPort 9040 DNSPort 53 AutomapHostsOnResolve 1 ##hidden service HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/ HiddenServicePort 6697 HiddenServiceAuthorizeClient stealth IRCvisitor HidServAuth newtorsitenamehere.onion stealthpasshere you'll start tor and then stop tor to get your hidden service hostname and authorization cookie, this 'cookie' is in the hostname /var/lib/tor looks like this: newtorsitenamehere.onion yourauthcookieherebruh # client: IRCvisitor now remember in the torrc file below the port you created the 'IRCvisitor' without this information from /var/lib/tor added to the torrc file in the example above you cannot access the irc server or if it were http you can not access it even from the box hosting the irc/http server the advantage to stealth mode is this: it is NOT listed in the tor directory and if anything goes wrong with your irc server or you just want to create another openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ~/d0wnz/ircpriv.pem -out ~/d0wnz/ircert.pem -days 1024 -nodes -subj '/CN=irc.z4ojdtiaqvdfi4ys.onion' 'domain' no problem, you are not tied to anything, and anyone accessing your site/chat has to have contacted you to get the authorization cookie from hidircz directory... # openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /root/hidrircz/ircpriv.pem -out /root/hidircz/ircert.pem -days 1024 -nodes -subj '/CN=irc.newtorsitenamehere.onion' # cat /root/hidircz/ircpriv.pem > hidz.pem # cat /root/hidircz/ircert.pem >> hidz.pem here's the python script.... ################################# #! /usr/bin/env python # https://github.com/jrosdahl/miniircd # Joel Rosdahl <joel@rosdahl.net> # pacman -S python-pyopenssl if needed import logging import os import re import select import socket import string import sys import tempfile import time from datetime import datetime from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler from optparse import OptionParser VERSION = "1.2.1" PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 if PY3: def buffer_to_socket(msg): return msg.encode() def socket_to_buffer(buf): return buf.decode() else: def buffer_to_socket(msg): return msg def socket_to_buffer(buf): return buf def create_directory(path): if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) class Channel(object): def __init__(self, server, name): self.server = server self.name = name self.members = set() self._topic = "" self._key = None if self.server.state_dir: self._state_path = "%s/%s" % ( self.server.state_dir, name.replace("_", "__").replace("/", "_")) self._read_state() else: self._state_path = None def add_member(self, client): self.members.add(client) def get_topic(self): return self._topic def set_topic(self, value): self._topic = value self._write_state() topic = property(get_topic, set_topic) def get_key(self): return self._key def set_key(self, value): self._key = value self._write_state() key = property(get_key, set_key) def remove_client(self, client): self.members.discard(client) if not self.members: self.server.remove_channel(self) def _read_state(self): if not (self._state_path and os.path.exists(self._state_path)): return data = {} with open(self._state_path, "rb") as state_file: exec(state_file.read(), {}, data) self._topic = data.get("topic", "") self._key = data.get("key") def _write_state(self): if not self._state_path: return (fd, path) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=os.path.dirname(self._state_path)) fp = os.fdopen(fd, "w") fp.write("topic = %r\n" % self.topic) fp.write("key = %r\n" % self.key) fp.close() os.rename(path, self._state_path) class Client(object): __linesep_regexp = re.compile(r"\r?\n") # The RFC limit for nicknames is 9 characters, but what the heck. __valid_nickname_regexp = re.compile( r"^[][\`_^{|}A-Za-z][][\`_^{|}A-Za-z0-9-]{0,50}$") __valid_channelname_regexp = re.compile( r"^[+!][^\x00\x07\x0a\x0d ,:]{0,50}$") def __init__(self, server, socket): self.server = server self.socket = socket self.channels = {} # irc_lower(Channel name) --> Channel self.nickname = None self.user = None self.realname = None (self.host, self.port) = socket.getpeername() self.__timestamp = time.time() self.__readbuffer = "" self.__writebuffer = "" self.__sent_ping = False if self.server.password: self.__handle_command = self.__pass_handler else: self.__handle_command = self.__registration_handler def get_prefix(self): return "%s!%s@%s" % (self.nickname, self.user, self.host) prefix = property(get_prefix) def check_aliveness(self): now = time.time() if self.__timestamp + 180 < now: self.disconnect("ping timeout") return if not self.__sent_ping and self.__timestamp + 90 < now: if self.__handle_command == self.__command_handler: # Registered. self.message("PING :%s" % self.server.name) self.__sent_ping = True else: # Not registered. self.disconnect("ping timeout") def write_queue_size(self): return len(self.__writebuffer) def __parse_read_buffer(self): lines = self.__linesep_regexp.split(self.__readbuffer) self.__readbuffer = lines[-1] lines = lines[:-1] for line in lines: if not line: # Empty line. Ignore. continue x = line.split(" ", 1) command = x[0].upper() if len(x) == 1: arguments = [] else: if len(x[1]) > 0 and x[1][0] == ":": arguments = [x[1][1:]] else: y = x[1].split(" :", 1) arguments = y[0].split() if len(y) == 2: arguments.append(y[1]) self.__handle_command(command, arguments) def __pass_handler(self, command, arguments): server = self.server if command == "PASS": if len(arguments) == 0: self.reply_461("PASS") else: if arguments[0].lower() == server.password: self.__handle_command = self.__registration_handler else: self.reply("464 :Password incorrect") elif command == "QUIT": self.disconnect("Client quit") return def __registration_handler(self, command, arguments): server = self.server if command == "NICK": if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply("431 :No nickname given") return nick = arguments[0] if server.get_client(nick): self.reply("433 * %s :Nickname is already in use" % nick) elif not self.__valid_nickname_regexp.match(nick): self.reply("432 * %s :Erroneous nickname" % nick) else: self.nickname = nick server.client_changed_nickname(self, None) elif command == "USER": if len(arguments) < 4: self.reply_461("USER") return self.user = arguments[0] self.realname = arguments[3] elif command == "QUIT": self.disconnect("Client quit") return if self.nickname and self.user: self.reply("001 %s :Hi, welcome to IRC" % self.nickname) self.reply("002 %s :Your host is %s, running version miniircd-%s" % (self.nickname, server.name, VERSION)) self.reply("003 %s :This server was created sometime" % self.nickname) self.reply("004 %s %s miniircd-%s o o" % (self.nickname, server.name, VERSION)) self.send_lusers() self.send_motd() self.__handle_command = self.__command_handler def __send_names(self, arguments, for_join=False): server = self.server valid_channel_re = self.__valid_channelname_regexp if len(arguments) > 0: channelnames = arguments[0].split(",") else: channelnames = sorted(self.channels.keys()) if len(arguments) > 1: keys = arguments[1].split(",") else: keys = [] keys.extend((len(channelnames) - len(keys)) * [None]) for (i, channelname) in enumerate(channelnames): if for_join and irc_lower(channelname) in self.channels: continue if not valid_channel_re.match(channelname): self.reply_403(channelname) continue channel = server.get_channel(channelname) if channel.key is not None and channel.key != keys[i]: self.reply( "475 %s %s :Cannot join channel (+k) - bad key" % (self.nickname, channelname)) continue if for_join: channel.add_member(self) self.channels[irc_lower(channelname)] = channel self.message_channel(channel, "JOIN", channelname, True) self.channel_log(channel, "joined", meta=True) if channel.topic: self.reply("332 %s %s :%s" % (self.nickname, channel.name, channel.topic)) else: self.reply("331 %s %s :No topic is set" % (self.nickname, channel.name)) names_prefix = "353 %s = %s :" % (self.nickname, channelname) names = "" # Max length: reply prefix ":server_name(space)" plus CRLF in # the end. names_max_len = 512 - (len(server.name) + 2 + 2) for name in sorted(x.nickname for x in channel.members): if not names: names = names_prefix + name # Using >= to include the space between "names" and "name". elif len(names) + len(name) >= names_max_len: self.reply(names) names = names_prefix + name else: names += " " + name if names: self.reply(names) self.reply("366 %s %s :End of NAMES list" % (self.nickname, channelname)) def __command_handler(self, command, arguments): def away_handler(): pass def ison_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply_461("ISON") return nicks = arguments online = [n for n in nicks if server.get_client(n)] self.reply("303 %s :%s" % (self.nickname, " ".join(online))) def join_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply_461("JOIN") return if arguments[0] == "0": for (channelname, channel) in self.channels.items(): self.message_channel(channel, "PART", channelname, True) self.channel_log(channel, "left", meta=True) server.remove_member_from_channel(self, channelname) self.channels = {} return self.__send_names(arguments, for_join=True) def list_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: channels = server.channels.values() else: channels = [] for channelname in arguments[0].split(","): if server.has_channel(channelname): channels.append(server.get_channel(channelname)) sorted_channels = sorted(channels, key=lambda x: x.name) for channel in sorted_channels: self.reply("322 %s %s %d :%s" % (self.nickname, channel.name, len(channel.members), channel.topic)) self.reply("323 %s :End of LIST" % self.nickname) def lusers_handler(): self.send_lusers() def mode_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply_461("MODE") return targetname = arguments[0] if server.has_channel(targetname): channel = server.get_channel(targetname) if len(arguments) < 2: if channel.key: modes = "+k" if irc_lower(channel.name) in self.channels: modes += " %s" % channel.key else: modes = "+" self.reply("324 %s %s %s" % (self.nickname, targetname, modes)) return flag = arguments[1] if flag == "+k": if len(arguments) < 3: self.reply_461("MODE") return key = arguments[2] if irc_lower(channel.name) in self.channels: channel.key = key self.message_channel( channel, "MODE", "%s +k %s" % (channel.name, key), True) self.channel_log( channel, "set channel key to %s" % key, meta=True) else: self.reply("442 %s :You're not on that channel" % targetname) elif flag == "-k": if irc_lower(channel.name) in self.channels: channel.key = None self.message_channel( channel, "MODE", "%s -k" % channel.name, True) self.channel_log( channel, "removed channel key", meta=True) else: self.reply("442 %s :You're not on that channel" % targetname) else: self.reply("472 %s %s :Unknown MODE flag" % (self.nickname, flag)) elif targetname == self.nickname: if len(arguments) == 1: self.reply("221 %s +" % self.nickname) else: self.reply("501 %s :Unknown MODE flag" % self.nickname) else: self.reply_403(targetname) def motd_handler(): self.send_motd() def names_handler(): self.__send_names(arguments) def nick_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply("431 :No nickname given") return newnick = arguments[0] client = server.get_client(newnick) if newnick == self.nickname: pass elif client and client is not self: self.reply("433 %s %s :Nickname is already in use" % (self.nickname, newnick)) elif not self.__valid_nickname_regexp.match(newnick): self.reply("432 %s %s :Erroneous Nickname" % (self.nickname, newnick)) else: for x in self.channels.values(): self.channel_log( x, "changed nickname to %s" % newnick, meta=True) oldnickname = self.nickname self.nickname = newnick server.client_changed_nickname(self, oldnickname) self.message_related( ":%s!%s@%s NICK %s" % (oldnickname, self.user, self.host, self.nickname), True) def notice_and_privmsg_handler(): if len(arguments) == 0: self.reply("411 %s :No recipient given (%s)" % (self.nickname, command)) return if len(arguments) == 1: self.reply("412 %s :No text to send" % self.nickname) return targetname = arguments[0] message = arguments[1] client = server.get_client(targetname) if client: client.message(":%s %s %s :%s" % (self.prefix, command, targetname, message)) elif server.has_channel(targetname): channel = server.get_channel(targetname) self.message_channel( channel, command, "%s :%s" % (channel.name, message)) self.channel_log(channel, message) else: self.reply("401 %s %s :No such nick/channel" % (self.nickname, targetname)) def part_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply_461("PART") return if len(arguments) > 1: partmsg = arguments[1] else: partmsg = self.nickname for channelname in arguments[0].split(","): if not valid_channel_re.match(channelname): self.reply_403(channelname) elif not irc_lower(channelname) in self.channels: self.reply("442 %s %s :You're not on that channel" % (self.nickname, channelname)) else: channel = self.channels[irc_lower(channelname)] self.message_channel( channel, "PART", "%s :%s" % (channelname, partmsg), True) self.channel_log(channel, "left (%s)" % partmsg, meta=True) del self.channels[irc_lower(channelname)] server.remove_member_from_channel(self, channelname) def ping_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply("409 %s :No origin specified" % self.nickname) return self.reply("PONG %s :%s" % (server.name, arguments[0])) def pong_handler(): pass def quit_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: quitmsg = self.nickname else: quitmsg = arguments[0] self.disconnect(quitmsg) def topic_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply_461("TOPIC") return channelname = arguments[0] channel = self.channels.get(irc_lower(channelname)) if channel: if len(arguments) > 1: newtopic = arguments[1] channel.topic = newtopic self.message_channel( channel, "TOPIC", "%s :%s" % (channelname, newtopic), True) self.channel_log( channel, "set topic to %r" % newtopic, meta=True) else: if channel.topic: self.reply("332 %s %s :%s" % (self.nickname, channel.name, channel.topic)) else: self.reply("331 %s %s :No topic is set" % (self.nickname, channel.name)) else: self.reply("442 %s :You're not on that channel" % channelname) def wallops_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply_461("WALLOPS") return message = arguments[0] for client in server.clients.values(): client.message(":%s NOTICE %s :Global notice: %s" % (self.prefix, client.nickname, message)) def who_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: return targetname = arguments[0] if server.has_channel(targetname): channel = server.get_channel(targetname) for member in channel.members: self.reply("352 %s %s %s %s %s %s H :0 %s" % (self.nickname, targetname, member.user, member.host, server.name, member.nickname, member.realname)) self.reply("315 %s %s :End of WHO list" % (self.nickname, targetname)) def whois_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: return username = arguments[0] user = server.get_client(username) if user: self.reply("311 %s %s %s %s * :%s" % (self.nickname, user.nickname, user.user, user.host, user.realname)) self.reply("312 %s %s %s :%s" % (self.nickname, user.nickname, server.name, server.name)) self.reply("319 %s %s :%s" % (self.nickname, user.nickname, " ".join(user.channels))) self.reply("318 %s %s :End of WHOIS list" % (self.nickname, user.nickname)) else: self.reply("401 %s %s :No such nick" % (self.nickname, username)) handler_table = { "AWAY": away_handler, "ISON": ison_handler, "JOIN": join_handler, "LIST": list_handler, "LUSERS": lusers_handler, "MODE": mode_handler, "MOTD": motd_handler, "NAMES": names_handler, "NICK": nick_handler, "NOTICE": notice_and_privmsg_handler, "PART": part_handler, "PING": ping_handler, "PONG": pong_handler, "PRIVMSG": notice_and_privmsg_handler, "QUIT": quit_handler, "TOPIC": topic_handler, "WALLOPS": wallops_handler, "WHO": who_handler, "WHOIS": whois_handler, } server = self.server valid_channel_re = self.