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Found 21 results

  1. Hello, I have an issue with port forwarding and my ASUS router. I've got an ASUS route, running the latest stock firmware ( with mostly default settings. The router is directly connected to a modem in bridge mode so there's no double NAT. I imported a wireguard profile and assigned my NAS to this profile. So far everything works good and as expected, and the VPN connection is active for my NAS. Most posts in this forum seem to be about the ASUS merlin firmware, but I'd rather not install a custom firmware if not necessary. For my setup: I am running an owncloud docker instance on my synology NAS and want to access it with port forwarding on the internet. Therefore I went to https://airvpn.org/ports/ and assigned a port and DDNS entry. My owncloud docker container has the port 8080 assigned as local and container port and I can access it correctly with my local ip:port. The port entry has port X assigned and as local port I setup 8080 to match the owncloud port. If I now test the port status with "test open" on the ports page, I just get the "Connection timed out (110)" error. Afaik, there shouldn't be any custom port forwarding rules necessary in my router settings, as the FAQ says don't forward the ports you want to use in the router, as that might be a security risk (?). Also accessing the ddns:port address and checking the outgoing ip:port gives also connection timeout in my browser. For testing I also forwarded a random other port and tried to listen on it on my windows pc with openvpn active and that yielded the same results. Forwarding a random port in my router and then listening to it without vpn worked though, as some testing webpage showed that this port is open then. I tried to troubleshoot it with the help of ChatGPT, but all the ideas it had, didn't yield and results or improvements. Am I missing something? There doesn't seem to be any special settings regarding the VPN Fusion connection and any type of port forwarding etc.
  2. Hi everyone, i have just signed up for three days to test and cant seem to connect to my router through the merlin openvpn client settings page. it says connected but in vpn status it just says connecting and never does? cant find any specific info for airvpn router setup guides either..
  3. Hello, I was curious what would happen if I used AirVPN with ASUS Merlin router and have Eddie installed on a windows 10 workstation at the same time. Obv trying to avoid IP leaking. Would using AirVPN on an ASUS router with Merlin be just as reliable as the Eddie software? Eddie has been rocksolid and as far as I know has never had a leak, the network lock works great.. But I would really love to switch things up and get a new router with AirVPN installed on it. I have concerns that the killswitch or lock on the router is not as realiable as Eddies custom client. On the ASUS router, if I use the .ovpn file from AirVPN and also configure the killswitch policy rules to only let out VPN connections would that be just as reliable as the Eddie client? Is it possible to install the client on the PC along with AIR on the router? That way most of my devices will use the router vpn and a couple workstations can use the Eddie client and connect to the VPN router, kinda like a double killswitch. Im just looking for ideas or any feedback. Which would you guys trust more... the killswitch on router or network lock on eddie? Thank you!
  4. Hi Guys Im using the Asus ac68u router, flashed with Merlinwrt. Using the openvpn profile on the router, I can only get a maximum of about 5.5mbps on my 100mbps fibre connection. I have tried various server, ranging from best latency to speed speed (as per the Eddie recommendations), and cannot for the life of me get better speeds. Can anyone please assist? Thanks a lot.
  5. Hi, I just purchased the ASUS RT-AC66U B1 router and intended to configure it to work with AirVPN. I visited the client area to download the configuration file for routers and also followed the asuswrt guide but it doesn't seem to work as I lose connection. Can anyone please help me as I have already updated the router to the latest firmware. Thanks.
  6. Hello forum! I've used OpenVPN on Asus RT-N18U running DD-WRT over a year now. I made files up.sh to start and dn.sh to stop OpenVPN to get rid of GUI and later on to run them via ssh from lan. OpenVPN version got updated to 2.4 and I made the necessary changes to conf file and scripts. It ran without issues couple of months. However, last Thursday my VPN connection went down while I was just browsing the interwebs. OpenVPN log was filled with messages: Recursive routing detected, drop tun packet to [AF_INET] There's no difference if I set up OpenVPN via GUI or use only my scripts. I've tried both UDP and TCP protocols but the issue persists. Outcome is always the same. Since then I've contacted AirVPN support as I cannot fix this by myself. I don't have the skills for that and I've tried my everything. As you may notice I feel desperate. EDIT: Here was a zip-file including kernel and ip routing tables, scripts, openvpn.conf file and OpenVPN log. I've censored my IP-address and tun1 IP from the files. All I found out is that the router for some reason removes line via 84.xx.xx.xx dev vlan2 from routing table. You can see the difference between before-error_ip-route.txt. and after-error_ip-route.txt. DD-WRT seems to think that the fastest route outside is only via tun1 as VPN endpoint IP is in the same location as tun1 IP-address. Just a guess, might be totally wrong. Then it removes the previously mentioned routing rule and creates a loop. If I use allow-recursive-routing option in OpenVPN configuration, after a while log begins to spam "UDP messages too big" or something like that. I hadn't done any changes to DD-WRT settings, configuration files or script files. Recursive routing just popped up from no where. Router is being used as a gateway and WiFi AP only. All I've done is I moved to a new apartment which has different IP-address provided by the same ISP. That might not affect anything, just FYI. I really hope someone could help me with this. Thanks. Update: Turns out my ISP assings new IP-address every 20 minutes and almost every service on DD-WRT restarts which makes everything kind of frustrating to config...
