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  1. SemperVideo, a German HackInfo site has published a video on youtube claiming ALL VPN service provider lie when claiming NO LOG blabla. In the video you can see two examples. Video is in German (sorry), maybe subtitle works.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCePL6lkfGA Now the question is: How is this with AIRvpn???
  2. Hi I am trying to connect to AirVPN from an OPNSense Firewall. I have tried many different configs and the status of my openvpn tunnel is always "connecting". The log file shows no errors, there is just a entry state all and client disconnected. Is there any working guide for the current OPNSense version. I do not have any problems to connect to AirVPN from any Windows Client in my network. I looked at my firewall log and did a tcpdump, but i can not see any incoming traffic. I do not have a private ip address, because i use a 5G router. could this be the problem? why is it working on other clients (Android, Windows Workstation)? thank you for your help
  3. Hi ..... So I just bought airvpn and not until now i realized the interface is not friendly and i don't like the fact that the vpn app name (Eddie) is different from the vpn name (Airvpn) itself. So Far so good everything works fine. But my biggest problem now is the app not having a kill switch for me to toggle on. How is this even possible? I just don't feel good using a vpn without any form of leak protection if my internet connection should drop and try to reconnect then its very likely the websites am using at the point in time might see my real location and take action. Its common knowledge that there must be an internet connection from my ISP before any vpn can start routing connection through their server. I read answers from the forums regarding why Eddie is not having a kill switch and not okay with the answers coming from airvpn stuffs or technical teams. ( That it's not right for a vpn to drop or totally kill internet connections if local ISP is down ) I think we need an option here.
  4. Lately I've been thinking about the prospect of using VPN's in conjunction with the Tor proxy and done some research. I know there are both pros and cons to Tor-over-VPN and VPN--Over-Tor connections and played with the idea of using both connection types at once - something I like to call the "Sandwiched Connection" in that you layer your Tor connection between two separate VPN connections. Please correct me if I got any details wrong or missing. First, you have your plain naked internet connection without a VPN or proxy so your ISP and local network can see everything you're doing. Next, you connect to a VPN server. It masks your IP address and location from your ISP as well as encrypts your web traffic so they have no idea what you're doing. However, the company managing the VPN server will have access to your real IP address, location and web traffic that will be decrypted in their servers - making it important it is a trustworthy service provider that doesn't keep logs of your activities and allows you to create your account with a temporary email address, no personal details and paid with cryptocurrency (that is untraceable like Z-Cash and Monero). You connect to your Tor proxy. Ordinarily, the Tor entry node will know your IP address and location. Since you are using a VPN, it will only know the masked address provided by the VPN server. Not only that but the Tor proxy will further encrypt your web traffic so even the VPN provider won't know what you are doing, just like how it, in turn, hides it from your ISP. Even better? Your ISP won't even know you are using Tor in the first place. However, the Tor exit node decrypts your web traffic and has full access to it as if you were never using a VPN to begin with. If the exit node happens to be malicious or operated by any authority that doesn't like what you're doing, they could potentially call whoever is operating the entry node and/or follow the mask IP address to the VPN service provider and contact them for details concerning you. Again, a trustworthy VPN provider with a no-logs policy is important. Then comes the second VPN connection. After you connect to Tor, you connect to that second VPN server which should encrypt your web traffic from the tor exit node. Whatever company is managing that second server (it could be the same service as the first one or a different one) will only know the IP address and location provided by the Tor proxy and first VPN server but it will know your web traffic as it is being fed to their servers and decrypted. Not to mention that this "sandwiched connection" will deliver a big dent to your connection performance so it helps if you have a powerful router connected via ethernet. So at the end of the day, I figured, someone has to know what you're up to online which leaves the question "Who do you trust with your personal information?" Plus this is all just theory, as far I can tell. Has anyone ever tried putting this into practise? Can anyone provide any further insight into the "sandwiched connection"? I look forward to talking about it.
  5. I enjoy online multiplayer gaming as a past time and although I enjoy using a VPN to keep even my gaming sessions safe and encrypted, I know it can give a hit to my ping and such. I never tried AirVPN with online gaming yet but I wonder if anyone, from experience, can tell me if it is indeed a suitable VPN for online gaming. Otherwise, what other VPN service can anyone suggest for just gaming while still using AirVPN for other online activities? Thanks.
