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  1. This will be an updated Guide of this guide. Once it's complete, it will be moved to the Guides forum. Furthermore, this is work in progress. Not sure how long it will take me to finish this guide, might be a few Hours or days... who knows Disclaimer In general, DO NOT TRUST ME! I'm not a security expert. I do not know what I'm doing here! This guide is based on: OPNsense 24.7.12_4-amd64 FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE-p6 OpenSSL 3.0.15 Update: 2025-02-27: I updated to the latest version and this Guide is still correct OPNsense 25.1.1-amd64 FreeBSD 14.2-RELEASE-p1 OpenSSL 3.0.16 It should work in previous and future versions of OPNsense, but I can't guarantee it This guide is based on the official Instructions but requires modification: https://docs.opnsense.org/manual/how-tos/wireguard-selective-routing.html 1. Preparation (not required if you access the firewall from LAN) Some advice here… Opening the WAN interface to allow administration is not good! I am doing this because the firewall sits in my private LAN, and I'm not doing any port forwarding on my main router ! If your firewall is connected directly to the internet, do not do this! Again, in general, DO NOT TRUST ME! I'm not a security expert. I do not know what I'm doing here! Now that you know it… 1.1 Deselect "Block private networks" and "Block bogon networks" in Interfaces → WAN. After doing so: hit save and “Apply changes”. 1.2 Select "Disable reply-to" in Firewall → Settings → Advanced. Hit save at the end. 1.3 Add incoming WAN rule to allow administration. Go to Firewall → Rules → WAN Add a TCP rule from "WAN net" to "This Firewall" on HTTPs. 2. Information gathering. We'll grab some info that we need to configure the WireGuard Tunnel. 2.1 Login to the AirVPN Website. 2.2 Got to VPN Devices. 2.3 Add a new device. 2.4 Go to Config Generator. 2.5 In "Choose your OS" select "router". 2.6 In "Choose protocols" select "WireGuard. 2.7 In "Choose your device/connection" Select the device you have created in 2.3 2.8 Select your country under "By Countries". I selected Germany this time. 2.9 Scroll way down and download your config. This is an example of a WireGuard config: (the keys and IP are random and will not work, use your own) [Interface] Address = PrivateKey = X72xgdx23XDomnSXmcy#S4Jc#9Y5G*vU$wg^n499yn6 MTU = 1320 DNS = [Peer] PublicKey = VTSQ77Uk4^&RY4h%S$#9h8PR2T&xyya&yPTtk6oD^m$ PresharedKey = b7&&7bntmCS5q%&4J*mSKBAUvV4XEqHerwscvbappXQ Endpoint = nl3.vpn.airdns.org:1637 AllowedIPs = PersistentKeepalive = 15 3. Setup IPv6 base configuration on your LAN. We need to ensure that IPv6 communication is working on your LAN interface before we establish the VPN tunnel. Please note that I do not have an IPv6 address configured on my WAN interface to be distributed to LAN for security. Instead, I use a ULA address on the LAN network. For those who do not know what ULA addresses are, these are the IPv6 equvalent to IPv4 private addresses like 10.x or 192.168.x. They are only routable on the LAN, and you will not be able to use them to reach a IPv6 destination on the internet. 3.1 WAN 3.1.1 Go to Interfaces → WAN The WAN interface looks like this: 3.2 LAN 3.2.1 Go to Interfaces → LAN The LAN interface looks like this in the upper section: Now we set up the IPv6 Configuration. 