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  1. I just noticed that with AirVPN you can open ports and create DNS servers. My intention is to set up a BIND DDNS server so that I can link the IPs of my computers at work, home, and my vacation house to a BIND DDNS server via AirVPN. I know there are existing DDNS providers, but they are often associated with illegal activities, and I don’t trust them. Is it possible to link a DNS with AirVPN so that I can run a BIND server and allow external connections? For example: pc1home.aivpndns.com, pcwork.aivpndns.com, pcvacationhouse.aivpndns.com.
  2. Hey I'm using a forwarded port to access a service behind the vpn. Has worked great for a few months, but today the DDNS entry seems to keep getting replaced with different IP addresses that aren't mine. If I disable/reenable the port forward, then it updates again, but it's only a few minutes until it's re-overwritten. What gives?
  3. Hello, New user here with a similar problem, big fan of the service so far. It would help me if this could be dummied down a little. Similarly to OP, this setup works for regular http: webserver > airvpn? > airdns > user Goal: I would like to be able to accomplish this with https (webserver > airvpn? > airdns > cloudflare hostname > user) where each phase is encrypted. Problem: I am unable to register a certificate using the records in the background section. I think I misunderstood what you meant Background: My webserver (cosmos server) expects a hostname and allows you to use letsecrypt with your hostname (and it's subdomains) to encrypt connections with tls. Their documentation has you open a port on your router, then point your domain to your router with these records: A my.domain.here my.ip.address.numbers CNAME * my.domain.here It was working in this configuration. But in an effort to increase security (not a fan of opening up my router to attacks), I'd like to use port-forwarding instead. From the information in this thread I've ended up with these DNS records: CNAME my.domain.here subdomain.airdns.org CNAME * my.domain.here I am requesting a certificate for my.domain.here and it's subdomains (*.my.domain.here). Error: When I try to register a certificate I get this error: cloudflare: failed to find zone airdns.org.: ListZonesContext command failed: Invalid request headers (6003) Googling this error has not turned up many good results, but the error makes sense, I don't own your domain! Questions: First off, is this setup what you meant? Second, is there a way I can change my records to get past this error? Finally, do I need this at all? I can disable https all together but am not clear of the security ramifications (maybe your tls connection with the user is enough).
  4. I have a local Server permanently connected to Airvpn over wireguard. Now I want to access the installed Nextcloud from the internet with SSL Encryption. I use an apache2 webserver. I opened a port and I can access it over http. But I don't know how to configure it over https. https://airdns.org/ has a Let's encrypt certificate, but in my nexcloud.conf I know only how to use a local certificate. So how can I point the webserver to use the certificate from airdns.org?
  5. Hello. I am a beginner in Air VPN. Achieved to forward a port successfully. But when I decided to use the DDNS feature, I am constantly getting this error: DNS name 'my_name.airdns.org' is invalid Only the following characters are allowed "abcdf....9-" Can someone help me ? Do I have to set somewhere else the DDNS name and then use it here or what ?
