You mean with python ?
I've created different python lists, for each iptables and ip6tables chains. In each list I've put all the rules that I want to add.
So the python script checks the rules in each chain and compares with the corresponding python list and then corrects what needs to be corrected.
(The script also creates some required ipsets and be careful not to add duplicate rules, which iptables allows without warning..).
The script runs every 30 minutes.
By the way with the iptables of the UDM includes the geoip module. So you can block countries per port/services, which the UDM interface does not allow! (With the UDM interface you can block countries, in IN, in OUT, or both, but it’s for the whole WAN connection, we can’t do it on a service basis). So I take the opportunity to do it via an iptables rules.
For example I block some countries on the qBt port of the airvpn:
iptables -A FORWARD -d -i wgclt4 -p udp -m udp --dport 45781 -m geoip --source-country CN,RU,BY,DZ,CF,GA,GH,CI,ZA -j BLOCK_BAD_COUNTRIES_QBT