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  1. @YLwpLUbcf77U Hello! If Netflix JP was available from our server in Japan, then we can restore it. Geo-routing is meant to add access, not to subtract it. In general no local Netflix (except UK) was accessible from our servers, that's why we preferred to route to Netflix USA (better than no Netflix at all). We're looking forward to your confirmation. Kind regards
  2. Hello! There is no need to keep that discussion going on. Kind regards
  3. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that five new 1 Gbit/s servers located in Phoenix (AZ, USA) are available: Bootes, Chalawan, Indus, Phoenix and Virgo. The AirVPN client will show automatically the new servers, while if you use the OpenVPN client you can generate all the files to access them through our configuration/certificates/key generator (menu "Client Area"->"Config generator"). The servers accept connections on ports 53, 80, 443, 1194, 2018 UDP and TCP. Just like every other "second generation" Air server, they support OpenVPN over SSL and OpenVPN over SSH, TLS 1.2 and tls-crypt. Full IPv6 support is included as well. As usual no traffic limits, no logs, no discrimination on protocols and hardened security against various attacks with separate entry and exit-IP addresses. Do not hesitate to contact us for any information or issue. Kind regards and datalove AirVPN Team
  4. Hello! We're glad to inform you that we detected the problem and that it has been fixed in our internal versions. You will be able to run a fixed version very soon. Kind regards
  5. Hello! We can not manage to reproduce any freeze and/or crash on Android 5.1. Can you specify your environment? The persistent notification is important otherwise there's no way to guarantee the VPN connection life. You should not need to swipe any notification out, it/they will disappear after a few seconds. Any other notification is fundamental to make you aware of any status change in Android system network and OpenVPN status. Of course. Keep that option on to save battery and also prevent some locks (when the VPN is paused, you are in a safer state). Anyway if Eddie detects a warning that is a prelude to a critical error, and it's not possible to pause the VPN, it will enter the lock state to prevent leaks. We consider it a very good feature. Kind regards
  6. Hello! The situation is not what you describe, since, according to the article we linked: 1) the CEO of Tesonet, the CEO of ProtonVPN and the CEO of CloudVPN are all the same one person. 2) CloudVPN is not a payment processor. It uses PayPal to collect subscriptions from NordVPN. It's not that you pay to NordVPN via a payment processor called "CloudVPN", you pay to CloudVPN via some payment processor (PayPal for example). In such transactions CloudVPN is not the payment processor, it is the final beneficiary of your payments. To allow such payments via a web site interaction with PayPal, PayPal wants that the beneficiary is the web site owner. Additionally, the developer of NordVPN application in the Google Play Store is CloudVPN. The developer of ProtonVPN application in the Google Play Store is Tesonet. So you know that: - CloudVPN is not a payment processor in the transaction phase, but the beneficiary of the payment - CloudVPN signs the application(s) of NordVPN (therefore it has full access to Google Play Store keys of NordVPN) - Tesonet signs the application(s) of ProtonVPN (therefore it has full access to Google Play Store keys of ProtonVPN) - the CEO of Tesonet, CloudVPN and ProtonVPN is the same person - CloudVPN introduced itself to PayPal as the web server owner of NordVPN This is a matter of trust, and when trust is involved, a lack of transparency should trigger a red alert. This is plainly incorrect even under a purely technical aspect. With Wireshark etc. you can only see that your packets go to or come from the VPN server. You have absolutely no idea of what happens once they are there, outside of your control. As an additional side note, please keep in mind that data mining does not necessarily involves inspection of the traffic content, which is rather trivial and obvious (another trivial consideration: otherwise end-to-end encryption would have meant death of intermediary data mining worldwide ). Kind regards
  7. Thank you very much, noted. The problem is going under investigation right now. Kind regards
  8. Hello and thank you for your thorough report! Please provide us at your convenience with more details about freezes and crashes. Android 5.1 is still in our compatibility list so we are interested in maintaining for a while compatibility with it. We will re-check it and fix it if necessary. Can you make some examples? Please compare OpenVPN 3 in Eddie with OpenVPN 3 in "OpenVPN for Android", not with OpenVPN 2.5. Correct. Each profile is compiled on the fly from the ASCII file. This is not a big deal since the integration with AirVPN will make this usage superfluous. In some circumstances you might get a lock which could be intended. Eddie follows a "better safe than sorry" philosophy, so it will not hesitate to lock the connection when OpenVPN sends warnings which are a prelude to a critical error involving an inevitable leak: since Eddie doesn't have root access, it must intervene before it's too late. In some cases this could be interpreted as "over-locking" but again: better safe than sorry. Always remember to send us a complete log for any issue, you can do it with a tap. Log can help us remarkably. In this case, they could make us see whether Eddie locked properly or not. At the moment you have a paramount advantage: Eddie can prevent leaks where OpenVPN for Android can't. This bonus alone is decisive. Of course with the integration with AirVPN you will see more and more reasons to use Eddie instead of OpenVPN for Android. On the other hand, "OpenVPN for Android" is a beautiful open source software refined masterfully by Arne Schwabe in years and years of serious development, so we are aware that we have a long road ahead. It sure will, and even more so if you give us the essential information we asked for. Thank you! Kind regards