3.2.2 generate yourself a ULA address using this site: https://unique-local-ipv6.com/ 3.2.3 Enter the IPv6 network you have generated into the “IPv6 address” field and add “::1” at the end. Hit Save. 3.3 LAN DHCP IPv6 3.3.1 Go to Services → ISC DHCPv6 → LAN 3.3.2 In the Range section under from add your IPv6 network address from 3.2.2 and add a “::1000” to the end. In the to section, add your IPv6 network address again and this time add a “::2000” to the end. Hit Save at the bottom of the page. 3.4 Router advertisement 3.4.1 Go to Services → Router Advertisement → LAN 3.4.2 Set Router Advertisements to Managed Hit Save at the bottom of the page. 3.5 Test IPv6 configuration Now you should test if you can ping the OPNsense firewall IPv6 address from the LAN. 3.5.1 Connect a client to the LAN 3.5.2 On Linux or Windows, open a terminal and type ping -6 and the IPv6 from 3.2.1 ending with ::1 like “ping -6 fd2d:7173:d519::1”. This needs to be successful! If this is not successful, fix it! Only continue once this is successful!!! 4. WireGuard configuration. In the current Version of OPNsense you do not need to install the WireGuard plugin, this is already installed. 4.1 Peer configuration 4.1.1 in OPNsense go to VPN → WireGuard → Peers. 4.1.2 Create a peer with the following information: 4.1.3 Name: wg_airvpn_<country code>. Mine is called WG-AirVPN-DE 4.1.4 Public key: <PublicKey under heading [Peer] of your generated WG Config> 4.1.5 Pre-shared key <presharedKey under heading [Peer] of your generated WG Config> 4.1.6 Allowed IP's: and ::/0 for IPv6 support 4.1.7 Endpoint Address: <Endpoint under heading [Peer] of your generated WG Config> 4.1.8 Endpoint port: 1637 (default port) 4.1.9 Keepalive interval: 15 (default interval) 4.2 Instance configuration 4.2.1 In OPNsense go to VPN → Wireguard → Settings → Instances 4.2.2 Create an instance with the following information: 4.2.3 Enable Advanced Mode. (upper left corner) 4.2.4 Name: <Endpoint Name i.e. WG-Inst-AirVPN-DE> 4.2.5 Private Key: <PrivateKey under heading [Interface] of your generated WG Config> 4.2.6 MTU: 1320 4.2.7 DNS servers <DNS Servers of your generated WG Config> 4.2.8 Tunnel Address: <Address including /32 under harding [Interface] of your generated WG Config> Please review the screenshot below. For IPv6 add the given address and instead of /128 chose /64 to reach the gateway for gateway monitoring. 4.2.9 Peers: <select peer that you created with step 4.1> 4.2.10 Disable routes: Enabled. 4.2.11 Gateway: Hit Save 4.3 Enable WireGuard configuration Go to VPN → Wireguard → Instance and click on "Enable WireGuard" 4.4 Assign WireGuard Interface 4.4.1 in OPNsense go to Interfaces → Assignments 4.4.2 You'll find a “wg0(WireGuard - WG-Inst-AirVPN-DE)” (or similar) interface. 4.4.3 Type a Description, I've picked “[IntAirVPNDE]” and click Add. 4.5 Enable the Interface 4.5.1 Interfaces → Assignments → [IntAirVPNDE] 4.5.2 Enable: Enable the Interface. No further configuration required. Ensure the “Block private networks” and “Block bogon networks” options are not selected, as shown below. 4.6 Create a gateway - IPv4 4.6.1 In OPNsense go to System → Gateways → Configuration 4.6.2 Add a Gateway with the following information: 4.6.3 Name: GW-AirVPN-DE-v4 4.6.4 Interface: Select IntAirVPNDE as created in step 4.4 4.6.5 Address Family: IPv4 4.6.6 IP address: Dynamic 4.6.7 Far Gateway: Enabled 4.6.8 Disable Gateway Monitoring: Disabled. 4.6.9 Monitor IP: Rest is coming soon....
  2. If you login to your AirVPN member area, and then click on an active session, you'll see "Your VPN IPv4". Well, at least I do. I'm assuming this is universal, it'll be a 10.x.x.x address. My question is twofold; what is this, and can this address be used to create "allow" rules in Windows Firewall as an allowed custom local address? I know the address is an internal address, as is anything that starts with 10.x, but what does it do? It doesn't seem to be server independent. Also, if I create that allow rule, using that custom local address, and block all others, it seems to create a sort-of de-facto killswitch wherein only a VPN connection is allowed. Is that right? I'm using the WFP killswitch as well, but it's nice to have two methods.