  6. Hi, since configuring AIrVPN on my pfSense machine, I've been struggling to get Sky On Demand working. SKY Q box tells me "download failed". Before AirVPN config, all was good. AirVPN is connecting nicely and allowing me to browse. I followed nguvu's guide here to get 3 connections to AIrVPN so that I could have some resilience in case one of the OpenVPN servers failed. All my devices seem to be connecting to the internet. Only the SKY Q is lamenting failures with downloads of movies. DNSLEAK TEST is giving which is the AIrVPN exit node. When I do the extended test, I get 3 DNS servers, one for each of the OpenVPN connections I have up and running AirVPN's DNS Leak ipleak.net is also giving 3 DNS servers (the same as DNSLEAK TEST) and identifying me with one of the other AIrVPN servers in the Netherlands. So here doesn't appear to be a leak and the AirVPN routing seems to be correct too as its correctly exiting me in the UK by showing the UK AIrVPN exit node. So the question begs as to why and how Sky Q box is refusing to download the movies ("failed downloading"). Of course the Sky Q box has no log facilities ... so I have no hope of consulting that ... :-( Does anyone have a similar setup to mine with AIrVPN and is using Sky Q in the UK. I guess my next option is to let it through Clearnet (i.e. not through the VPN connection ....). Any thoughts? Thanks
  7. After years of trying open source routers and VPN services I'm coming to the conclusion that pfSense and AirVPn are a great combination. Following some problems withe the server I was connected to in Sweden today, I've realised I need a fallback solution. Basically, is it possible to set up a second openVPN connection to a different AirVPN server if the default connection falls i.e. openVPN disconnects on server 1, pfSense 2.4 brings up connetion to server 2 automatically. If this can't be done automatically, is it just a matter of creating a second VPN connection/internface and activating/deactivating manually base on which server is performing well? Thanks
  8. Hello. I just got my subscription for AirVPN recently and installed Eddie. Already, I find it trickier to work with in comparison to other VPN clients. I presume the Network Lock is Eddie's version of the killswitch. The problem I'm having is that whenever I activate the Network Lock, it completely kills my internet connection even though I am connected to an AirVPN server. Help please? Thanks.
  9. With the latest revelation from google about Quantum Computing, I would like to know how safe arewith with Airvpn? What is the best encryption method and how do we implement it .
  10. Lately, I've come across the Pi-Hole, a program for the Raspberry Pi which basically turns the device into an advanced adblocker which you can connect your computer to via DNS. It sounded very fascinating as it could do the work of your typical browser adblocker but potentially freeing the use of one, thus reducing any browser entropy that could uniquely identify you - whether you're using a VPN or not. Pi-Hole website link here. Check it out! What I want to know is whether or not AirVPN would work well with the Pi-Hole if I had to replace the VPN's DNS with the devices. Are there any noteworthy features of AirVPN's DNS I would be giving up in exchange? Thanks.
  11. I have always been an advocate of paid VPN service over free ones in fear of those free VPN providers doing god knows what with my internet trafic that is going through their servers and yesterday I stumbled upon this article about free VPNs doing just that and much more. Not only do yo have no idea what they are doing with your traffic, but these providers are manipulating google play store search algorithms lol, yo can read the full article here, vpnpro whoever they may be made a deepdive into this an frankly its kind of scarry.
  12. Hello all, If I read and understand the forum correctly, I’m not the only one who is unable to set up a port forwarding with vpn. Because I have tried all sorts of things and cannot find a solution, I’m curious if there is someone who can help me out on this. What I want to do: I want to acces my NASserver and my Webcam from outside my network. This requires three ports. I chose Air vpn because they support port forwarding and I bought an Asus router (RT-AC66U) that has a vpn-server and that also has a vpn-client. My network configuration is set as follows: - modem / router from ISP (iprange 192.168.xxx.xxx) - behind it the Asus router (iprange 192.169.xxx.xxx) - WAN port Asus router is connected to LAN port of ISP - behind Asus router an additional router (sitecom) that serves as an "amplifier". These routers are connected by a cable between LAN. The sitecom router has a fixed IP address within the range of the Asus router. - DHCP from sitecom is switched off. Asus router controls the allocation of IP addresses and handling of internet traffic. This setup has always worked great (without VPN). After setting up a vpn-client, all computers, phones etc can acces the internet without any problems. The NASserver is able to make a backup via a built-in SSH to a server at a different location (outside LAN). It is no longer possible to access the NAS server from outside the LAN via http / ftp / sftp. I tried the following to get it working: - vpn server enabled / vpn client disabled - vpn server enabled & vpn client enabled - nasserver provided with ipadress within range of vpn-server - routes - Port forwarding set from VPN server to LAN and vice versa I don't get it working. Thanks in advance for your tips and help Kind regards, Ivo
  13. Hello, Anyone else from community have a problem and/or not able to access airvpn.org? Only airvpn.info seems to be working. Thank you, Flx
  14. Hey, i have a debian 8 root server i want to run a mysql database on it and access it from external. But i want to have the root server connected to a vpn server so the real ip dosent get leaked! What would be the best way to set this up? I am not really experienced with debian and ipconfigs. I first thought about using openvpn and just connect to a server, but the ip needs to be static to connect to the database on long-term. If i am not wrong there wasnt option for it... Does anyone have a idea how to do this, or could help me with that ? Didnt found anything useful about this yet ;( thanks a lot already!
