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  1. I'm on a 150Mbs connection, most of the time my downloads while on VPN are in the 20Mbs range. It's the same for automatic, SSH and SSL connections to recommended or other servers. I also have an issue where I can see the VPN client is sending out packets but is receiving 0 and then it restarts itself. I have tried multiple servers with the same result. Suggestions? Speedtest: http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/4625005174 Are the servers just that congested?
  2. Hey guys, Just bought AirVPN today because my uni's internet has restrictions. I'd used a free VPN earlier and used to get decent-ish speeds (~5-6Mbit/s) but then those are public. My uni's speed is great and I can get 50Mbit/s easily at times when there's low traffic. But when I', connected to Air I'm not getting more than 2-2.5Mbit/s on any server. I'm not sure if this is an error on my part or on AirVPN. I'll repeat that I've used free, public VPNs and they've given me better speeds, so I assume it's not a confg problem.
  3. I'm with Virgin Media in the UK, on 160/12 cable. Last year I had a spate of low speed (3MB/sec hard cap) which I initially blamed on throttling of OpenVPN as I could hit full speed on my naked ISP connection. After some investigation I found it was actually a bug in the ISP supplied router, so I switched to my own and the problem went away. Lately however, I'm having a hard speed cap problem and it really looks like issues caused by either VM's use of DPI and/or OpenVPN throttling/shaping at ISP level. VM operate a whitelist for shaping, so unless the protocol is whitelisted it's shaped by default. VM categorically and publicly deny any form of throttling, shaping or interference with OpenVPN connections. I've been using an Ubuntu torrent as a speed benchmark as it's multi-threaded, consistently very fast, and can be used off-VPN without fear of legal issues. I have tested every port and protocol in Eddie, as well as via Viscosity (to rule out Eddie issues). I also tried the same tests with several other well respected VPN providers with good networks and the results were consistent across them all, Air included. Note that I am using MB/sec in its proper format, meaning megabytes per second. 1MB/sec = 8Mbps. All results are for the same Ubuntu 15.04 x64 torrent downloaded in the latest qBittorrent v3.2.3 on Mac OS X (also verified on Linux, PCBSD and Windows 8.1 Pro). As well as checking against multiple VPN companies, multiple OpenVPN software and multiple operating systems, I also reproduced the results on multiple machines (mid 2012 MacBook Pro and my FX8350 / 16GB DDR3 / Samsung Evo 850 sad / Radeon R9 380 gfx desktop). I repeated the tests with several ethernet cables (to rule out cable issues), as well as with *machine* > router > modem and *machine* > modem (to rule out firmware or routing issues). Every time, regardless of the variable, the results below were consistent. ISP : 19MB/sec OpenVPN 53 UDP : 2MB/sec OpenVPN (all other ports in turn) UDP : 5MB/sec OpenVPN (all ports) TCP : 4 - 5 MB/sec OpenVPN + SSH 22 : 2MB/sec OpenVPN + SSH 80 (or 53) : 13 - 18 MB/sec (lower in peak times, high off-peak) OpenVPN + SSL 443 : 13 - 18 MB/sec (lower in peak times, high off-peak) As we can see, generally SSL and SSH masking the OpenVPN connection allows almost full line speed (minus the encryption overheads). That's great. As soon as it's a bare OpenVPN connection the speeds cap out at around 33% of what they should be. Bare OpenVPN TCP is a little slower than UDP (as you'd expect) but otherwise in accordance with the general 5MB/sec cap experienced on UDP. The only exceptions are UDP:53 and SSH:22 which are both heavily restricted to around 2MB/sec. Now to my mind, knowing what I do of VM's shaping and DPI systems, this would only make sense if they were interfering with OpenVPN either by purposefully throttling it, or else their DPI system is messing up the connection. They further seem to restrict SSH:22 and UDP:53 by protocol but not by port. This actually makes sense, as all other Eddie combinations are quite random whereas SSH:22 (SSH) and UDP:53 (DNS) are established network traffic protocols and thus could be singled out for listing in the shaping systems. If we reverse the protocol/port (to give SSH 53 and UDP 22) we once again obfuscate the tunnel and go back to full speeds! I also get a lot of decrypt/replay errors in the logs on every single port for 'normal' OpenVPN. As soon as I hide the OpenVPN in either SSL or SSH the errors simply don't occur. Ever. This suggests that the extra tunnel is hiding the OpenVPN tunnel from being shaped, or else the DPI process in and of itself is breaking OpenVPN and causing the packets to arrive out of order. Maybe that in and of itself can hurt speed? So there you go. Sorry for the long post but it's an interesting (if thoroughly frustrating and annoying) issue. What do you gurus think? Given I have worked to change the variables one at a time to rule out issues with AirVPN (different providers), the router and/or its firmware (direct connection to modem, bypassing router), wireless issues (used ethernet directly) and OS limits or bugs (used multiple OSs) I can't see anything is left... except issues with the ISP shaping/throttling or else their DPI breaking things. I posted a thread very similar to this in VM's support forums, but for a whole week it has gone unanswered by any staff. Interestingly it is the only thread on the forum to have been ignored. Make of that what you wish. I await your replies with interest. Thanks in advance for reading.
