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Everything posted by go558a83nk

  1. We approached the problem differently. Instead of limitations you now have additional options. Please see here: https://airvpn.org/topic/26209-how-to-manage-client-certificatekey-pairs/ Kind regards Thanks you for the info. I have setup a different key for each of my devices. I am unclear on how this works with port forwarding though. Can you please explain. You had a mini-necro bump there so I think Staff were not replying regarding port fowarding but only regarding what you had in your post, which doesn't mention port forwarding.
  2. https://airvpn.org/routes/ When I check route to my WAN IP those Phoenix servers fail while no other server does.
  3. Yes you are all right in your understandings. And yes netflix works when both dns+traffic is routed through the tunnel. But: i use e.g. amazon fire tv stick with netflix app - and if i route the whole traffic from fire tv stick through the tunnel, netflix is working well, but amazon video shows me "geo ip blocked" on many videos (maybe my account is registered in a specific country). So the solution amazon+netflix outside tunnel seems to fit best for me because i didn't want to overcome the geo-blocking - if anyone want's to - it could get difficulty (when easy to use is a premise)... I also agree to you "it sounds like when Air "fixed" things so that Netflix could be accessed through the VPN is when things stopped working..." that's what i want to say: a dns can only resolve one geo location directly, or you have to manage an enormous set of rules - it seems that airvpn does what most of the customers want (an US geo location for netflix) - so i have to configure my own rule set to use amazon+netflix outside the tunnel, inside my own geo location with airvpn (uncensored) dns. Ah, yes, I understand about Amazon. Fortunately, the servers I've used (USA) had Amazon working as well.
  4. So, your DNS was always AirVPN DNS but actual Netflix IPs were routed outside the VPN Tunnel....and a few days ago Netflix stopped working. Do I understand things right? It sounds like when Air "fixed" things so that Netflix could be accessed through the VPN (see their announcements) is when things stopped working for you. Perhaps you should just try to use Netflix through the VPN instead of now routing Netflix traffic and DNS outside the VPN?
  5. Sigh. Did you even read what they wrote to you? Quote from their reply "You would need a script to modify your resolv.conf if network-manager-openvpn can't do that by accepting the DNS push". There is your answer. Not everything will be done for you in life. Sometimes you must put in a little effort.
  6. Hello! We're glad to know that you can access Netflix from all of the Air servers you tested. From your description the Android TV box, or the Netflix application running in it, might send out DNS queries to specific DNS servers, instead of ours. Unfortunately you are just a user on an Android system (not an administrator), so you lack the proper privileges to force packets redirection to specific DNS IP addresses. We wonder how we can help this situation from our side, we will think about it seriously. Kind regards The odd thing is I use a Shield TV (android tv) and I don't have a problem. I do have a problem with my roku not working. I did create rules in pfsense to redirect DNS queries to other IP to but still no luck. The Shield TV and Apple TV worked even without creating rules to redirect queries to I don't know how the roku is figuring it out. But, perhaps the other android tv box of Petanquer is doing the same thing or similar. P.S. I setup another VPN provider just for the Roku with all the same firewall rules I'd tried for AirVPN and Netflix *did work*. However they do it, the roku can't suss it out.
  7. Thanks for the advice, but when I try to edit the config in the OpenVPN Client, I don't see anything that remotely looks to me what you are suggesting. I've also tried to edit the config in a text editor, and still don't see an option like that. For now if I want to watch Netflix USA on the TV I will have to hook up my laptop using a HDMI cable. Not convenient, but it works. If you can't do it by just editing the config, then generate a new config using advanced mode and select "resolved hosts in .ovpn file" to the right side of the screen under the Advanced header.
  8. Change your openvpn configs to use resolved hosts, not domain name. Thus, no need to resolve the host to connect to VPN server. If you can just edit your config all you have to do is change from domain name to IP address. Pick your favorite server and resolve it. For example, nslookup ran.airservers.org =
  9. It works for my Shield (android) TV as I route it through a VPN tunnel on my pfsense box. How is your VPN for Android TV setup? I think what happens is that Android TV allows apps to "hardcode" DNS (google), which means they'll use google DNS along with the DHCP DNS. I think that's what trips alarms. So, you must actively block any DNS other than AirVPN. However, even though I actively block any other DNS my roku ultra Netflix was able to determine I'm on a VPN. So, maybe they have other tricks. On Android I am using an AirVPN generated script with the OpenVPN Client Free on my tablets and my TV boxes, but Netflix only works on the tablets, even though the VPN is set up the same on all of those devices. Strange behaviour. If as sarum4n says, Netflix has a script to detect network interfaces, then what is different between the tablets and the TV boxes. I am at a loss. Well, I'm not surprised that Android TV behavior is different from Android tablet. It could still be the DNS problem as I hypothesized.
