The paramount IPv6 privacy problem, which was considered by many as a critical or fatal flaw compromising adoption and usage, has been resolved through privacy extensions:
Nowadays, ten years after that article by The Internet Society and 17 (seventeen) years after RFC 4941 virtually all widespread systems have finally adopted the very much needed privacy extensions. However, one bad apple may compromise the whole local network. See for example this paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.08946 where the authors show how a single device at home that encodes its MAC address into the IPv6 address can be utilized as a tracking identifier for the entire end-user prefix. Therefore, it is good practice to verify with care every and each device and making sure that their Operating Systems implement the privacy extensions.
Other than that, we can't see any serious hindrance to adopt IPv6 as far as it pertains to privacy. Furthermore, in AirVPN we picked an unorthodox approach, i.e. we implemented NAT66 with ULA, as it is one of those rare cases where it comes handy to strengthen the anonymity layer (a thoughtful analysis of the pros and cons of NAT in IPv6 can be found in the following article for example https://blogs.infoblox.com/ipv6-coe/you-thought-there-was-no-nat-for-ipv6-but-nat-still-exists/ while a pragmatic approach is here: https://blog.ipspace.net/2013/09/to-ula-or-not-to-ula-thats-question/).
Switching from privacy to security, probably an informed choice can start by reading this article, that also includes other precious sources, again by the Internet Society:
Kind regards