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  1. Hello! You may like to start from here: https://airvpn.org/forums/topic/48234-speedtest-comparison/?do=findComment&comment=130191 Kind regards
  2. @alternate Hello! We're sorry for the several additional days we scheduled for the tests. We're still testing, given the size. We want to be sure they don't cause issues. Besides a syntax error in the list pushed us to verify the good parsing during the import. When we're sure that all is fine, GoodbyeAds will be added as the community feedback on it is very good. Kind regards
  3. Hello! How many independently owned VPN services remain? According to another Reddit list of recommendations we discovered: https://www.reddit.com/r/VPNTorrents/comments/13d41c1/ovpn_acquired_by_pango_removed_from/ only AirVPN, Mullvad and iVPN? And there was WeVPN but it's defunct. Kind regards
  4. Hello! Unfortunately not, it is Apple policy that any Apple app and service may, if it wants to, bypass any VPN. As far as we know, it's not true that the kill switch mentioned in Proton article prevents leaks by Apple services. Some services may decide to bypass the VPN tunnel, other services will systematically bypass the tunnel. OpenVPN Technologies reminded here: https://openvpn.net/vpn-server-resources/faq-regarding-openvpn-connect-ios/ We see that Proton labels this behavior as a bug, but it's probably not. On the contrary, it seems correct (by reading documentation) what OpenVPN tells, i.e. this is Apple policy. On the other hand, if it was a bug on Apple's considerations too, it would have been fixed after so many years. We guess that nobody can realistically assume that iOS is suitable for a robust anonymity layer, but reminding all of the above might be useful anyway. We do not develop (we have never developed) software for iOS, for multiple problems. On top of the above, it's difficult to make GPLv3 compatible with Apple store, due to conflicting licenses -- and we release only FOSS. Actually there's a record of app deletions by Apple when some GPL software was put on the store (even VLC and OpenVPN-connect had to close the source code). Therefore, we're sorry we will not work on the "issue", and anyway it is not resolvable (to the best of our current knowledge) on not "jail broken" iOS devices. Kind regards
  5. Hello! We're sorry, the lines and the ports will remain 1 Gbit/s full duplex per server. The maintenance by the datacenter personnel is performed in order to update/standardize configuration on the aggregation devices, according to the provider informative notes. Kind regards
  6. Hello! OpenVPN over UDP and WireGuard are blocked on most (if not all) China residential lines. You need the following connection mode: OpenVPN protocol TCP port 443 entry-IP address 3 (three) When you run Eddie you can change connection mode on the "Preferences" > "Protocols" window. Uncheck "Automatic", select the proper line (the selection is confirmed by highlighted line) and click "Save". Kind regards
  7. Hello! We don't know the Twitter systems, but other systems may improve geo-location approximation through the combination of browser language and system timezone. Kind regards
  8. Hello! The second log you sent us shows a different problem: Since you renewed a few days ago your client certificates, the problem is likely caused by using ovpn file(s) embedding the old certificate(s). Please generate new ovpn files, import them in Tunnelblick and test again. Please make sure to pick the correct OpenVPN version for each Tunnelblick (OpenVPN >=2.5 for Tunnelblick 4.0 beta, OpenVPN >=2.4 for the other older Tunnelblick you have). Kind regards
  9. Hello! Confirmed, unfortunately. We're investigating and a fix will be implemented in the next release. Thank you very much for the report. Kind regards
  10. Hello! A first non-fatal problem comes from directives not recognized by the probably old OpenVPN version used by this Tunnelblick version, but the configuration file is sanitized. Should you need to generate configuration files already compatible with OpenVPN 2.4, in the Configuration Generator make sure you select "Advanced Mode" and then in the "OpenVPN version" combo box select ">= 2.4". The Configuration Generator will then generate configuration files compatible with OpenVPN 2.4.x. Then the fatal problem should be this one: Apparently Tunnelblick can't resolve the domain name to get the IP address it should connect to, or the IP address is inaccesible, and exits, in your case gb.vpn.airdns.org. Can you please check the DNS settings of your system? Make sure that publicly accessible DNS addresses are set. See here if necessary: https://serverguy.com/kb/change-dns-server-settings-mac-os/ Furthermore, please make sure that you don't run third party tools (typically Malwarebytes, Bitdefender etc.) which might overblock our VPN servers IP addresses. Kind regards
  11. Hello! Please try this: open the Task Manager and terminate any eddie-ui* process running. Pay attention, you could have two different processes, kill them all delete manually Eddie's configuration file. To find it, please see here: https://eddie.website/support/data-path/ uninstall Eddie completely (this time the process should be successful) reboot the system and re-install Eddie Kind regards
