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  1. Hello! It is possible without any specific configuration. The connection of one or more devices to our VPN servers do not modify in any way packets routing strictly inside your own network. Kind regards
  2. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that a new 1 Gbit/s server located in the Netherlands is available: Corvi. The AirVPN client will show automatically the new server, while if you use the OpenVPN client you can generate all the files to access it through our configuration/certificates/key generator (menu "Member Area"->"Access without our client"). The server accepts connections on ports 53, 80, 443, 2018 UDP and TCP. As usual no traffic limits, no logs, no discrimination on protocols and hardened security against various attacks with separate entry and exit-IP addresses. Do not hesitate to contact us for any information or issue. Kind regards and datalove AirVPN admins
  3. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that a new 1 Gbit/s server located in Canada is available: Cephei. The AirVPN client will show automatically the new server, while if you use the OpenVPN client you can generate all the files to access it through our configuration/certificates/key generator (menu "Member Area"->"Access without our client"). The server accepts connections on ports 53, 80, 443, 2018 UDP and TCP. As usual no traffic limits, no logs, no discrimination on protocols and hardened security against various attacks with separate entry and exit-IP addresses. Do not hesitate to contact us for any information or issue. Kind regards and datalove AirVPN admins
  4. Hello! Phoenicis is down for emergency maintenance. We're working on it. Yes! An announcement will be published soon. Kind regards
  5. Hello! Please see here (assuming that you run Windows; adjustments for different OS are anyway easy): https://airvpn.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=3&id=6621&Itemid=142#6691 Kind regards
  6. Hello! We were looking for an alternative solution. Luckily two days ago OpenVPN Connect for Android was updated and now supports every necessary feature to use all the options of our service. Kind regards
  7. Hello! You're trying to connect to an unavailable VPN server. Please connect to any other VPN server. You can check anytime Air servers status here: https://airvpn.org/status In your "Member Area"->"Your details" panel you can see the reason of the last failed connection attempt. In order to add configurations to Tunnelblick for easy and quick servers switching: http://code.google.com/p/tunnelblick/wiki/cConfigT#Creating_and_Installing_a_Tunnelblick_VPN_Configuration You can ignore step 4: the files generated by our configuration generator are already fully compatible with Tunnelblick, they do not contain a path to certificates and key. Kind regards
  8. Hello! Can you please try different ports for a performance comparison test? In particular try ports 53 UDP and 80 TCP. Please see also here: https://airvpn.org/faq#speed Kind regards
  9. Hello! You're right: if you go back to server choice after you have picked a port, the client will revert to port 443 UDP regardless of your previous port choice in the "Modes" tab. We are aware of this bug which will be fixed in the next Air client release. Kind regards
  10. Hello! You are not exposed, but please make sure you have disabled geographical location in your Firefox: http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/geolocation/ It is a new potentially privacy-infringing feature of HTML5 which tries to disclose and transmit your location regardless of your IP address. That said, Firefox doesn’t share your location without your permission: http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/geolocation It is also possible that Romanian IP addresses undergo the same limitations that are applied to German IP addresses (for copyright or any other reason). We will check that and update this thread. Kind regards
  11. Hello! Your account is on Premium status, authorized to access all the VPN servers, so that can't be the cause of the problem. From your ping commands output, it does not even seem a DNS issue. Can you please try a connection to port 80 TCP and port 53 UDP on a couple of different servers and tell us if the problem is the same? Kind regards
  12. Hello! The logs (at least the first connections) do not show any problem. Can you please try, for testing purposes, to connect after you have stopped any firewall and antivirus software? Kind regards
  13. Hello! In your case, in Vuze specify eth6. Make sure that you tick "Enforce IP bindings even when interfaces are not available [...]". uTorrent has a bind-IP option, not a bind interface option. This is somehow impractical because your VPN IP address (i.e. the IP address DHCP-pushed by our servers to your TAP-Win32 tun/tap adapter) is dynamic, so you would need to change it each time you disconnect and re-connect to a server, or when you switch server. In Comodo, you just need to define the following three Application Rules for utorrent.exe: Allow IP In/Out From IP In [ -] To MAC Any Where Protocol Is Any Allow IP In/Out From MAC Any To IP In [ -] Where Protocol Is Any Block IP In/Out From MAC Any To MAC Any Where Protocol Is Any Kind regards
  14. Hello! Maybe you are trying two simultaneous connections with the same account, which is not allowed, can you please check? Kind regards
  15. Hello! We don't detect any problem at all with Persei (also checked manually a few minutes ago). Kind regards
  16. Hello! It's also unexplainable that your account was displayed as connected to Vega, can you please check and confirm or deny that? You did not give your user.key to anyone, correct? Kind regards
  17. Hello! It's strange because your account is successfully connected to another server (not reported here for privacy reasons) and connections to Vega are currently closed. Can you confirm that your account is successfully connected? Kind regards
  18. Hello! Deletion of an account and all related data is a right granted by EU legal framework on privacy, data protection and data processing, to which we gladly comply. However, the forum is not the right place to submit such a request. Please send your request through the "Contact us" form or write directly to info@airvpn.org. Please include your account name, login name and (in case the account is subscribed to a paid plan) your invoice ID or payment details, as a proof that you're the legitimate account holder. Kind regards
  19. Hello! Most of our 100 Mbit/s servers are in reality connected to 1 Gbit/s port and have at least one 1 Gbit/s network interface. They are also allowed to (very limited in time) bandwidth bursts when necessary. Kind regards
  20. Hello! Probably the best work-around is reading the Norton firewall manual. We'll do that and come back to you with the rule soon (if it's possible with Norton to translate that obviously). In the meantime, of course, any Norton customer can post an answer in this thread. Kind regards
  21. Hello! You have three options: - bind the RDP server to the server physical network adapter, in order to let it be accessible as usual - bind the RDP server to the tun adapter, in order to let it be accessible only on the AirVPN exit-IP address:forward port. - bind the RDP server to both adapters, in order to let it be be accessible both as usual and on the AirVPN exit-IP address:forwarded port. Third option should be evaluated carefully, it may open a door for correlation attacks. Kind regards
  22. Hello! It does not seem that you bought a code from us. If you bought a code from our authorized and reliable reseller bitcoincodes, please write to: support@bitcoincodes.com they will surely solve your issue quickly. Feel free to keep us informed. Kind regards
  23. Hello! Octantis and Vega are providing an insufficient bandwidth for our quality of service and have been momentarily withdrawn for this reason. They will remain unavailable until the datacenter technicians solve the problem and give back the quality of service we pay for. Keeping these servers open would result in very poor experience (extremely low bandwidth) for our customers. Traffic on the servers is not a problem, we have unlimited traffic for them. You can check anytime the servers status in our real time servers monitor: https://airvpn.org/status There is no downtime: the service is guaranteed on any other VPN server, we introduce large network redundancy exactly for this reason. The service availability is not meant as availability of a single server. We will always withdraw servers in the rare cases in which they do not meet the quality of service we wish to deliver to our customers. Kind regards
  24. Hello! Correct. It's an OpenVPN wrapper/GUI with additional commodities (anyway available in the web site or through our configuration generator). Kind regards
  25. Hello! It's just an Air client display bug related to timezones. It does not affect connection in any way. It will be fixed in the 2.0 client release. Kind regards
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