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  1. @WilDieteren Excellent, thank you for the information. Enjoy AirVPN! Kind regards
  2. @WilDieteren Hello! The AirVPN Suite is a software suite for LInux which includes Hummingbird, Bluetit and Goldcrest. Hummingbird is already available for macOS High Sierra or higher version, while the other software of the suite (Bluetit and Goldcrest, which is a client of the Bluetit daemon) are planned to be ported to macOS. TUI is a Terminal (or Text-Based) User Interface, ncurses is a library which offers an API to build terminal independent TUIs. We have plans to implement an ncurses based TUI in Goldcrest. Eddie various problems in Rosetta 2 will be solved by having Mono native for M1, but as we wrote it's not available at the moment. Kind regards
  3. @amazeballs Hello! Unfortunately the matter is not entirely in our hands because Eddie frontend (the GUI and CLI) runs in Mono framework, and a native Mono "M1" version still doesn't exist. For Mac we also have plans to port the AirVPN Suite, which includes Goldcrest client and Bluetit daemon. Goldcrest will have an ncurses based TUI. Of course, if in the meantime Mono is released for M1, we will quickly re-build Eddie fronted native for M1. Currently you can anyway run Eddie in M1 (frontend will run in Rosetta 2) and have it run Hummingbird for M1, to have anyway the performance boost. Only Eddie GUI will run in Rosetta, Hummingbird will run natively, and you don't need the CLI anymore. Kind regards
  4. @m1ster Hello! You can't build Hummingbird or the AirPVN Suite in FreeBSD because OpenVPN3 AirVPN library needs various modification for FreeBSD, you will not be able to even compile it at the moment. We have plans to port the AirVPN Suite to FreeBSD later this year, but first we need to adapt the library, which might be or not a trivial task, and we must release a new Eddie Android edition version before the summer is over. At the moment you only have the Linux binary compatibility mode option (try with Hummingbird, as Eddie will have too many complications due to Mono), and of course OpenVPN 2.5.2. Hummingbird and the Suite support and have always supported pf, the default FreeBSD firewall, but different directory tree and some other issue may cause trouble. https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/linuxemu/ Anyway we assure you that FreeBSD support improvement with native applications remains our goal for 2021. Our FreeBSD users are many (25% of our Windows customers, and 20% of our Linux customers, who are currently the absolute majority), not to mention the system outstanding superiority, so stay tuned. Kind regards
  5. @Similiar Hello! if your router CPU does not support AES-NI (New Instructions) you may enhance performance by using CHACHA20-POLY1305 cipher on the Data Channel. It's supported by all AirVPN servers and requires OpenVPN 2.5 or higher version. Kind regards
  6. @56rohrschach2u Thank you for your tests! Can you please try again now? Kind regards
  7. Hello! It's possible that the first "bootstrap server" that Eddie tries to contact is not working well or is unreachable from your nodes. After the timeout, Eddie goes on to the next available "bootstrap" server, that's why it works but you notice a delay each time Eddie wants to download the "manifest file" from any bootstrap server (we offer wide redundancy of bootstrap servers, but Eddie will try them always in the same order). We will start an investigation soon. Can you confirm that the problem is still ongoing? Kind regards
  8. @YLwpLUbcf77U Hello! Yes. To confirm that OpenVPN works over TCP just have a look at the OpenVPN log. To confirm that OpenVPN has used TLS Crypt for negotiation check your TLS key. If it's ta.key then TLS Auth mode was used for negotiation, if it's tls-crypt.key then TLS Crypt was. Another way is checking the VPN server IP address you connect to. Entry-IP addresses 3 and 4 are reserved to TLS Crypt and won't work with TLS Auth. Entry-IP addresses 1 and 2 are reserved to TLS Auth and won't work with TLS Crypt. Kind regards
  9. Hello! We're very sorry, Apple notarization modifies the binary file. Use the non-notarized version to have the binary that we really developed and programmed. We will see how to handle this issue very soon, maybe we can re-package the notarized version with the new checksum after Apple has changed our binary. EDIT: no, we can't do that, as it would imply to re-modify the archive provided by Apple. We will therefore eliminate the checksum control in the binary for the notarized version. Checksum control for the archive remains. We underline once again that we publish the non-notarized versions to offer you the option to have binaries which have not been modified by Apple. Kind regards
  10. @Hotty Capy Hello! Thank you! We will investigate, because when the network is online, network online target should have been reached: that's exactly network-online.target purpose! But we have learned that we can't trust many Linux infecting wrecks, so this might be one of those cases. In the meantime, a quick workaround to harden your setup is enforcing permanent firewall rules blocking any communications except communications to/from (to allow DHCP) and to/from the local network and localhost. In this way your machine can't reach the Internet until Bluetit starts (in such a setup, Network Lock becomes strictly necessary, to lift the total block). Another workaround might be editing the unit file, telling that Bluetit must be started regardless of network status, because Blueitt has its own internal verification to avoid critical errors when network interfaces are not configured and/or default gateway is not available etc. We will think about it and we will let you know. Kind regards
