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Found 82 results

  1. Good afternoon, I'm attempting to host a FTB minecraft server through AirVPN. When attempting to connect to the public server IP, Minecraft throws the error "Connection timed out: getsockopt". I've followed all the steps at this link and this link, and still receive the same error. I was able to connect using the local IP at the port I specified (not 25565). Here's a quick list of all the steps I've tried: Restarted PC & AirVPN Add all Minecraft authentication & API to outside the VPN tunnel Double checked the public exit IP Added firewall rule to the port (allow all) Tried different port Tried different server Any input or further troubleshooting steps would be greatly appreciated.
  2. https://www.ivpn.net/blog/gradual-removal-of-port-forwarding/ For a long time I've used Mullvad. After they phased out port forwarding I gave IVPN a try. They then went the same way, and now I'm here. I imagine there will be others like me who have had a similar experience with these services. This is a brand new account but I thought I'd share this news on the forum for discussion. Given the other threads on the topic ("Port forwarding availability change", "Mullvad Removing the support for forwarded ports") I'm looking forward to hearing from the staff about possible projections regarding the port forwarding feature. Hopefully positive ones. For now I appreciate the availability of the service and this forum.
  3. I cannot forward any of my ports as I get a connection timed out error when doing so This doesn't only affect airvpn but it also affects forwarding on my router as well as on other VPN services like Proton VPN, meaning its most likely computer related I have the programs I have been testing with allowed through the firewall, so this shouldn't be an issue. Port forwarding was also working yesterday, it was just this morning that it stopped working out of nowhere Does anyone know what else I can do to troubleshoot? Thanks
  4. Hello! I am a bit new to the Torrenting world, and I have set up my VPN(airvpn) and I have Qbitorrent. I have set up a port and put that port into my port for incoming connections, and I have my torrent running through Eddie(Airvpn). For some reason every time I click "Test open" under my port it says "Connection timed put(101)" Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
  5. Okay so I'm trying to port forward plex and qbittorrent but testing it using Airvpn returns " Connection timed out (110) " and using https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ tells me that both ports are closed. The setup I have is a bit complicated since Plex and Qbittorrent are running in docker along with an openvpn-client to connect to Airvpn. Docker is running in vm using Fedora CoreOS and the vm is running on a machine with a Fedora Server. I tried different ports, rebooting the machines and temporarily disabling the firewall on the vm and host but its still no working. Also, I'm behind a carrier grade nat but to my understanding that should not affect port forwarding using Airvpn, right? So not exactly sure were the problem is.
  6. Hello, I do not have very advanced networking knowledge, but things have worked well for me until now. I recently decided to switch from uTorrent, which had been working well, to qBittorrent. In the AirVPN client settings, I added an open port. I then opened qBittorrent and added this port number to the Incoming Connections field. I also unchecked the uPnP box in qBittorrent, per instructions I've seen around here. When I run the port check on this port on the AirVPN site, it gives a green light. Also, the website http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ says that this port is now open. However, no torrents are working. All of the trackers return the status "Not working" whenever I try any torrent. Am I missing something? Suggestions are appreciated. Thank you!
  7. Hello! I have a Win10 PC, with qBittorrent. I have been able to port forward successfully! However, I find that whenever I close qBittorent, and then open it back up later, the port is no longer open and says "Connection timed out (110)", so in the client I'm actually unable to download/upload/connect to peers. I did some research and found the fix for this on these forums (temporarily). Pretty much, I have to open my client, go to the advanced settings, Change it from "Eddie" for the Network Interface to "Any Interface". Then, close the client, open the client back up and then again change from "Any Interface" back to "Eddie", and it works again! I have to do this every time I close my qbit client/turn of PC. I do also confirm that the port on AirVPN's Client Area matches the one in qBitorrent. Then it works again, I'm connected/uploading/downloading and AirVPN's client area confirms that the port is Open. I would just rather not have to go to these steps everytime I close qbit. Could it be that I need to bind to an IP address/(an option I see in qbittorrent) IP address changing depending on the server that I join that makes this happen? Now, I'm not super knowledgeable in this area but I'm constantly trying to learn. So I don't know what I don't know.. If there is any additional information needed that I need to share to troubleshoot, please let me know. And thank you in advance for any help and suggestions.
