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Found 12 results

  1. Hello. I wish to know more about the privacy policy of the website ipleak.net. On the website, it states that the "data is partially based on MaxMind database and that the results may be cached." So, in this case, does the privacy policy of MaxMind apply to information attained from the site?
  2. IPLeak only shows the DNS server IP of the AirVPN server I'm connected to. Mullvad's leak tester on the other hand shows my ISP's DNS server in addition to that. Some other testers detect the ISP too. The DNS Leak test should be more rigorous in how it does the test to not give a false sense of security. Software: default OpenVPN GUI on Windows, OpenVPN 2.5.1
  3. I don't think I need to explain much here. The embedded map is fetched from Google, so Google potentially tracks all users playing with their VPN connection turning it on and off. Further I don't know whether this embed is violating GDPR or not: does Google set custom (not technically required) cookies? Either way, Chromium browsers send a presumably identifiable header to Google domains by default. The alternative is either OpenStreetMap, no map at all or only load the map after a click (user confirmation). I have only once wanted to view the map out of numerous times visiting ipleak.net
  4. "ipleak.net is run by us, do you like it" -- from user "Staff" in https://airvpn.org/topic/9289-dns-leaks-and-how-to-fix-them My question is this: with or without a VPN, ipleak.net shows my geolocation as being just west of Witchita, KS, whereas in reality I live almost 2,000 km to the east, near State College, PA. How may this error be corrected? NB: https://www.dnsleaktest.com/ shows my true location at the same time as ipleak.net gives the results mentioned above.
  5. Hello everyone! This is my first post, so keep that in mind. Also, while I have better-than-average I.T. skills, I'm hardly an expert. I have recently encountered several problems, all of which I did not notice until after I installed the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. Note that that does not necessarily mean they weren't present before the update; I just didn't notice them until afterwards. I also have some other questions. 1. If I open Eddie and activate network lock, remain unconnected to a server, attempt to load a webpage, and it doesn't work -- does that definitively mean that Network Lock is working and secure? (Assuming, of course, that it does work with network lock deactivated.) 2. I keep getting the message, "Recovery. Unexpected Crash?" (the question mark is part of the message). 3. I keep getting this message too: "The requested protocol has not been configured into the system, or no implementation for it exists." 4. If I run ipleak.net while connected to an AirVPN server, and: my IPv4 is the AirVPN server, no forwarded IP is detected, IPv6 test is not reachable, RTCPeerConnection is not available, and the DNS addresses are all AirVPN servers -- then am I definitively secured? 5. It appears IPv6 doesn't work (I get the "IPv6 test not reachable" message on ipleak.net) at all times, even if I'm not running Eddie. This was not the case when I first installed and set up Eddie. Toggling Eddie's "Disable IPv6 at OS level if requested" option doesn't seem to make a difference. 6. In Eddie's preferences, under Advanced, for the IPv6 dropdown menu, what's the difference between "None" and "Disable"? 7. What does "Force TAP interface UP" mean? I probably won't have time to check this thread again until Sunday. Thanks a bunch!
  6. On the result page of on https://ipleak.net there is a referens to "AirVPN Exit Node". What is an "AirVPN Exit Node"? Why does ipleak.net check for "AirVPN Exit Node", is it a security/privacy issue in some way? Who becomes an "AirVPN Exit Node"? And under which circumstances could/will this happen? What is the result/impact/downside of being an "AirVPN Exit Node"? Will it limit functionality/access or anything else that would be available otherwise? If being an "AirVPN Exit Node" is a "bad" thing, can it then be avoided? is there any documentation available on "AirVPN Exit Node"?
  7. Hello, first time posting in the forums here at AirVPN. I run AirVPN in PFsense as a OpenVPN client. I use the servers in the US (us.vpn.airdns.org:443). I use the AirVPN DNS servers & and have them listed in the “General Settings” of PFsense. I have a couple different issues and or problems. First one being, when I need to connect to a AirVPN server because of restarting PFsense or if I just want to switch to another server in the US, I have to switch the DNS settings in the “General Settings” to OpenDNS servers & to be able to connect to a AirVPN server. Once the connection to the server is made I go back into “General Settings” and switch back to & The whole ordeal is kind of a pain. I was wondering if this was the only way to connect to AirVPN servers let alone ensure no DNS leaks? I also have a problem with connecting to ipleak.net. I used to be able to connect all the time with no issue. The last couple of days I get a “We can’t reach this site” error. Another problem I have is; I have only been able to connect to 1 particular US server in Miami. I’d like to switch to another US server other than the Miami (I get real slow speeds on this server) one. I go into the Client Area and disconnect from the server. That’s when I have to go back into the “General Settings” within PFsense and switch to the OpenDNS DNS servers and restart PFsense to be able to connect again to a VPN server again. AND for the last couple days every time I do this I have been ending back onto the Miami server I don’t want to use… My question is there a way to avoid this server while still using US servers or do I have to just select 1 US server each time in PFsense instead of keeping the broad range of all US servers? I was also curious if anyone knew how a server was selected in US by Pfsense? Sorry for the lengthy post, I hope someone can help! Thank you in advance!
  8. Hi there, I would like to inform the staff that I have found a bug in the ipleak.net website (Which I think is run by AirVPN staff) When I am connected to the Mekbuda server, and I visit ipleak.net, it says "M247 - Residential", instead of "M247 - AirVPN Server (Exit)" like all the other AirVPN servers do. Also, if you scroll down on that page, it says "AirVPN Exit Node: No" which is incorrect. Screenshots:
  9. Hi, The question says it all, really, does ipleak.net detect IPv6 leaks (it is not clear from the wrebsite)? Thanks!
  10. Staff


