The server is not in Berlin. M247, AS9009 does not have peering in Berlin.
I checked with a looking glass run by a very nice person and it has multiple servers from different networks in Frankfurt and one server in Berlin. Apart from outsiders that have 14ms ping from allegedly FRA to FRA, most pings are ~1ms and confirm what traceroutes here show. The only lg Berlin server to Air's Cujam has got 8ms ping. That lg Berlin server is hosted on a network that's has peering at BCIX and ECIX-BER. Even if the Cujam server were 'physically in Berlin' then it doesn't matter because what matters to users is latency, alias geographic location.
Back to what M247 say themselves, all four German DCs are in Frankfurt: Ancotel (Equinix), Interxion FRA4, Telehouse Frankfurt, Global Switch Frankfurt
The only location in Germany on this map is Frankfurt.
I cannot thoroughly check Spain, but again AS9009 is at DE-CIX Madrid and doesn't appear to be present at DE-CIX Barcelona, two Madrid servers' pings are 0.3ms and 2ms to "Barcelona" Eridanus.
Whatever the reasons, the current descriptions are not representing the reality.
PS: Actually the entire prefix/subnet is reported as Berlin by M247. Hence the geolocation databases say it is "in Berlin", that's the definition of a "virtual location" right? Still I see how it could be useful in certain cases even though the server is not physically there. Until this is clearly indicated, it will be a shortcoming especially in terms of sincerity and transparency.