  15. Hello, I am running Ubuntu 18.04 with zerotier installed and using the eddie client(network lock enabled). Is there a way to have zerotier connected? Edit: Inside or outside airVPN would be fine.
  16. Hello, my problem is the following: I have a self-hosted server mydomain.noho.st. When I am connected without vpn, with the IP address of my ISP, I can access it from outside my local network without any problem. However, when I am connected with my VPN (AirVPN), I get errors on my browser: the waiting period has expired, or the connection has failed or web page not available net:: err_connection_reset My configuration: raspberry Pi3, raspbian, ethernet, at home vpn at airvpn which works independently of yunohost, with the sudo command eddie-ui -cli -login=xxx -password=yyyy -server=Zzzz -mode.protocol=udp -connect -netlock openvpn installed, before installing yunohost ssh on a port other than 22 (e. g. xxxx) yunohost recently installed, in manual mode, v. stable creation of a user on yunohost deluge installed beforehand in yunohost, with a forwarded ports made on my AirVPN customer area, and which works well I have not done any port forwarding on my box, since this is not recommended by AirVPN > I get a ping from mydomaine.noho.st > At https://www.whatsmydns.net, in field A, mydomain.noho.st points to the correct AirVPN IP address. > On https://ports.yunohost.org, all ports of mydomain.noho.st are closed, while they are open if I redirect the ports to my box. I DO NOT KNOW TO DO A PORT REDIRECTION < 2048 on my raspberry (Web: 80 443 SSH: 22), if that is the problem. Thank you for your help. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator Pas d’accès à mondomaine.noho.st sous vpn bonjour, mon problème est le suivant : je dispose d'un serveur auto-hébergé mondomaine.noho.st. Lorsque je suis connecté sans vpn, avec l'adresse IP de mon FAI, j'y accède sans problème de l'extérieur de mon réseau local. Par contre, lorsque je suis connecté avec mon VPN (AirVPN), j'obtiens des erreurs sur mon navigateur : le délai d’attente est dépassé, ou la connexion a échoué ou page web non disponible net:: err_connection_reset Ma configuration : raspberry Pi3, raspbian, ethernet, à la maison vpn chez airvpn qui fonctionne indépendemment de yunohost, avec la commande sudo eddie-ui -cli -login=xxx -password=yyy -server=Zzzz -mode.protocol=udp -connect -netlock openvpn installé, avant l’installation de yunohost ssh sur un autre port que 22 (par ex. xxxx) yunohost installé récemment, en mode manuel, v. stable création d’un utilisateur sur yunohost deluge installé préalablement à yunohost, avec un forwarded ports effectué sur mon client area d'AirVPN, et qui fonctionne bien je n'ai fait aucune redirection de port sur ma box, puisque cela est déconseillé par AirVPN > j’obtiens un ping depuis mondomaine.noho.st > Sur https://www.whatsmydns.net, dans le champ A, mondomaine.noho.st pointe à la bonne adresse IP d'AirVPN. > Sur https://ports.yunohost.org, tous les ports de mondomaine.noho.st sont fermés, alors qu'ils sont ouverts si je fait une redirection des ports sur ma box. JE NE SAIS PAS FAIRE UNE REDIRECTION DE PORT < 2048 sur mon raspberry (Web: 80 443 SSH: 22), si cela est le problème. Merci pour votre aide.
  17. I hope this is the right place to chat about this. Been notified about this article today: https://vpnpro.com/blog/vpn-market-share-overview/. I'm an AirVPN user and was kind of surprised there's no mention of AirVPN in this article at all. In my personal experience AirVPN hits all the buttons and I really enjoy the service and support i get from them, so it's just a little disappointing it's not on the list. Are there any global lists of VPN market share where we could see where AirVPN stands?