  12. Hi! The final decision to re-open was taken after the request to re-open the thread came from someone who we could call a "counter-part" wishing to exercise the right to reply. This is a perfectly legitimate request. Of course we have no idea whether it comes from the original author of the table or from anyone else, and that's not important. It's only important that anyone is given the right to reply. We're sorry to hear that, and indeed the role of every moderator is invaluable. We indeed wrote "The moderators propose themselves on a voluntary basis and perform their tasks during their free time without any monetary retribution and without any obligation to complete their task in the future. Moderators are not employees of AirVPN and their only motivations are passion and dedication. Their role in maintaining the community forums readable and a relaxed place is invaluable." and we're sorry to hear that it's not enough in your opinion. Therefore, we would like here to re-affirm that without the invaluable moderators activities performed every day and for years and years with passion and dedication, and without any monetary compensation, the community forums could not exist as they currently do. The moderators also wrote valuable guides, created translations into various languages for Eddie Android edition (check the credits in the app), and assist other users relentlessly. For that, we and all the community owe to OpenSourcerer, LZ1, zhang888 gratitude and recognition. Kind regards
  13. Hello! Can you please publish the integral Tunnelblick log? Note: feel free to open a ticket as well to get support directly from the technical support team. Kind regards
  14. Hello! Thank you for having joined the AirVPN community forums with vibrant passion. The community forums have been created by AirVPN for the AirVPN community, and are moderated by moderators from the community itself, appointed by the AirVPN staff. An experiment with un-moderated forums was attempted but unfortunately it was a fiasco. Nowadays, hoping to have a readable forum when it's not moderated at all is probably unrealistic. The moderators propose themselves on a voluntary basis and perform their tasks during their free time without any monetary retribution and without any obligation to complete their task in the future. Moderators are not employees of AirVPN and their only motivations are passion and dedication. Their role in maintaining the community forums readable and a relaxed place is invaluable. While the AirVPN staff forums are moderated by Staff and only Staff members can start new threads, community forums are open to anyone (even non AirVPN customers) and are subjected to non-staff moderation in general. Staff members now and then intervene on the community forum, usually when a post by staff is explicitly required or in those rare cases for which legal problems arise, but in general the staff members don't interfere with the community and with the moderators activity, except to delete blatantly spam bot messages ("buy pharma", "new project porn", and so on) when they pass through captchas. In the case of this particular thread, the support team had an important amount of requests to re-open it (not from you, we know) even from long time community members. Due to the amount of requests, support passed all the matter to a staff member who decided that it was worth to re-open the thread immediately. It is opinion of some staff members that this thread is informative in general, and that it provides various verifiable data which may be useful to protect AirVPN business and promote the good name of AirVPN itself. By keeping the thread open, the community offers to any involved party, including the parties which allegedly publish false data harming AirVPN and/or other services here mentioned, the option to reply even in public and even here should they wish so. We repute that locking the thread would substantially undermine the right to reply, as correctly external entities made us notice via e-mail. With them we publicly apologize, and at the same time we remind that the locking was very short (something like 3 hours max), that a new thread may be opened by anyone (you don't need to be an AirVPN customer) and that the forum moderation is performed by volunteers from the community. Please keep in mind that moderators are persons and human errors in total good faith are possible. There is no reason to make a drama out of it. Whether you are a member of AirVPN community or an external entity which want to exercise the inalienable right to reply, we encourage you and the whole community to open a direct communication channel with moderators when you have doubts, complaints, or just to discuss issues in the forum. You can reach community moderators (LZ1, OpenSourcerer and zhang888) through direct messages of your forum Messenger. Staff messenger is also open now, and as usual for professional support you may open tickets which will be handled by the (not outsourced) support team. Kind regards
  15. Hello! Can you please tell us on which VPN servers, if you can be more specific? Kind regards
  16. @theroarmonster Thank you very much! Hopefully it was just a momentary DNS malfunction. Please feel free to keep us posted if the problem re-occurs and remember the airvpn.info web site in case of "emergency". Kind regards
  17. @OpenSourcerer Re-opening the thread upon various users request... at least for a while. We did not expect we could acquire information we were unaware of thanks to this thread but it happened, plus some community member was happy to be informed about this whole matter so let's see where the thread goes, it doesn't deserve to be locked right now. Let the community members decide by themselves what to do, of course always within the bounds of the netiquette (right, @fsy ?).