__valid_channelname_regexp try: handler_table[command]() except KeyError: self.reply("421 %s %s :Unknown command" % (self.nickname, command)) def socket_readable_notification(self): try: data = self.socket.recv(2 ** 10) self.server.print_debug( "[%s:%d] -> %r" % (self.host, self.port, data)) quitmsg = "EOT" except socket.error as x: data = "" quitmsg = x if data: self.__readbuffer += socket_to_buffer(data) self.__parse_read_buffer() self.__timestamp = time.time() self.__sent_ping = False else: self.disconnect(quitmsg) def socket_writable_notification(self): try: sent = self.socket.send(buffer_to_socket(self.__writebuffer)) self.server.print_debug( "[%s:%d] <- %r" % ( self.host, self.port, self.__writebuffer[:sent])) self.__writebuffer = self.__writebuffer[sent:] except socket.error as x: self.disconnect(x) def disconnect(self, quitmsg): self.message("ERROR :%s" % quitmsg) self.server.print_info( "Disconnected connection from %s:%s (%s)." % ( self.host, self.port, quitmsg)) self.socket.close() self.server.remove_client(self, quitmsg) def message(self, msg): self.__writebuffer += msg + "\r\n" def reply(self, msg): self.message(":%s %s" % (self.server.name, msg)) def reply_403(self, channel): self.reply("403 %s %s :No such channel" % (self.nickname, channel)) def reply_461(self, command): nickname = self.nickname or "*" self.reply("461 %s %s :Not enough parameters" % (nickname, command)) def message_channel(self, channel, command, message, include_self=False): line = ":%s %s %s" % (self.prefix, command, message) for client in channel.members: if client != self or include_self: client.message(line) def channel_log(self, channel, message, meta=False): if not self.server.channel_log_dir: return if meta: format = "[%s] * %s %s\n" else: format = "[%s] <%s> %s\n" timestamp = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC") logname = channel.name.replace("_", "__").replace("/", "_") fp = open("%s/%s.log" % (self.server.channel_log_dir, logname), "a") fp.write(format % (timestamp, self.nickname, message)) fp.close() def message_related(self, msg, include_self=False): clients = set() if include_self: clients.add(self) for channel in self.channels.values(): clients |= channel.members if not include_self: clients.discard(self) for client in clients: client.message(msg) def send_lusers(self): self.reply("251 %s :There are %d users and 0 services on 1 server" % (self.nickname, len(self.server.clients))) def send_motd(self): server = self.server motdlines = server.get_motd_lines() if motdlines: self.reply("375 %s :- %s Message of the day -" % (self.nickname, server.name)) for line in motdlines: self.reply("372 %s :- %s" % (self.nickname, line.rstrip())) self.reply("376 %s :End of /MOTD command" % self.nickname) else: self.reply("422 %s :MOTD File is missing" % self.nickname) class Server(object): def __init__(self, options): self.ports = options.ports self.password = options.password self.ssl_pem_file = options.ssl_pem_file self.motdfile = options.motd self.verbose = options.verbose self.debug = options.debug self.channel_log_dir = options.channel_log_dir self.chroot = options.chroot self.setuid = options.setuid self.state_dir = options.state_dir self.log_file = options.log_file self.log_max_bytes = options.log_max_size * 1024 * 1024 self.log_count = options.log_count self.logger = None if options.password_file: with open(options.password_file, "r") as fp: self.password = fp.read().strip("\n") if self.ssl_pem_file: self.ssl = __import__("ssl") # Find certificate after daemonization if path is relative: if self.ssl_pem_file and os.path.exists(self.ssl_pem_file): self.ssl_pem_file = os.path.abspath(self.ssl_pem_file) # else: might exist in the chroot jail, so just continue if options.listen: self.address = socket.gethostbyname(options.listen) else: self.address = "" server_name_limit = 63 # From the RFC. self.name = socket.getfqdn(self.address)[:server_name_limit] self.channels = {} # irc_lower(Channel name) --> Channel instance. self.clients = {} # Socket --> Client instance. self.nicknames = {} # irc_lower(Nickname) --> Client instance. if self.channel_log_dir: create_directory(self.channel_log_dir) if self.state_dir: create_directory(self.state_dir) def make_pid_file(self, filename): try: fd = os.open(filename, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, 0o644) os.write(fd, "%i\n" % os.getpid()) os.close(fd) except: self.print_error("Could not create PID file %r" % filename) sys.exit(1) def daemonize(self): try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: sys.exit(0) except OSError: sys.exit(1) os.setsid() try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: self.print_info("PID: %d" % pid) sys.exit(0) except OSError: sys.exit(1) os.chdir("/") os.umask(0) dev_null = open("/dev/null", "r+") os.dup2(dev_null.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) os.dup2(dev_null.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno()) os.dup2(dev_null.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) def get_client(self, nickname): return self.nicknames.get(irc_lower(nickname)) def has_channel(self, name): return irc_lower(name) in self.channels def get_channel(self, channelname): if irc_lower(channelname) in self.channels: channel = self.channels[irc_lower(channelname)] else: channel = Channel(self, channelname) self.channels[irc_lower(channelname)] = channel return channel def get_motd_lines(self): if self.motdfile: try: return open(self.motdfile).readlines() except IOError: return ["Could not read MOTD file %r." % self.motdfile] else: return [] def print_info(self, msg): if self.verbose: print(msg) sys.stdout.flush() if self.logger: self.logger.info(msg) def print_debug(self, msg): if self.debug: print(msg) sys.stdout.flush() if self.logger: self.logger.debug(msg) def print_error(self, msg): sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg) if self.logger: self.logger.error(msg) def client_changed_nickname(self, client, oldnickname): if oldnickname: del self.nicknames[irc_lower(oldnickname)] self.nicknames[irc_lower(client.nickname)] = client def remove_member_from_channel(self, client, channelname): if irc_lower(channelname) in self.channels: channel = self.channels[irc_lower(channelname)] channel.remove_client(client) def remove_client(self, client, quitmsg): client.message_related(":%s QUIT :%s" % (client.prefix, quitmsg)) for x in client.channels.values(): client.channel_log(x, "quit (%s)" % quitmsg, meta=True) x.remove_client(client) if client.nickname \ and irc_lower(client.nickname) in self.nicknames: del self.nicknames[irc_lower(client.nickname)] del self.clients[client.socket] def remove_channel(self, channel): del self.channels[irc_lower(channel.name)] def start(self): serversockets = [] for port in self.ports: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) try: s.bind((self.address, port)) except socket.error as e: self.print_error("Could not bind port %s: %s." % (port, e)) sys.exit(1) s.listen(5) serversockets.append(s) del s self.print_info("Listening on port %d." % port) if self.chroot: os.chdir(self.chroot) os.chroot(self.chroot) self.print_info("Changed root directory to %s" % self.chroot) if self.setuid: os.setgid(self.setuid[1]) os.setuid(self.setuid[0]) self.print_info("Setting uid:gid to %s:%s" % (self.setuid[0], self.setuid[1])) self.init_logging() try: self.run(serversockets) except: if self.logger: self.logger.exception("Fatal exception") raise def init_logging(self): if not self.log_file: return log_level = logging.INFO if self.debug: log_level = logging.DEBUG self.logger = logging.getLogger("miniircd") formatter = logging.Formatter( ("%(asctime)s - %(name)s[%(process)d] - " "%(levelname)s - %(message)s")) fh = RotatingFileHandler( self.log_file, maxBytes=self.log_max_bytes, backupCount=self.log_count) fh.setLevel(log_level) fh.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.setLevel(log_level) self.logger.addHandler(fh) def run(self, serversockets): last_aliveness_check = time.time() while True: (iwtd, owtd, ewtd) = select.select( serversockets + [x.socket for x in self.clients.values()], [x.socket for x in self.clients.values() if x.write_queue_size() > 0], [], 10) for x in iwtd: if x in self.clients: self.clients[x].socket_readable_notification() else: (conn, addr) = x.accept() if self.ssl_pem_file: try: conn = self.ssl.wrap_socket( conn, server_side=True, certfile=self.ssl_pem_file, keyfile=self.ssl_pem_file) except Exception as e: self.print_error( "SSL error for connection from %s:%s: %s" % ( addr[0], addr[1], e)) continue try: self.clients[conn] = Client(self, conn) self.print_info("Accepted connection from %s:%s." % ( addr[0], addr[1])) except socket.error as e: try: conn.close() except: pass for x in owtd: if x in self.clients: # client may have been disconnected self.clients[x].socket_writable_notification() now = time.time() if last_aliveness_check + 10 < now: for client in list(self.clients.values()): client.check_aliveness() last_aliveness_check = now _maketrans = str.maketrans if PY3 else string.maketrans _ircstring_translation = _maketrans( string.ascii_lowercase.upper() + "[]\\^", string.ascii_lowercase + "{}|~") def irc_lower(s): return s.translate(_ircstring_translation) def main(argv): op = OptionParser( version=VERSION, description="miniircd is a small and limited IRC server.") op.add_option( "--channel-log-dir", metavar="X", help="store channel log in directory X") op.add_option( "-d", "--daemon", action="store_true", help="fork and become a daemon") op.add_option( "--debug", action="store_true", help="print debug messages to stdout") op.add_option( "--listen", metavar="X", help="listen on specific IP address X") op.add_option( "--log-count", metavar="X", default=10, type="int", help="keep X log files; default: %default") op.add_option( "--log-file", metavar="X", help="store log in file X") op.add_option( "--log-max-size", metavar="X", default=10, type="int", help="set maximum log file size to X MiB; default: %default MiB") op.add_option( "--motd", metavar="X", help="display file X as message of the day") op.add_option( "--pid-file", metavar="X", help="write PID to file X") op.add_option( "-p", "--password", metavar="X", help="require connection password X; default: no password") op.add_option( "--password-file", metavar="X", help=("require connection password stored in file X;" " default: no password")) op.add_option( "--ports", metavar="X", help="listen to ports X (a list separated by comma or whitespace);" " default: 6667 or 6697 if SSL is enabled") op.add_option( "-s", "--ssl-pem-file", metavar="FILE", help="enable SSL and use FILE as the .pem certificate+key") op.add_option( "--state-dir", metavar="X", help="save persistent channel state (topic, key) in directory X") op.add_option( "--verbose", action="store_true", help="be verbose (print some progress messages to stdout)") if os.name == "posix": op.add_option( "--chroot", metavar="X", help="change filesystem root to directory X after startup" " (requires root)") op.add_option( "--setuid", metavar="U[:G]", help="change process user (and optionally group) after startup" " (requires root)") else: op.chroot = False op.setuid = False (options, args) = op.parse_args(argv[1:]) if options.debug: options.verbose = True if options.ports is None: if options.ssl_pem_file is None: options.ports = "6667" else: options.ports = "6697" if options.chroot: if os.getuid() != 0: op.error("Must be root to use --chroot") if options.setuid: from pwd import getpwnam from grp import getgrnam if os.getuid() != 0: op.error("Must be root to use --setuid") matches = options.setuid.split(":") if len(matches) == 2: options.setuid = (getpwnam(matches[0]).pw_uid, getgrnam(matches[1]).gr_gid) elif len(matches) == 1: options.setuid = (getpwnam(matches[0]).pw_uid, getpwnam(matches[0]).pw_gid) else: op.error("Specify a user, or user and group separated by a colon," " e.g. --setuid daemon, --setuid nobody:nobody") if (os.getuid() == 0 or os.getgid() == 0) and not options.setuid: op.error("Running this service as root is not recommended. Use the" " --setuid option to switch to an unprivileged account after" " startup. If you really intend to run as root, use" " \"--setuid root\".") ports = [] for port in re.split(r"[,\s]+", options.ports): try: ports.append(int(port)) except ValueError: op.error("bad port: %r" % port) options.ports = ports server = Server(options) if options.daemon: server.daemonize() if options.pid_file: server.make_pid_file(options.pid_file) try: server.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: server.print_error("Interrupted.") main(sys.argv) ################################# top of the script don't think needed just in case ya might add 'import ssl' on github the python file is named a bit different to start the script save it as example: minircd.py chmod +x the script as root from hidircz directory with your pem file and motd file: # python minircd.py --ssl-pem-file=/root/hidircz/hidz.pem --listen --motd=huh.motd --setuid=root i didn't test this out but to run the script as non root ya might need change directory to say /home/nonrootuser move everything there, chown -R nonroot:nonroot all the files so ssl doesn't gripe about an error i might be wrong on this fyi to get help with the irc server: # python minircd.py -h i forgot to mention to start tor at least on arch: # /usr/bin/tor -f /etc/tor/torrc so now you have a irc tor chat server up in stealth mode plus an additional layer of ssl the clients say via irssi can connect as follows: # socat TCP4-LISTEN:8000,reuseaddr,fork SOCKS4a:,socksport=9050 you don't add the 'irc' in front of the 'domain' just the onion address without 'irc' then launch irssi and to connect /connect -ssl 8000 you can create a room join chat typical irc stuff anything done as /whois will show localhost no ip info for pidgin users little different but not much... basic tab is irc protocol yer user name server is the tor address without 'irc' advanced tab port 6697 proxy tab... proxy is http host port 8118 start privoxy before connecting: # /usr/bin/privoxy --no-daemon /etc/privoxy/config here is my privoxy config: ####################################### # Generally, this file goes in /etc/privoxy/config # unfucked config by cm0s 010117 # to start /usr/bin/privoxy --no-dameon /etc/privoxy/config # Tor listens as a SOCKS4a proxy here: forward-socks5 / . # confz confdir /etc/privoxy logdir /var/log/privoxy # actionsfile standard # Internal purpose, recommended actionsfile default.action # Main actions file actionsfile user.action # User customizations filterfile default.filter # timeout shit keep-alive-timeout 600 # mohr timeout shit default-server-timeout 600 # yet mohhhrrr... socket-timeout 600 # Don't log interesting things, only startup messages, warnings and errors logfile logfile #jarfile jarfile #debug 0 # show each GET/POST/CONNECT request debug 4096 # Startup banner and warnings debug 8192 # Errors - *we highly recommended enabling this* user-manual /usr/share/doc/privoxy/user-manual listen-address localhost:8118 toggle 1 enable-remote-toggle 0 enable-edit-actions 0 enable-remote-http-toggle 0 buffer-limit 4096 # # ######################################## a quick side note: make sure logging is off in pidgin and also the otr plugin so recap, ya just launched your very own irc chat server can make your own motd, publish your otr key add whatever custom stuff ya want and ya really made it private coz it's in stealth mode stealth mode tor is NOT listed in the tor directory and even if someone finds your onion address they can't do anything, won't even let them scan your address without the auth cookie, and you added another layer of ssl cheerz splif