  10. It works for my Shield (android) TV as I route it through a VPN tunnel on my pfsense box. How is your VPN for Android TV setup? I think what happens is that Android TV allows apps to "hardcode" DNS (google), which means they'll use google DNS along with the DHCP DNS. I think that's what trips alarms. So, you must actively block any DNS other than AirVPN. However, even though I actively block any other DNS my roku ultra Netflix was able to determine I'm on a VPN. So, maybe they have other tricks.
  11. Staff, I'm curious - should we expect to see usage of Netflix show up in the routing servers on the status page?
  12. I found all the DNS stuff to be overcomplicated. So, I turned off resolver and forwarder and pass to my DHCP clients the DNS I want them to use. That could be (AirVPN DNS). Then I use firewall rules to allow and block all other DNS. It simplified my life greatly.
  13. I can confirm that not only Netflix is working but other services such as Amazon Video and Vudu while connected to a USA server. I did not test connections to servers outside the USA. Edit: tested Shield TV and Apple TV and Roku Ultra. Shield TV and Apple TV have no problem that I could see. Unfortunately, the Roku is able to determine I'm using a VPN. To be sure, I do block all DNS other than and confirmed that looking at my state table no other DNS was used, and nothing outside the tunnel either. Too bad there but great news otherwise!
  14. The swedish servers were least used, and thus the region system sends you there. You'll be much happier just using a single server that works well for you. The real tragedy is people banging their head on a wall because they don't understand how things work.
  15. Hello, to access Netflix USA you can use AirVPN as well, from all servers except UK servers, from now on. Feel free to test and report back. As usual it is mandatory that you use VPN DNS to access Netflix USA. UK servers traffic is not re-routed to Netflix USA because access to Netflix UK from most of our UK servers remained possible up to now. Kind regards Great, good to know! Do you think ExpressVPN is lying about their encryption if they mention on Torrentfreak that they use the following setup: ExpressVPN apps generally default to our recommended protocol for security and performance: OpenVPN UDP. Our apps use a 4096-bit CA, AES-256-CBC encryption, TLSv1.2, and SHA512 signatures to authenticate our servers." They still use OpenVPN 2.3.14 for their apps, so TLSv1.2 should not be possible or am i wrong? I asked why they use old OpenVPN versions but got only the answer that their servers are patched and that theres no problem in terms of security if they still use 2.3.14 for their clients. Whats the deal on updating to a current version of OpenVPN, why don´t they do it? Unless they've done like PIA in the past - use their own custom openvpn based on 2.3.14 but updated to include newer capability, security fixes, etc. I'm not defending them, just bringing up that possibility.
  16. I've added AirVPN and Windscribe. I'm seeing a problem with server selection. If I choose anything other than the default all countries and all providers the list of servers goes blank and doesn't come back when I go back to all countries and all providers.
  17. I figured out the problem with domain resolving I had yesterday. I block DNS except that which I specify in my pfsense box. I didn't realize it but qomui insists on using whatever is in the DNS options. I thought that was only used if I tick the box. Since it was trying to use those DNS servers, it failed. I switched those to ones not blocked by pfsense and all is well.
  18. https://airvpn.org/topic/14378-how-can-i-get-vpn-servers-entry-ip-addresses/
  19. Hello! We're sorry, only when we have a signed contract... telling anything during the negotiations, even if not in early stages, would be unfair for all parties, including you. Kind regards I wasn't asking business details, just simply the city. It seemed you were saying that they might not end up in Dallas. Is that the case?
  20. Nevermind. It's working now. I had used the proper credentials but I hadn't input them in the GUI. Instead I edited the file that's supposed to contain them. I guess something went wrong there. This time I added the configs with my creds in the GUI and it's working well!
  21. Really odd that you could connect right up. Yes, I use the proper credentials. It connects for a split second, confirmed in log, then disconnects. I upped verb to 5 in the config to see more info. That's how I saw the errors that I did. What openvpn version are you using?
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