  18. Hi, I keep getting VPN Errors on Android which I guess can happen (although not as often as I am getting them). This happens once every one or two hours. What makes it difficult is that the connection gets locked and no apps can connect to anything. When this happens all I get is a normal notification and it often takes a while until I see it. In the meantime I am not getting mail and messages. Screenshot below. What could these VPN errors be and it is anything I can do to prevent and limit them? I'm on Android 8.1 with Eddie 2.0.1
  19. Hello, I was messing around with a local web page hosted on my raspberry pi for local projects, and using that web page works fine from my pc which has an ethernet cable to my router. However when I try to access the page with my android phone, I cannot connect to the web page. I can also not reach my router admin page from my android device, something that DOES work on my pc... All three devices: pc, android phone, raspberry pi are running on AirVPN. The moment I disconnect from the VPN, I can access the admin panel and the website from my phone. Is there a way to make devices connected via wifi while using the VPN able to access my router / other local machines? Thanks in advance.
  20. Hey, I got this since a while now. Sometimes I try to resolve airvpn.org it fails. After some trys or minutes it works fine. I use a Pi-Hole as DNS Server running a local unbound ( and as said I only got issues with this domain here.. real strange. Luckily today I was able to grab some logs, maybe someone can read them and tell me if the dnssec-query request tell something useful ? Jan 4 19:19:07 dnsmasq[31678]: query[PTR] from Jan 4 19:19:07 dnsmasq[31678]: /etc/pihole/local.list is pi-hole Jan 4 19:19:07 dnsmasq[31678]: query[A] airvpn.org.localdomain from Jan 4 19:19:07 dnsmasq[31678]: cached airvpn.org.localdomain is NXDOMAIN Jan 4 19:19:07 dnsmasq[31678]: query[AAAA] airvpn.org.localdomain from Jan 4 19:19:07 dnsmasq[31678]: cached airvpn.org.localdomain is NXDOMAIN Jan 4 19:19:07 dnsmasq[31678]: query[A] airvpn.org from Jan 4 19:19:07 dnsmasq[31678]: forwarded airvpn.org to Jan 4 19:19:09 dnsmasq[31678]: query[AAAA] airvpn.org from Jan 4 19:19:09 dnsmasq[31678]: forwarded airvpn.org to Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: dnssec-query[DS] airvpn.org to Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: dnssec-query[DS] airvpn.org to Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: reply airvpn.org is DS keytag 55882, algo 8, digest 1 Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: reply airvpn.org is DS keytag 57919, algo 8, digest 1 Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: dnssec-query[DNSKEY] airvpn.org to Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: reply airvpn.org is DS keytag 55882, algo 8, digest 1 Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: reply airvpn.org is DS keytag 57919, algo 8, digest 1 Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: dnssec-query[DNSKEY] airvpn.org to Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: reply airvpn.org is DNSKEY keytag 57919, algo 8 Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: reply airvpn.org is DNSKEY keytag 55882, algo 8 Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: reply airvpn.org is DNSKEY keytag 59298, algo 8 Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: reply airvpn.org is DNSKEY keytag 38193, algo 8 Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: validation result is SECURE Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: reply airvpn.org is Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: reply airvpn.org is DNSKEY keytag 57919, algo 8 Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: reply airvpn.org is DNSKEY keytag 55882, algo 8 Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: reply airvpn.org is DNSKEY keytag 59298, algo 8 Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: reply airvpn.org is DNSKEY keytag 38193, algo 8 Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: validation result is SECURE Jan 4 19:19:16 dnsmasq[31678]: reply airvpn.org is 2001:41d0:a:6034:: Please note that I was running a nslookup airvpn.org here and at the end it was working. Same command 2 minutes earlier failed. So till 19:19:07 I had a DNS timeout when querying airvpn.org and on 19:19:16 it started to work just fine Any help is much appreciated.