  8. old information on hushmail but thought important: https://www.wired.com/2007/11/encrypted-e-mai/ https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2007/11/hushmail_turns.html plus my 'review' and thoughts on hushmail: https://splif.me/rantz.html i'm not hustling steroids or other illegal drugs through anyone let alone an email account of any kind anywhere. now, if you have puppy treats let me know, i'll send ya an email using this: / / make sure gpg and gpa is installed... / what i like to do is for even a simple txt file is put it in / a directory then archive it so say i got a txt file called 'email2bob' / cd your desired location, this example say 'emailstuff' # mkdir ~/emailstuff # cd emailstuff # touch email2bob # nano email2bob / write email to bob # ctrl+o, ctrl+x, enter / now to backup out of the directory so we can encrypt the whole directory... # cd .. # tar -zcvf emailstuff.tar.gz emailstuff / now to generate a sha256 for that archive, this can be sent via separate email / to bob so he's got double security, email is going to be sha checked, encrypted / AND signed with my public key, if none of that matches, he knows it's been messed with # sha256sum emailstuff.tar.gz / copy those numbers, it's a long line and email that to bob separately / now at this point, we got the archive created, have sha256 created for it / we still need to sign it so they know it came from us only... # gpg --armor --detach-sign emailstuff.tar.gz / this signs the archive with your signature now to encrypt it... # gpg -o emailstuff.tar.gz.gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo aes256 emailstuff.tar.gz / this encrypts the archive, now you can email it, txt message or a / phone call then give them the pass for decryption / bob gets the email with attachment saves it to his box now to decrypt it.... # gpg -o emailstuff.tar.gz -d emailstuff.tar.gz.gpg / the archive is decrypted, at this point now to verify the that the file was signed by your public key / bob can copy your public to his computer and copy the files asc file that was sent separately... / for bob to import your public key he runs: # gpg --import yourkey.asc / bob now wants to verify your signature # gpg --verify emailstuff.tar.gz.asc emailstuff.tar.gz / bob will see a 'warning not verified' but important part is 'good signature' / if all good now to verify the sha256.... # sha256sum emailstuff.tar.gz / again if all good there numbers match bob knows the file he has is from you, was encrypted and not tampered with / now for bob to unwrap the archive... # tar -zxvf emailstuff.tar.gz / once bob has that unwrapped he can open the text file with whatever app he likes and read your email
  9. cm0s

    google logo

    https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/27/technology/eu-google-fine.html # airvpn irc hidden service stealth mode ssl # mkdir hidircz # cd d0wnz # touch cool.motd # vim cool.motd hit 'i' copy paste text below or your own custom motd hit 'esc' key then type ':wq' ____ _ ____ _ _ ___ _ _ |__| | |__/ | | |__] |\ | | | | | \ \/ | | \| =========================== https://airvpn.org add this to your torrc file mod for your own config if needed... VirtualAddrNetwork TransPort 9040 DNSPort 53 AutomapHostsOnResolve 1 ##hidden service HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/ HiddenServicePort 6697 HiddenServiceAuthorizeClient stealth IRCvisitor HidServAuth newtorsitenamehere.onion stealthpasshere you'll start tor and then stop tor to get your hidden service hostname and authorization cookie, this 'cookie' is in the hostname /var/lib/tor looks like this: newtorsitenamehere.onion yourauthcookieherebruh # client: IRCvisitor now remember in the torrc file below the port you created the 'IRCvisitor' without this information from /var/lib/tor added to the torrc file in the example above you cannot access the irc server or if it were http you can not access it even from the box hosting the irc/http server the advantage to stealth mode is this: it is NOT listed in the tor directory and if anything goes wrong with your irc server or you just want to create another openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ~/d0wnz/ircpriv.pem -out ~/d0wnz/ircert.pem -days 1024 -nodes -subj '/CN=irc.z4ojdtiaqvdfi4ys.onion' 'domain' no problem, you are not tied to anything, and anyone accessing your site/chat has to have contacted you to get the authorization cookie from hidircz directory... # openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /root/hidrircz/ircpriv.pem -out /root/hidircz/ircert.pem -days 1024 -nodes -subj '/CN=irc.newtorsitenamehere.onion' # cat /root/hidircz/ircpriv.pem > hidz.pem # cat /root/hidircz/ircert.pem >> hidz.pem here's the python script.... ################################# #! /usr/bin/env python # https://github.com/jrosdahl/miniircd # Joel Rosdahl <joel@rosdahl.net> # pacman -S python-pyopenssl if needed import logging import os import re import select import socket import string import sys import tempfile import time from datetime import datetime from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler from optparse import OptionParser VERSION = "1.2.1" PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 if PY3: def buffer_to_socket(msg): return msg.encode() def socket_to_buffer(buf): return buf.decode() else: def buffer_to_socket(msg): return msg def socket_to_buffer(buf): return buf def create_directory(path): if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) class Channel(object): def __init__(self, server, name): self.server = server self.name = name self.members = set() self._topic = "" self._key = None if self.server.state_dir: self._state_path = "%s/%s" % ( self.server.state_dir, name.replace("_", "__").replace("/", "_")) self._read_state() else: self._state_path = None def add_member(self, client): self.members.add(client) def get_topic(self): return self._topic def set_topic(self, value): self._topic = value self._write_state() topic = property(get_topic, set_topic) def get_key(self): return self._key def set_key(self, value): self._key = value self._write_state() key = property(get_key, set_key) def remove_client(self, client): self.members.discard(client) if not self.members: self.server.remove_channel(self) def _read_state(self): if not (self._state_path and os.path.exists(self._state_path)): return data = {} with open(self._state_path, "rb") as state_file: exec(state_file.read(), {}, data) self._topic = data.get("topic", "") self._key = data.get("key") def _write_state(self): if not self._state_path: return (fd, path) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=os.path.dirname(self._state_path)) fp = os.fdopen(fd, "w") fp.write("topic = %r\n" % self.topic) fp.write("key = %r\n" % self.key) fp.close() os.rename(path, self._state_path) class Client(object): __linesep_regexp = re.compile(r"\r?\n") # The RFC limit for nicknames is 9 characters, but what the heck. __valid_nickname_regexp = re.compile( r"^[][\`_^{|}A-Za-z][][\`_^{|}A-Za-z0-9-]{0,50}$") __valid_channelname_regexp = re.compile( r"^[+!][^\x00\x07\x0a\x0d ,:]{0,50}$") def __init__(self, server, socket): self.server = server self.socket = socket self.channels = {} # irc_lower(Channel name) --> Channel self.nickname = None self.user = None self.realname = None (self.host, self.port) = socket.getpeername() self.__timestamp = time.time() self.__readbuffer = "" self.__writebuffer = "" self.__sent_ping = False if self.server.password: self.__handle_command = self.__pass_handler else: self.__handle_command = self.__registration_handler def get_prefix(self): return "%s!%s@%s" % (self.nickname, self.user, self.host) prefix = property(get_prefix) def check_aliveness(self): now = time.time() if self.__timestamp + 180 < now: self.disconnect("ping timeout") return if not self.__sent_ping and self.__timestamp + 90 < now: if self.__handle_command == self.__command_handler: # Registered. self.message("PING :%s" % self.server.name) self.__sent_ping = True else: # Not registered. self.disconnect("ping timeout") def write_queue_size(self): return len(self.__writebuffer) def __parse_read_buffer(self): lines = self.__linesep_regexp.split(self.__readbuffer) self.__readbuffer = lines[-1] lines = lines[:-1] for line in lines: if not line: # Empty line. Ignore. continue x = line.split(" ", 1) command = x[0].upper() if len(x) == 1: arguments = [] else: if len(x[1]) > 0 and x[1][0] == ":": arguments = [x[1][1:]] else: y = x[1].split(" :", 1) arguments = y[0].split() if len(y) == 2: arguments.append(y[1]) self.__handle_command(command, arguments) def __pass_handler(self, command, arguments): server = self.server if command == "PASS": if len(arguments) == 0: self.reply_461("PASS") else: if arguments[0].lower() == server.password: self.__handle_command = self.__registration_handler else: self.reply("464 :Password incorrect") elif command == "QUIT": self.disconnect("Client quit") return def __registration_handler(self, command, arguments): server = self.server if command == "NICK": if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply("431 :No nickname given") return nick = arguments[0] if server.get_client(nick): self.reply("433 * %s :Nickname is already in use" % nick) elif not self.__valid_nickname_regexp.match(nick): self.reply("432 * %s :Erroneous nickname" % nick) else: self.nickname = nick server.client_changed_nickname(self, None) elif command == "USER": if len(arguments) < 4: self.reply_461("USER") return self.user = arguments[0] self.realname = arguments[3] elif command == "QUIT": self.disconnect("Client quit") return if self.nickname and self.user: self.reply("001 %s :Hi, welcome to IRC" % self.nickname) self.reply("002 %s :Your host is %s, running version miniircd-%s" % (self.nickname, server.name, VERSION)) self.reply("003 %s :This server was created sometime" % self.nickname) self.reply("004 %s %s miniircd-%s o o" % (self.nickname, server.name, VERSION)) self.send_lusers() self.send_motd() self.__handle_command = self.__command_handler def __send_names(self, arguments, for_join=False): server = self.server valid_channel_re = self.__valid_channelname_regexp if len(arguments) > 0: channelnames = arguments[0].split(",") else: channelnames = sorted(self.channels.keys()) if len(arguments) > 1: keys = arguments[1].split(",") else: keys = [] keys.extend((len(channelnames) - len(keys)) * [None]) for (i, channelname) in enumerate(channelnames): if for_join and irc_lower(channelname) in self.channels: continue if not valid_channel_re.match(channelname): self.reply_403(channelname) continue channel = server.get_channel(channelname) if channel.key is not None and channel.key != keys: self.reply( "475 %s %s :Cannot join channel (+k) - bad key" % (self.nickname, channelname)) continue if for_join: channel.add_member(self) self.channels[irc_lower(channelname)] = channel self.message_channel(channel, "JOIN", channelname, True) self.channel_log(channel, "joined", meta=True) if channel.topic: self.reply("332 %s %s :%s" % (self.nickname, channel.name, channel.topic)) else: self.reply("331 %s %s :No topic is set" % (self.nickname, channel.name)) names_prefix = "353 %s = %s :" % (self.nickname, channelname) names = "" # Max length: reply prefix ":server_name(space)" plus CRLF in # the end. names_max_len = 512 - (len(server.name) + 2 + 2) for name in sorted(x.nickname for x in channel.members): if not names: names = names_prefix + name # Using >= to include the space between "names" and "name". elif len(names) + len(name) >= names_max_len: self.reply(names) names = names_prefix + name else: names += " " + name if names: self.reply(names) self.reply("366 %s %s :End of NAMES list" % (self.nickname, channelname)) def __command_handler(self, command, arguments): def away_handler(): pass def ison_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply_461("ISON") return nicks = arguments online = [n for n in nicks if server.get_client(n)] self.reply("303 %s :%s" % (self.nickname, " ".join(online))) def join_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply_461("JOIN") return if arguments[0] == "0": for (channelname, channel) in self.channels.items(): self.message_channel(channel, "PART", channelname, True) self.channel_log(channel, "left", meta=True) server.remove_member_from_channel(self, channelname) self.channels = {} return self.__send_names(arguments, for_join=True) def list_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: channels = server.channels.values() else: channels = [] for channelname in arguments[0].split(","): if server.has_channel(channelname): channels.append(server.get_channel(channelname)) sorted_channels = sorted(channels, key=lambda x: x.name) for channel in sorted_channels: self.reply("322 %s %s %d :%s" % (self.nickname, channel.name, len(channel.members), channel.topic)) self.reply("323 %s :End of LIST" % self.nickname) def lusers_handler(): self.send_lusers() def mode_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply_461("MODE") return targetname = arguments[0] if server.has_channel(targetname): channel = server.get_channel(targetname) if len(arguments) < 2: if channel.key: modes = "+k" if irc_lower(channel.name) in self.channels: modes += " %s" % channel.key else: modes = "+" self.reply("324 %s %s %s" % (self.nickname, targetname, modes)) return flag = arguments[1] if flag == "+k": if len(arguments) < 3: self.reply_461("MODE") return key = arguments[2] if irc_lower(channel.name) in self.channels: channel.key = key self.message_channel( channel, "MODE", "%s +k %s" % (channel.name, key), True) self.channel_log( channel, "set channel key to %s" % key, meta=True) else: self.reply("442 %s :You're not on that channel" % targetname) elif flag == "-k": if irc_lower(channel.name) in self.channels: channel.key = None self.message_channel( channel, "MODE", "%s -k" % channel.name, True) self.channel_log( channel, "removed channel key", meta=True) else: self.reply("442 %s :You're not on that channel" % targetname) else: self.reply("472 %s %s :Unknown MODE flag" % (self.nickname, flag)) elif targetname == self.nickname: if len(arguments) == 1: self.reply("221 %s +" % self.nickname) else: self.reply("501 %s :Unknown MODE flag" % self.nickname) else: self.reply_403(targetname) def motd_handler(): self.send_motd() def names_handler(): self.