  11. @Hotty Capy Hello! Thank you for the information you published. When Bluetit is started by systemd it activates Network Lock and connects to a server in just a few seconds. The decision to start Bluetit is up to systemd according to the target rules specified in the unit file. Contrarily to what you can do with any serious init system, determining the exact moment when a daemon or a process is started by systemd is not possible: this is one of the notorious, countless systemd flaws. The default unit file tells systemd to start Bluetit when network-online has started. Once network-online has started, systemd will start Bluetit according to its own internal priorities. Can we see how network-online is configured in your system? sudo systemctl status network-online.target sudo journalctl | grep bluetit In this way we can see the exact timing of both. Enter those commands after Bluetit has started. Kind regards
  12. Hello! Only with profiles because of the Master Password, and only at bootstrap. Open "Settings" view, expand "System" menu, enable "Restore last imported OpenVPN profile at boot". From that moment on, each time you shut down the device while Eddie is connected through a profile, Edie will restart and connect at the next boot. This will not work in Android 10 and 11 due to a change of permission registration and methods to auto-start apps at the bootstrap. Eddie will run just fine when launched manually, but will not be authorized to auto-start at boot by the system. If you run Android 10 or 11 you will need the new version 2.5 which is currently being developed, or you can try OpenVPN for Android. Kind regards
  13. @Hotty Capy Hello and thank you very much for your great feedback! Let's try and understand what happens with Bluetit during the system bootstrap. Please send us Bluetit log (cut out sensitive info if necessary) after the system has completed its startup sequence. From a terminal [emulator}: sudo journalctl | grep bluetit Kind regards
  14. @YLwpLUbcf77U Hello! It's not something DD-WRT specific, it's an OpenVPN working mode. TLS mode is essential to use all the OpenVPN security features, including PFS. We only operate OpenVPN in TLS mode. When OpenVPN works in TLS mode, TLS Crypt encrypts the whole Control Channel from the very beginning, while TLS Auth does not. Therefore TLS Crypt hides to DPI OpenVPN protocol fingerprint and it's much harder blocking OpenVPN in TLS Crypt mode than blocking OpenVPN in TLS Auth mode. TLS Crypt and TLS Auth are mutually incompatible, and each OpenVPN daemon working as server can only work with TLS Auth or TLS Crypt. That's why we offer different IP addresses for TLS Crypt and TLS Auth modes: Also note that TLS Auth and TLS Crypt keys are different. A more elaborated and precise description can be found here (1st answer): https://serverfault.com/questions/929484/openvpn-2-4-security-differences-between-tls-crypt-and-tls-auth Kind regards
  15. @Maggie144 Hello! To resolve names Hummingbird queries (via system) the DNS servers set in your system, can you please check those settings? Please make sure that publicly available DNS servers are set. If necessary, how to change DNS settings in macOS: https://serverguy.com/kb/change-dns-server-settings-mac-os/ Kind regards
  16. Hello! Can you please make sure that you're running the notarized version for macOS Catalina and higher versions? Anyway this error is under investigation. Do you run macOS in an Intel or M1 based Mac? You might like to generate a configuration file for the country you want to connect to. In this way it's the record of the domain name contained in the configuration file which gets updated regularly to make the name resolve into the IP address of the "best" server in that country, so Hummingbird will connect to that one. Kind regards
  17. Thank you @Kenwell . The last press release you translated clarifies important points and define more precisely the scenario which convinced the prosecutors of the necessity to crack DoubleVPN computers and later shut down servers. Kind regards
  18. Hello! Thanks. It's still very vague, essentially a press release mentioning alleged crimes committed by the users, and not by the service administrators. However two sentences caught our attention: If the owners advertised the service for criminal activities, at least some form of "aiding, abetting, facilitating crime" is strongly suspected, and it's a crime itself in any legal framework we know. Here the prosecutor might mean that DoubleVPN operators/owners tried to remain anonymous? If so, that sounds like a bad premise for the owners of any service, as they must be available to be contacted timely by any competent authority, because in the EU and the USA, in order to keep the mere conduit status and/or any liability exception for the actions of the users, one of the requisites is that a service provider acts quickly to stop an ongoing illegal activity when it comes to know about such illegal activity. Of course, presumption of innocence stands, and it will be crucial to know exactly which laws would have been infringed by the service, and if the allegations will hold in court. Kind regards
  19. Hello! We did not know DoubleVPN, in the last years dozens (hundreds?) of VPN have been born around the world and we know only a part of them. It's strictly necessary to know which exact law(s) of which legal framework(s) the service would have allegedly infringed. Perhaps we will know that only during the hearing, when we will also see whether the allegations and charges will hold in court. According to the articles you passed to us, it's not possible to comment properly at this stage. Does anyone have more precise information? Kind regards