  21. Hello! I thought it was time to try and collect some of the wisdom floating around and see if we can't create a single thread for solving some of the most common and annoying repeat-issues. So how about it ! I define "common problems" as: if I'm getting a deja-vu every third time I post . Staff will have broken the Matrix by this point. Each problem will have its own headline and then with any number of solution-oriented links appended underneath. For this reason, this grand list isn't final and is meant to be updated continually. Naturally, the higher the link number for a solution, the more obscure the solutions are probably getting. Warning: solutions aren't guaranteed. As with anything technical, trial and error is a core skill Problem: Bootstrap Failed.Solutions:https://airvpn.org/topic/30824-bootstrap-failed-since-a-week/Problem: No Internet connection after shutting down AirVPN and/or can only use Internet while AirVPN is on.Solutions:https://airvpn.org/topic/14829-can-only-connect-to-the-internet-browser-through-airvpn/?do=findComment&comment=30509 Windows only: https://airvpn.org/topic/13584-connection-problem-when-not-using-airvpn/?p=38800 MacOS only: https://airvpn.org/topic/27993-cant-connect-to-internet-without-using-airvpn/ https://airvpn.org/topic/21194-virtualbox-is-this-air-vpn-also-cant-connect-internet-unless-signed-in/Problem: Cannot connect to any AirVPN server.Solutions:https://airvpn.org/topic/22140-cannot-connect-to-german-servers-anymore/ https://airvpn.org/topic/22066-cant-seem-to-connect-to-any-servers/ https://airvpn.org/topic/21418-new-to-airvpn-installed-avpn-on-surface-wwindows-10-cannot-connect-at-school-can-connect-fine-at-most-other-locations/?p=55515Problem: Issues with Curl.Solutions:https://airvpn.org/topic/27369-cannot-login-curl-is-required/Problem: Bad packet ID (may be a replay)Solutions:https://airvpn.org/topic/14094-weird-log-entries/Problem: Being censored and/or speeds being throttled/shaped by ISP or Government.Solutions:https://airvpn.org/topic/28847-connections-from-china/ Problem: MacOS client can't connect.Solutions:https://airvpn.org/topic/18251-airvpn-mac-client-problems/ Problem: Checking route IPv6 Failed.Solutions:https://airvpn.org/topic/29401-checking-route-ipv6-failed-cannot-connect-to-vpn-server-using-eddie/ Problem: Waiting for TUN/TAP to come up.Solutions:https://airvpn.org/topic/26072-route-gateway-is-not-reachable-on-any-active-network-adapters-10401/?do=findComment&comment=70761 Windows only: https://airvpn.org/topic/17440-guide-fix-for-tap-adapter-in-windows/ Windows only: https://airvpn.org/topic/30043-taptun-interface-wont-come-up/ Problem: Experiencing slow and/or fluctuating speeds in general.Solutions:https://airvpn.org/topic/30739-every-vpn-is-slow-for-me-despite-the-well-reviewed-vpns-im-trying-is-it-possible-my-isp-is-causing-this-i-feel-like-someones-playing-a-joke-on-me/?p=80014 https://airvpn.org/topic/18635-looking-for-fast-server-eu-that-goes-beyond-30-40mbit/?p=44998 For online gaming: https://airvpn.org/topic/30135-frequent-spikes-lag-on-videogames/?p=79046 https://airvpn.org/topic/1947-for-those-wondering-about-speed-performance/?p=1967 https://airvpn.org/topic/26157-airvpn-slowing-down-other-machines-in-network/ https://airvpn.org/topic/26117-slow-speed-sort-of/?p=70906 https://airvpn.org/topic/20812-very-very-slow-dns-lookup/ https://airvpn.org/topic/23743-download-speeds-dropping-to-zero-and-going-up-and-down/ Problem: Slow torrent speeds and/or disconnects.Solutions:https://airvpn.org/topic/28082-torrent-on-airvpn-speed-is-very-poor/ https://airvpn.org/topic/26218-slow-torrent-speeds/ https://airvpn.org/topic/23936-repeatedly-getting-disconnects-while-torrenting/ https://airvpn.org/topic/23499-slow-torrenting-speed/ https://airvpn.org/topic/23070-solved-p2p-slow-over-udp-and-fast-over-tcp/ https://airvpn.org/topic/22716-poor-torrenting-connection/Solutions are in link form without any explanatory text - at least not yet - so that the thread OP stays looking simple and uncluttered, where it's easy to find out what your problem is . Feel free to contribute with your own helpful links. The more feedback this thread gets, the quicker it can be improved and hopefully made useful.