__send_names(arguments) def nick_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply("431 :No nickname given") return newnick = arguments[0] client = server.get_client(newnick) if newnick == self.nickname: pass elif client and client is not self: self.reply("433 %s %s :Nickname is already in use" % (self.nickname, newnick)) elif not self.__valid_nickname_regexp.match(newnick): self.reply("432 %s %s :Erroneous Nickname" % (self.nickname, newnick)) else: for x in self.channels.values(): self.channel_log( x, "changed nickname to %s" % newnick, meta=True) oldnickname = self.nickname self.nickname = newnick server.client_changed_nickname(self, oldnickname) self.message_related( ":%s!%s@%s NICK %s" % (oldnickname, self.user, self.host, self.nickname), True) def notice_and_privmsg_handler(): if len(arguments) == 0: self.reply("411 %s :No recipient given (%s)" % (self.nickname, command)) return if len(arguments) == 1: self.reply("412 %s :No text to send" % self.nickname) return targetname = arguments[0] message = arguments[1] client = server.get_client(targetname) if client: client.message(":%s %s %s :%s" % (self.prefix, command, targetname, message)) elif server.has_channel(targetname): channel = server.get_channel(targetname) self.message_channel( channel, command, "%s :%s" % (channel.name, message)) self.channel_log(channel, message) else: self.reply("401 %s %s :No such nick/channel" % (self.nickname, targetname)) def part_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply_461("PART") return if len(arguments) > 1: partmsg = arguments[1] else: partmsg = self.nickname for channelname in arguments[0].split(","): if not valid_channel_re.match(channelname): self.reply_403(channelname) elif not irc_lower(channelname) in self.channels: self.reply("442 %s %s :You're not on that channel" % (self.nickname, channelname)) else: channel = self.channels[irc_lower(channelname)] self.message_channel( channel, "PART", "%s :%s" % (channelname, partmsg), True) self.channel_log(channel, "left (%s)" % partmsg, meta=True) del self.channels[irc_lower(channelname)] server.remove_member_from_channel(self, channelname) def ping_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply("409 %s :No origin specified" % self.nickname) return self.reply("PONG %s :%s" % (server.name, arguments[0])) def pong_handler(): pass def quit_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: quitmsg = self.nickname else: quitmsg = arguments[0] self.disconnect(quitmsg) def topic_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply_461("TOPIC") return channelname = arguments[0] channel = self.channels.get(irc_lower(channelname)) if channel: if len(arguments) > 1: newtopic = arguments[1] channel.topic = newtopic self.message_channel( channel, "TOPIC", "%s :%s" % (channelname, newtopic), True) self.channel_log( channel, "set topic to %r" % newtopic, meta=True) else: if channel.topic: self.reply("332 %s %s :%s" % (self.nickname, channel.name, channel.topic)) else: self.reply("331 %s %s :No topic is set" % (self.nickname, channel.name)) else: self.reply("442 %s :You're not on that channel" % channelname) def wallops_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply_461("WALLOPS") return message = arguments[0] for client in server.clients.values(): client.message(":%s NOTICE %s :Global notice: %s" % (self.prefix, client.nickname, message)) def who_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: return targetname = arguments[0] if server.has_channel(targetname): channel = server.get_channel(targetname) for member in channel.members: self.reply("352 %s %s %s %s %s %s H :0 %s" % (self.nickname, targetname, member.user, member.host, server.name, member.nickname, member.realname)) self.reply("315 %s %s :End of WHO list" % (self.nickname, targetname)) def whois_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: return username = arguments[0] user = server.get_client(username) if user: self.reply("311 %s %s %s %s * :%s" % (self.nickname, user.nickname, user.user, user.host, user.realname)) self.reply("312 %s %s %s :%s" % (self.nickname, user.nickname, server.name, server.name)) self.reply("319 %s %s :%s" % (self.nickname, user.nickname, " ".join(user.channels))) self.reply("318 %s %s :End of WHOIS list" % (self.nickname, user.nickname)) else: self.reply("401 %s %s :No such nick" % (self.nickname, username)) handler_table = { "AWAY": away_handler, "ISON": ison_handler, "JOIN": join_handler, "LIST": list_handler, "LUSERS": lusers_handler, "MODE": mode_handler, "MOTD": motd_handler, "NAMES": names_handler, "NICK": nick_handler, "NOTICE": notice_and_privmsg_handler, "PART": part_handler, "PING": ping_handler, "PONG": pong_handler, "PRIVMSG": notice_and_privmsg_handler, "QUIT": quit_handler, "TOPIC": topic_handler, "WALLOPS": wallops_handler, "WHO": who_handler, "WHOIS": whois_handler, } server = self.server valid_channel_re = self.__valid_channelname_regexp try: handler_table[command]() except KeyError: self.reply("421 %s %s :Unknown command" % (self.nickname, command)) def socket_readable_notification(self): try: data = self.socket.recv(2 ** 10) self.server.print_debug( "[%s:%d] -> %r" % (self.host, self.port, data)) quitmsg = "EOT" except socket.error as x: data = "" quitmsg = x if data: self.__readbuffer += socket_to_buffer(data) self.__parse_read_buffer() self.__timestamp = time.time() self.__sent_ping = False else: self.disconnect(quitmsg) def socket_writable_notification(self): try: sent = self.socket.send(buffer_to_socket(self.__writebuffer)) self.server.print_debug( "[%s:%d] <- %r" % ( self.host, self.port, self.__writebuffer[:sent])) self.__writebuffer = self.__writebuffer[sent:] except socket.error as x: self.disconnect(x) def disconnect(self, quitmsg): self.message("ERROR :%s" % quitmsg) self.server.print_info( "Disconnected connection from %s:%s (%s)." % ( self.host, self.port, quitmsg)) self.socket.close() self.server.remove_client(self, quitmsg) def message(self, msg): self.__writebuffer += msg + "\r\n" def reply(self, msg): self.message(":%s %s" % (self.server.name, msg)) def reply_403(self, channel): self.reply("403 %s %s :No such channel" % (self.nickname, channel)) def reply_461(self, command): nickname = self.nickname or "*" self.reply("461 %s %s :Not enough parameters" % (nickname, command)) def message_channel(self, channel, command, message, include_self=False): line = ":%s %s %s" % (self.prefix, command, message) for client in channel.members: if client != self or include_self: client.message(line) def channel_log(self, channel, message, meta=False): if not self.server.channel_log_dir: return if meta: format = "[%s] * %s %s\n" else: format = "[%s] <%s> %s\n" timestamp = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC") logname = channel.name.replace("_", "__").replace("/", "_") fp = open("%s/%s.log" % (self.server.channel_log_dir, logname), "a") fp.write(format % (timestamp, self.nickname, message)) fp.close() def message_related(self, msg, include_self=False): clients = set() if include_self: clients.add(self) for channel in self.channels.values(): clients |= channel.members if not include_self: clients.discard(self) for client in clients: client.message(msg) def send_lusers(self): self.reply("251 %s :There are %d users and 0 services on 1 server" % (self.nickname, len(self.server.clients))) def send_motd(self): server = self.server motdlines = server.get_motd_lines() if motdlines: self.reply("375 %s :- %s Message of the day -" % (self.nickname, server.name)) for line in motdlines: self.reply("372 %s :- %s" % (self.nickname, line.rstrip())) self.reply("376 %s :End of /MOTD command" % self.nickname) else: self.reply("422 %s :MOTD File is missing" % self.nickname) class Server(object): def __init__(self, options): self.ports = options.ports self.password = options.password self.ssl_pem_file = options.ssl_pem_file self.motdfile = options.motd self.verbose = options.verbose self.debug = options.debug self.channel_log_dir = options.channel_log_dir self.chroot = options.chroot self.setuid = options.setuid self.state_dir = options.state_dir self.log_file = options.log_file self.log_max_bytes = options.log_max_size * 1024 * 1024 self.log_count = options.log_count self.logger = None if options.password_file: with open(options.password_file, "r") as fp: self.password = fp.read().strip("\n") if self.ssl_pem_file: self.ssl = __import__("ssl") # Find certificate after daemonization if path is relative: if self.ssl_pem_file and os.path.exists(self.ssl_pem_file): self.ssl_pem_file = os.path.abspath(self.ssl_pem_file) # else: might exist in the chroot jail, so just continue if options.listen: self.address = socket.gethostbyname(options.listen) else: self.address = "" server_name_limit = 63 # From the RFC. self.name = socket.getfqdn(self.address)[:server_name_limit] self.channels = {} # irc_lower(Channel name) --> Channel instance. self.clients = {} # Socket --> Client instance. self.nicknames = {} # irc_lower(Nickname) --> Client instance. if self.channel_log_dir: create_directory(self.channel_log_dir) if self.state_dir: create_directory(self.state_dir) def make_pid_file(self, filename): try: fd = os.open(filename, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, 0o644) os.write(fd, "%i\n" % os.getpid()) os.close(fd) except: self.print_error("Could not create PID file %r" % filename) sys.exit(1) def daemonize(self): try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: sys.exit(0) except OSError: sys.exit(1) os.setsid() try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: self.print_info("PID: %d" % pid) sys.exit(0) except OSError: sys.exit(1) os.chdir("/") os.umask(0) dev_null = open("/dev/null", "r+") os.dup2(dev_null.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) os.dup2(dev_null.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno()) os.dup2(dev_null.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) def get_client(self, nickname): return self.nicknames.get(irc_lower(nickname)) def has_channel(self, name): return irc_lower(name) in self.channels def get_channel(self, channelname): if irc_lower(channelname) in self.channels: channel = self.channels[irc_lower(channelname)] else: channel = Channel(self, channelname) self.channels[irc_lower(channelname)] = channel return channel def get_motd_lines(self): if self.motdfile: try: return open(self.motdfile).readlines() except IOError: return ["Could not read MOTD file %r." % self.motdfile] else: return [] def print_info(self, msg): if self.verbose: print(msg) sys.stdout.flush() if self.logger: self.logger.info(msg) def print_debug(self, msg): if self.debug: print(msg) sys.stdout.flush() if self.logger: self.logger.debug(msg) def print_error(self, msg): sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg) if self.logger: self.logger.error(msg) def client_changed_nickname(self, client, oldnickname): if oldnickname: del self.nicknames[irc_lower(oldnickname)] self.nicknames[irc_lower(client.nickname)] = client def remove_member_from_channel(self, client, channelname): if irc_lower(channelname) in self.channels: channel = self.channels[irc_lower(channelname)] channel.remove_client(client) def remove_client(self, client, quitmsg): client.message_related(":%s QUIT :%s" % (client.prefix, quitmsg)) for x in client.channels.values(): client.channel_log(x, "quit (%s)" % quitmsg, meta=True) x.remove_client(client) if client.nickname \ and irc_lower(client.nickname) in self.nicknames: del self.nicknames[irc_lower(client.nickname)] del self.clients[client.socket] def remove_channel(self, channel): del self.channels[irc_lower(channel.name)] def start(self): serversockets = [] for port in self.ports: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) try: s.bind((self.address, port)) except socket.error as e: self.print_error("Could not bind port %s: %s." % (port, e)) sys.exit(1) s.listen(5) serversockets.append(s) del s self.print_info("Listening on port %d." % port) if self.chroot: os.chdir(self.chroot) os.chroot(self.chroot) self.print_info("Changed root directory to %s" % self.chroot) if self.setuid: os.setgid(self.setuid[1]) os.setuid(self.setuid[0]) self.print_info("Setting uid:gid to %s:%s" % (self.setuid[0], self.setuid[1])) self.init_logging() try: self.run(serversockets) except: if self.logger: self.logger.exception("Fatal exception") raise def init_logging(self): if not self.log_file: return log_level = logging.INFO if self.debug: log_level = logging.DEBUG self.logger = logging.getLogger("miniircd") formatter = logging.Formatter( ("%(asctime)s - %(name)s[%(process)d] - " "%(levelname)s - %(message)s")) fh = RotatingFileHandler( self.log_file, maxBytes=self.log_max_bytes, backupCount=self.log_count) fh.setLevel(log_level) fh.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.setLevel(log_level) self.logger.addHandler(fh) def run(self, serversockets): last_aliveness_check = time.time() while True: (iwtd, owtd, ewtd) = select.select( serversockets + [x.socket for x in self.clients.values()], [x.socket for x in self.clients.values() if x.write_queue_size() > 0], [], 10) for x in iwtd: if x in self.clients: self.clients[x].socket_readable_notification() else: (conn, addr) = x.accept() if self.ssl_pem_file: try: conn = self.ssl.wrap_socket( conn, server_side=True, certfile=self.ssl_pem_file, keyfile=self.ssl_pem_file) except Exception as e: self.print_error( "SSL error for connection from %s:%s: %s" % ( addr[0], addr[1], e)) continue try: self.clients[conn] = Client(self, conn) self.print_info("Accepted connection from %s:%s." % ( addr[0], addr[1])) except socket.error as e: try: conn.close() except: pass for x in owtd: if x in self.clients: # client may have been disconnected self.clients[x].socket_writable_notification() now = time.time() if last_aliveness_check + 10 < now: for client in list(self.clients.values()): client.check_aliveness() last_aliveness_check = now _maketrans = str.maketrans if PY3 else string.maketrans _ircstring_translation = _maketrans( string.ascii_lowercase.upper() + "[]\\^", string.ascii_lowercase + "{}|~") def irc_lower(s): return s.translate(_ircstring_translation) def main(argv): op = OptionParser( version=VERSION, description="miniircd is a small and limited IRC server.") op.add_option( "--channel-log-dir", metavar="X", help="store channel log in directory X") op.add_option( "-d", "--daemon", action="store_true", help="fork and become a daemon") op.add_option( "--debug", action="store_true", help="print debug messages to stdout") op.add_option( "--listen", metavar="X", help="listen on specific IP address X") op.add_option( "--log-count", metavar="X", default=10, type="int", help="keep X log files; default: %default") op.add_option( "--log-file", metavar="X", help="store log in file X") op.add_option( "--log-max-size", metavar="X", default=10, type="int", help="set maximum log file size to X MiB; default: %default MiB") op.add_option( "--motd", metavar="X", help="display file X as message of the day") op.add_option( "--pid-file", metavar="X", help="write PID to file X") op.add_option( "-p", "--password", metavar="X", help="require connection password X; default: no password") op.add_option( "--password-file", metavar="X", help=("require connection password stored in file X;" " default: no password")) op.add_option( "--ports", metavar="X", help="listen to ports X (a list separated by comma or whitespace);" " default: 6667 or 6697 if SSL is enabled") op.add_option( "-s", "--ssl-pem-file", metavar="FILE", help="enable SSL and use FILE as the .pem certificate+key") op.add_option( "--state-dir", metavar="X", help="save persistent channel state (topic, key) in directory X") op.add_option( "--verbose", action="store_true", help="be verbose (print some progress messages to stdout)") if os.name == "posix": op.add_option( "--chroot", metavar="X", help="change filesystem root to directory X after startup" " (requires root)") op.add_option( "--setuid", metavar="U[:G]", help="change process user (and optionally group) after startup" " (requires root)") else: op.chroot = False op.setuid = False (options, args) = op.parse_args(argv[1:]) if options.debug: options.verbose = True if options.ports is None: if options.ssl_pem_file is None: options.ports = "6667" else: options.ports = "6697" if options.chroot: if os.getuid() != 0: op.error("Must be root to use --chroot") if options.setuid: from pwd import getpwnam from grp import getgrnam if os.getuid() != 0: op.error("Must be root to use --setuid") matches = options.setuid.split(":") if len(matches) == 2: options.setuid = (getpwnam(matches[0]).pw_uid, getgrnam(matches[1]).gr_gid) elif len(matches) == 1: options.setuid = (getpwnam(matches[0]).pw_uid, getpwnam(matches[0]).pw_gid) else: op.error("Specify a user, or user and group separated by a colon," " e.g. --setuid daemon, --setuid nobody:nobody") if (os.getuid() == 0 or os.getgid() == 0) and not options.setuid: op.error("Running this service as root is not recommended. Use the" " --setuid option to switch to an unprivileged account after" " startup. If you really intend to run as root, use" " \"--setuid root\".") ports = [] for port in re.split(r"[,\s]+", options.ports): try: ports.append(int(port)) except ValueError: op.error("bad port: %r" % port) options.ports = ports server = Server(options) if options.daemon: server.daemonize() if options.pid_file: server.make_pid_file(options.pid_file) try: server.