  8. Hello, I'm one of the Mullvad refugees. While I tried it for a few weeks now, using a peer-to-peer protocol without a forwarded port was just too slow and often it was even impossible to establish connections to peers. And although I'm very happy with your service and the general scope of the API, there are some things that are broken or that I'm missing: Setting device names and descriptions via the API. Assigning ports to devices via the API (preferable by ID and name, but most importantly by ID), maybe also claiming ports via the API. In my tests calls to the configuration generator API with "resolve=on" would only work for IPv4 endpoints, not for IPv6 endpoints. It would be great if this also worked for IPv6 addresses. It seems a bit strange to me that adding a device returns a longer ID, while the other parts of the API which use the ID seem to truncate it to 50 characters. Why isn't the truncated ID returned uniformly? It would be nice for my use-case to also have the configuration generator optionally return JSON. The current configurations are to be consumed by wg-quick and while using wg-quick (either to load them or to transform them to wg rules) or parsing them and using them with wg is easy enough, it would just be nice to have the additional option. Maybe with some nice clean key names like "public_key". Example request for the mentioned IP resolution problem: curl -H "Api-Key: <REDACTED>" "https://airvpn.org/api/generator/?protocols=wireguard_1_udp_1637&servers=europe&device=default&resolve=on&iplayer_entry=ipv6" -o AirVPN_Europe_UDP-1637.conf This will properly resolve the hostname to an IP when "iplayer_entry=ipv4" (or the empty default) is set, but just pass the hostname through when "iplayer_entry=ipv6" is specified.
  9. Hello, I have an issue with port forwarding and my ASUS router. I've got an ASUS route, running the latest stock firmware ( with mostly default settings. The router is directly connected to a modem in bridge mode so there's no double NAT. I imported a wireguard profile and assigned my NAS to this profile. So far everything works good and as expected, and the VPN connection is active for my NAS. Most posts in this forum seem to be about the ASUS merlin firmware, but I'd rather not install a custom firmware if not necessary. For my setup: I am running an owncloud docker instance on my synology NAS and want to access it with port forwarding on the internet. Therefore I went to https://airvpn.org/ports/ and assigned a port and DDNS entry. My owncloud docker container has the port 8080 assigned as local and container port and I can access it correctly with my local ip:port. The port entry has port X assigned and as local port I setup 8080 to match the owncloud port. If I now test the port status with "test open" on the ports page, I just get the "Connection timed out (110)" error. Afaik, there shouldn't be any custom port forwarding rules necessary in my router settings, as the FAQ says don't forward the ports you want to use in the router, as that might be a security risk (?). Also accessing the ddns:port address and checking the outgoing ip:port gives also connection timeout in my browser. For testing I also forwarded a random other port and tried to listen on it on my windows pc with openvpn active and that yielded the same results. Forwarding a random port in my router and then listening to it without vpn worked though, as some testing webpage showed that this port is open then. I tried to troubleshoot it with the help of ChatGPT, but all the ideas it had, didn't yield and results or improvements. Am I missing something? There doesn't seem to be any special settings regarding the VPN Fusion connection and any type of port forwarding etc.
  10. Hello AirVPN Staff and others. I would very much like to have an API call for creating and removing port forwardings, including requesting a random port. This would allow users to have a different port open for every session started. Setting up a port to be forwarded is already pretty simple, but it does still require having a web browser running and logging in to Air. This may be a small obstacle, but an obstacle nonetheless. I strongly suspect many people will set up a port forwarding only once, and then using the same port for all future sessions, and this has some negative implications for privacy. It is already possible to have this functionality when talking to Air's web server through a browser and clicking buttons manually, so I'm making the assumption it will not be too difficult to do the same through an official HTTP-based API. Does this make sense? I'd love to hear what you think.
  11. Hello gentlemen, I have a problem with port forwarding. Let's say I reserved port xxx via the AirVPN website. The internal port is identical. When I run telnet over port xxx using the internal IP - I get the connection. The TCP test on the website also succeeds. However, when I telnet over port xxx using the mapped external IP address - it times out. I also ran nmap on the external IP, but the only opened ports were 53 DNS, and three nginx ports 89, 843, and 880. I tried using different ports, connecting to different servers, but no luck.
  12. Hi, I have used forwarded ports with no problem over the last year but suddenly none of my forwarded ports are working. I'm getting "Not reachable on server IP over the external port XXXX, tcp protocol. Error : 110 - Connection timed out" when I try to check them in the client area here. Any ideas what the problem might be?