  4. Hi, I'm new to the VPN scene and it seems I need some major help to get the most out of it. I also suspect that I'm slightly different from the majority of users here in that I'm using this for better gaming connectivity rather than security and privacy (basically, Playstation Network hates my non-vpn connection because it's NAT type 3, which is out of my control, so the VPN is to bypass that, which it has done). My connection is shared through my appartment complex and does dhcp assignment. No way to open ports on that end as management want to enable residents to just plug into the wall and go with no requirement to buy a router, so they won't slack on security. Admirable, but annoying for me. The setup: Linksys E4200 running DD-WRT v3.0-r27490 (07/06/15) mega, CAT-5 to the wall and the previously mentioned appartment complex-controlled fiber connection. 1 desktop pc connected by cable, one laptop and a playstation 4 as well as a phone on wi-fi. Speeds are the same wired or on wi-fi. My speed without connection to Air is in the 80-100 Mbps range, with Air (client or set up in the router, which is the end goal) 6-9 Mbps. I'm expecting a drop in speed, but this is a little extreme. Tried various combinations of servers and protocols, main two servers I've been switching between for testing have been Acubens (Sweden) and Aquilae (Germany), started with UDP on port 443, then TCP on the same port. Speeds were virtually identical, have cycled through both on port 80, 53 and 2018 as well. All setup done following the guide from AirVPN, no extra rules or setup done since I wouldn't have an idea where to start. I've seen suggestions in other threads to increase the buffer sizes for people using the Air client, is this possible in DD-WRT, and if so how would I do it? I've tried with and without QoS enabled, didn't seem to make a difference, but open to suggestions on tweaks there. UPnP is on, which seems to help with getting connected to Playstation Network, but have tried disabling it too. Any general suggestions to optimize for speed? The safety of firewall rules dropping connection if the cpn connection goes etc are nice, but I am willing to give them up for a fast, efficient way to connect to what I want to connect to. Because of the playstation, using the Air client and ICS isn't an option, I'm not moving the computer into the living room. So I really need to make it work on the router. I'm not sure what info people will need to be able to help me with this, but to start with, here's the latest opvenvpn log from the router. Anything else you need, just ask and I'll get it to you. lient: CONNECTED SUCCESS Local Address: Remote Address: Status VPN Client Stats TUN/TAP read bytes 37625622 TUN/TAP write bytes 63862092 TCP/UDP read bytes 67544747 TCP/UDP write bytes 40866705 Auth read bytes 63862604 pre-compress bytes 0 post-compress bytes 0 pre-decompress bytes 0 post-decompress bytes 0 LogClientlog: 19700101 01:00:18 I OpenVPN 2.3.7 mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu [sSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [EPOLL] [MH] [iPv6] built on Jul 6 2015 19700101 01:00:18 I library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.2c 12 Jun 2015 LZO 2.09 19700101 01:00:18 MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET] 19700101 01:00:18 W NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts 19700101 01:00:18 W WARNING: file '/tmp/openvpncl/client.key' is group or others accessible 19700101 01:00:18 W WARNING: file '/tmp/openvpncl/ta.key' is group or others accessible 19700101 01:00:18 I Control Channel Authentication: using '/tmp/openvpncl/ta.key' as a OpenVPN static key file 19700101 01:00:18 Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication 19700101 01:00:18 Incoming Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication 19700101 01:00:18 Socket Buffers: R=[87380->131072] S=[16384->131072] 19700101 01:00:18 I Attempting to establish TCP connection with [AF_INET] [nonblock] 19700101 01:00:19 I TCP connection established with [AF_INET] 19700101 01:00:19 I TCPv4_CLIENT link local: [undef] 19700101 01:00:19 I TCPv4_CLIENT link remote: [AF_INET] 20150729 20:15:39 TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET] sid=b7316a64 4cbb8a61 20150729 20:15:39 N TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity) 20150729 20:15:39 N TLS Error: TLS handshake failed 20150729 20:15:39 N Fatal TLS error (check_tls_errors_co) restarting 20150729 20:15:39 I SIGUSR1[soft tls-error] received process restarting 20150729 20:15:39 Restart pause 5 second(s) 20150729 20:15:44 W NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts 20150729 20:15:44 Socket Buffers: R=[87380->131072] S=[16384->131072] 20150729 20:15:44 I Attempting to establish TCP connection with [AF_INET] [nonblock] 20150729 20:15:45 I TCP connection established with [AF_INET] 20150729 20:15:45 I TCPv4_CLIENT link local: [undef] 20150729 20:15:45 I TCPv4_CLIENT link remote: [AF_INET] 20150729 20:15:45 TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET] sid=49a2673c 32b3df6a 20150729 20:15:45 VERIFY OK: depth=1 C=IT ST=IT L=Perugia O=airvpn.org CN=airvpn.org CA emailAddress=info@airvpn.org 20150729 20:15:45 VERIFY OK: nsCertType=SERVER 20150729 20:15:45 NOTE: --mute triggered... 