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: server.print_error("Interrupted.") main(sys.argv) ################################# top of the script don't think needed just in case ya might add 'import ssl' on github the python file is named a bit different to start the script save it as example: minircd.py chmod +x the script as root from hidircz directory with your pem file and motd file: # python minircd.py --ssl-pem-file=/root/hidircz/hidz.pem --listen --motd=huh.motd --setuid=root i didn't test this out but to run the script as non root ya might need change directory to say /home/nonrootuser move everything there, chown -R nonroot:nonroot all the files so ssl doesn't gripe about an error i might be wrong on this fyi to get help with the irc server: # python minircd.py -h i forgot to mention to start tor at least on arch: # /usr/bin/tor -f /etc/tor/torrc so now you have a irc tor chat server up in stealth mode plus an additional layer of ssl the clients say via irssi can connect as follows: # socat TCP4-LISTEN:8000,reuseaddr,fork SOCKS4a:,socksport=9050 you don't add the 'irc' in front of the 'domain' just the onion address without 'irc' then launch irssi and to connect /connect -ssl 8000 you can create a room join chat typical irc stuff anything done as /whois will show localhost no ip info for pidgin users little different but not much... basic tab is irc protocol yer user name server is the tor address without 'irc' advanced tab port 6697 proxy tab... proxy is http host port 8118 start privoxy before connecting: # /usr/bin/privoxy --no-daemon /etc/privoxy/config here is my privoxy config: ####################################### # Generally, this file goes in /etc/privoxy/config # unfucked config by cm0s 010117 # to start /usr/bin/privoxy --no-dameon /etc/privoxy/config # Tor listens as a SOCKS4a proxy here: forward-socks5 / . # confz confdir /etc/privoxy logdir /var/log/privoxy # actionsfile standard # Internal purpose, recommended actionsfile default.action # Main actions file actionsfile user.action # User customizations filterfile default.filter # timeout shit keep-alive-timeout 600 # mohr timeout shit default-server-timeout 600 # yet mohhhrrr... socket-timeout 600 # Don't log interesting things, only startup messages, warnings and errors logfile logfile #jarfile jarfile #debug 0 # show each GET/POST/CONNECT request debug 4096 # Startup banner and warnings debug 8192 # Errors - *we highly recommended enabling this* user-manual /usr/share/doc/privoxy/user-manual listen-address localhost:8118 toggle 1 enable-remote-toggle 0 enable-edit-actions 0 enable-remote-http-toggle 0 buffer-limit 4096 # # ######################################## a quick side note: make sure logging is off in pidgin and also the otr plugin so recap, ya just launched your very own irc chat server can make your own motd, publish your otr key add whatever custom stuff ya want and ya really made it private coz it's in stealth mode stealth mode tor is NOT listed in the tor directory and even if someone finds your onion address they can't do anything, won't even let them scan your address without the auth cookie, and you added another layer of ssl cheerz splif
  10. hey NoiselessOwl hope all is well your english is fine, better than mine actually i might be wrong on this had to do some googling i am guessing what you are wanting is called 'split tunneling' ref: https://airvpn.org/topic/20695-split-tunneling/ from what i understand from that post you need iptables to help you with your routing so if an emergency happens and you are able to make a 911 call they have your geo location.
  11. see if this makes a diff as your duckduckgo home page: https://duckduckgo.com/?kf=fw&kh=1&k1=-1 basically shutting some of the junk off some css to darken duckduckgo: /* about:config search stylish set editor to 1 dux 041617 css edit @-moz-document domain("3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion") non java/java pages look same now unfuxd */ @-moz-document domain("duckduckgo.com") { /* custom colors */ /*var(--alt-bg)*/ :root { --main-bg: #111 !important; --dark-bg: #111 !important; --darker-bg: #222 !important; --header-bg: #111 !important; --main-text: #999 !important; --yellow-text: #8a7b70 !important; --blue-text: #556b82 !important; --green-text: #74857c !important; } .header.header--html { width: 100%; max-width: none; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 16px 0px 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #111111 !important; border-top: 2px solid #111111 !important; display: block; } .search-filters-wrap {display:none;} .js-sidebar-modules { display: none; } .result--ad--double { float: left; width: 50%; display: none; } .nav-menu--slideout {display:none !important;} .onboarding-ed {display:none !important;} .js-sidebar-ads {display:none !important;} #ads { display: none !important; } .search:hover .search__clear, .search__input:focus ~ .search__clear, .search--header.has-text.search--hover .search__clear, .search--header.has-text.search--focus .search__clear, .search--home.has-text .search__clear { visibility: visible; opacity: 0.9; display: none !important; } .onboarding-bottom-balloonist { height: auto; text-align: center; overflow: hidden; background: transparent -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #5090C7 0%, #5396CA 5%, #5AA7D1 15%, #64BDDB 50%, #FFF9DB 85%, #FFF 100%) repeat scroll 0% 0%; display: none !important; } .onboarding-bottom { display: none !important; } .onboarding-bottom { width: 100%; position: absolute; top: 100%; height: 100%; min-height: 450px; overflow: hidden; display: none !important; } .search__autocomplete { display: none !important; position: absolute; top: 2.8em; left: 0px; width: 100%; max-height: 208px; border: 1px solid #D0D0D0; border-radius: 0px 0px 2px 2px; margin-top: -2px; ; margin-right: -1px; z-index: 25; box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .navbutton { background-color: transparent; border-width: 0px 0px 1px; border-style: none none solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color -moz-use-text-color transparent; -moz-border-top-colors: none; -moz-border-right-colors: none; -moz-border-bottom-colors: none; -moz-border-left-colors: none; border-image: none; cursor: pointer; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; color: #1168CC; padding: 0px; } .header-atb, .header-atb:hover, .header-atb:visited, .header-atb:active { color: #333; text-decoration: none; display: none; } .results--powered__badge.badge--yahoo { bottom: -1px; display: none; } .header { font-size: 32px; font-weight: bold; color: #DC5E47; display: none; } .submit { height: 40px; font-size: 20px; cursor: pointer; display: none; } .results--powered a, .results--powered a:visited { color: inherit; font-size: 0.9em; display: none; } .results--sidebar--mid .btn--top { position: absolute; right: -64px; top: 24px; display: none; } .logo_homepage { background-image: url("assets/logo_homepage_mobile.normal.v107.png"); background-size: 275px 62px; width: 275px; height: 62px; display: none; } .result-snippet { font-size: 100%; color: #777777; } link-text { color: #666999; font-size: 100%; } .frm__select { margin-right: 5px; display: none; } .query { border-color: rgb(85, 85, 85); border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-radius: 3px; font-size: 20px; padding: 5px 6px; text-align: left; width: 60%; max-width: 600px; height: 28px; background-color: #222333; } .header__logo-wrap { position: absolute; left: 0px; margin-top: -10px; width: 94px; height: 60px; display: none; } .frm_select { display: none; } .zci-wrap { background-color: #F2F2F2; clear: both; display: none; position: relative; z-index: 10; margin-top: -1px; } .tile-wrap { position: relative; top: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; display: none; } .zci-wrapper { background-color: #F2F2F2; padding: 20px 0px 20px 104px; border-bottom: 1px solid #D0D0D0; line-height: 1.45; display: none; } /* bgcolor */ body, .result__body, .modal--region-filter .modal__list__link.is-highlighted { background-color: var(--main-bg) !important; } .search__button:hover, .acp-wrap, .result__body:hover, .tileview .metabar--fixed, .tile-wrap, .tileview--grid, .is-stuck, .modal--region-filter .frm__input, .switch { background: var(--dark-bg) !important; } a, .acp-wrap, .result__snippet { color: var(--main-text) !important; } .nav-menu__item > a, .zcm__link, .result__url, .result__snippet b, .result__snippet strong, div.tile, .frm__input { color: var(--green-text) !important; } .search__input, .search__input--adv, .result__a, .tile__title, .modal__box { color: var(--blue-text) !important; } .header-wrap--home, .header-wrap, .zcm__link.is-active { border-color: var(--main-bg) !important; } .site-wrapper-border { background: transparent !important; } .switch__knob, .tile-nav.can-scroll { background: var(--main-text) !important; } .search, .search--adv, .nav-menu, .nav-menu--slideout, .search--home.has-text .search__button, div.acp:hover, .header-wrap, #back-to-top, .result--sep--hr::before, .tile__body, .tile--s, .tile--info, .mapview__close, .metabar__mode, .modal--popout .modal__box, .modal__header, .search:hover .search__button, .search__input:focus ~ .search__button, .search--header.has-text.search--hover .search__button, .search--header.has-text.search--focus .search__button, .search--home.has-text .search__button { background-color: var(--darker-bg) !important; } .search, .search--adv, .acp-wrap, .search__autocomplete, .zci.is-active, .tile, .is-stuck, .modal--region-filter .frm__input, .modal__header { border: none !important; } .search, .search--adv, .tile { box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.2) !important; } .tag-home, .badge-link, .logo_homepage__tt, #duckbar_static_sep, #duckbar_dynamic_sep, .feedback-btn, .attribution--link__icon { display: none !important; } .svg .logo_homepage { background-image: url("http://puu.sh/o6X09/a27acc920a.png") !important; } .svg .header__logo { background-image: url("http://puu.sh/o6YKu/01ea108997.png") !important; } .header--aside, a.search-filter__icon { opacity: 0 !important; } .header--aside:hover, a.search-filter__icon:hover { opacity: 0.7 !important; } a, body, .result__snippet, .search__input, .search__input--adv { font-size: 14px !important; font-family: open sans !important; } } i put their onion url in there also at the top commented out google is an ad company but like everyone else i like their searches and like the results with a clean layout
  12. cm0s


    # airvpn irc hidden service stealth mode ssl # mkdir hidircz # cd d0wnz # touch cool.motd # vim cool.motd hit 'i' copy paste text below or your own custom motd hit 'esc' key then type ':wq' ____ _ ____ _ _ ___ _ _ |__| | |__/ | | |__] |\ | | | | | \ \/ | | \| =========================== https://airvpn.org add this to your torrc file mod for your own config if needed... VirtualAddrNetwork TransPort 9040 DNSPort 53 AutomapHostsOnResolve 1 ##hidden service HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/ HiddenServicePort 6697 HiddenServiceAuthorizeClient stealth IRCvisitor HidServAuth newtorsitenamehere.onion stealthpasshere you'll start tor and then stop tor to get your hidden service hostname and authorization cookie, this 'cookie' is in the hostname /var/lib/tor looks like this: newtorsitenamehere.onion yourauthcookieherebruh # client: IRCvisitor now remember in the torrc file below the port you created the 'IRCvisitor' without this information from /var/lib/tor added to the torrc file in the example above you cannot access the irc server or if it were http you can not access it even from the box hosting the irc/http server the advantage to stealth mode is this: it is NOT listed in the tor directory and if anything goes wrong with your irc server or you just want to create another openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ~/d0wnz/ircpriv.pem -out ~/d0wnz/ircert.pem -days 1024 -nodes -subj '/CN=irc.z4ojdtiaqvdfi4ys.onion' 'domain' no problem, you are not tied to anything, and anyone accessing your site/chat has to have contacted you to get the authorization cookie from hidircz directory... # openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /root/hidrircz/ircpriv.pem -out /root/hidircz/ircert.pem -days 1024 -nodes -subj '/CN=irc.newtorsitenamehere.onion' # cat /root/hidircz/ircpriv.pem > hidz.pem # cat /root/hidircz/ircert.pem >> hidz.pem here's the python script.... ################################# #! /usr/bin/env python # https://github.com/jrosdahl/miniircd # Joel Rosdahl <joel@rosdahl.net> # pacman -S python-pyopenssl if needed import logging import os import re import select import socket import string import sys import tempfile import time from datetime import datetime from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler from optparse import OptionParser VERSION = "1.2.1" PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 if PY3: def buffer_to_socket(msg): return msg.encode() def socket_to_buffer(buf): return buf.decode() else: def buffer_to_socket(msg): return msg def socket_to_buffer(buf): return buf def create_directory(path): if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) class Channel(object): def __init__(self, server, name): self.server = server self.name = name self.members = set() self._topic = "" self._key = None if self.server.state_dir: self._state_path = "%s/%s" % ( self.server.state_dir, name.replace("_", "__").replace("/", "_")) self._read_state() else: self._state_path = None def add_member(self, client): self.members.add(client) def get_topic(self): return self._topic def set_topic(self, value): self._topic = value self._write_state() topic = property(get_topic, set_topic) def get_key(self): return self._key def set_key(self, value): self._key = value self._write_state() key = property(get_key, set_key) def remove_client(self, client): self.members.discard(client) if not self.members: self.server.remove_channel(self) def _read_state(self): if not (self._state_path and os.path.exists(self._state_path)): return data = {} with open(self._state_path, "rb") as state_file: exec(state_file.read(), {}, data) self._topic = data.get("topic", "") self._key = data.get("key") def _write_state(self): if not self._state_path: return (fd, path) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=os.path.dirname(self._state_path)) fp = os.fdopen(fd, "w") fp.write("topic = %r\n" % self.topic) fp.write("key = %r\n" % self.key) fp.close() os.rename(path, self._state_path) class Client(object): __linesep_regexp = re.compile(r"\r?