  13. It seems that for P2P clients I need to setup some kind of port forwarding here: https://airvpn.org/ports/ Pretty confused as to what this does and how it should be setup. I've read up about here: https://airvpn.org/faq/port_forwarding/ but it hasn't really made things any clearer. Say for example I use transmission or utorrent and have the port set at 9797. On my router I set port 9797 to then be forwarded to the same port on a specific local IP address. Do I then need to go to the AirVPN port forwarding page and set both the port and the local port to 9797 too? What about DDNS? Do I have to change or update this every time I switch servers? How does AirVPN know to always forward traffic from that port to me no matter which server I'm on? Bare in mind the company doesn't keep any logs or records
  14. Hello, I'd like to suggest adding a small note field to the port forwarding menu, where you could for example note which port works for which of your services. Having many of them and having to use a different external and internal port sometimes takes a while to remember which port was meant for which service. /off topic, on a sidenote I have to praise the performance / service of Air. I came over from PIA after Kape's takeover and would never look back. Speed wise, connectivity wise and especially for port forwarding needs. Will stay a good while. Have a nice day!
  15. So I have a DD-WRT router running in Openvpn client mode via my Airvpn account. I have setup forwarded ports in my airvpn account which work on my devices running their own airvpn client. However, I can't get any open ports to forward through the router to my Windows machine running apps that need the open ports. I've seen the notice on the help page for port forwarding: " you can't reach your listening service(s) through the VPN server exit-IP address from the very same machine that's running it/them and is connected to a VPN server, or from any other machine connected to that same VPN server." My interpretation of this statement is that my DD-WRT router running in vpn client mode, can't forward ports nor can my windows machine connected to my router access those ports. I'm struggling to really understand this restriction and why it is so. I have turned off all router and windows firewalls. The only way I can use forwarded ports is to run a windows client on my windows machine, which defeats having a dedicated vpn router. I have experimented over a month with commands for iptables using the router UI and other posts in the community to no avail. I hate to give up, but I'm out of solutions. Any simple answers and replies would be appreciated. I'm tech savy but not a guru.
  16. The port forwarding feature that AirVPN offers is very useful and I have been using it to forward ports that I would only like to forward for my computer's VPN connection, not other devices such as my phone or tablet, and I don't want those ports open for my phone or tablet because it might create a security risk. Since AirVPN already knows which device is connecting because of the device key which you generate for each device, it would be useful to implement a feature where you can forward a port only when a certain device connects to VPN, instead of forwarding it for all of them. Would be nice to also have the DDNS be setup per-device so that only certain devices would get DDNS, instead of how it is now where DDNS won't work at all if multiple devices are connected to the same AirVPN account. Please let me know your thoughts on this, thanks.
  17. Ok so Ive been having problems with remote access in plex, read countless posts and followed the suggestions but to no avail can anyone help? I have portforwarded within the airvpn client area using 32400 as the local port, tcp check came back green, no port forward on the router. Remote access will still not work. Public IP address showing in plex settings is that of my current airvpn connection, port number is that designated in the client area. I feel like this should be working and i cant think why it isn't. Anyone got any suggestions, i feel like i'm losing my mind. thanks in advance, james
  18. Let me start by saying I am not that confident with networking but have some limited experience. I was having problems connecting to my Synology DS1817+ from the internet. I am running OpenVPN on a ddwrt router on which I have made no changes. I did forward 2 ports to 5000 and 5001 in the AIRVPN Client Area but nothing was working. I read everything I could find within the AIR VPN forums ,Synology's , and beyond. In the end my problem was solved when I changed my DDNS address in Synology -Control Panel - External Access - DDNS to something like Sorry to just now get to the point. 1. Did I create a security vulnerability? 2. Is this the correct method to setup external access to my N.A.S.? 3. Should I consider entering an ip table into the ddwrt that only forwards those ports to my N.A.S.? Thank you in advance for any advice/information here. Ryan
  19. You might be aware of the popular project, DWS. https://github.com/Nummer/Destroy-Windows-10-Spying/releases I came across some port forwarding issues on my host machine and could not figure out why my ports were not forwarding, however, I did suspect DWS had something to do with it. https://github.com/Nummer/Destroy-Windows-10-Spying/blob/80d236b8524ac3d3292c3a77f0fe5f24e8e253db/DWS/MainWindow.xaml.cs#L335 This will mess up your port forwarding on your VPN client. The fix is to either reset your firewall rules or just disable Windows Firewall or just don't run DWS at all. Conclusion DWS conflicts with AirVPN. I hope this helps anyone!