  7. I wanted to start this topic because the Asus 4G-AC55U doesn't use the same settings as asus routers or other usual asuswrt settings, maybe exactly because it's not a 4g modem/router. I cant get help anywhere from the internet. It should be easy to just upload the ovpn file but somehow it doesn't connect, just keeps connecting. The problem is i cant change the dns server or turn it off, that option is nowhere to be found. Oh and every time i try to connect and click on any other setting it kicks me out.
  8. Hello, I am using an Asus RT-AC87U with AirVPN. I have a couple of problems. I wish to forward multiple :80 ports to multiple addresses, but I believe that is not directly possible. I can create the IPTABLES rules, but I can only open port 80 to the VPN if I am correct? Is there a way I can open multiple :80 ports on multiple local IPs? It doesn't really matter if I need different or new hardware. Second, my Asus router seems very instable. The speeds are slow (around 1.5mbps where I can get 300mbps without VPN), but that isn't the real problem. Every week or so, the VPN client disables itself without further notice, and I can't enable it manually, it simply never starts. The logs state nothing. The only option I found so far is to fully reset the router and setup everything from stock again, until it breaks again. Am I maybe better of using a custom (server-grade) box or router running PfSense (or similar)? Also keeping my first quesion in mind.
  9. Hi everyone, I had some difficulty setting up port forwarding with the Merlin WRT firmware on my ASUS routers and did not find a great guide online so figured I would write one up to hopefully help save someone a few hours of pain. 1. Download the Merlin WRT firmware from the website and just upload is as a regular file through the Administration -> Firmware Upgrade page. 2. Once done go to Administration -> System -> Persistent JFFS partition and make sure enable both options and restart. This is where the script will go. Restart the router. 3. Download Win-SCP to help you upload and edit files on the router. I found this to be the easiest way. 4. Log in to your router with WinSCP: - File protocol: SCP - Host name: Router IP (eg. - User name/Password of your router – Login 5. Use the “..” folder all the way on the top to go all the way back where you will see “jffs” partition. Go to jffs -> scripts and then right click and create new file named “nat-start” without quotations. So /jffs/scripts/nat-start For whatever reason the first time I activated JFFS partition it was read only and did not allow me to create any new files so I followed the instructions here and used the commands through telnet to mount the partition and then restarted the router 6. Once the file is created, right click and goto properties and make sure Owner permission has check next to “X” making it executable. You can do this through telnet also using chmod command. 7. Use the following script below to setup port forwarding: #!/bin/sh iptables -I FORWARD -i br0 -o tun11 -j ACCEPT iptables -I FORWARD -i tun11 -o br0 -j ACCEPT iptables -I FORWARD -i br0 -o vlan1 -j DROP iptables -I INPUT -i tun11 -j REJECT iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tun11 -j MASQUERADE iptables -I FORWARD -i tun11 -p udp -d *IP of device requiring open port* --dport *Port* -j ACCEPT iptables -I FORWARD -i tun11 -p tcp -d *IP of device requiring open port* --dport *Port* -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i tun11 -p tcp --dport *Port* -j DNAT --to-destination *IP of device requiring open port* iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i tun11 -p udp --dport *Port* -j DNAT --to-destination *IP of device requiring open port* ~Obviously replace the stuff between * * with the right numbers and remove the *. 8. To check which tun and vlan you have telnet to your router and type in “ifconfig” and use this information to determine this. The 2nd paragraph can be copied for multiple ports. I have OSX so I used "Terminal.app" and typed "telnet" and then type in your admin/pass, then "ifconfig". 9. That’s it. Save it and restart your router. Make sure you obviously setup the correct ports on the AirVPN website. 10. You can check under your router page: System Log -> Port Forwarding to see the appropriate ports being forwarded. Also can check through the AirVPN website. Hope that helps. Let me know if something is unclear and I will modify it. Thanks and enjoy.