20150729 20:15:59 6 variation(s) on previous 3 message(s) suppressed by --mute 20150729 20:15:59 I [server] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET] 20150729 20:16:01 SENT CONTROL [server]: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1) 20150729 20:16:01 PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp dhcp-option DNS comp-lzo no route-gateway topology subnet ping 10 ping-restart 60 ifconfig' 20150729 20:16:01 OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modified 20150729 20:16:01 NOTE: --mute triggered... 20150729 20:16:01 5 variation(s) on previous 3 message(s) suppressed by --mute 20150729 20:16:01 I TUN/TAP device tun1 opened 20150729 20:16:01 TUN/TAP TX queue length set to 100 20150729 20:16:01 I do_ifconfig tt->ipv6=1 tt->did_ifconfig_ipv6_setup=0 20150729 20:16:01 I /sbin/ifconfig tun1 netmask mtu 1500 broadcast 20150729 20:16:01 /sbin/route add -net netmask gw 20150729 20:16:01 /sbin/route add -net netmask gw 20150729 20:16:02 /sbin/route add -net netmask gw 20150729 20:16:02 I Initialization Sequence Completed 20150729 21:15:59 TLS: soft reset sec=0 bytes=108182994/0 pkts=132933/0 20150729 21:15:59 VERIFY OK: depth=1 C=IT ST=IT L=Perugia O=airvpn.org CN=airvpn.org CA emailAddress=info@airvpn.org 20150729 21:16:00 VERIFY OK: nsCertType=SERVER 20150729 21:16:00 NOTE: --mute triggered... 20150729 21:16:13 1 variation(s) on previous 3 message(s) suppressed by --mute 20150729 21:16:13 MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET] 20150729 21:16:13 D MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state' 20150729 21:16:13 MANAGEMENT: Client disconnected 20150729 21:16:13 MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET] 20150729 21:16:13 D MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state' 20150729 21:16:13 MANAGEMENT: Client disconnected 20150729 21:16:13 MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET] 20150729 21:16:13 D MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state' 20150729 21:16:13 MANAGEMENT: Client disconnected 20150729 21:16:14 MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET] 20150729 21:16:14 D MANAGEMENT: CMD 'status 2' 20150729 21:16:14 MANAGEMENT: Client disconnected 20150729 21:16:14 MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET] 20150729 21:16:14 D MANAGEMENT: CMD 'log 500' 19700101 01:00:00 ca /tmp/openvpncl/ca.crt cert /tmp/openvpncl/client.crt key /tmp/openvpncl/client.key management 16 management-log-cache 100 verb 3 mute 3 syslog writepid /var/run/openvpncl.pid client resolv-retry infinite nobind persist-key persist-tun script-security 2 dev tun1 proto tcp-client cipher aes-256-cbc auth sha1 remote 80 comp-lzo yes tls-client tun-mtu 1500 mtu-disc yes ns-cert-type server tun-ipv6 tls-auth /tmp/openvpncl/ta.key 1 tls-cipher TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA passtos
  5. I don't really want to create another slow speed post, but I tried to solve it for a day and I'm running out of idea. I'm in Canada and my isp is Rogers. My speed is 250/20. When I tried the airvpn speedtest, I was never able to pass 20mbit/s on download(I have no problem on uploads). I also tried to compare the download speed while downloading an actually file(nvidia driver), the download rate is 30-35 mb/s without vpn and max 4 mb/s with vpn. I'm running Windows 8.1 64 bit, I tried setting larger buffer size(it seems to increase the download slightly), switching to old tap driver(the older tap driver seems to work better), tried every protocols(the default udp is the best) and disable the firewall(does not have any effect). I tried playing around with these, and it will either increase or decrease the download speed slightly within the range of 500 kb/s to 4 mb/s, which is almost 10x slower than what my internet is capable of. I've also tried on my other computer which runs on ubuntu, and the download speed is pretty much the same. I remember reading somewhere that other Rogers customers are able to achieve max download speed with airvpn, so I don't think it's a problem with the isp or vpn, I just can't figure out what's wrong with my connection/computer.