  3. Hello, Today my AirVPN just stopped working. For some reason, the connection process stops at "Checking route IPv4" and it takes forever Here's the log I 2023.09.05 16:56:56 - Session starting. I 2023.09.05 16:56:56 - Checking authorization ... . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - Added new network interface "Eddie", Wintun version 0.12 . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - Using WinTun network interface "Eddie (Wintun Userspace Tunnel)" ! 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - Connecting to Talitha (Netherlands, Alblasserdam) . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - Routes, add for interface "Ethernet (Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller)". . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - Routes, add for interface "Ethernet (Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller)", already exists. . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > OpenVPN 2.5.5 Windows-MSVC [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [PKCS11] [AEAD] built on Dec 15 2021 . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > Windows version 10.0 (Windows 10 or greater) 64bit . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.1l 24 Aug 2021, LZO 2.10 . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > Outgoing Control Channel Encryption: Cipher 'AES-256-CTR' initialized with 256 bit key . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > Outgoing Control Channel Encryption: Using 256 bit message hash 'SHA256' for HMAC authentication . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > Incoming Control Channel Encryption: Cipher 'AES-256-CTR' initialized with 256 bit key . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > Incoming Control Channel Encryption: Using 256 bit message hash 'SHA256' for HMAC authentication . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET] . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > Socket Buffers: R=[65536->262144] S=[65536->262144] . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > UDP link local: (not bound) . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > UDP link remote: [AF_INET] . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET], sid=fbc08c94 fb5570a0 . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > VERIFY OK: depth=1, C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=airvpn.org CA, emailAddress=info@airvpn.org . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > VERIFY KU OK . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > Validating certificate extended key usage . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > ++ Certificate has EKU (str) TLS Web Server Authentication, expects TLS Web Server Authentication . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > VERIFY EKU OK . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > VERIFY OK: depth=0, C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=Talitha, emailAddress=info@airvpn.org . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > Control Channel: TLSv1.3, cipher TLSv1.3 TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256, peer certificate: 4096 bit RSA, signature: RSA-SHA512 . 2023.09.05 16:56:57 - OpenVPN > [Talitha] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET] . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,comp-lzo no,redirect-gateway ipv6 def1 bypass-dhcp,dhcp-option DNS,dhcp-option DNS6 fde6:7a:7d20:1b12::1,tun-ipv6,route-gateway,topology subnet,ping 10,ping-restart 60,ifconfig-ipv6 fde6:7a:7d20:1b12::1061/64 fde6:7a:7d20:1b12::1,ifconfig,peer-id 6,cipher AES-256-GCM' . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > Pushed option removed by filter: 'redirect-gateway ipv6 def1 bypass-dhcp' . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > Pushed option removed by filter: 'dhcp-option DNS' . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > Pushed option removed by filter: 'dhcp-option DNS6 fde6:7a:7d20:1b12::1' . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modified . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: compression parms modified . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: --ifconfig/up options modified . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: route-related options modified . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: peer-id set . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: adjusting link_mtu to 1625 . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: data channel crypto options modified . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > Data Channel: using negotiated cipher 'AES-256-GCM' . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > Outgoing Data Channel: Cipher 'AES-256-GCM' initialized with 256 bit key . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > Incoming Data Channel: Cipher 'AES-256-GCM' initialized with 256 bit key . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > interactive service msg_channel=0 . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > open_tun . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > wintun device [Eddie] opened . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > NETSH: C:\WINDOWS\system32\netsh.exe interface ip set address 28 static . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > NETSH: C:\WINDOWS\system32\netsh.exe interface ip delete dns 28 all . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > NETSH: C:\WINDOWS\system32\netsh.exe interface ip delete wins 28 all . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > IPv4 MTU set to 1500 on interface 28 using SetIpInterfaceEntry() . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > NETSH: C:\WINDOWS\system32\netsh.exe interface ipv6 set address 28 fde6:7a:7d20:1b12::1061/128 store=active . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > add_route_ipv6(fde6:7a:7d20:1b12::/64 -> fde6:7a:7d20:1b12::1061 metric 0) dev Eddie . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > C:\WINDOWS\system32\netsh.exe interface ipv6 add route fde6:7a:7d20:1b12::/64 28 fe80::8 store=active . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > env_block: add PATH=C:\WINDOWS\System32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > NETSH: C:\WINDOWS\system32\netsh.exe interface ipv6 delete dns 28 all . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > IPv6 MTU set to 1500 on interface 28 using SetIpInterfaceEntry() . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - OpenVPN > Initialization Sequence Completed . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - Interface Eddie metric changed from Automatic to 3, layer IPv4 . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - Interface Eddie metric changed from Automatic to 3, layer IPv6 . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - DNS leak protection with packet filtering enabled. . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - DNS IPv4 of a network adapter forced (Eddie, from automatic to . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - DNS IPv6 of a network adapter forced (Eddie, from automatic to fde6:7a:7d20:1b12::1) . 2023.09.05 16:56:58 - DNS IPv4 of a network adapter forced (Ethernet, from automatic to . 2023.09.05 16:56:59 - DNS IPv6 of a network adapter forced (Ethernet, from automatic to fde6:7a:7d20:1b12::1) . 2023.09.05 16:56:59 - DNS IPv4 of a network adapter forced (Ethernet 2, from automatic to . 2023.09.05 16:56:59 - DNS IPv6 of a network adapter forced (Ethernet 2, from automatic to fde6:7a:7d20:1b12::1) . 2023.09.05 16:56:59 - Routes, add for interface "Eddie (Wintun Userspace Tunnel)". . 2023.09.05 16:56:59 - Routes, add for interface "Eddie (Wintun Userspace Tunnel)". . 2023.09.05 16:56:59 - Routes, add ::/1 for interface "Eddie (Wintun Userspace Tunnel)". . 2023.09.05 16:56:59 - Routes, add 8000::/1 for interface "Eddie (Wintun Userspace Tunnel)". . 2023.09.05 16:56:59 - Routes, add for interface "Eddie (Wintun Userspace Tunnel)". . 2023.09.05 16:56:59 - Routes, add 2a00:1678:2470:6:6f0d:8828:9fc4:bbdd/128 for interface "Eddie (Wintun Userspace Tunnel)". . 2023.09.05 16:56:59 - Flushing DNS I 2023.09.05 16:56:59 - Checking route IPv4 . 2023.09.05 16:57:26 - Checking route (4° try) . 2023.09.05 16:57:52 - Checking route (5° try) E 2023.09.05 16:58:13 - Checking route IPv4 failed, last reason: Fetch url error:Timeout was reached ! 2023.09.05 16:58:13 - Disconnecting . 2023.09.05 16:58:13 - Sending soft termination signal . 2023.09.05 16:58:16 - OpenVPN > SIGTERM received, sending exit notification to peer . 2023.09.05 16:58:17 - OpenVPN > Closing TUN/TAP interface . 2023.09.05 16:58:17 - OpenVPN > delete_route_ipv6(fde6:7a:7d20:1b12::/64) . 2023.09.05 16:58:17 - OpenVPN > C:\WINDOWS\system32\netsh.exe interface ipv6 delete route fde6:7a:7d20:1b12::/64 28 fe80::8 store=active . 2023.09.05 16:58:17 - OpenVPN > NETSH: C:\WINDOWS\system32\netsh.exe interface ipv6 delete address 28 fde6:7a:7d20:1b12::1061 store=active . 2023.09.05 16:58:17 - OpenVPN > NETSH: C:\WINDOWS\system32\netsh.exe interface ipv4 delete address 28 store=active . 2023.09.05 16:58:17 - OpenVPN > SIGTERM[soft,exit-with-notification] received, process exiting . 2023.09.05 16:58:17 - Routes, delete for interface "Eddie (Wintun Userspace Tunnel)". . 2023.09.05 16:58:17 - Routes, delete for interface "Eddie (Wintun Userspace Tunnel)". . 2023.09.05 16:58:17 - Routes, delete ::/1 for interface "Eddie (Wintun Userspace Tunnel)". . 2023.09.05 16:58:17 - Routes, delete 8000::/1 for interface "Eddie (Wintun Userspace Tunnel)". . 2023.09.05 16:58:18 - Routes, delete for interface "Ethernet (Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller)". . 2023.09.05 16:58:18 - Routes, delete for interface "Eddie (Wintun Userspace Tunnel)". . 2023.09.05 16:58:18 - Routes, delete 2a00:1678:2470:6:6f0d:8828:9fc4:bbdd/128 for interface "Eddie (Wintun Userspace Tunnel)". . 2023.09.05 16:58:18 - Routes, delete for interface "Ethernet (Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller)", not exists. . 2023.09.05 16:58:18 - DNS IPv4 of a network adapter restored to original settings (Eddie, to automatic) . 2023.09.05 16:58:18 - DNS IPv6 of a network adapter restored to original settings (Eddie, to automatic) . 2023.09.05 16:58:18 - DNS IPv4 of a network adapter restored to original settings (Ethernet, to automatic) . 2023.09.05 16:58:18 - DNS IPv6 of a network adapter restored to original settings (Ethernet, to automatic) . 2023.09.05 16:58:18 - DNS IPv4 of a network adapter restored to original settings (Ethernet 2, to automatic) . 2023.09.05 16:58:18 - DNS IPv6 of a network adapter restored to original settings (Ethernet 2, to automatic) . 2023.09.05 16:58:18 - DNS leak protection with packet filtering disabled. . 2023.09.05 16:58:18 - Interface Eddie metric restored from 3 to Automatic, layer IPv4 . 2023.09.05 16:58:18 - Interface Eddie metric restored from 3 to Automatic, layer IPv6 . 2023.09.05 16:58:18 - Connection terminated. I 2023.09.05 16:58:19 - Cancel requested. ! 2023.09.05 16:58:19 - Session terminated. . 2023.09.05 17:09:35 - Collect information about AirVPN completed
  4. As the title states, I cannot connect to any servers using Eddie UI on Windows 10. This wasn't an issue till a week ago, where all of a sudden I started taking 3-4 minutes to connect to an AirVPN server or not being able to connect to any AirVPN server. Usually, I keep getting stuck at "Checking route IPv4" or "Checking route IPv6" or at worst case "Checking DNS". Even if I do manage to connect, I don't have an internet connection; I cannot connect to Google, Speedtest, Twitter etc. My best bet (and worst-case scenario here) is that the Turkish government has finally imposed blocks on AirVPN as they did with other VPN services like ProtonVPN, NordVPN, CyberGhost, PIA, etc. but I cannot confirm that. This is an exemplary connection attempt I've made prior to writing this: Regardless, can someone help me diagnose and perhaps fix this? Thanks in advance. Eddie_20200104_012349.txt
  5. Does Android 9 (Pie) fully support IPv6? I'm wondering because I'm not sure which options to choose in AirVPN's Config Generator. Should I choose "IPv4 only," "IPv4 & IPv6 (connect with IPv4)," or "IPv4 & IPv6 (connect with IPv6)?" Right now, I'm using an AirVPN configuration with just IPv4. But, I'm wondering if one of the IPV6 options might be a better choice.
