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  1. 1 point
    In case this helps anyone in future - When creating a port forward for a Wireguard interface in OPNSense, the automatic firewall that is created doesn't work. To fix this, go to the wireguard interface firewall rules. Create a new rule that's the same as the automatic firewall rule, except click "Advanced features: Show/Hide" and set "reply-to" to the wireguard interface. Then go back to the port forward rule and set "Filter rule association" to "None" to remove the original (broken) firewall rule.
  2. 1 point

    AirVPN Servers blacklisted

    Touche! And thank you very much for your answer to me and the link to your detailed answer. I may have overstated my point, but AirVPN is in a dilemma: Your hardline Net Neutrality/no policing/no monitoring policy (apart from closing port 25) provides all of us a lot of freedom AND criminal governments and individuals using your services with an excellent avenue to abuse the net. Yet, the alternative to perfect Net Neutrality and the total lack of policing is not for AirVPN to do pervasive surveillance and intrusive monitoring reporting all and sundry to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. In all human affairs, there are in-between options. There surely must be stuff that AirVPN can do to reduce the blocking of AirVPN servers. And some measures may involve making life a bit more difficult for abusers. Not all policing is inherently evil. Given your mission and openness and our contracts, I think you can do something sensible without siding with unfreedom. You are actually defeating your purpose of promoting the freedom of users if your service is blocked still more often.
  3. 1 point