  10. Hello, have a ASUS RT-AC68P with the latest Merlin firmware with an unRAID server running behind it with Nextcloud. Trying to setup DNSMasq on the router and followed the guide here. I am using AirVPN for the VPN service. Have the following in my jffs partition with port forwarding already setup on AirVPN and IP tables setup. being my unRAID server. Code:address=/airdns.org/ works fine so when on LAN and type in the DDNS Nextcloud server address ***.airdns.org:PORT it redirects to the internal server. Externally it works fine also. However, this breaks the WAN access and keeps me from accessing any websites, etc. Actually the WiFi even stops working - i had to hardwire to get it all reset. In the WAN -> WAN DNS Setting - i have it set to Yes, automatic AiProtection -> Enable DNS-based Filtering is OFF LAN -> DNS Server 1 -> VPN -> OpenVPN Clients -> Accept DNS Configuration to "Exclusive" and Redirect Internet traffic to "Policy Rules" Any ideas? **SOLVED** Need to setup DNSMasq on the router side and reverse proxy on the server side. Works fine that way in case other had similar issues. I'm sure there are better ways to do this but this is what worked for me.
  11. hi all, noob question maybe. I don't get my configuration to work. I use an Asus AC-3200 router, with original firmware. Installed the VPN-client. Works flawlessly. But: when i enter the DNS manually on the WAN-tab ( and, then no website can be found. Router says "no connection". Using Google's DNS works fine, but i wanna use AirVPN's DNS. What am i doing wrong?
  12. I am not an expert with networking issues therefore the question. If I am using AirVPN service with my ASUS 88U router w/latest Merlin firmware build, can I use the same UDP or TCP 443 .ovpn file (same server location) for Client1 (AppleTV4) and Client2 (PC) using Policy Rules without having Ip routing issues? If I cannot have each client using same UDP 443 file or TCP file can I use UDP/TCP 443 file but with a different server for each? I read somewhere you can't Port Forward two seperate devices to same port. I know I am not using the port forward feature to use OpenVPN in router but just asking since I am confused on the matter. Also, I noticed when I have Client1 using UDP 443 (Dallas) .ovpn and Client2 using UDP 443 (Miami) .ovpn and run a speed test (Ookla) on the CLient2, the IP address that Ookla reports is the Client1 UDP 443 (Dallas) instead of the UDP 443 (miami) IP (the correct IP it should be reporting). How to fix this issue? Thanks.
  13. This router might require sacrifices to actually work. A great weapon against network intruders: If someone is in your network, simply don't feed it.
  14. Looking to set up my Asus RT-N16 router to use AirVPN to appear to be in the US while travelling abroad. It has v24-sp2 (mega) firmware installed. I have attempted to follow the directions here, however there are several of these intructions that I cannot follow because they are not options presented to me. Specifically, I cannot follow the directions below: There is no option to select "advanced options" or any of the other things above. Screen shots below. What am I missing?