  18. Hello! Our New York City server provider M247 informs us of two planned maintenances which will affect our servers during the following time windows: From: Tuesday, 9th of May 2023 07:00 am UTC To: Tuesday, 9th of May 2023 11:00 am UTC From: Wednesday, 10th of May 2023 07:00 am UTC To: Wednesday, 10th of May 2023 11:00 am UTC During the above maintenance windows the servers may experience downtime periods. The downtime periods are not expected to be as long as the entire maintenance window. These works are part of the New York network upgrade process. Kind regards AirVPN Staff
  19. Hello! It really looks like your traffic to airvpn.org is hijacked. Can you access regularly the.info (.info in place of .org) web site? Can you also tell us which IP address airvpn.org resolves into, by using your ISP DNS? You can see it with command: nslookup airvpn.org or alternatively dig airvpn.org Any other Rogers customer here who can test and report, please? Kind regards
  20. Hello! Unfortunately they have an uptime which is too low. You can see now that they have accumulated, only in 2023, something like 15 days of downtime, a colossal amount. They do not operate according to the minimum standards we agreed on with the provider. What's more, the intermittent but frequent line problems they have been suffering in the last 4-5 weeks have caused our customers inconveniences and led to legitimate contentions, complaints and disputes. By offering a new datacenter from a company which proved to be more reliable in the last 7 years we aim at improving the connectivity quality in Brazil and surrounding South America countries dramatically. Kind regards
  21. Hello! We confirm that the linked table includes several errors. We take this opportunity to clarify that: all VPN servers use RAM disks. After a minimal bootstrap which must bring up the TCP/IP stack, the network and essential services to operate on the network, vital files (including secrets, configuration files and scripts) are downloaded on RAM from the network, from selected storage and strong authentication ensuring integrity. What's more, if a server reboots unexpectedly, the AirVPN management must confirm the authorization for the server to be re-admitted in the infrastructure, making it possible to understand the cause of the reboot and to verify (thanks to pristine copies) whether the server has been tampered before it comes back operational WireGuard is available since 2022 (in beta testing since the last quarter of 2021) and it also includes pre-shared keys, just in case they are needed for a quick additional cipher deployment in an unlikely post-quantum world. The API has been improved to offer the option to re-generate keys on the fly, resolving the privacy problems posed by WireGuard ads, trackers etc. blocking lists are available since 2021. In our opinion our system is unrivaled on any VPN service, as you can configure it, add additional blocks or specific exceptions to lift blocks, and link different lists, additions and exceptions to different devices. Last but not least you can operate via API to get the available list information. Note that the ad blocking system is opt-in for a precise choice: by default the network must remain agnostic and neutral. Blocks are enforced only when explicitly wanted by the users. additional connection modes include OpenVPN connecting through HTTP(S) and SOCKS proxies, OpenVPN over Tor (not available on Android), OpenVPN over previously established TLS and SSH tunnels (OpenVPN over stunnel and OpenVPN over SSH), OpenVPN tls-auth for backward compatibility, OpenVPN tls-crypt for enhanced block bypassing Kind regards
  22. Hello! For the readers: the problem affecting @konijntjes has been resolved by disabling Windows "Fast startup" option. We are still investigating to understand more closely the source of the issue. Thanks to @konijntjes precious reports flowed in during the last hours, it might be something related to network interface handling before and after a system suspension or hibernation, but it's premature to say anything more detailed. In the meantime, anybody suffering similar problems may try to disable "Fast startup" to resolve the issue, which is anyway an option infamously known to pose a lot of different problems even on latest Windows versions and even to system commands. Kind regards