\n") # The RFC limit for nicknames is 9 characters, but what the heck. __valid_nickname_regexp = re.compile( r"^[][\`_^{|}A-Za-z][][\`_^{|}A-Za-z0-9-]{0,50}$") __valid_channelname_regexp = re.compile( r"^[+!][^\x00\x07\x0a\x0d ,:]{0,50}$") def __init__(self, server, socket): self.server = server self.socket = socket self.channels = {} # irc_lower(Channel name) --> Channel self.nickname = None self.user = None self.realname = None (self.host, self.port) = socket.getpeername() self.__timestamp = time.time() self.__readbuffer = "" self.__writebuffer = "" self.__sent_ping = False if self.server.password: self.__handle_command = self.__pass_handler else: self.__handle_command = self.__registration_handler def get_prefix(self): return "%s!%s@%s" % (self.nickname, self.user, self.host) prefix = property(get_prefix) def check_aliveness(self): now = time.time() if self.__timestamp + 180 < now: self.disconnect("ping timeout") return if not self.__sent_ping and self.__timestamp + 90 < now: if self.__handle_command == self.__command_handler: # Registered. self.message("PING :%s" % self.server.name) self.__sent_ping = True else: # Not registered. self.disconnect("ping timeout") def write_queue_size(self): return len(self.__writebuffer) def __parse_read_buffer(self): lines = self.__linesep_regexp.split(self.__readbuffer) self.__readbuffer = lines[-1] lines = lines[:-1] for line in lines: if not line: # Empty line. Ignore. continue x = line.split(" ", 1) command = x[0].upper() if len(x) == 1: arguments = [] else: if len(x[1]) > 0 and x[1][0] == ":": arguments = [x[1][1:]] else: y = x[1].split(" :", 1) arguments = y[0].split() if len(y) == 2: arguments.append(y[1]) self.__handle_command(command, arguments) def __pass_handler(self, command, arguments): server = self.server if command == "PASS": if len(arguments) == 0: self.reply_461("PASS") else: if arguments[0].lower() == server.password: self.__handle_command = self.__registration_handler else: self.reply("464 :Password incorrect") elif command == "QUIT": self.disconnect("Client quit") return def __registration_handler(self, command, arguments): server = self.server if command == "NICK": if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply("431 :No nickname given") return nick = arguments[0] if server.get_client(nick): self.reply("433 * %s :Nickname is already in use" % nick) elif not self.__valid_nickname_regexp.match(nick): self.reply("432 * %s :Erroneous nickname" % nick) else: self.nickname = nick server.client_changed_nickname(self, None) elif command == "USER": if len(arguments) < 4: self.reply_461("USER") return self.user = arguments[0] self.realname = arguments[3] elif command == "QUIT": self.disconnect("Client quit") return if self.nickname and self.user: self.reply("001 %s :Hi, welcome to IRC" % self.nickname) self.reply("002 %s :Your host is %s, running version miniircd-%s" % (self.nickname, server.name, VERSION)) self.reply("003 %s :This server was created sometime" % self.nickname) self.reply("004 %s %s miniircd-%s o o" % (self.nickname, server.name, VERSION)) self.send_lusers() self.send_motd() self.__handle_command = self.__command_handler def __send_names(self, arguments, for_join=False): server = self.server valid_channel_re = self.__valid_channelname_regexp if len(arguments) > 0: channelnames = arguments[0].split(",") else: channelnames = sorted(self.channels.keys()) if len(arguments) > 1: keys = arguments[1].split(",") else: keys = [] keys.extend((len(channelnames) - len(keys)) * [None]) for (i, channelname) in enumerate(channelnames): if for_join and irc_lower(channelname) in self.channels: continue if not valid_channel_re.match(channelname): self.reply_403(channelname) continue channel = server.get_channel(channelname) if channel.key is not None and channel.key != keys[i]: self.reply( "475 %s %s :Cannot join channel (+k) - bad key" % (self.nickname, channelname)) continue if for_join: channel.add_member(self) self.channels[irc_lower(channelname)] = channel self.message_channel(channel, "JOIN", channelname, True) self.channel_log(channel, "joined", meta=True) if channel.topic: self.reply("332 %s %s :%s" % (self.nickname, channel.name, channel.topic)) else: self.reply("331 %s %s :No topic is set" % (self.nickname, channel.name)) names_prefix = "353 %s = %s :" % (self.nickname, channelname) names = "" # Max length: reply prefix ":server_name(space)" plus CRLF in # the end. names_max_len = 512 - (len(server.name) + 2 + 2) for name in sorted(x.nickname for x in channel.members): if not names: names = names_prefix + name # Using >= to include the space between "names" and "name". elif len(names) + len(name) >= names_max_len: self.reply(names) names = names_prefix + name else: names += " " + name if names: self.reply(names) self.reply("366 %s %s :End of NAMES list" % (self.nickname, channelname)) def __command_handler(self, command, arguments): def away_handler(): pass def ison_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply_461("ISON") return nicks = arguments online = [n for n in nicks if server.get_client(n)] self.reply("303 %s :%s" % (self.nickname, " ".join(online))) def join_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply_461("JOIN") return if arguments[0] == "0": for (channelname, channel) in self.channels.items(): self.message_channel(channel, "PART", channelname, True) self.channel_log(channel, "left", meta=True) server.remove_member_from_channel(self, channelname) self.channels = {} return self.__send_names(arguments, for_join=True) def list_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: channels = server.channels.values() else: channels = [] for channelname in arguments[0].split(","): if server.has_channel(channelname): channels.append(server.get_channel(channelname)) sorted_channels = sorted(channels, key=lambda x: x.name) for channel in sorted_channels: self.reply("322 %s %s %d :%s" % (self.nickname, channel.name, len(channel.members), channel.topic)) self.reply("323 %s :End of LIST" % self.nickname) def lusers_handler(): self.send_lusers() def mode_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply_461("MODE") return targetname = arguments[0] if server.has_channel(targetname): channel = server.get_channel(targetname) if len(arguments) < 2: if channel.key: modes = "+k" if irc_lower(channel.name) in self.channels: modes += " %s" % channel.key else: modes = "+" self.reply("324 %s %s %s" % (self.nickname, targetname, modes)) return flag = arguments[1] if flag == "+k": if len(arguments) < 3: self.reply_461("MODE") return key = arguments[2] if irc_lower(channel.name) in self.channels: channel.key = key self.message_channel( channel, "MODE", "%s +k %s" % (channel.name, key), True) self.channel_log( channel, "set channel key to %s" % key, meta=True) else: self.reply("442 %s :You're not on that channel" % targetname) elif flag == "-k": if irc_lower(channel.name) in self.channels: channel.key = None self.message_channel( channel, "MODE", "%s -k" % channel.name, True) self.channel_log( channel, "removed channel key", meta=True) else: self.reply("442 %s :You're not on that channel" % targetname) else: self.reply("472 %s %s :Unknown MODE flag" % (self.nickname, flag)) elif targetname == self.nickname: if len(arguments) == 1: self.reply("221 %s +" % self.nickname) else: self.reply("501 %s :Unknown MODE flag" % self.nickname) else: self.reply_403(targetname) def motd_handler(): self.send_motd() def names_handler(): self.__send_names(arguments) def nick_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply("431 :No nickname given") return newnick = arguments[0] client = server.get_client(newnick) if newnick == self.nickname: pass elif client and client is not self: self.reply("433 %s %s :Nickname is already in use" % (self.nickname, newnick)) elif not self.__valid_nickname_regexp.match(newnick): self.reply("432 %s %s :Erroneous Nickname" % (self.nickname, newnick)) else: for x in self.channels.values(): self.channel_log( x, "changed nickname to %s" % newnick, meta=True) oldnickname = self.nickname self.nickname = newnick server.client_changed_nickname(self, oldnickname) self.message_related( ":%s!%s@%s NICK %s" % (oldnickname, self.user, self.host, self.nickname), True) def notice_and_privmsg_handler(): if len(arguments) == 0: self.reply("411 %s :No recipient given (%s)" % (self.nickname, command)) return if len(arguments) == 1: self.reply("412 %s :No text to send" % self.nickname) return targetname = arguments[0] message = arguments[1] client = server.get_client(targetname) if client: client.message(":%s %s %s :%s" % (self.prefix, command, targetname, message)) elif server.has_channel(targetname): channel = server.get_channel(targetname) self.message_channel( channel, command, "%s :%s" % (channel.name, message)) self.channel_log(channel, message) else: self.reply("401 %s %s :No such nick/channel" % (self.nickname, targetname)) def part_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply_461("PART") return if len(arguments) > 1: partmsg = arguments[1] else: partmsg = self.nickname for channelname in arguments[0].split(","): if not valid_channel_re.match(channelname): self.reply_403(channelname) elif not irc_lower(channelname) in self.channels: self.reply("442 %s %s :You're not on that channel" % (self.nickname, channelname)) else: channel = self.channels[irc_lower(channelname)] self.message_channel( channel, "PART", "%s :%s" % (channelname, partmsg), True) self.channel_log(channel, "left (%s)" % partmsg, meta=True) del self.channels[irc_lower(channelname)] server.remove_member_from_channel(self, channelname) def ping_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply("409 %s :No origin specified" % self.nickname) return self.reply("PONG %s :%s" % (server.name, arguments[0])) def pong_handler(): pass def quit_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: quitmsg = self.nickname else: quitmsg = arguments[0] self.disconnect(quitmsg) def topic_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply_461("TOPIC") return channelname = arguments[0] channel = self.channels.get(irc_lower(channelname)) if channel: if len(arguments) > 1: newtopic = arguments[1] channel.topic = newtopic self.message_channel( channel, "TOPIC", "%s :%s" % (channelname, newtopic), True) self.channel_log( channel, "set topic to %r" % newtopic, meta=True) else: if channel.topic: self.reply("332 %s %s :%s" % (self.nickname, channel.name, channel.topic)) else: self.reply("331 %s %s :No topic is set" % (self.nickname, channel.name)) else: self.reply("442 %s :You're not on that channel" % channelname) def wallops_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: self.reply_461("WALLOPS") return message = arguments[0] for client in server.clients.values(): client.message(":%s NOTICE %s :Global notice: %s" % (self.prefix, client.nickname, message)) def who_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: return targetname = arguments[0] if server.has_channel(targetname): channel = server.get_channel(targetname) for member in channel.members: self.reply("352 %s %s %s %s %s %s H :0 %s" % (self.nickname, targetname, member.user, member.host, server.name, member.nickname, member.realname)) self.reply("315 %s %s :End of WHO list" % (self.nickname, targetname)) def whois_handler(): if len(arguments) < 1: return username = arguments[0] user = server.get_client(username) if user: self.reply("311 %s %s %s %s * :%s" % (self.nickname, user.nickname, user.user, user.host, user.realname)) self.reply("312 %s %s %s :%s" % (self.nickname, user.nickname, server.name, server.name)) self.reply("319 %s %s :%s" % (self.nickname, user.nickname, " ".join(user.channels))) self.reply("318 %s %s :End of WHOIS list" % (self.nickname, user.nickname)) else: self.reply("401 %s %s :No such nick" % (self.nickname, username)) handler_table = { "AWAY": away_handler, "ISON": ison_handler, "JOIN": join_handler, "LIST": list_handler, "LUSERS": lusers_handler, "MODE": mode_handler, "MOTD": motd_handler, "NAMES": names_handler, "NICK": nick_handler, "NOTICE": notice_and_privmsg_handler, "PART": part_handler, "PING": ping_handler, "PONG": pong_handler, "PRIVMSG": notice_and_privmsg_handler, "QUIT": quit_handler, "TOPIC": topic_handler, "WALLOPS": wallops_handler, "WHO": who_handler, "WHOIS": whois_handler, } server = self.server valid_channel_re = self.__valid_channelname_regexp try: handler_table[command]() except KeyError: self.reply("421 %s %s :Unknown command" % (self.nickname, command)) def socket_readable_notification(self): try: data = self.socket.recv(2 ** 10) self.server.print_debug( "[%s:%d] -> %r" % (self.host, self.port, data)) quitmsg = "EOT" except socket.error as x: data = "" quitmsg = x if data: self.__readbuffer += socket_to_buffer(data) self.__parse_read_buffer() self.__timestamp = time.time() self.__sent_ping = False else: self.disconnect(quitmsg) def socket_writable_notification(self): try: sent = self.socket.send(buffer_to_socket(self.__writebuffer)) self.server.print_debug( "[%s:%d] <- %r" % ( self.host, self.port, self.__writebuffer[:sent])) self.__writebuffer = self.__writebuffer[sent:] except socket.error as x: self.disconnect(x) def disconnect(self, quitmsg): self.message("ERROR :%s" % quitmsg) self.server.print_info( "Disconnected connection from %s:%s (%s)." % ( self.host, self.port, quitmsg)) self.socket.close() self.server.remove_client(self, quitmsg) def message(self, msg): self.