  15. About AsusWRT AsusWRT is a unified firmware developed by Asus for use in their recent routers. The firmware was originally based on Tomato-RT/Tomato-USB, but has since seen many changes. Asus started using this new firmware with their recent routers (RT-AC68U, RT-AC87U), but they also started moving other routers to this new firmware. Prerequisite Asus Router with AsusWRT (native OpenVPN support). Model tested: RT-AC68U but it should work for all Asus routers that have AsusWRT. see Official website for AsusWRT model support list. [Firmware Notes]: Please upgrade the router Firmware to the latest version. "New Asus Firmware supports 4096 bits key and will work with AirVPN." Steps 1. Create configuration files from our Config Generator. Select [Router or others] and choose a server you like. Tick on [Direct, protocol UDP, port 443] and click on [Generate]. Save the openvpn config file .ovpn (Ex: AirVPN__UDP-443.ovpn) anywhere on your computer. 2. Open the Asus router webinterface and click on [VPN]. Click on [Add profile], choose [OpenVPN] tab. Enter a "description", leave username and password EMPTY. Click on [browse] and select the downloaded openvpn config file (.ovpn). Click on [upload]. Click on [OK]. That's it now you can click on [Activate] to connect to AirVPN server. 3. Make sure to setup the AirVPN DNS this way: Click on [WAN] tab. Turn [DNS server] "off" (No) and enter AirVPN's DNS as first DNS IP address (it's DNS for Protocol UDP, Port 443 - see Specs for more details). About the secondary DNS entry, we recommend picking ones from the OpenNIC Project. The AirVPN DNS will enable you to access AirVPN geo-routing services to bypass discriminations based on IP address geo-location. 4. Visit https://ipleak.net and check whether it works. Every client (PC, Smartphone, Console, Smart TV ..) which is connected to the router now is secured by VPN and also has full access to the anti-geo-blocking service. Useful Info A custom firmware for Asus routers based on official AsusWRT called Asuswrt-Merlin is available. AsusWRT-Merlin retains all the features of the original stock AsusWRT firmware with added/enhanced features. More info on AsusWRT-Merlin website http://asuswrt.lostrealm.ca/features
  16. I recently bought an Asus router RT-AC68U to flash Tomato firmware as AirVPN offers a config generation for this. I had a few issues with that and noticed that Asus supports OpenVPN from scratch. I've tried it and it works flawless, no tomato is needed. Difficulty: Very low Time: 2 Minutes Prerequisite: - Asus Router (in my case it's a RT-AC68U but it should work for all asus routers that have OpenVPN support) Steps: 1. Browse to https://airvpn.org/generator/ and select 'Router or others' and choose a server you like. Tick on 'Direct, protocol UDP, port 443' and click on 'Generate'. Save this openvpn config file anywhere on your computer. 2. Open the asus router webinterface and click on 'VPN'. Click on 'Add profile', choose OpenVPN. Enter a description, leave username and password EMPTY. Click on 'Browse' and select the downloaded openvpn config file. Click on upload. Click on OK. That's it now you can click on connect. 3. Visit https://ipleak.net and check if it works. By default I have no dns leak. But in case you have you can setup the AirVPN DNS this way: 3b. Click on WAN tab. Turn DNS server off and enter either google's DNS or AirVPN's DNS or both as in the screenshot. That's it. Every client which is connected to the router now is secured by VPN.
  17. I looking through the forum archives to determine the best VPN router brand and OS. 1. Is a Sabai OS router "better" than DD-WRT? http://www.routersource.com/netgear-nighthawk-r7000-powered-by-sabai-os/ 2. Does anyone have experience with Sabai OS? 3. I am looking at the ASUS versus Netgear. I think I am looking at ASUS being the most popular amongst AirVPN users. Why? I just want to hear other person's thoughts on the matters above. Thanks ...
  18. Hello Air, I have a Asus RT-ac3200 with merlin 378.55 and my VPN dissconnect automatiiclly more times a day sometimes my router resets itself. This is what I found in the log: Does somone know what this means and how I can FIx this? I already tried different servers, resetting my router but that will not solve the problem. Any help is welcome!
  19. Hi All, I want to buy a new router because I am using now a Asus RT-AC66u with merlin and the VPN speeds are extremely slow I only get 10 procent of my ISP speed.. The ASUS RT-AC3200 seems to be really cool. But what do you guys think is the best Airvpn router? Thanks!