  23. Hello! There's a part of an old urban legend here. Eddie's source code is available on GitHub (including the current 2.22.2 which is still considered "beta", according to the unorthodox release cycle of Eddie), anyway the essence of the urban legend is assuming that a license enforces restrictions on future releases of a certain work on the copyright holders themselves. The copyright holders are not restricted on future development or re-arrangement of a work of mind by any previous license since they are the "legal owners" (according to the international treaties which overlap intellectual monopoly with intellectual property and the EU legal framework on intellectual monopolies). On subsequent releases, the license of the current work always defines and/or restricts the rights of third parties, and not the rights of the legal owners. At the same time, the license we agreed to pick grants third parties that no retroactive restrictions are possible. If Eddie's developer decided to distribute an Eddie version without source code he would have the legal right to do so, provided that Eddie does not include third-party code licensed with restrictions against closed source code. It doesn't happen because of AirVPN mission (and Eddie's developer is also an AirVPN co-founder), but legally it would be Eddie's developer right. An identical right is reserved to AirVPN Suite developers, and exercised on both senses. If you notice, when a Suite alpha or beta version is made available to community testers, the OpenVPN3-AirVPN library against which the Suite is linked is always open source, while the proprietary preview code is closed. It is then re-licensed and opened (usually under GPLv3 but we're not ruling out different, more permissive licenses, for the parts we have exclusive rights on) only when the development team considers the software as "stable". Even in this case, releasing a copyrighted software as a preview does not prevent the developers to re-license and open it in the future (so far to make it open source under GPL). You did not miss anything. Eddie 2.22.2 is still the latest "experimental", but the testing work is over. If nothing serious comes out (fingers crossed) you will see a new stable release very soon. Kind regards
  24. @konijntjes Hello! Thank you for having contacted the support team. We have reviewed your ticket and we re-publish the relevant part here just in case some other user has experienced the same Windows malfunction and for general knowledge which might be relevant to this thread. It seems that the problem is related to Windows (and specifically to ipconfig.exe utility) and not to Eddie. If anyone has relevant information about this, please feel free to write here, as we have never seen something like this on any of our Windows testing systems. ---- TICKET REPLY BY CUSTOMER SUPPORT --- The quoted error is a system error. ipconfig.exe is a system application. You have an anomaly of a system application used by Eddie and by OpenVPN, but only at the first boot. This might be a Windows bug related to "fast startup". Can you please check whether fast boot is enabled or disabled? If it's enabled, please disable it and test again. See also here: https://www.windowscentral.com/how-disable-windows-10-fast-startup What's more, if you run third-party antimalware or packet filtering tool, try to disable them as well and test again. It's possible that such tools prevent the system utility (ipconfig) to start under some peculiar situation. We can't reproduce this problem at the moment and we have no other reports related to ipconfig unable to start, but now everything suggests that the problem is related to Windows and networking, or some antimalware tool interfering with network configuration, and not to Eddie itself. We're looking forward to hearing from you. Kind regards AirVPN Support Team --- CUT --- Kind regards
  25. Hello, you didn't open any ticket about this problem, so.... please open a ticket, as the support team is here to assist, just use the customer service! Kind regards
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