    AirVPN Servers blacklisted

    Hello! Please see our previous reply in this thread and also the following one, where we explain more thoroughly our point of view and some facts: https://airvpn.org/forums/topic/50724-two-new-1-gbits-servers-available-us/?do=findComment&comment=216468 Just a brief addition: your above quoted sentence imply that protecting privacy in an agnostic network means supporting net abusers, which is an inadmissible and shameful idea that we strongly reject. This concept is one of the "moral" or "ethical" justifications to pervasive surveillance in virtually all countries controlled by human rights hostile regimes, and in a few "Western" countries too: since someone somewhere someday might commit a crime via the Internet, let's enforce blanket data retention and pervasive packet inspection for everyone, so Internet will be a "safe place" for the "law abiding, conforming" citizen. Your consideration has been and is the founding argument for power groups having the hidden agenda to expunge the right to privacy from the list of fundamental rights. Consider that one of the strictly necessary conditions for any dictatorship to survive is the effective suppression of the right to privacy. Kind regards
  4. 1 point
    I do hope you check back on this post at some point soon for your answer, as it is not well known im going to stick my neck out here and go ahead and post this to a forum on the clear.... shutters me to think about.... But out of LOVE FOR MY NEIGHBORS, MY PEOPLE, MY SEEDS, AND THEIR FUTURE i give you this head start. Do some reasearch into the: T.P.P. aka the Trans-Pacific Partnership... its lead by the worlds superpower of course, and has been meeting for over 6 years, making sometimes minimal, and sometimes extreme guidelines that each country agrees to follow, usually based on the USA's lead. IOP pharms with API's and pseudoephedrine and stuff is a mild example. not one country will sell it to us...hmmm. anyways... there is no vote to who we send there to represent our best interests as commonfolk, just the best interests in the elitists' insatiable appetite for power and control of its people. I am a patriot, in every sense of the word. don't get that mistaken.... but the fact is, we have a habit of claiming domains for just ourselves and putting regs into place to control the people who were indigenous to those domains when we arrived; this is referred to as militarization. (To wrap this up, we stole our country's land from native americans forcefully=MILITARIZED, we currently say free trade order what you want where you want, yet our navy literally has control of every ocean on this planet right now... essentially a high-school cop with a drug dog=MILITARIZED.. but it was fear that drove us to that left turn away from where they were checking bags because we had some D@nK BUD5! land and water of planet earth covered.. hmmm what was next.... ah yes that space race with that other Superpower that we had a lot to gain from humiliating and urging their citizens to say enough and...... revolt against an oppressive/militarized government (it was the same guy who started the failed/misleading war on drugs, and his whore wife who may have "Just Said No" to smoking the reefer, but probably took it over and over and over in the ass for her reward and position besides him, sex used a means for personal gain or reward is called behind a dirty, filthy, whore...He probably made her sleep on the couch he was so disgusted with her by then. anyways Remember how proud we were when we saw astronauts put the American Flag, our one country in this whole fucking globe that matters, on the moon!.ahhhh yes, now we have claimed outer space. that gets trickier as it is much more complicated to militarize an almost infinitely expanding realm of which we knew nothing about beyond what was immediately around us, but hey we got our flag there first damnit to show the world we are not to be fucked with. . yet the pen-pushers, their underpaid good squads waiting on their 2nd heart attack and 4th failed marriage, who don't even have enough self respect to wear a tupee to cover that shitty balding combover, (but nor would I if i realized one day my life's work was actually being conned by those above me into doing their dirty work, allowing them to stack millions and millions, get rich, throw parties, do as they want... because of the work I do at putting their opposition in small rat-like\ cages). When I walk into my studio apartment, check my bank account online (which everyone knows already because of "the leaks"), and see another GOD DAMN overdraft charge... i think id round up every sedative narcotic and opoid i've been legally prescribed for years (not realizing the correlation between sedation of the public into cooperation - of course) and swallow them all with the hope of going to a much much better place than here. alot of this is rambling, but this is the serious part.... The TPP doesn't have to answer to anyone, and they are secretly making decisions on the biggest policies all our countries are facing. so back on track we, the us of a.have no stolen/seized land, oceans, and even space. yet insatiable's definition means it is NEVER enough, it never will, nor never can stop. so the next best fruit for the picking of Militarizing a zone so far ahead of time and in secret that the people wouldn't even realize it. well we did, thanks to ed, could you make that decision knowing what awaits you and your family? he stated he watched the "brutal tortures, and unspeakable murders of many many Innocent people" real time from behind the screen in a bunker somewhere. so the final frontier is no longer space; (I hate this word but for the topics sake...) CYBERSPACE. this shit has been going on for decades being militarized to be used against its enemies or threats of lifestyle, which now include its own fucking people, who were never EXPECTING an attack or preparing a defense for those decades.. we trusted our reps. who betrayed that trust for profit and self-interest.. which would by definition mean the citizens of cyberspace (EVERYONE THESE DAYS) were attacked .... and there is no reason.. other than the thin veil of fucking "terrorism". enough already! we went in STAT and sniped off Osama bin Ladens head. who are all these rogue terrorists working for? sadam was hiding in a whole just to survive, even though there is proof now he had no ties to al queada or aiding them.... he know that whether the motive was what we stated on tv (typically lies) or what things like SOPA would have laid out, or the NO FEAR and PATRIOT ACT were used as cover for because we needed to secure a dark sludgey resource there to remain a superpower... he knew that we would not stop until we got him. history does indeed repeat itsef, but it also corrects itself as time goes on. SOrry about the length, ill cut it into 2 points. 1) i wanna shout out to any of the previous stated actors who like to conrol things and make other people do their work for them, you have no integrity. you truely are a piece of shit... and though i'm not so religious, you literally want to make me believe there is a hell just for the fact that I know there'd be a torture chair waiting for you there.. you sould your soul to the devil for a couple of dollars... no wonder why you make such irrational and cold-hearted decisions, i spit at you 2) Realize this for what it is, don't let fear keep us silent.. do what you feel is morally right. cyberspace is the most important topic of the day, we have to protect this realm, it is TOO POWERFUL OF A RESOURCE FOR ONE NATION TO CONTROL, even the whole world. If we destroyed ourselves someday soon, yet could find a way to let the internet survive, including the free speech of every individual who lived here to celebrate our diversity, our cognitive recognition as higher intelligent beings, the most complete library of our history, and for gods sake, it literally holds our genomes, or DNA, our mutations, our medical advancements.... this must be protected people WAKE THE FUCK UP. toss the xanax away and start giving a shit again. we have alot of work, and you'll have to trust me when i saw that the TPP that it extends WELL beyond blocking VPN's in what are ironically enough considered the most "free" countries in the world. It seems like that might be the final nail in the coffin for some people to start looking for solutions, and technology can help here as well, as one can trade in an AR for a command line terminal and Do Even worse damage than simply shooting someone, yet they couldnt risk a conflict of interest within the military or their goon squads; so the pen-pushers would be cornered, they pay people to do all this shit. look at how the general handled secret messages with his mistriss....the best plan he had, was to store them in plain text under drafts in a shitty email system not known for fort knox like security. HAHAHAHAHAH! hahahahaaha. but in alll seriousness if an adversaries goal is control, they know they could never do so with the second amendment still in place and PRACTICED/USED. it is our god given right that document states, and i think its fucked up they fired that fox news guy for this comment because it couldn't be more true "our forefathers put the second amendment into place not to defend our homes from solely neighbors, but moreso to defend our country of tyrants. Let that one settle...." hahaha awesome This can be brushed off as a conspiracy theory, but its the truth. No point need be made than what would have been considered insane conspiracy theories for possibly the end our lives, if it weren't a high clearance employee that went by the name "Ed" to family and friends. (Family: ALL of them worked in low to high rank parts of gov. and espionage activities under independently contracted (OUR FAVS! - no liability) companies who employed people like Ed. I beiieve it was his interview with wired, we're he chuckles as he recalls a story - tucked away in an abandoned bunker in hawaii i believe it was. His "team" was attempting to CRACK into a sensitive, well protected server in a certain country across the pond, and beyond. One of his co workers broke up their normal quiet workdays with an "Oh fuck oh fuck!", as he had accidentally bricked the entire server, rendering it not only useless but anyone in the area who cared and had a decent skill level in the field could have seen where the attack came from. they paced about it back and forth a while, and the nervousness was broken when someone (ed) stated, "well... we always have Serbia to blame it on." they laughed it off and went back to business as usual. this is just a good story verified to be legitimate on how our goon squads get their directives and orders. _ i highly suggest reading "the art of war" by sun tzu. it transcends the retards way of war that humans have been fighting for thousands of years... and more on the philosophy, or art, of war. How to defeat ones opponent before the "shot heard round the world" persay, the best offense is a good ass defense, and with the feds eyeing encryption with apple (pgp is one of the last platforms available to us to speak freely and only to the meant recipient = our first fucking amendment has come down to the worth of PGP software.......) Tim Cook has NO FEAR (get it..) and he's well aware of the tactics used to break a mans spirit by the goon squad. but he mentioned over and over it was not about him nor the company, it was about an idea, a belief, and the realization that what we impulsively chose to do now, could seriously, seriously affect our future - as it did Rome. Subsequently followed by the dark ages.. and so on. I would say write your congressman, but they have already sold out to the same system whether or not there is a D or R next to their name, their interests now are no more bull-moose parties, no independents ever having a shot, silencing the vote of the people. I would guess the best place to start is to to protect the things we have already, value them truely, and devote as much time as possible to invoke change for the better without advocating violence. we have the most brilliant minds and morally pure people on OUR side because their souls have no price tag. they are led by what they feel is right. how else can one explain a victory in 1777 against a 10-1 soldier outvantage. the 10 were there on the queens behalf, the 1 had a cause. you can kill the man maybe, but never the cause.
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