  6. Hi, I've been trying to get a Gen 2 Server working on my pfSense 2.4 without much success. It seems I am getting no resonse from the VPN Server. I downloaded a config file for Linux for version 2.4 and above and for ipv4/6 with an ipv4 connection. I mention two ip addresses bellow is the modded ip of Alphirk is my WAN The following is my VPN settings: Server Mode = Peer to Peer (SSL/TLS) Protocol = UDP on IPv4 only Device mode = tun - Layer 3 Tunnel Mode Interface = WAN Local Port = Server host = Server port = 443 Proxy host or address = empty Proxy Port = empty Proxy authentication = none Description = AirVPN client User Authentication Settings Username = Empty Password = Empty Cryptographic settings TLS Key = [From file] TLS Key Usage Mode = TLS Authentication Peer certificate authority = AirVPN_CA Peer certificate revocation list = No Lists defined Client certificate = AirVPN_cert (CA: AirVPN_CA) Encryption algorithm = AES-256-CBC (256bit key, 128 bit block) Allowed NCP Encryption Algorithms: AES-256-GCM, AES-256-CBC Auth digest Algorithm = SHA512 Hardware crypto = Intel RDRAND (aI have intel hw) Tunnel Settings IPv4 Tunnel Network = Empty IPv6 Tunnel Network = Empty IPv4 Remote Network(s) = Empty IPv6 Remote Network(s) = Empty Limit outgoing bandwidth = Default Compression = No LZO compression Topology = Subnet - One IP address per client in a common subnet Type-of-Service = Disabled Dont pull routes = Enabled Dont add/remove routes = Enabled Advanced Configuration Custom Options = resolv-retry infinite; persist-key; persist-tun; auth-nocache; route-delay 5; explicit-exit-notify 5; push-peer-info; setenv UV_IPV6 yes; remote-cert-tls server; client; key-method 2; key-direction 1; mlock; keepalive 5 30; Send/Receive Buffer = 512KiB I have tried with and without the added Custom Options. When I do a tcpdump, I don't seem to get a reply from the server. # tcpdump -vv -i pppoe0 dst host tcpdump: listening on pppoe0, link-type NULL (BSD loopback), capture size 262144 bytes 09:33:50.140639 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 61213, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 114) > [udp sum ok] UDP, length 86 09:33:52.678718 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 55421, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 114) > [udp sum ok] UDP, length 86 09:33:56.509027 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 21398, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 114) > [udp sum ok] UDP, length 86 This is a dump of a VPN connection attempt. Sep 11 09:33:55 openvpn[50510]: MANAGEMENT: Client disconnected Sep 11 09:33:55 openvpn[50510]: MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state 1' Sep 11 09:33:55 openvpn[50510]: MANAGEMENT: Client connected from /var/etc/openvpn/client6.sock Sep 11 09:33:55 openvpn[87430]: MANAGEMENT: Client disconnected Sep 11 09:33:55 openvpn[87430]: MANAGEMENT: CMD 'status 2' Sep 11 09:33:55 openvpn[87430]: MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state 1' Sep 11 09:33:55 openvpn[87430]: MANAGEMENT: Client connected from /var/etc/openvpn/client3.sock Sep 11 09:33:52 openvpn[50510]: UDPv4 WRITE [86] to [AF_INET] P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2 kid=0 pid=[ #2 ] [ ] pid=0 DATA len=0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: UDPv4 WRITE [86] to [AF_INET] P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2 kid=0 pid=[ #1 ] [ ] pid=0 DATA len=0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: SENT PING Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: TLS Warning: no data channel send key available: [key#0 state=S_INITIAL id=0 sid=00000000 00000000] [key#1 state=S_UNDEF id=0 sid=00000000 00000000] [key#2 state=S_UNDEF id=0 sid=00000000 00000000] Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET] Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: UDPv4 link local (bound): [AF_INET] Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: Socket Buffers: R=[42080->524288] S=[57344->524288] Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET] Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: Expected Remote Options String (VER=V4): 'V4,dev-type tun,link-mtu 1602,tun-mtu 1500,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,keydir 0,cipher AES-256-CBC,auth SHA512,keysize 256,tls-auth,key-method 2,tls-server' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: Local Options String (VER=V4): 'V4,dev-type tun,link-mtu 1602,tun-mtu 1500,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,keydir 1,cipher AES-256-CBC,auth SHA512,keysize 256,tls-auth,key-method 2,tls-client' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: calc_options_string_link_mtu: link-mtu 1622 -> 1602 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: crypto_adjust_frame_parameters: Adjusting frame parameters for crypto by 100 bytes Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: calc_options_string_link_mtu: link-mtu 1622 -> 1602 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: crypto_adjust_frame_parameters: Adjusting frame parameters for crypto by 100 bytes Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1622 D:1450 EF:122 EB:406 ET:0 EL:3 ] Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: RESOLVE_REMOTE flags=0x0901 phase=1 rrs=0 sig=-1 status=0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: MTU DYNAMIC mtu=1450, flags=2, 1622 -> 1450 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: Control Channel MTU parms [ L:1622 D:1140 EF:110 EB:0 ET:0 EL:3 ] Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: PID packet_id_init seq_backtrack=64 time_backtrack=15 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: PID packet_id_init seq_backtrack=64 time_backtrack=15 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: PID packet_id_init seq_backtrack=64 time_backtrack=15 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: PID packet_id_init seq_backtrack=64 time_backtrack=15 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: crypto_adjust_frame_parameters: Adjusting frame parameters for crypto by 72 bytes Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: Incoming Control Channel Authentication: HMAC size=64 block_size=64 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: Incoming Control Channel Authentication: HMAC KEY: a1198ef6 49f1c238 61a2a19f 2c6b27aa 5e43be76 1e0c71e9 c2e8d33b 75af289e ffb1b1e4 ec603d86 5f74e2b4 348ff631 c5c81202 d90003ed 263dca40 22aa9861 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: Incoming Control Channel Authentication: Using 512 bit message hash 'SHA512' for HMAC authentication Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: HMAC size=64 block_size=64 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: HMAC KEY: f2763f8a 62ca5983 d145faa2 276532ae 5e18459a 0b729dc6 7f41b928 e592b394 67ec3d79 c7020559 5718b1bc e56ca4ff 58e692ce 09c8282d 2770d2bf 5c217c06 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: Using 512 bit message hash 'SHA512' for HMAC authentication Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: PRNG init md=SHA1 size=36 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: Initializing OpenSSL support for engine 'rdrand' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: mlockall call succeeded Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50510]: MANAGEMENT: unix domain socket listening on /var/etc/openvpn/client6.sock Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.2m-freebsd 2 Nov 2017, LZO 2.10 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: OpenVPN 2.4.4 amd64-portbld-freebsd11.1 [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [MH/RECVDA] [AEAD] built on Mar 16 2018 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: auth_user_pass_file = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: pull = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: client = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: port_share_port = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: port_share_host = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: auth_token_lifetime = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: auth_token_generate = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: auth_user_pass_verify_script_via_file = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: auth_user_pass_verify_script = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: max_routes_per_client = 256 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: max_clients = 1024 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: cf_per = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: cf_max = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: duplicate_cn = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: enable_c2c = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: push_ifconfig_ipv6_remote = :: Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: push_ifconfig_ipv6_local = ::/0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: push_ifconfig_ipv6_defined = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: push_ifconfig_remote_netmask = Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: push_ifconfig_local = Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: push_ifconfig_defined = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: tmp_dir = '/tmp' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ccd_exclusive = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: client_config_dir = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: client_disconnect_script = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: learn_address_script = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: client_connect_script = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: virtual_hash_size = 256 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: real_hash_size = 256 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: tcp_queue_limit = 64 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: n_bcast_buf = 256 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ifconfig_ipv6_pool_netbits = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ifconfig_ipv6_pool_base = :: Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ifconfig_ipv6_pool_defined = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ifconfig_pool_persist_refresh_freq = 600 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ifconfig_pool_persist_filename = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ifconfig_pool_netmask = Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ifconfig_pool_end = Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ifconfig_pool_start = Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ifconfig_pool_defined = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: server_bridge_pool_end = Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: server_bridge_pool_start = Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: server_bridge_netmask = Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: server_bridge_ip = Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: server_netbits_ipv6 = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: server_network_ipv6 = :: Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: server_netmask = Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: server_network = Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: tls_crypt_file = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: tls_auth_file = '/var/etc/openvpn/client6.tls-auth' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: tls_exit = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: push_peer_info = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: single_session = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: transition_window = 3600 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: handshake_window = 60 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: renegotiate_seconds = 3600 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: renegotiate_packets = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: renegotiate_bytes = -1 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: tls_timeout = 2 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ssl_flags = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_cert_eku = 'TLS Web Server Authentication' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_cert_ku[i] = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_cert_ku[i] = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_cert_ku[i] = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_cert_ku[i] = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_cert_ku[i] = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_cert_ku[i] = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_cert_ku[i] = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_cert_ku[i] = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_cert_ku[i] = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_cert_ku[i] = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_cert_ku[i] = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_cert_ku[i] = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_cert_ku[i] = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_cert_ku[i] = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_cert_ku[i] = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_cert_ku[i] = 65535 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ns_cert_type = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: crl_file = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: verify_x509_name = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: verify_x509_type = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: tls_export_cert = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: tls_verify = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: cipher_list = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: pkcs12_file = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: priv_key_file = '/var/etc/openvpn/client6.key' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: extra_certs_file = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: cert_file = '/var/etc/openvpn/client6.cert' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: dh_file = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ca_path = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ca_file = '/var/etc/openvpn/client6.ca' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: key_method = 2 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: tls_client = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: tls_server = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: test_crypto = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: use_iv = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: packet_id_file = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: replay_time = 15 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: replay_window = 64 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: mute_replay_warnings = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: replay = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: engine = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: keysize = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: prng_nonce_secret_len = 16 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: prng_hash = 'SHA1' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: authname = 'SHA512' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ncp_ciphers = 'AES-256-GCM:AES-256-CBC' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ncp_enabled = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ciphername = 'AES-256-CBC' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: key_direction = 2 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: shared_secret_file = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: management_flags = 256 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: management_client_group = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: management_client_user = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: management_write_peer_info_file = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: management_echo_buffer_size = 100 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: management_log_history_cache = 250 