  6. Sorry to revive this old thread I am trying something similar but couldn't understand exactly. I have: mydns.airdns.org with a forwarded port and i have cname mydns.airdns.org at cloudflare to mail.mydomain.org. and hoping when i browse to mail.mydomain.org i will get/redirect mydns.airdns.org with forwarded port. Is it possible? Also i get "ERROR: Multiple destinations" because i have multiple active vpn connections. My goal is to reach my home servers roundcube with https://mail.mydomain.org which is behind vpn. Is there a way for it? Cheers
  7. Hello, As a premium member, I've got 3 devices connected to airvpn service : 2 computers and a synology nas. Each on a different server. I try to connect to an odoo session hosted on my Nas. To do this, I've configured a port-forwarding and a ddns service. If I use the airvpn_IP_address:port_fowarded to reach this session, everything is fine and well work. I access my Odoo instance from the outside. When I try with my_ddns_chosen_name.airdns.org with or without the fowarded port number, it does not work. When I test the world propagation of the ddns name, everything is red with "ERROR: Multiple destinations" message. I also notice that it does not point to the server I'm connected with my Syno, but to another server I'm connected under my instance (with another computer). In the same time, I can read this warning message "Warning: DDNS doesn't work correctly with two o more connections." I don't understand how to access to my odoo session WITH the airdns address (wich is necessary to connect my odoo calendar with a google calendar). If someone could help, it would be much appreciated. Stéphane
  8. Hello, I have a couple of questions regarding AirVPN's port forwarding/DDNS service and the "new" multiple Device keys per user feature: From your "What is Dynamic DNS" section I can read: When a Premium member connects to an Air VPN server, the .airdns.org DNS record is updated to the exit-IP address of that server. Therefore, be aware that this service may be unusable when you establish multiple connections to different servers from different devices with the same account (in such cases, you need to point directly to the exit-IP address of the server, or use some third-party DDNS which you manually set). I understand how this worked before the multiple Device keys feature came into play but now we can have multiple devices connected to the same server, in which case my guess is that not even trying to point directly to the exit-IP address would make the port forwarding work. My suggestion is to relate de DDNS service to a Device key. For example, adding a "Device key" selector to the port forwarding menu. This way we would have 2 benefits. First, DDNS service would work as long as there were only one device using the related Device key, letting the user have some other connections at the same time. Second, even if a user ended up with a second connection to the very same server, the port forwarding feature would still work for the device with the proper Device key. Thanks in advance for your comments.
  9. Hi All, I connected a machine running a service to airvpn and I want to access to it just via Airvpn. So, I added a port forwarding via Airvpn portal. If I connect via https://ipaddress:port/nameoftheservice it opens properly. if Use the DDNS name assigned to that port, I get a timeout. the TCP test is positive and I waited a whole day for replication. there is anything that I am missing or doing wrong? thanks for your help!
  10. I have a basic Apache server running behind my VPN, which forwards the necessary ports and assigns a DDNS name to the exit IP. It works initially, and I'm able to use the name to access my apache server -- for awhile. Sooner or later, the exit IP changes but my DDNS does not automatically update like it (presumably) should. I ran a DDNS report, and all the DNS servers are pointing to a now defunct address. The only way I can update it is to re-do the port forwarding rule with the name assignment. Server-side is nothing special. It automatically connects using an OpenVPN config file, but is otherwise untouched. How do I trigger a DDNS name update without having to re-do my port forwarding and name assignments every time? Do I need to configure my OpenVPN files to trigger DDNS updates?
  11. Hey Guys - I just recently started using AirVPN and have spent the weekend setting up a few things. I subscribed to AirVPN with the plan of using a local VM with my fiber connection instead of a remote Seedbox. My goal is to have the local VM on 24/7 running Deluge and have it save all completed files to my primary system. I host too many things on my primary system plus must connect to work's VPN on it which is why I'm using this setup. I've already mounted the share for the downloads in the VM, set everything up, and all seems to be working except one thing. Just wanted to ask a couple of questions including verification that how I set it up is the best suggested method for what I'm trying to do, please. Questions 1. From Deluge's WebUI in a browser, I can connect to Deluge's Daemon. From the WebUI, it connects to (local ip because it's hosted on same system as daemon. However, when I try to connect to the Daemon using the Deluge Client with classic mode disabled, I cannot from my PC using the local IP and same port or even on the hosting PC using This only occurs when the VPN is connected. I tried connecting via DDNS from a forwarded port I created using 58846 as local port but also didn't work 2. Even though I installed AirVPN in the VM (Ubuntu 17.04 x64), it didn't have an option to launch at boot so instead I installed openvpn as a service and have it configured to launch the config file I downloaded at boot to automatically connect. Does connecting this way still offer all of the features such as ports I forward? If not or there's a better way to accomplish this, please let me know 3. Is there a way to implement network lock when using the openvpn method above - or - if openVPN looses connection, will it automatically reconnect? If VPN fails for some reason, I don't want it to continue downloading torrents. VM Environment - Ubuntu 17.04 x64 (hosted on ESXi 6.5) --- Folder mounted to Windows share for completed downloads - each label goes to different folder within mounted share --- AirVPN 2.12.4 installed via .deb (Even though currently not using client to connect) --- openVPN 2.4.0 --- Deluge / Deluged / Deluge WebUI 1.3.15 Conf File (Snippet) Below is the first part of my conf file I build & downloaded. If anything needs to be changed to accommodate anything above, please let me know. #####clientdev tunproto udpremote america.vpn.airdns.org 443resolv-retry infinitenobindpersist-keypersist-tunremote-cert-tls servercipher AES-256-CBCcomp-lzo noroute-delay 5verb 3explicit-exit-notify 5##### Thanks Guys!