  20. I have AirVPN all set up and running great on a pf Sense router that my home network sits behind. I am trying to get port forwarding set up for torrenting on a server running Windows Server 2016. As far as I can tell everything is set up exactly as it should be but I just can't get it to work. I am connected to Metallah. I have created the forwarded port on the AirVPN site. I have the port open in my Windows firewall. I have the port forwarded in pfSense. I have my torrent client configured to listen on the port I've set up in AirVPN and pfSense and I have my torrent client running with an active torrent trying to download. I have verified that the port is open and can be connected to on my LAN. I have tried 2 different torrent clients (qBittorrent and Deluge) as well as a port listener tool that simply opens any port you specify on TCP or UDP and just listens for connections. When I check the port on the AirVPN site I get error 110 timeout. I've also tried other sites and tools for performing external tests on that port and they all indicate that the port is not open. I have tried creating several new ports on AirVPN (at least 4) and tested on multiple computers on my network all with new corresponding NAT rules in pfSense. No matter what I do I can't get port forwarding to work and I'm at my wits end. I hope someone can help me figure this out. Here is a screenshot of my NAT rule in pfSense.
  21. Hello all, I have been trying all night to figure a way to port forward my Minecraft server over AirVPN. As of right now, I added a port forward from 7221(remote port) to 25565(Minecraft Server's local port). I started up the server after adding the local ip of the TAP to the server.properties file and ensuring the port was 25565. (I also tried with just leaving the server.properities file as default) I've tested with firewall on and firewall off just to make sure and that didn't fix anything either. I followed this guide https://airvpn.org/topic/9455-hosting-a-minecraft-server-with-airvpn/ word for word and did it with extra steps. I don't know if someone has got this to work or not, but if so I would love to hear what you did. I did put a ticket in and still waiting a response but figured I would put my question in here as well. I hope someone can come to my rescue. Thanks
  22. I've used the dynamic DNS service for a very long time and all of a sudden the DNS entry doesn't get updated anymore. What I have tried: Wait for 3 hours to make sure that the TTL has been reached: Check ✔Check the TCP Port via the ✔Check my client if the connection worked: Works ✔Try to connect via the IP under "Mapped to public IP:": Works ✔Connect to the server via the airdns.org domain name: Fail ✘Resolve the AirDNS IP: Fail ✘Issue: The IP address is wrong and hasn't been updated yet
  23. My setup is as follows. I have a docker setup where i run my vpn server in one container and my transmission application in another container. My transmission container uses the vpn container as a gateway which works quite nice. My only problem is that i'm unable to forward my peer listening port from my airvpn connection to the transmission container. I have added the port forwarding at airvpn.org but dont know how to forward it to my transmission container. I guess I have to add some iptables rules to my vpn gateway, which uses openvpn+iptables to connect airvpn servers. Does anyone have an idea of how to configure iptables to handle port forwarding?
  24. I have set up AirVPn on Pfsense according to the guide here in the forums and running well for many years. Also port forwarding worked flawless in the past. Some days ago I started Vuze to do some torrenting and and wondering about the slow speeds. The NAT/Firewall test revealed that only the port forwarding for UDP packets seem to work. The test for incoming TCP connection always times out. Please see attached NAT-rule from my pfsense box. Worked flawless in the past and I have not changed any configuration. Whats wrong ?
  25. Hi. I already posted here https://airvpn.org/topic/14949-help-with-port-forwarding/?do=findComment&comment=68954 but a standalone thread might make more sense. My question is, when I have multiple AirVPN sessions (multiple devices connected through AirVPN), how do I make sure that one port is forwarded to the device I intend to forward it to (which in my case is always my home server)? I saw no way of doing this in the port forwarding setup page/process. I thought that the multiple device/key management would help but could not find anything there. Any idea? :-) Note that I have port forwarding currently working very well with only my home server connected to the VPN. Since I now want to connect other devices (notebook, phone) through AirVPN, I want to make sure I am not going to ruin my setip. Thanks in advance!
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