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: management_user_pass = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: management_port = 'unix' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: management_addr = '/var/etc/openvpn/client6.sock' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: allow_pull_fqdn = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: route_gateway_via_dhcp = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: route_nopull = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: route_delay_defined = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: route_delay_window = 30 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: route_delay = 5 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: route_noexec = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: route_default_metric = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: route_default_gateway = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: route_script = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: comp.flags = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: comp.alg = 1 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: fast_io = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: sockflags = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: sndbuf = 524288 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: rcvbuf = 524288 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: occ = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: status_file_update_freq = 60 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: status_file_version = 1 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: status_file = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: gremlin = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: mute = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: verbosity = 7 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: nice = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: machine_readable_output = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: suppress_timestamps = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: log = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: inetd = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: daemon = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: up_delay = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: up_restart = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: down_pre = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: down_script = '/usr/local/sbin/ovpn-linkdown' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: up_script = '/usr/local/sbin/ovpn-linkup' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: writepid = '/var/run/openvpn_client6.pid' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: cd_dir = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: chroot_dir = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: groupname = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: username = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: resolve_in_advance = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: resolve_retry_seconds = 1000000000 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: passtos = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: persist_key = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: persist_remote_ip = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: persist_local_ip = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: persist_tun = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remap_sigusr1 = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ping_timer_remote = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ping_rec_timeout_action = 2 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ping_rec_timeout = 30 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ping_send_timeout = 5 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: inactivity_timeout = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: keepalive_timeout = 30 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: keepalive_ping = 5 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: mlock = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: mtu_test = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: shaper = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ifconfig_ipv6_remote = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ifconfig_ipv6_netbits = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ifconfig_ipv6_local = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ifconfig_nowarn = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ifconfig_noexec = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ifconfig_remote_netmask = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ifconfig_local = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: topology = 1 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: lladdr = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: dev_node = '/dev/tun6' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: dev_type = 'tun' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: dev = 'ovpnc6' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: ipchange = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_random = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: Connection profiles END Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: explicit_exit_notification = 5 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: mssfix = 1450 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: fragment = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: mtu_discover_type = -1 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: tun_mtu_extra_defined = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: tun_mtu_extra = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: link_mtu_defined = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: link_mtu = 1500 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: tun_mtu_defined = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: tun_mtu = 1500 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: socks_proxy_port = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: socks_proxy_server = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: connect_timeout = 120 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: connect_retry_seconds = 5 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: bind_ipv6_only = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: bind_local = ENABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: bind_defined = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_float = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote_port = '443' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: remote = '' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: local_port = '0' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: local = '' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: proto = udp4 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: Connection profiles [0]: Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: connect_retry_max = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: show_tls_ciphers = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: key_pass_file = '[UNDEF]' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: genkey = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: show_engines = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: show_digests = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: show_ciphers = DISABLED Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: mode = 0 Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: config = '/var/etc/openvpn/client6.conf' Sep 11 09:33:50 openvpn[50251]: Current Parameter Settings: Sep 11 09:33:47 openvpn[87430]: MANAGEMENT: Client disconnected Sep 11 09:33:47 openvpn[87430]: MANAGEMENT: CMD 'status 2' Sep 11 09:33:47 openvpn[87430]: MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state 1' Sep 11 09:33:47 openvpn[87430]: MANAGEMENT: Client connected from /var/etc/openvpn/client3.sock Can soneone see what it is I am doing wrong?