__writebuffer += msg + "\r\n" def reply(self, msg): self.message(":%s %s" % (self.server.name, msg)) def reply_403(self, channel): self.reply("403 %s %s :No such channel" % (self.nickname, channel)) def reply_461(self, command): nickname = self.nickname or "*" self.reply("461 %s %s :Not enough parameters" % (nickname, command)) def message_channel(self, channel, command, message, include_self=False): line = ":%s %s %s" % (self.prefix, command, message) for client in channel.members: if client != self or include_self: client.message(line) def channel_log(self, channel, message, meta=False): if not self.server.channel_log_dir: return if meta: format = "[%s] * %s %s\n" else: format = "[%s] <%s> %s\n" timestamp = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC") logname = channel.name.replace("_", "__").replace("/", "_") fp = open("%s/%s.log" % (self.server.channel_log_dir, logname), "a") fp.write(format % (timestamp, self.nickname, message)) fp.close() def message_related(self, msg, include_self=False): clients = set() if include_self: clients.add(self) for channel in self.channels.values(): clients |= channel.members if not include_self: clients.discard(self) for client in clients: client.message(msg) def send_lusers(self): self.reply("251 %s :There are %d users and 0 services on 1 server" % (self.nickname, len(self.server.clients))) def send_motd(self): server = self.server motdlines = server.get_motd_lines() if motdlines: self.reply("375 %s :- %s Message of the day -" % (self.nickname, server.name)) for line in motdlines: self.reply("372 %s :- %s" % (self.nickname, line.rstrip())) self.reply("376 %s :End of /MOTD command" % self.nickname) else: self.reply("422 %s :MOTD File is missing" % self.nickname) class Server(object): def __init__(self, options): self.ports = options.ports self.password = options.password self.ssl_pem_file = options.ssl_pem_file self.motdfile = options.motd self.verbose = options.verbose self.debug = options.debug self.channel_log_dir = options.channel_log_dir self.chroot = options.chroot self.setuid = options.setuid self.state_dir = options.state_dir self.log_file = options.log_file self.log_max_bytes = options.log_max_size * 1024 * 1024 self.log_count = options.log_count self.logger = None if options.password_file: with open(options.password_file, "r") as fp: self.password = fp.read().strip("\n") if self.ssl_pem_file: self.ssl = __import__("ssl") # Find certificate after daemonization if path is relative: if self.ssl_pem_file and os.path.exists(self.ssl_pem_file): self.ssl_pem_file = os.path.abspath(self.ssl_pem_file) # else: might exist in the chroot jail, so just continue if options.listen: self.address = socket.gethostbyname(options.listen) else: self.address = "" server_name_limit = 63 # From the RFC. self.name = socket.getfqdn(self.address)[:server_name_limit] self.channels = {} # irc_lower(Channel name) --> Channel instance. self.clients = {} # Socket --> Client instance. self.nicknames = {} # irc_lower(Nickname) --> Client instance. if self.channel_log_dir: create_directory(self.channel_log_dir) if self.state_dir: create_directory(self.state_dir) def make_pid_file(self, filename): try: fd = os.open(filename, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, 0o644) os.write(fd, "%i\n" % os.getpid()) os.close(fd) except: self.print_error("Could not create PID file %r" % filename) sys.exit(1) def daemonize(self): try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: sys.exit(0) except OSError: sys.exit(1) os.setsid() try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: self.print_info("PID: %d" % pid) sys.exit(0) except OSError: sys.exit(1) os.chdir("/") os.umask(0) dev_null = open("/dev/null", "r+") os.dup2(dev_null.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) os.dup2(dev_null.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno()) os.dup2(dev_null.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) def get_client(self, nickname): return self.nicknames.get(irc_lower(nickname)) def has_channel(self, name): return irc_lower(name) in self.channels def get_channel(self, channelname): if irc_lower(channelname) in self.channels: channel = self.channels[irc_lower(channelname)] else: channel = Channel(self, channelname) self.channels[irc_lower(channelname)] = channel return channel def get_motd_lines(self): if self.motdfile: try: return open(self.motdfile).readlines() except IOError: return ["Could not read MOTD file %r." % self.motdfile] else: return [] def print_info(self, msg): if self.verbose: print(msg) sys.stdout.flush() if self.logger: self.logger.info(msg) def print_debug(self, msg): if self.debug: print(msg) sys.stdout.flush() if self.logger: self.logger.debug(msg) def print_error(self, msg): sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg) if self.logger: self.logger.error(msg) def client_changed_nickname(self, client, oldnickname): if oldnickname: del self.nicknames[irc_lower(oldnickname)] self.nicknames[irc_lower(client.nickname)] = client def remove_member_from_channel(self, client, channelname): if irc_lower(channelname) in self.channels: channel = self.channels[irc_lower(channelname)] channel.remove_client(client) def remove_client(self, client, quitmsg): client.message_related(":%s QUIT :%s" % (client.prefix, quitmsg)) for x in client.channels.values(): client.channel_log(x, "quit (%s)" % quitmsg, meta=True) x.remove_client(client) if client.nickname \ and irc_lower(client.nickname) in self.nicknames: del self.nicknames[irc_lower(client.nickname)] del self.clients[client.socket] def remove_channel(self, channel): del self.channels[irc_lower(channel.name)] def start(self): serversockets = [] for port in self.ports: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) try: s.bind((self.address, port)) except socket.error as e: self.print_error("Could not bind port %s: %s." % (port, e)) sys.exit(1) s.listen(5) serversockets.append(s) del s self.print_info("Listening on port %d." % port) if self.chroot: os.chdir(self.chroot) os.chroot(self.chroot) self.print_info("Changed root directory to %s" % self.chroot) if self.setuid: os.setgid(self.setuid[1]) os.setuid(self.setuid[0]) self.print_info("Setting uid:gid to %s:%s" % (self.setuid[0], self.setuid[1])) self.init_logging() try: self.run(serversockets) except: if self.logger: self.logger.exception("Fatal exception") raise def init_logging(self): if not self.log_file: return log_level = logging.INFO if self.debug: log_level = logging.DEBUG self.logger = logging.getLogger("miniircd") formatter = logging.Formatter( ("%(asctime)s - %(name)s[%(process)d] - " "%(levelname)s - %(message)s")) fh = RotatingFileHandler( self.log_file, maxBytes=self.log_max_bytes, backupCount=self.log_count) fh.setLevel(log_level) fh.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.setLevel(log_level) self.logger.addHandler(fh) def run(self, serversockets): last_aliveness_check = time.time() while True: (iwtd, owtd, ewtd) = select.select( serversockets + [x.socket for x in self.clients.values()], [x.socket for x in self.clients.values() if x.write_queue_size() > 0], [], 10) for x in iwtd: if x in self.clients: self.clients[x].socket_readable_notification() else: (conn, addr) = x.accept() if self.ssl_pem_file: try: conn = self.ssl.wrap_socket( conn, server_side=True, certfile=self.ssl_pem_file, keyfile=self.ssl_pem_file) except Exception as e: self.print_error( "SSL error for connection from %s:%s: %s" % ( addr[0], addr[1], e)) continue try: self.clients[conn] = Client(self, conn) self.print_info("Accepted connection from %s:%s." % ( addr[0], addr[1])) except socket.error as e: try: conn.close() except: pass for x in owtd: if x in self.clients: # client may have been disconnected self.clients[x].socket_writable_notification() now = time.time() if last_aliveness_check + 10 < now: for client in list(self.clients.values()): client.check_aliveness() last_aliveness_check = now _maketrans = str.maketrans if PY3 else string.maketrans _ircstring_translation = _maketrans( string.ascii_lowercase.upper() + "[]\\^", string.ascii_lowercase + "{}|~") def irc_lower(s): return s.translate(_ircstring_translation) def main(argv): op = OptionParser( version=VERSION, description="miniircd is a small and limited IRC server.") op.add_option( "--channel-log-dir", metavar="X", help="store channel log in directory X") op.add_option( "-d", "--daemon", action="store_true", help="fork and become a daemon") op.add_option( "--debug", action="store_true", help="print debug messages to stdout") op.add_option( "--listen", metavar="X", help="listen on specific IP address X") op.add_option( "--log-count", metavar="X", default=10, type="int", help="keep X log files; default: %default") op.add_option( "--log-file", metavar="X", help="store log in file X") op.add_option( "--log-max-size", metavar="X", default=10, type="int", help="set maximum log file size to X MiB; default: %default MiB") op.add_option( "--motd", metavar="X", help="display file X as message of the day") op.add_option( "--pid-file", metavar="X", help="write PID to file X") op.add_option( "-p", "--password", metavar="X", help="require connection password X; default: no password") op.add_option( "--password-file", metavar="X", help=("require connection password stored in file X;" " default: no password")) op.add_option( "--ports", metavar="X", help="listen to ports X (a list separated by comma or whitespace);" " default: 6667 or 6697 if SSL is enabled") op.add_option( "-s", "--ssl-pem-file", metavar="FILE", help="enable SSL and use FILE as the .pem certificate+key") op.add_option( "--state-dir", metavar="X", help="save persistent channel state (topic, key) in directory X") op.add_option( "--verbose", action="store_true", help="be verbose (print some progress messages to stdout)") if os.name == "posix": op.add_option( "--chroot", metavar="X", help="change filesystem root to directory X after startup" " (requires root)") op.add_option( "--setuid", metavar="U[:G]", help="change process user (and optionally group) after startup" " (requires root)") else: op.chroot = False op.setuid = False (options, args) = op.parse_args(argv[1:]) if options.debug: options.verbose = True if options.ports is None: if options.ssl_pem_file is None: options.ports = "6667" else: options.ports = "6697" if options.chroot: if os.getuid() != 0: op.error("Must be root to use --chroot") if options.setuid: from pwd import getpwnam from grp import getgrnam if os.getuid() != 0: op.error("Must be root to use --setuid") matches = options.setuid.split(":") if len(matches) == 2: options.setuid = (getpwnam(matches[0]).pw_uid, getgrnam(matches[1]).gr_gid) elif len(matches) == 1: options.setuid = (getpwnam(matches[0]).pw_uid, getpwnam(matches[0]).pw_gid) else: op.error("Specify a user, or user and group separated by a colon," " e.g. --setuid daemon, --setuid nobody:nobody") if (os.getuid() == 0 or os.getgid() == 0) and not options.setuid: op.error("Running this service as root is not recommended. Use the" " --setuid option to switch to an unprivileged account after" " startup. If you really intend to run as root, use" " \"--setuid root\".") ports = [] for port in re.split(r"[,\s]+", options.ports): try: ports.append(int(port)) except ValueError: op.error("bad port: %r" % port) options.ports = ports server = Server(options) if options.daemon: server.daemonize() if options.pid_file: server.make_pid_file(options.pid_file) try: server.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: server.print_error("Interrupted.") main(sys.argv) ################################# top of the script don't think needed just in case ya might add 'import ssl' on github the python file is named a bit different to start the script save it as example: minircd.py chmod +x the script as root from hidircz directory with your pem file and motd file: # python minircd.py --ssl-pem-file=/root/hidircz/hidz.pem --listen --motd=huh.motd --setuid=root i didn't test this out but to run the script as non root ya might need change directory to say /home/nonrootuser move everything there, chown -R nonroot:nonroot all the files so ssl doesn't gripe about an error i might be wrong on this fyi to get help with the irc server: # python minircd.py -h i forgot to mention to start tor at least on arch: # /usr/bin/tor -f /etc/tor/torrc so now you have a irc tor chat server up in stealth mode plus an additional layer of ssl the clients say via irssi can connect as follows: # socat TCP4-LISTEN:8000,reuseaddr,fork SOCKS4a:,socksport=9050 you don't add the 'irc' in front of the 'domain' just the onion address without 'irc' then launch irssi and to connect /connect -ssl 8000 you can create a room join chat typical irc stuff anything done as /whois will show localhost no ip info for pidgin users little different but not much... basic tab is irc protocol yer user name server is the tor address without 'irc' advanced tab port 6697 proxy tab... proxy is http host port 8118 start privoxy before connecting: # /usr/bin/privoxy --no-daemon /etc/privoxy/config here is my privoxy config: ####################################### # Generally, this file goes in /etc/privoxy/config # unfucked config by cm0s 010117 # to start /usr/bin/privoxy --no-dameon /etc/privoxy/config # Tor listens as a SOCKS4a proxy here: forward-socks5 / . # confz confdir /etc/privoxy logdir /var/log/privoxy # actionsfile standard # Internal purpose, recommended actionsfile default.action # Main actions file actionsfile user.action # User customizations filterfile default.filter # timeout shit keep-alive-timeout 600 # mohr timeout shit default-server-timeout 600 # yet mohhhrrr... socket-timeout 600 # Don't log interesting things, only startup messages, warnings and errors logfile logfile #jarfile jarfile #debug 0 # show each GET/POST/CONNECT request debug 4096 # Startup banner and warnings debug 8192 # Errors - *we highly recommended enabling this* user-manual /usr/share/doc/privoxy/user-manual listen-address localhost:8118 toggle 1 enable-remote-toggle 0 enable-edit-actions 0 enable-remote-http-toggle 0 buffer-limit 4096 # # ######################################## a quick side note: make sure logging is off in pidgin and also the otr plugin so recap, ya just launched your very own irc chat server can make your own motd, publish your otr key add whatever custom stuff ya want and ya really made it private coz it's in stealth mode stealth mode tor is NOT listed in the tor directory and even if someone finds your onion address they can't do anything, won't even let them scan your address without the auth cookie, and you added another layer of ssl cheerz splif
  13. https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/OpenVPN_Remote_Access_Server
  14. the thing about the 'vpn review' stuff and this includes myself from my own review, is everyone uses things different, what i mean by that is the individual's config until someone shows their whole box's config and how they actually route things, have their local set up all the way down to the OS and what else it is doing well point is a 'review' is really 'relative' the way i use 'arch linux' can be completely different than the way someone else uses it someone else might have a better config than me, better 'habits' maybe even read a manual k, done gripen
  15. to use rtorrnet basics are: right click a magnet link copy magnet link launch rtorrent from your terminal hit the 'enter' key paste url, enter again hit the arrow 'up' key you'll see two dots show up next to your torrent it hasn't started yet hit 'ctrl+s' that will start the torrent once done 'ctrl+q' to quit