  20. Disclaimer: "Pimp my.." is a reference to a once popular MTV show which centered on individuals submitting their vehicles with the goal of getting them optimized/upgraded. I'm not referring to sexual exploitation/slavery/trafficking or anything of the like. In the same spirit as that MTV show, I'm submitting my AirVPN log file to the kind folks of this community in case there is something in it which implies room for improvement. I have a 100 Mbps Comcast connection, a Docsis 3 modem (SB6141), an 802.11ac router (Asus AC68U) and my primary client is a MacBook with a 802.11 ac wireless adapter. I'm using the SSL port because it seems Comcast throttles the UDP ports on my connection. Anyhow, thanks in advance for any suggestions you might have to improve my vpn speeds. I 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - AirVPN client version: 2.9.2, System: OSX, Name: 10.10.3, Architecture: x64 . 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - Reading options from /Users/k3/.airvpn/AirVPN.xml . 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - Data Path: /Users/k3/.airvpn . 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - App Path: /Users/k3/Downloads/AirVPN.app/Contents/MacOS . 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - Executable Path: /Users/k3/Downloads/AirVPN.app/Contents/MacOS/AirVPN . 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - Command line arguments (0): . 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - Updating systems & servers data ... . 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - Operating System: Unix - Darwin K3-MBP 14.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.3.0: Mon Mar 23 11:59:05 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2782.20.48~5/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 I 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - OpenVPN Driver - Expected I 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - OpenVPN - Version: OpenVPN 2.3.6 (/Users/k3/Downloads/AirVPN.app/Contents/MacOS/openvpn) I 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - SSH - Version: OpenSSH_6.2p2, OSSLShim 0.9.8r 8 Dec 2011 (/usr/bin/ssh) I 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - SSL - Version: stunnel 5.09 (/Users/k3/Downloads/AirVPN.app/Contents/MacOS/stunnel) ! 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - Activation of Network Lock - OS X - PF . 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - OS X - PF rules updated, reloading I 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - Session starting. I 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - IPv6 disabled on network adapter (Wi-Fi) I 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - IPv6 disabled on network adapter (802.11n NIC) I 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - IPv6 disabled on network adapter (Bluetooth DUN) I 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - IPv6 disabled on network adapter (Bluetooth PAN) I 2015.06.15 20:17:13 - IPv6 disabled on network adapter (Thunderbolt Bridge) . 2015.06.15 20:17:19 - Systems & servers data update completed I 2015.06.15 20:17:20 - Checking authorization ... ! 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - Connecting to Gorgonea (Canada, Toronto, Ontario) . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - SSL > 2015.06.15 20:17:21 LOG5[140735214396160]: stunnel 5.09 on x86_64-apple-darwin14.0.0 platform . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - SSL > 2015.06.15 20:17:21 LOG5[140735214396160]: Compiled/running with OpenSSL 1.0.1k 8 Jan 2015 . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - SSL > 2015.06.15 20:17:21 LOG5[140735214396160]: Threading:PTHREAD Sockets:SELECT,IPv6 TLS:ENGINE,OCSP,PSK,SNI . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - SSL > 2015.06.15 20:17:21 LOG5[140735214396160]: Reading configuration from file /Users/k3/.airvpn/ada3ff893750cbebf56d9630cb59bb7f22c9c240e191e2a2a756fd3b844d30d1.tmp.ssl . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - SSL > 2015.06.15 20:17:21 LOG5[140735214396160]: UTF-8 byte order mark not detected . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - SSL > 2015.06.15 20:17:21 LOG6[140735214396160]: Initializing service [openvpn] . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - SSL > 2015.06.15 20:17:21 LOG5[140735214396160]: Configuration successful . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - OpenVPN > OpenVPN 2.3.6 x86_64-apple-darwin14.0.0 [sSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [MH] [iPv6] built on Jan 12 2015 . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - OpenVPN > library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.1k 8 Jan 2015, LZO 2.08 . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - SSL > 2015.06.15 20:17:21 LOG5[4502421504]: Service [openvpn] accepted connection from . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - SSL > 2015.06.15 20:17:21 LOG6[4502421504]: s_connect: connecting . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET] . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - OpenVPN > Control Channel Authentication: tls-auth using INLINE static key file . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - OpenVPN > Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - OpenVPN > Incoming Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - OpenVPN > Socket Buffers: R=[131072->65536] S=[131072->524288] . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - OpenVPN > Attempting to establish TCP connection with [AF_INET] [nonblock] . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - SSL > 2015.06.15 20:17:21 LOG5[4502421504]: s_connect: connected . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - SSL > 2015.06.15 20:17:21 LOG5[4502421504]: Service [openvpn] connected remote server from . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - SSL > 2015.06.15 20:17:21 LOG6[4502421504]: SNI: sending servername: . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - SSL > 2015.06.15 20:17:21 LOG6[4502421504]: CERT: Locally installed certificate matched . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - SSL > 2015.06.15 20:17:21 LOG5[4502421504]: Certificate accepted at depth=0: C=IT, ST=Italy, L=Perugia, O=AirVPN, OU=stunnel, CN=stunnel.airvpn.org, emailAddress=info@airvpn.org . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - SSL > 2015.06.15 20:17:21 LOG6[4502421504]: SSL connected: new session negotiated . 2015.06.15 20:17:21 - SSL > 2015.06.15 20:17:21 LOG6[4502421504]: Negotiated TLSv1.2 ciphersuite ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256-bit encryption) . 2015.06.15 20:17:22 - OpenVPN > TCP connection established with [AF_INET] . 2015.06.15 20:17:22 - OpenVPN > TCPv4_CLIENT link local: [undef] . 2015.06.15 20:17:22 - OpenVPN > TCPv4_CLIENT link remote: [AF_INET] . 2015.06.15 20:17:22 - OpenVPN > TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET], sid=40042412 088cd224 . 2015.06.15 20:17:23 - OpenVPN > VERIFY OK: depth=1, C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=airvpn.org CA, emailAddress=info@airvpn.org . 2015.06.15 20:17:23 - OpenVPN > Validating certificate key usage . 2015.06.15 20:17:23 - OpenVPN > ++ Certificate has key usage 00a0, expects 00a0 . 2015.06.15 20:17:23 - OpenVPN > VERIFY KU OK . 2015.06.15 20:17:23 - OpenVPN > Validating certificate extended key usage . 2015.06.15 20:17:23 - OpenVPN > ++ Certificate has EKU (str) TLS Web Server Authentication, expects TLS Web Server Authentication . 2015.06.15 20:17:23 - OpenVPN > VERIFY EKU OK . 2015.06.15 20:17:23 - OpenVPN > VERIFY OK: depth=0, C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=server, emailAddress=info@airvpn.org . 2015.06.15 20:17:25 - OpenVPN > Data Channel Encrypt: Cipher 'AES-256-CBC' initialized with 256 bit key . 2015.06.15 20:17:25 - OpenVPN > Data Channel Encrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication . 2015.06.15 20:17:25 - OpenVPN > Data Channel Decrypt: Cipher 'AES-256-CBC' initialized with 256 bit key . 2015.06.15 20:17:25 - OpenVPN > Data Channel Decrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication . 2015.06.15 20:17:25 - OpenVPN > Control Channel: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, 4096 bit RSA . 2015.06.15 20:17:25 - OpenVPN > [server] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET] . 2015.06.15 20:17:27 - OpenVPN > SENT CONTROL [server]: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1) . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp,dhcp-option DNS,comp-lzo no,route-gateway,topology subnet,ping 10,ping-restart 60,ifconfig' . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modified . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: LZO parms modified . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: --ifconfig/up options modified . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: route options modified . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: route-related options modified . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: --ip-win32 and/or --dhcp-option options modified . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > ifconfig: ioctl (SIOCDIFADDR): Can't assign requested address . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > Opened utun device utun0 . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > do_ifconfig, tt->ipv6=0, tt->did_ifconfig_ipv6_setup=0 . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > /sbin/ifconfig utun0 delete . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > NOTE: Tried to delete pre-existing tun/tap instance -- No Problem if failure . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > /sbin/ifconfig utun0 netmask mtu 1500 up . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > /sbin/route add -net . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > add net gateway . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > /sbin/route add -net . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > add net gateway . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > /sbin/route add -net . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > add net gateway . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > /sbin/route add -net . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > add net gateway . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > /sbin/route add -net . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > add net gateway . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - Starting Management Interface . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OpenVPN > Initialization Sequence Completed I 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - DNS of a network adapter forced (Wi-Fi) I 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - DNS of a network adapter forced (802.11n NIC) I 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - DNS of a network adapter forced (Bluetooth DUN) I 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - DNS of a network adapter forced (Bluetooth PAN) I 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - DNS of a network adapter forced (Thunderbolt Bridge) I 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - Flushing DNS . 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - OS X - PF rules updated, reloading I 2015.06.15 20:17:28 - Checking route I 2015.06.15 20:17:30 - Checking DNS ! 2015.06.15 20:17:31 - Connected. . 2015.06.15 20:17:31 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET] . 2015.06.15 20:17:31 - OpenVpn Management > >INFO:OpenVPN Management Interface Version 1 -- type 'help' for more info
  21. Hello, I currently am having a problem with my unraid server as I only want to route my torrent traffic through my VPN and kee pthe rest of my applications running through my regular network (Plex, Sickbeard, etc. etc.) The OpenVPN client uses an OVDB file I generate to connect to airvpn, I am assuming I am going to have to configure my torrent traffic using routing tables. I have no idea how to do this. Under the Option Extended Routing I have the following Options: None Bypass IP Address from Tunnel Route only Specific IP Addressses I'm assuming I have to do something here or edit my routing tables elsewhere. (possibly in my OVDB file?) My default gateway on my local network is If anyone can provide any insight it'd be greatly appreciated
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