  7. Hi, I'm running the AirVPN Eddie client on my Windows 10 64-bit machines. I was recently unable to connect to my network, but not the internet or AirVPN and remembered I had the same problem on my other machine a few months ago and this forum gave me a solution. It involved setting the IPv4 to my preferred connection through a netsh powershell command. Doing this fix I noticed that there were 50 different ethernet connections that Eddie has created and I was wondering if there is a way to delete these connections to prevent any issues moving forward? A couple screenshots for clarity:
  8. I've been noticing this lately in wireshark. I'm using OpenVPN 2.4.5. Its sending and receiving to the VPN server, however Wireshark shows it is using IPv4, and not the OpenVPN protocol. Is this something to be concerned about, and if so, how can I fix this issue while using OpenVPN?
  9. Hello, now i get my new connection and with it i get ipv6 only. There is a ds-lite tunnel for ipv4 things but it won't work with the AirVPN client. I always get the following: The machine runs with Xubuntu 16.10 64bit. You will find my logfile in the Attachment. I can't use AirVPN now. :-( What can i do? Cheers AirVPN_20161202_090120.txt
  10. Can anyone comment on this report done on vpn leak tests and tell me if these issues have now been fixed on Eddie Mac OS X client please. Or in fact if it ever was a genuine problem. also any IVPN users who have anything to say about that vpn service seeing as they sponsored it. Sorry im not sure on the date it was done so this topic might already be on this forum somewhere but a search here didn't bring any result. heres the link to the report https://vpntesting.info
  11. Using the Pfsense 2.3 install guide https://airvpn.org/topic/17444-how-to-set-up-pfsense-23-for-airvpn/ When I get to step 3A, "Step 3-A: Setting up the OpenVPN Client" I get the following error: "An IPv4 protocol was selected, but the selected interface has no IPv4 address." After Googling some, I see that this error *might* be a bug in PfSense 2.3 and how it uses OpenVPN? Or something else? I checked steps 1-2 thoroughly, and I am pretty sure I am following the instrux. Thanks for any guidance.
  12. Hello fellow AirVPN users, Here is my issue that I'm experiencing with AirVPN: Problem: I'm experiencing issues with IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity on my Windows 10 machine. I started experiencing this shortly after installing the AirVPN client. I mainly use this machine on one of two WiFi networks (home and work) and the issue behaves differently on each network. Work Network: On my work network, "No Network Access" is displayed for both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity on my WiFi status dialog box. I cannot make any sort of internet connection on any application on this network nor can I log-in or connect to AirVPN. I also see a yellow triangle over my WiFi icon on my Windows notifications taskbar. Home Network: After restarting/rebooting/booting/waking the computer, the WiFi status lists "No Network Access" for both IPv4 & 6 connectivity. However, when I try to log-in and start an AirVPN server connection through the client, the IPv4 connectivity status changes to "Internet" while the IPv6 connection remains on "No Network Access." The yellow triangle disappears over my taskbar WiFi icon and I'm able to connect to the internet with my browser. My IP address seems to be properly displayed as my AirVPN server's IP and no DNS leak is detected by dnsleaktest.com. However, I used to have IPv6 connectivity on this network prior to installing AirVPN client on this machine. If I disconnect and close AirVPN, the IPv4 connection remains on. Attempted Solutions: 1. Disabled network lock 2. Ran Windows Network Diagnosis: stated that machine seems to be configured correctly yet DNS connectivity cannot be obtained. 3. Ran a series of "netsh int tcp set..." commands based on the instructions at this website. No success. Any help would be appreciated. AirVPN works well on my Linux machines but it's critical that I'm able to use it on this Windows machine. Thanks!!
  13. Hello, For some reason I can't connect to the Netherlands servers or Sweden servers in AirVPN for Windows. They are showen as the fastest, but I can't connect to them. One Austrian works for me, but has a lower ping. Are the servers down, or is there a problem with my client?
  14. Hi, The question says it all, really, does ipleak.net detect IPv6 leaks (it is not clear from the wrebsite)? Thanks!
  15. Hi AirVPN Forums, Love The Service!. Ok, Well this is my Enquiry, is there a way to Exclude an IP Address on the router, & put it outside the VPN Connection. for example, My laptop is & Thats happily running within VPN. BUT i want To be Outside of this zone & be able to access the internet with 0 VPN Connection.. So it will show the ISP's Provided IP Address.. Sorry if this question is somewhat vague & Badly Formatted. Thanks. Stan464. More INFO Router: Netgear WNR834B DD/FW: DD-WRT OpenVPN Build. GWIP: ISPGW:
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