  16. here's my .rtorrent.rc config file # This is an example resource file for rTorrent. Copy to # ~/.rtorrent.rc and enable/modify the options as needed. Remember to # uncomment the options you wish to enable. # Maximum and minimum number of peers to connect to per torrent. min_peers = 50 max_peers = 80 # Same as above but for seeding completed torrents (-1 = same as downloading) min_peers_seed = 1 max_peers_seed = 50 # Maximum number of uploads single torrent may use max_uploads = 4 # Maximum number of simultaneous downloads max_downloads_global = 10 # Maximum number of simultaneous uploads max_uploads_global = 20 # Global upload and download rate in KiB. "0" for unlimited. download_rate = 0 upload_rate = 50 # Default directory to save the downloaded torrents. directory = ~/d0wnz # Default session directory. Make sure you don't run multiple instance # of rtorrent using the same session directory. Perhaps using a # relative path? session = ~/d0wnz # Watch a directory for new torrents, and stop those that have been # deleted. schedule = watch_directory,5,5,load_start=./rtactive/*.torrent schedule = tied_directory,6,5,start_tied= schedule = untied_directory,7,5,stop_untied= # Close torrents when diskspace is low. schedule = low_diskspace,5,60,close_low_diskspace=2000M # Periodically save session data #schedule = session_save,240,300,session_save= # Enable the default ratio group. ratio.enable= # Change the limits, the defaults should be sufficient. # Upload to a minimum ratio of 4.0 ratio.min.set=400 # Upload to a maximum ratio of 20.0 ratio.max.set=2000 # Upload a minimum of 250 MB ratio.upload.set=250M # When seeding ratio is reached close the torrent system.method.set = group.seeding.ratio.command, d.close= # Move files to ./unsorted when download completes system.method.set_key = event.download.finished,move_complete,"d.set_directory=~/d0wnz/;execute=mv,-n,$d.get_base_path=,~/d0wnz/" # Port range to use for listening. port_range = 60125-64125 # Start opening ports at a random position within the port range. port_random = yes # fixed diskspace properly reported... check_hash = yes # Encryption options, set to none (default) or any combination of the following: # allow_incoming, try_outgoing, require, require_RC4, enable_retry, prefer_plaintext # # The example value allows incoming encrypted connections, starts unencrypted # outgoing connections but retries with encryption if they fail, preferring # plaintext to RC4 encryption after the encrypted handshake # encryption = allow_incoming,try_outgoing,enable_retry # Sort the main view by ratio view.sort_current = main,greater=d.get_ratio= view.sort_new = main,less=d.get_ratio= view.sort = main # Sort the seeding view by the upload rate and only show torrents with peers view.sort_current = seeding,greater=d.get_up_rate= view.filter = seeding,"and=d.get_complete=,d.get_peers_connected=" view.sort_new = seeding,less=d.get_up_rate= view.sort = seeding # Sort the leeching view by name view.sort_current = leeching,greater=d.get_name= view.sort_new = leeching,greater=d.get_name= view.sort = leeching # Filter the active view by connected peers view.sort_current = active,less=d.get_name= view.sort_new = leeching,less=d.get_name= view.filter = active,d.get_peers_connected= view.sort = active schedule = sort_main,11,5,view.sort=main schedule = sort_seeding,12,5,view.sort=seeding schedule = sort_leeching,13,5,view.sort=leeching schedule = sort_active,14,5,view.sort=active # Enable DHT support for trackerless torrents or when all trackers are down. # May be set to "disable" (completely disable DHT), "off" (do not start DHT), # "auto" (start and stop DHT as needed), or "on" (start DHT immediately). # The default is "off". For DHT to work, a session directory must be defined. # dht = auto # UDP port to use for DHT. # dht_port = 63425 # Enable peer exchange (for torrents not marked private) # peer_exchange = yes
  17. yeah craigs does that often don't forget this sometimes i forget to switch it off but firefox about:config network.http.sendRefererHeader ya want it set to '1' for craigslist
  18. cm0s

    airvpn AP script

    updated a global dark to dim the lights here got rid of the old green one i had modded shame on userstyles dot org messing their site up so bad glad i got the ones i liked from there and just mod them 062617: updated the css go full screen forum width /* about:config search stylish set editor to 1 took global dark modded it edit_062617 */ @namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml); @-moz-document domain(airvpn.org) { @-moz-document url-prefix("about:preferences"),url-prefix("about:addons"){ * { color: #999 !important; background-color: #2C2E2F !important; } #categories * {color:#6C7075 } #categories, #nav-header {background:#2C2E2F !important;color:#E0E0E0 !important;} .main-content {background:#2C2E2F !important} .addon-view[notification], .addon-view[pending] { background-image:none !important; color:#FFF !important;background:#4D679A!important} #categories [selected="true"], #categories richlistitem:hover {color:#E0E0E0 !important;background:#4D679A!important}} /*----- SITES TO EXCLUDE -----*/ @-moz-document regexp("https?://(?!(www.your.sites.here.com|www.rememberthemilk.com|youtube.com|facebook.com|keep.google.com|calendar.google.com|mail.google.com|forum.example.com)).*"), url-prefix(ftp://), url-prefix(file://), url-prefix(javascript),url-prefix(about:),regexp("!about:preferences"),url-prefix("about:addons"),url-prefix("https://www.google.com") { html, #newtab-window {background: /***** COPY AND PASTE THE URL OF YOUR BACKROUND-IMAGE INSIDE THE "": *****/ /***** FOR A SIMPLE BLACK BACKGROUND JUST REMOVE THE URL LINE ABOVE *****/ /***** Some background-images (you can also use your own url): default: http://abload.de/img/b1fgs11.png old default: http://abload.de/img/ultra_x2vm9k.jpg http://abload.de/img/b2w4shd.png http://abload.de/img/b3qrs99.png http://abload.de/img/b4zcse8.png http://abload.de/img/b5b1s7x.png http://abload.de/img/b6umsmy.png http://abload.de/img/b7ars8c.png http://abload.de/img/kubrickbgcolor2darkr8skc.png http://abload.de/img/xpattern_darkq8s3i.png http://abload.de/img/mainpatternolxcq.png */ #000000 /* fixed */ !important} /*----- DEFAULT TEXT, BORDER & BACKGROUND COLORS -----*/ * { color: #999 !important; 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  19. cm0s

    airvpn AP script

    it is this: https://github.com/oblique/create_ap tweaked to work with openvpn/ssl
  20. cm0s

    airvpn AP script

  21. cm0s

    airvpn AP script

    script put together today for those wanting a quick AP tested with iphone and 36nh wifi card i'm not a coder so mod it for your distro fixes/improvements etc #!/bin/bash # 062117 # ap script for openvpn via ssl/443 # mod for yer distro or vpn needs # i'm not a coder so double check for # any errors/improvements etc. # tested with iphone and alfa awus036nh ################################################## LG='\033[0;37m' LB='\033[1;34m' LC='\033[1;36m' BO='\033[0;33m' YL='\033[1;33m' GR='\033[0;32m' RD='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color ################################################## f_exit(){ clear exit 2> /dev/null } ################################################## # ctrl+c trap f_stop 2 ################################################## f_stop(){ # virtcent=$((`tput lines`/2-5)) horcent=$((`tput cols`/2-10)) # clear f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}flushen the toilet bruh...${NC}\n" sleep 1 # stop the mcluvnz if [ ! -z "$(pidof dnsmasq)" ]; then kill $(pidof dnsmasq); fi if [ ! -z "$(pidof macchanger)" ]; then kill $(pidof macchanger); fi if [ ! -z "$(pidof xterm)" ]; then kill $(pidof xterm); fi if [ ! -z "$(pidof create_ap)" ]; then kill $(pidof create_ap); fi # echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward # # stop apz killall -9 create_ap > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 1 f_mainmenu } ################################################## f_tblzvpn(){ # virtcent=$((`tput lines`/2-5)) horcent=$((`tput cols`/2-10)) # clear f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}IPTABLEs VPN/SSL${NC}" sleep 4 # iptables -F iptables -t nat -F iptables -t mangle -F # iptables -X iptables -t nat -X iptables -t mangle -X # iptables -P INPUT DROP iptables -P FORWARD DROP # iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT # iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT # iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -s -d -j ACCEPT iptables -A OUTPUT -s -d -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o tun0 -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -i tun0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s 0/0 -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s 0/0 -p tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 ! -d -p tcp --dport 1413 -j DROP # # ignore bad error messages for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses; do echo 1 > $f done # # Disable response to broadcasts for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts; do echo 1 > $f done # # disable source routed packets for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/accept_source_route; do echo 0 > $f done # # enable TCP SYN cookie for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies; do echo 1 > $f done # # disable ICMP redirect acceptance for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/accept_redirects; do echo 0 > $f done # # no redirect messages for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/send_redirects; do echo 0 > $f done # # drop spoofz for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter; do echo 1 > $f done # # save stuff if [ ! -e /root/tablz ]; then mkdir /root/tablz; fi iptables-save > /root/tablz/iptables.rules # f_mainmenu } ################################################## f_tblzallow(){ # virtcent=$((`tput lines`/2-5)) horcent=$((`tput cols`/2-10)) # clear f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}IPTABLEs ALLOW ALL${NC}" sleep 4 # iptables -F iptables -X iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT # f_mainmenu } ################################################## f_install(){ # virtcent=$((`tput lines`/2-5)) horcent=$((`tput cols`/2-10)) # clear f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}nstallen create_ap${NC}\n" sleep 2 reqs1="create_ap" sleep 1 pacman -S --noconfirm --needed $reqs1 sleep 2 clear f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}create_ap installed${NC}\n" sleep 4 # f_mainmenu } ################################################## f_makaddy(){ # virtcent=$((`tput lines`/2-5)) horcent=$((`tput cols`/2-10)) # clear unset WIFACE while [ -z "${WIFACE}" ]; do f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && read -p "$(echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}name of wifi card such as wlan0: ${NC}\n")" WIFACE; done sleep 1 # clear unset macvar f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && read -p "$(echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}wanna change yer mac addy for AP? [y/N]: ${NC}\n")" macvar mac_answer=$(echo ${macvar} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # sleep 1 clear unset random_mac unset ap_mac if [ "${mac_answer}" == "y" ]; then while [ -z "${random_mac}" ]; do f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && read -p "$(echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}random or manual? [r/m]: ${NC}\n")" random_mac; done case ${random_mac} in r|R) ip link set ${WIFACE} down && macchanger -r ${WIFACE} && ip link set ${WIFACE} up;; m|M) while [ -z "${ap_mac}" ]; do clear && f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && read -p "$(echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}with caps enter macaddy for AP: ${NC}\n")" ap_mac; done if [ -z $(echo ${ap_mac} | sed -n "/^\([0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z]:\)\{5\}[0-9A-Z][0-9A-Z]$/p") ]; then clear && f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}nvalid macaddy bruh...${NC}\n" sleep 1 f_makaddy else ip link set ${WIFACE} down sleep 1 macchanger -m ${ap_mac} ${WIFACE} sleep 1 iplink set ${WIFACE} up fi esac fi } ################################################## f_airAP(){ # virtcent=$((`tput lines`/2-5)) horcent=$((`tput cols`/2-10)) # clear f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}HIDDEN AP WPA2 STATIC DNS w/NET${NC}" sleep 4 clear f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}ctrl + c to stop the AP ${NC}" sleep 4 # f_makaddy # clear unset DNSZ while [ -z "${DNSZ}" ]; do f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && read -p "$(echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}enter static dns such as ${NC}\n")" DNSZ; done sleep 2 # clear unset IFACE while [ -z "${IFACE}" ]; do f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && read -p "$(echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}iface connected to net such as eth0/tun0: ${NC}\n")" IFACE; done sleep 2 # clear unset ESSID while [ -z "${ESSID}" ]; do f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && read -p "$(echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}enter name of AP: ${NC}\n")" ESSID; done sleep 2 # clear unset PASZ while [ -z "${PASZ}" ]; do f_banz && tput cup $virtcent $horcent && read -p "$(echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}enter wpa2 password: ${NC}\n")" PASZ; done sleep 2 create_ap -m nat --dhcp-dns ${DNSZ} ${WIFACE} ${IFACE} --hidden ${ESSID} ${PASZ} --no-virt sleep 2 f_mainmenu } ################################################## # menu stuff ################################################## f_banz(){ tput setaf 2 echo -e ' ____ _ ____ _ _ ___ _ _ ____ ___ |__| | |__/ | | |__] |\ | __ |__| |__] | | | | \ \/ | | \| | | | ' tput setaf 7 echo -e ' ======================================= ' tput sgr0 } ################################################## f_mainmenu(){ clear f_banz echo -e " ${LB}Main Menu\n" echo -e " ${RD}1. ${BO}airAP${NC}" echo -e " ${RD}2. ${BO}tablz VPN${NC}" echo -e " ${RD}3. ${BO}tablz ALLOW${NC}" echo -e " ${RD}4. ${BO}install${NC}" echo -e " ${RD}5. ${BO}exit${NC}" echo echo read -p " Choice: " mainmenuchoice case ${mainmenuchoice} in 1) unset clean; f_airAP ;; 2) unset clean; f_tblzvpn ;; 3) unset clean; f_tblzallow ;; 4) unset clean; f_install ;; 5) f_exit ;; *) f_mainmenu ;; esac } ################################################## # root shit if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo -e "\n\e[1;34m [*]\e[0m ${GR}roll as root bruh...\n" 1>&2 exit 1 else clean=1 f_mainmenu fi ##################################################
  22. cm0s

    Monero paranoid

    i call that Tuesdays
  23. cm0s


    enjoyed the read on that one pr1v thanx that would literally be bad ass have an ip addy in the sky
  24. not familiar with eddie but saw in your logs 'stunnel' for me that is on port 443 also says 'openvpn driver not installed' that might be why the time out the operating system can not talk to the thingymajigger that has the widget on stand by thereby goofen the flux capacitor i think this might be the driver you need if not my bad https://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/downloads.html these guys did this: https://airvpn.org/topic/13126-driver-installation-failed/ https://airvpn.org/windows/
  25. they do on my boxes and it seems to not matter which app i use if i'd read a manual i'm sure one might tell me about a setting to limit something somewhere but not gonna do that, plenty of boxes around so i just use a separate box to grab the shows/movies and then: # python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 then from another box to grab said file: # wget
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