  22. Hello,As we know no VPNs even the safest VPNs like AirVPN or ProtonVPN? are really safe, in fact there is always the problem that none of us users really know if they keeps logs.My solution would be to host running a VPN on a rented VPS server in order to personally manage it.To do so I do not want to limit at something pre-compiled, such as "digital ocean", infact my plan is to run it in Softether host inside a VPS.The scheme should be so: Within a Windows Server VPS placed in some data center run VMware emulating another operating system, within this guest run Softether host app.Then connect via VPN tunnel from Softether host app to my real domestic PC. I just wonder if the VPS server owner or the VPS internet operator itself could actually trace the source back to my real PC even though ill establish a VPN tunnelling from softether to my actual pc. PS: The idea of ​​running everything inside a VM instead of into just the VPS itself is to make the Softether logs inaccessible to a potential attacker protecting them in a shell, plus mask the imei and the operation system.I look forward to understand if they (NSA or potential attackers) would have some way to track back the encrypted VPN connection from Softether to my current PC
  23. Hello, this is my first time posting here. Whenever I try to connect to Eddie, the software seems to be stuck in a loop, with an error message appearing in my Windows Explorer saying "netsh command failed". This happens continually with no connection in the client software happening. Here are my logs: . 2018.12.11 17:42:12 - Eddie version: 2.16.3 / windows_x64, System: Windows, Name: Windows 7 Ultimate, Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1, Mono/.Net: v2.0.50727. 2018.12.11 17:42:12 - Reading options from C:\Users\Luke\AppData\Local\AirVPN\default.xml. 2018.12.11 17:42:12 - Command line arguments (1): path="home". 2018.12.11 17:42:12 - Profile path: C:\Users\Luke\AppData\Local\AirVPN\default.xml. 2018.12.11 17:42:14 - OpenVPN Driver - TAP-Windows Adapter V9, version 9.21.2. 2018.12.11 17:42:14 - OpenVPN - Version: 2.4.6 - OpenSSL 1.1.0h 27 Mar 2018, LZO 2.10 (C:\Program Files\AirVPN\openvpn.exe). 2018.12.11 17:42:14 - SSH - Version: plink 0.67 (C:\Program Files\AirVPN\plink.exe). 2018.12.11 17:42:14 - SSL - Version: stunnel 5.40 (C:\Program Files\AirVPN\stunnel.exe). 2018.12.11 17:42:14 - curl - Version: 7.54.1 (C:\Program Files\AirVPN\curl.exe). 2018.12.11 17:42:14 - Certification Authorities: C:\Program Files\AirVPN\res\cacert.pem. 2018.12.11 17:42:14 - Updating systems & servers data ...I 2018.12.11 17:42:15 - Ready. 2018.12.11 17:42:15 - Systems & servers data update completedI 2018.12.11 17:42:16 - Session starting.I 2018.12.11 17:42:18 - Checking authorization ...! 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - Connecting to Rana (Canada, Toronto, Ontario). 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > OpenVPN 2.4.6 x86_64-w64-mingw32 [sSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [PKCS11] [AEAD] built on Apr 27 2018. 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > Windows version 6.1 (Windows 7) 64bit. 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.0h 27 Mar 2018, LZO 2.10. 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - Connection to OpenVPN Management Interface. 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET] 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication. 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > Incoming Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication. 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET] 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > Socket Buffers: R=[8192->262144] S=[8192->262144]. 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > UDP link local: (not bound). 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > UDP link remote: [AF_INET] 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET], sid=69378094 58631959. 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET] 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > VERIFY OK: depth=1, C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=airvpn.org CA, emailAddress=info@airvpn.org. 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > VERIFY KU OK. 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > Validating certificate extended key usage. 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > ++ Certificate has EKU (str) TLS Web Server Authentication, expects TLS Web Server Authentication. 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > VERIFY EKU OK. 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > VERIFY OK: depth=0, C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=server, emailAddress=info@airvpn.org. 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > Control Channel: TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1.2 DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 4096 bit RSA. 2018.12.11 17:42:19 - OpenVPN > [server] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET] 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > SENT CONTROL [server]: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1). 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,comp-lzo no,redirect-gateway ipv6 def1 bypass-dhcp,dhcp-option DNS,dhcp-option DNS6 fde6:7a:7d20:17c4::1,tun-ipv6,route-gateway,topology subnet,ping 10,ping-restart 60,ifconfig-ipv6 fde6:7a:7d20:17c4::10ee/64 fde6:7a:7d20:17c4::1,ifconfig,peer-id 33,cipher AES-256-GCM'. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > Pushed option removed by filter: 'redirect-gateway ipv6 def1 bypass-dhcp'. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modified. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: compression parms modified. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: --ifconfig/up options modified. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: route-related options modified. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: --ip-win32 and/or --dhcp-option options modified. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: peer-id set. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: adjusting link_mtu to 1625. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: data channel crypto options modified. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > Data Channel: using negotiated cipher 'AES-256-GCM'. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > Outgoing Data Channel: Cipher 'AES-256-GCM' initialized with 256 bit key. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > Incoming Data Channel: Cipher 'AES-256-GCM' initialized with 256 bit key. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > interactive service msg_channel=0. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > ROUTE_GATEWAY I=11 HWADDR=94:de:80:00:20:6c. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > GDG6: remote_host_ipv6=n/a. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > NOTE: GetBestInterfaceEx returned error: Element not found. (code=1168). 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > ROUTE6: default_gateway=UNDEF. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > open_tun. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > TAP-WIN32 device [{665DA1EA-26CB-446A-9FB9-F07C091EAB47}] opened: \\.\Global\{665DA1EA-26CB-446A-9FB9-F07C091EAB47}.tap. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > TAP-Windows Driver Version 9.21. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > Set TAP-Windows TUN subnet mode network/local/netmask = [sUCCEEDED]. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > Notified TAP-Windows driver to set a DHCP IP/netmask of on interface {665DA1EA-26CB-446A-9FB9-F07C091EAB47} [DHCP-serv:, lease-time: 31536000]. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > Successful ARP Flush on interface [22] {665DA1EA-26CB-446A-9FB9-F07C091EAB47}. 2018.12.11 17:42:21 - OpenVPN > do_ifconfig, tt->did_ifconfig_ipv6_setup=1. 2018.12.11 17:42:22 - OpenVPN > NETSH: C:\Windows\system32\netsh.exe interface ipv6 set address interface=22 fde6:7a:7d20:17c4::10ee store=active. 2018.12.11 17:42:23 - OpenVPN > NETSH: C:\Windows\system32\netsh.exe interface ipv6 set dns {665DA1EA-26CB-446A-9FB9-F07C091EAB47} static fde6:7a:7d20:17c4::1 validate=noE 2018.12.11 17:42:23 - OpenVPN > ERROR: netsh command failed: returned error code 1. 2018.12.11 17:42:27 - OpenVPN > NETSH: command failed. 2018.12.11 17:42:27 - OpenVPN > Exiting due to fatal error! 2018.12.11 17:42:27 - Disconnecting. 2018.12.11 17:42:27 - Connection terminated.I 2018.12.11 17:42:30 - Checking authorization ...! 2018.12.11 17:42:30 - Connecting to Chort (Canada, Toronto, Ontario). 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > OpenVPN 2.4.6 x86_64-w64-mingw32 [sSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [PKCS11] [AEAD] built on Apr 27 2018. 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > Windows version 6.1 (Windows 7) 64bit. 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.0h 27 Mar 2018, LZO 2.10. 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - Connection to OpenVPN Management Interface. 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET] 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication. 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > Incoming Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication. 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET] 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > Socket Buffers: R=[8192->262144] S=[8192->262144]. 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > UDP link local: (not bound). 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > UDP link remote: [AF_INET] 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET], sid=93330ae1 caeb538a. 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET] 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > VERIFY OK: depth=1, C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=airvpn.org CA, emailAddress=info@airvpn.org. 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > VERIFY KU OK. 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > Validating certificate extended key usage. 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > ++ Certificate has EKU (str) TLS Web Server Authentication, expects TLS Web Server Authentication. 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > VERIFY EKU OK. 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > VERIFY OK: depth=0, C=IT, ST=IT, L=Perugia, O=airvpn.org, CN=Chort, emailAddress=info@airvpn.org. 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > Control Channel: TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1.2 DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 4096 bit RSA. 2018.12.11 17:42:31 - OpenVPN > [Chort] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET] 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > SENT CONTROL [Chort]: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1). 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,comp-lzo no,redirect-gateway ipv6 def1 bypass-dhcp,dhcp-option DNS,dhcp-option DNS6 fde6:7a:7d20:a34::1,tun-ipv6,route-gateway,topology subnet,ping 10,ping-restart 60,ifconfig-ipv6 fde6:7a:7d20:a34::1069/64 fde6:7a:7d20:a34::1,ifconfig,peer-id 15,cipher AES-256-GCM'. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > Pushed option removed by filter: 'redirect-gateway ipv6 def1 bypass-dhcp'. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modified. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: compression parms modified. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: --ifconfig/up options modified. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: route-related options modified. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: --ip-win32 and/or --dhcp-option options modified. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: peer-id set. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: adjusting link_mtu to 1625. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > OPTIONS IMPORT: data channel crypto options modified. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > Data Channel: using negotiated cipher 'AES-256-GCM'. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > Outgoing Data Channel: Cipher 'AES-256-GCM' initialized with 256 bit key. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > Incoming Data Channel: Cipher 'AES-256-GCM' initialized with 256 bit key. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > interactive service msg_channel=0. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > ROUTE_GATEWAY I=11 HWADDR=94:de:80:00:20:6c. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > GDG6: remote_host_ipv6=n/a. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > NOTE: GetBestInterfaceEx returned error: Element not found. (code=1168). 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > ROUTE6: default_gateway=UNDEF. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > open_tun. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > TAP-WIN32 device [{665DA1EA-26CB-446A-9FB9-F07C091EAB47}] opened: \\.\Global\{665DA1EA-26CB-446A-9FB9-F07C091EAB47}.tap. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > TAP-Windows Driver Version 9.21. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > Set TAP-Windows TUN subnet mode network/local/netmask = [sUCCEEDED]. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > Notified TAP-Windows driver to set a DHCP IP/netmask of on interface {665DA1EA-26CB-446A-9FB9-F07C091EAB47} [DHCP-serv:, lease-time: 31536000]. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > Successful ARP Flush on interface [22] {665DA1EA-26CB-446A-9FB9-F07C091EAB47}. 2018.12.11 17:42:32 - OpenVPN > do_ifconfig, tt->did_ifconfig_ipv6_setup=1. 2018.12.11 17:42:33 - OpenVPN > NETSH: C:\Windows\system32\netsh.exe interface ipv6 set address interface=22 fde6:7a:7d20:a34::1069 store=active! 2018.12.11 17:42:34 - Disconnecting. 2018.12.11 17:42:34 - Sending management termination signal. 2018.12.11 17:42:34 - Management - Send 'signal SIGTERM'. 2018.12.11 17:42:34 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: CMD '261840d1cc7ba859bc123f622ad701fa2d56365a67babaf5d722b48dc2e70a5a'. 2018.12.11 17:42:34 - OpenVPN > NETSH: C:\Windows\system32\netsh.exe interface ipv6 set dns {665DA1EA-26CB-446A-9FB9-F07C091EAB47} static fde6:7a:7d20:a34::1 validate=noE 2018.12.11 17:42:34 - OpenVPN > ERROR: netsh command failed: returned error code 1. 2018.12.11 17:42:38 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: Client disconnected. 2018.12.11 17:42:38 - OpenVPN > NETSH: command failed. 2018.12.11 17:42:38 - OpenVPN > Exiting due to fatal error. 2018.12.11 17:42:38 - Connection terminated.I 2018.12.11 17:42:38 - Cancel requested.! 2018.12.11 17:42:38 - Session terminated. If anyone knows what is happening from looking at these logs
  24. I run Windows 7. From one day to the other AirVPN seems to be stuck in a loop trying to connect to a server, disconnecting and trying another server address. I rolled my Window 7 back to another starting point and than it worked. Because the rollback did not fully work, issues in Windows Outlook 2013, I rolled it back to a more recent point, 22-11-2018. Than everything was fine again but connecting AirVPN was stuck again in the same loop. I discovered that there was a recent Windows update with some safety crap from Office 2013 and 2 Windows defender safety updates. I d-installed the office 2013 updates but the Defender updates didn't show so I could not get rid of it. Windows defender is off in settings. I downloaded the newest version AirVPN 2.17.2 (thanks Giganerd) but still. I don't know what the issue is but I suspect that Windows closed a "loophole" for AirVPN to connect, I'm not a computer wiz so please not to complicated answers please. Buy the way I eddied this post because at first I just had a AirVPN log file. You can see this as a attachment down the page.
  25. OK here it is: I updated my imac to the latest mojave and airvpn started acting up. Specifically when i went to shut it down prior to turning the computer off it would lock everything up. The only way I could shut off the mac was to hold down the start button until it shut down. Subsequent start up seemed normal but a repeat of the above issues trying to shut it down. So I decided to delete airvpn and reinstall in via the airvpn site. The moment I removed it the internet connection was lost and I am at my wits end trying to get it back. Any ideas from our mac experts? The only other anomilty was my avira virus said to follow a procedure to make sure it was up to date which i did but it periodically kept repeating itself on the update. I am typing this on a windows computer so the wifi is good and it even shows a strong signal on the mac. The mac just says "failed to open page". Again any expert suggestions welcome but be advised I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed lol. Thanks.
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