  6. Hi everybody, First off, I'm a bit of a VPN newbie - I've researched loads of various possible VPN providers and settled on AirVPN due to great reviews from real people (not stooges as far as I can tell), and an emphasis on privacy on community. These are more important to me than flashy big companies and promises. I've *just* joined AirVPN, chose the yearly pack due to the discount that ends today (and honestly I'm happy to give to a community like this, even if AirVPN doesn't work out in the log run, it was a conscious and informed decision to go the yearly route). My issue is that I'm getting extremely slow speeds having just installed the client. I've selected a few of the more recommended/speedier servers based on forums both here and other places online, and it's still very, very slow on all of them. I've searched forums but there really isn't many posts about slow speeds that I can find. I'm in Australia on cable internet. My non-VPN speed averages 30-35 Mbps. When the VPN is connected the highest speed I've had is 1.8 Mbps. My PC is decent - i5 2.8Ghz, 24GB RAM, Win 7 64 bit. I'm using the AirVPN client to connect using Automatic settings and Automatic Server (but have swapped around since to try to find faster locations). Not sure what else to say. I've got Comodo firewall which I've seen causes some issues sometimes with VPNs but I've allowed the relevant .exe and ports through and made the AirVPN client a Trusted Application. Is there something I'm missing? What could I try so that I can get better speeds? I've heard from other Australians that they can get 20-25 Mbps, so being under 2 Mbps makes me think it might be me, that I've done something wrong or not done something extra, or at least that it's on my end. Sorry for posting this as my first post.. I only get 1 post a day at the moment so I wanted to see if there was any help or tips people could provide before I can post back tomorrow. Not sure what other info is required - again, I'm not VPN savvy. Thanks in advance, I very much appreciate any help! Cheers
  7. Hey guys, I'm having another VPN issue, this time regarding FTP upload speeds. I followed this guide and it worked perfectly to connect to my FTP server, but trying to download something from the server is absolutely impossible. The first moment of connection will yield somewhere between 20 kB/s and 5 megs a second, but will deteriorate seemingly exponentially. I've let a connection run for half and hour or so, just to see what will happen, and the speed reaches a plateau at around 100 bytes a second. Obviously, I refuse to believe the VPN is at fault for this; I assume it's my ISP. I've checked out others with similar problems, but I haven't found any solutions. In total, I have tried to download the file via my own IP, a DDNS pointing to the VPN server, the VPN server's exit IP, and the LAN address. From the LAN address, everything is as expected - a speed that is normal for me, about 3 megs. When connecting through my WAN IP through port 21 (which is correctly forwarded), I get a connection timeout error (Something I need to investigate). When connecting through the VPN or the DDNS, the problem I described above plagues me. Below is what I monitored by eye when trying to download a file: 3.42 MB/s 19 kB/s 14 kB/s 12 kB/s 10 kB/s 9 kB/s 8 kB/s 7 kB/s 6.9 kB/s 6.4 kB/s 5.5 kB/s 4.8 kB/s 4.3 kB/s 4.02 kB/s 3.65 kB/s 3.21 kB/s 2.98 kB/s ... (it continues to fall, but I stopped the connection there) And here is the log that it gave. I don't know if the information will be useful, though, since I prematurely terminated the connection. If anyone can give me a hand, I'd really appreciate it!