  20. @flat4 Hello! The agreements between intelligence offices to exchange information more liberally are irrelevant for our purposes, due to the nature of our service. They do not make the situation worse. You have absolutely no additional protection from traffic monitoring by intelligence agencies according to the location of the server, as Snowden documents show. If the adversary has such vast powers, our service is insufficient by itself alone in any case and in any country, and the only level of defense (which may be very effective!) is enforcing what we call "partition of trust". https://airvpn.org/forums/topic/54-using-airvpn-over-tor/?tab=comments#comment-1745 Provided that the target device is not compromised. of course... any attacker with vast power and precise targets will save time and efforts by simply cracking the device of the target, instead of hunting packets all around the world and correlating them. Kind regards
  21. @monstrocity Hello! The errors and embezzlement caused by bogus copyright notices are notorious since 2008 at least. That's a decisive reason to understand how the graduated response must include the constitutional right to a due process, and that each copyright infringement claim must be validated or rejected by a court, if the alleged infringer wants to exercise her fundamental right to a due process with presumption of innocence. How bogus notices can be sent, and how a malicious user knowing your IP address can trivially cause an arbitrary amount of copyright notices to be sent to you, was well explained many years ago in the scientific paper "Why my printer received a DMCA takedown notice". http://dmca.cs.washington.edu/uwcse_dmca_tr.pdf The fact that, in spite of all the above, various companies still dream of automated graduated response and deletion of the right to a due process and the right to legal defense shows, in our opinion, the mental imbalance of certain persons and the hidden agenda to keep making money with bogus activities: business for companies which offer their services to monitor p2p swarms and automatically generate notices was quite big years ago. And it's also sad to see, when citizens defend the copyright mafia graduated response concept, how easily many citizens are inclined to renounce to fundamental, human rights. @ProphetPX The news you reported seem to be confirmed independently by TorrentFreak, which published a day earlier: https://torrentfreak.com/comcast-suspends-internet-connection-for-downloading-torrents-210630/ Kind regards
  22. @cheapsheep @sooprtruffaut Hello! We aim at maintaining backward compatibility, but what you mention is a different case,. "Old" directives work as usual and have not been changed. New directives, which in previous versions were not available, have been added. Please note that country and aircountry are totally different directives, check the documentation: country: (string) ISO code of the country where your computer is located in. [...] aircountry: (string) Name of AirVPN country to be used for boot connection by means of airconnectatboot directive. In this specific case, airconnectatboot must be assigned to "country" option. When this mode is enabled, AirVPN connection will be established with the best performing server of the specified country. Default: empty. Moreover, please note that cipher and aircipher are also quite different directives with different purposes. Check the documentation again. https://airvpn.org/suite/readme/ As @cheapsheep noticed, in order to specify the data channel cipher for connectatboot mode, you need aircipher. This should resolve the error you experience. That said, this error will be investigated, because it might hide some bug according to your report. Kind regards
  23. @OpenSourcerer Just to clarify that this is not "fake news": https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/06/if-not-overturned-bad-copyright-decision-will-lead-many-americans-lose-internet A moderator can not threaten an ex ante, pre determined censorship based on the source of the information, be it a web site or anything else. Before you enforce your censorship power we gave you, you must cross-check and verify. If you are not able to do so beyond a reasonable doubt, or you have not the time or will to do so, do not censor. Kind regards
  24. @MateoPeri Hello! We're sorry, you can't do that from within Hummingbird. You might catch from Hummingbird output (Hummingbird prints to stdout, so you can pipe its output trivially) the string "CONNECTED". When it is caught, you run what you want and (contrarily to OpenVPN) you are not forced to do it with root privileges, which is an important security bonus. If you run Linux, consider Bluetit. It sends a D-Bus event when a connection is established. The developer's documentation is being written and it may come handy for your use case too. Stay tuned in the "News" forum, when the documentation is ready we will announce it there. Kind regards
  25. @frisof Hello! Geo-routing (aka "micro-routing") information is reported here: https://airvpn.org/forums/forum/10-websites-support/ If some web site is not reported and you notice a geo-routing in place, a possible explanation is that the web site uses a CDN we have already "geo-routed" for some other service. Feel free to report. Kind regards
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