    ipleak.net shows any kind of information that a website can detect about you. It's generally used to check if there are leaks (IP, DNS, RTC etc.) with a connection to a VPN, Tor, proxy etc. We developed it with updated state-of-the-art techniques to detect leaks. The main page performs around 30 DNS detection tests to build a list. A single detection can be done with: https://random_long_hash.ipleak.net/ Replace random_long_hash with a random hash on every request. You can also query any IP address: https://ipleak.net/ or any qualified domain name: https://ipleak.net/nl.airvpn.org API available here
  11. Staff


    You can obtain data from ipleak.net trough an API, by querying the directory json or xml or php. We don't require any authorization or API key for this service. It's provided as a best-effort service. We limit requests in time-range for specific IP addresses if anyone runs too many requests to preserve availability of this service. For example, to fetch data about your IP in json format: https://ipleak.net/json/ To forceIPv4 usage: https://ipv4.ipleak.net/json/ To force IPv6 usage: https://ipv6.ipleak.net/json/ To fetch data about the IP address in xml format: https://ipleak.net/xml/ To fetch data about detected DNS in json format (replace [session] with a random hash (40 chars long) and [random] with random chars every request). Perform many request with same [session] and different [random] to populate. https://[session]-[random].ipleak.net/dnsdetection/ Fields query_text Your query text query_type Can be myip, mydns, ip or domain query_date Unix timestamp of server result. level Level of detail. Can be min or max. Only some IP addresses are fetched for all available data (max levels) cache Unix timestamp of data accuracy, if the level is max. Data at min level are always in real time. Fields like Tor and reverse are always in real time. ip The IP address. country_code Country ISO code country_name Country Name tor If the IP address matches a Tor Exit Node. reverse Reverse lookup. The above fields are always provided. Other fields may be available if additional data is available. If you query a qualified domain name, every IP address it resolves into is available under an ips data node. Reserved address If the address is an IANA special address, data will contain special fields. See as an example ( xml, json) Check IANA IPv4 / IPv6 Special-Purpose Address Registry for more information about the fields.
  12. Hi! After April 2014 AirVPN Major System Update I downloaded AirVPN Client v. 1.92 and generated new configurations for both Windows and Linux. However, when I am connected to AirVPN servers under Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr 64-bit, ipleak.net reveals that Tor exit node is set along with AirVPN exit node, despite the fact that Tor application is not even installed. When Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit is in use, Tor exit node doesn't exist. I checked the connection a few times with either Comodo Firewall turned on and off. My Comodo Firewall is configured to prevent leaks according to AirVPN articles. In short, what does it mean? Does my connection (under Windows) lack some recently added additional layer of protection? If yes, how to turn it on. Have I to change Comodo Firewall configuration? If yes, tell me how, please. Thank you for your responses.
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