  8. I am running the following system: Raspberry pi 2 with ArchLinux Arm Kernel 3.18Provider Down/Up Speeds: 70/10 MbitI can maxout Up and Down speed without VPNIf I use my laptop (Manjaro linux) i can maxout the connection even behind the VPN, so this is not provider traffic shapingWhen using the VPN the following happens I try to to download anything using a single connection (for instance using "aria2c -x 1 -o /dev/null download_url") my top speed is going to be ~150KB/s with negligible cpu load.I try to the same thing using multiple connection (for instance using "aria2c -x 10 -o /dev/null download_url") my top speed is going to be ~600KB/s, and in both case cpu load from openvpn is about 30%, so this is not a cpu issue.If try to download a single torrent (extremely well seeded) I reach even better speeds (~1.5MB/s), with about 50% cpu load from the openvpn process.The only way to maxout the cpu and the download speed is to download several well seeded torrents at once (so a lot of connections I believe), getting 3MB/s (the expected cpu limit) with 100% cpu load.I can't say what is going on, but apparently it looks like that a "single" connection is going slow (maybe for some faulty network configuration?) and the only way to saturate the speed is to use several connections at once. Is anyone able to give any help? Best
  9. Hi everyone, ich have e problem with download speed usin vpn. Usually it's not possible to get more than 1Mb. To make connection to the airvpn I'm using ASUS RT-N66U with tomato shibby. Changing servers or ports doesn't help. I was trying with udp 443 and 53 but there is no effect. Telekom is my IPS and I have 50Mb internet connection. Could ynaone help me solving my problem? Thanks
  10. Hello -- Whenever I connect to airvpn my download/upload speeds are fine. I get full throughput downloading any number of files. However, over time (say maybe one or two days), my connection eventually slows to a halt. Any given torrent will download at 1k/s and I'm unable to seed any torrents. When this happens I've always simply restarted the VPN, and speeds immediately go back up to the previous max. Is there anything I may have overlooked that would cause this behavior? Thanks.
  11. Speedtest result from airvpn speedtest: I get a very slow Download speed. I tested several European Servers but I don't reach 4MBit/s. I also tried the "best" sever from the status page:https://airvpn.org/status/ My internet connection is far better as 4MBit/s without airvpn (more than 30MBit/s are possible and I have a very low ping) edit:Port is 443 / UDPOS: Win 7 x32
  12. Hi, I have just become aware of the MPLS protocol. Can someone give me a rough idea of how that could interact with Open VPN and if using an MPLS enabled router would be a good thing for Open VPN users? Thanks
  13. I've just started using airVPN and it seems super slow. I did the airVPN speed test: Results: Down: 1.440 Mbit/s Out, 0.430 Mbit/s In (29%), 1MB - Up: 0.400 Mbit/s Out, 0.365 Mbit/s In (91%), 1MB - Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 00:34:38 GMT - Buffers: 1MB/1MB - Laps: 3, Time: 218.94 secs is this good or bad?
  14. Hi, I am using a router with dd-wrt and openvpn over SSL or SSH and each time I was downloading something it would be really slow. For example, downloading the latest ubuntu 14.04 which is around 1Gb would take -- 4 hours if I double connect, meaning my router is connected to 1 airvpn router and my computer to another one -- 2 hours if I only connect to airvpn IPs through my router I fixed this by going to the dd-wrt interface, tab NAT/QoS, sub-tab QoS and select "start QoS": enable, Services priority : select "ssh", click "add" and then select "maximum" And then whatever mode of connection I would choose, my download speed for the same 1Gb file would be "13 minutes"!!! Look at the image I enclose. If this is not a good idea in terms of security, let me know, because I am not an expert on network settings, thanks.
  15. Hi, The upload speed constantly flicks between zero and about 1kb. Even with all browsers closed and nothing else connected to the internet (apart from AirVPN). Why is the upload speed (reported in the Overview) not zero? Same question for download speed. Thx.
  16. Good afternoon Staff, Has anyone else reported issues with the Sirrius server today? I'm normally able to resolve sites without issue and get a download speed of 10M+ but today a bunch of sites (including Amazon and Twitch.tv) are not resolving or taking 5 minutes to resolve, and if I connect the most I am getting is about 0.75M down and 0.25M up. I've run speed tests on a couple of sites (using different browsers) and the results are consistent. Dnsleaktest.net is showing only AirVPN's DNS and I'm not otherwise being rate controlled or QOS'ed on my local LAN.