  12. Right now, I've got connections to two AirVPN servers running on my pfSense box via its OpenVPN client. I'm trying to figure out DDNS so I can connect my phones remotely to that box and thus to AirVPN. I did some searches here about AirVPN's DDNS service and I found two threads where someone said this: But, looking at the Forwarded Ports/DDNS articles referenced here, I don't see that phrase. Specifically, this article: https://airvpn.org/faq/ddns/ Is it possible for me to use AirVPN's DDNS service with my current setup (two concurrent VPN connections in one pfSense box)? Or, do I need something from some other DDNS provider?
  13. Hi, I configured port forwarding with DDNS. It worked perfectly. Then I reconnected the VPN from my local server and thus I received a new 10.* IP. When I ping the named server (<name>.airdns.org), the name still points to the old public address. 1. Is the DNS update slower when the name is already mapped to an IP and the IP needs to be changed, compared to when the name does not exist? 2. When I connect a second device to AirVPN, the name may point to the second public IP. I understand, that port forwarding does not work properly with multiple connections. When I disconnect the second device, will the configured <name>.airdns.org point again to the first public IP (I mean, that would leave me with exactly one opened VPN connection). Background: I will have one local server that will always be connected to the VPN, and from time to time I will connect my phone shortly when using public WIFI. Thanks.
  14. It would be nice to have port reservations configurable in the client. That way, dynamic DNS would still work with multiple connections on one account.
  15. Hi, i have a newbie question: at this moment i use a dynamic dns service on my router to login on my home media server from remote. I would use airvpn on this media server: how can i login to this server using airvpn? Is it possible? Thanks in advance and excuse me for my poor english.
  16. I've been trying to use DDNS to connect to my computer from a remote address. However despite waiting some time, DNS servers including Google's cannot find it: > x.airdns.org Server: google-public-dns-a.google.com Address: *** google-public-dns-a.google.com can't find x.airdns.org: Server failed However, the computer that I connect to AirVPN from, (and only the computer that I connect to AirVPN from), can find it: > x.airdns.org Server: google-public-dns-a.google.com Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: x.airdns.org Address: Any other computer or connection that I attempt to connect from will give me the error message: *** google-public-dns-a.google.com can't find x.airdns.org: Server failed I've tried this multiple times from multiple computers and it consistently works this way. Why does this happen, and how can I connect to my computer remotely using DDNS?
  17. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that a Dynamic DNS service is now available to all Premium members at no surcharge. The DDNS service lets you define up to 20 domain names to make the services running behind Air VPN servers more comfortably reachable, and keep a domain name persistent across all Air VPN servers. Please see here for every information: https://airvpn.org/topic/9314-what-is-dynamic-dns Kind regards and datalove AirVPN Admins
  18. Hi! I have set a DDNS yesterday evening, but all DNS servers are still showing red/wrong and some show EMPTY/or another IP with red numbers. Have I made a mistake? Cheers! EDIT: Does DDNS also means, that even if I change servers for whatever reason, the DNS will remain the same (i am running a private FTP server) Thanx
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