  17. My normal internet speed is 60-70 Mbps, but when i decide to use the vpn now, my speeds are gone. Always less than 10mbps, normally about 4-5mbps. This Suddenly happened, I had moved my router to a different room as well as my computer when it happened, but i don't see why this would have caused anything to happen if my normal speeds are the same. Also, why is there no japan servers? just curious.
  18. Hi, I've tried connecting to various servers, but always get the same problem; 0kb/s download, Upload ~34,000kb/s when I'm not even uploading anything. Obviously nothing will load due to the download rate. The issue only started today. Any ideas? Many thanks for your help
  19. Hello, in the last week I noticed that AIRVPN Downloadspeed is getting lower and lower. Normaly I have 24MBits/4,5Mbits but when using AIRVPN i get arround 3-5Mbits in both Down- and Upload. I tried to connect to different servers at different times, but best I can get since one week is arround 14Mbits. Any idea to fix this? I wouldnt ask if I havent allready experienced 24Mbits with VPN so there is a way to get such speeds. Regards
  20. Hi, I have noticed today that whenever I connect to AirVPN via Herculis, Furud or Carinae I can not access any website they all just sit there at loading. I noticed the other day I think but didn't pay any attention and just disconnected. If I disconnect AirVPN all websites load again. I am running OSX 10.9.3 with Viscosity as my VPN manager. I am on a Virgin Media 30Mb connection and I am not sure if it is related to the other VM post going around. Corey
  21. I already use port forwarding for torrents and get speeds that I consider very good, the fastest I've seen being about 4mb/s. However, when downloading things with Firefox it's a different story. On speedtest.net, I score about 4mbps, though this is bits rather than bytes if I understand rightly, meaning about 400kb/s second, as opposed to about 60mbps or 6mb/s with no VPN. Please correct me if I'm wrong with these conversions! In any case, I had to download some large files with my browser and resorted to doing it with no anonymity software because the speeds were so much better. Would I be able to mitigate this by forwarding ports for Firefox? Is such a setup possible?
  22. I was wondering if anyone has built their own router or has anyone seen a tutorial on the net? I was curious I only get a max speed of maybe 7 mb on my asus n66u. I would like to increase my speed to as much as possible on openvpn for downloading and uploading. Thanks in Advance
  23. Hi AirVPN team, On the same machine I have windows and ubuntu. On Windows: * Windows 8 Pro * Advanced Firewall used to limit internet traffic to only be through VPN * uTorrent w/ port forwarding * Usually peaks around 2.5mB/s. Max I've seen is 3mB/s+. * Server: Sirius, TCP On Ubuntu: * 12.04 Server (with minimal desktop installed) * UFW used to block all traffic out/in for internet except certain ports through VPN * Transmission w/ port forwarding * Usually peaks around 500kB/s. Max I've seen is 900mB/s. * Server: Sirius, UDP What can I do to increase the speed on Ubuntu? I think it's very odd that this is happening. Other variations are that the disks are different, but both are comparable 7200RPMs. Thanks
  24. I recently switched to AirVPN after a few years of using another VPN service (Torrent Freedom, which then became CryptoCLoud, and now has become something else) and I can't believe the difference. I remember that when I originally signed up with TF I had shopped around for the best VPN client and at the time they seemed to be. Well, I've learned a lesson. Just because I had been using that company for a while I never bothered to check from time to time to see if anything better was out there. When TF became CryptoCloud they purported to offer faster speeds and more server choices, and I stuck with it. Well, the bandwidth speed got slower and slower to the point where I couldn't watch streaming video. And the server options were already limited, took forever to connect to and it was a roll of the dice as to whether I could connect to a server at all on any given day. Add to that the fact that they were charging $19.95/month for the service; I had several serious billing issues with them and online support was completely non-existent, and you can imagine how happy I was to find AirVPN. I also really like that with AirVPN I'm able to view server statistics. That's a feature that my old VPN wouldn't have dared to use. Keep up the good work, guys! Thanks. AirVPN rocks!
  25. Hello, i've been using airvpn for over a year now and up until a few days/weeks ago I never had any complaints about the speed. i have a 100mbps connection (speedtest.net is usually showing around 70-80mbps via wifi connection) and when i used to connect to NL Leporis/Lyra servers i would get around 20mbps which was fine for me. lately, i would say since the new NL servers were added, i barely get over 5mbps on any NL servers. which is not really enough to watch HD sports streams... any idea what it could be? let me know if you need anything from my end to better analyze what the problem might be. thanks in advance
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