  9. Hello! Bug confirmed. It affects version 2.16.1 as well. It's a regression because it did not affect Eddie 2.13.6. We have informed the devs to have it patched asap. Kind regards
  10. We approached the problem differently. Instead of limitations you now have additional options. Please see here: https://airvpn.org/topic/26209-how-to-manage-client-certificatekey-pairs/ Kind regards
  11. Hello! This message means that Eddie failed to contact all the "bootstrap servers", i.e. specific servers which are used to transmit special information to Eddie for your comfort or to prepare for service access. Of course if you are already connected to the VPN or if the next attempt is successful, you can dismiss this message. Kind regards
  12. Hello! We have now multiple confirmations from various mainland China towns according to which simply connecting to exit-IP addresses 3 and 4 with protocol TCP is perfect to bypass blocks without any additional tunnel. Port 443 is recommended but it looks like connections to port 80 work fine as well. Kind regards
  13. Just in case you need some different source and start your own document checking and verification, the following article might be a start: http://vpnscam.com/nordvpn-protonvpn-proton-mail-owned-by-tesonet-ceo-darius-bereika/ Kind regards
  14. Hello! We're glad to know that you can access Netflix from all of the Air servers you tested. From your description the Android TV box, or the Netflix application running in it, might send out DNS queries to specific DNS servers, instead of ours. Unfortunately you are just a user on an Android system (not an administrator), so you lack the proper privileges to force packets redirection to specific DNS IP addresses. We wonder how we can help this situation from our side, we will think about it seriously. Kind regards
  15. Hello! Please make sure to connect to entry-IP addresses 3 and 4 (tls-crypt is also active and it will bypass China block). OpenVPN 2.4 or higher is required. If in doubt please open a ticket to receive all the details. Kind regards
  16. Hello! Up to 1.0 beta 3 it was off by default. Starting from 1.0 RC1 it is on by default. Kind regards
  17. Hello! Please do not hesitate to report the server names from which you can't access Netflix USA. IMPORTANT: you can't access Netflix USA from UK servers. We left them outside the geo-routing because they could access Netflix UK, at least up to a week ago. Kind regards
  18. Hello! Yes, you can find this option in the "Settings", on the "System" section. It is enabled by default (i.e. the VPN will be paused when the screen is off). If the VPN is not paused when the screen is off, you will receive notifications. Battery life will be shorter, of course. Kind regards
  19. Hello! We would like to inform you that according to hundreds of reports we have been receiving in the last weeks, Eddie 2.10.3 and older versions stopped working properly in Windows 7, 8 and 10. While they seem to run correctly, they are not able to establish any connection with any connection mode. While we ignore the reason of this malfunction, we will probably not investigate, because Eddie 2.10.3 and older versions are no more supported since a long ago. We remind you that Eddie 2.10.3 is a three years old version and that it is deprecated. The only non-deprecated Eddie versions are 2.13.6 and 2.15.2 (as well as 2.16.1 which is currently under testing). We strongly recommend that you don't use any Eddie version older than 2.13.6. We kindly ask you to check your version in "AirVPN" > "About" and upgrade to Eddie latest release if necessary. Eddie for Windows can be downloaded here: https://airvpn.org/windows Kind regards AirVPN Staff
  20. Hello! Eddie 2.10.3 is very old, it's time to upgrade. Can you please upgrade to Eddie 2.15.2 (latest stable release) and test again? This new version might be able to resolve the problem. You can download the latest release of Eddie for WIndows in our web site page "Enter" > "Windows", direct link https://airvpn.org/windows We're looking forward to hearing from you. Kind regards
  21. Hello! Please make sure that you run the latest Eddie version (2.15.2, at the moment) first. You can check in "AirVPN" > "About" menu. If you run the latest Eddie version and the problem persists please send us a system report taken just after the problem has occurred. Click "Logs" tab, click the life belt icon, copy all and paste into your message. Kind regards
  22. In the EU, Sweden is a country with a good/excellent infrastructure. We operate servers in two datacenters in Sweden, one in Uppsala and one in Stockholm. They have completely different transit upstream and provider. Do you have no "luck" with both of them? On the other hand, if you have better connectivity even to Asia than Sweden, and you are in the EU, then you probably had better forget completely Swedish servers! Kind regards
  23. Hello! In Android, "OpenVPN for Android" and "openvpn-connect", as well as Eddie Android edition, are configured by default to accept the DNS push from the server, so the device will use VPN DNS. However it remains to be seen whether the Netflix application will bypass maliciously the system settings to send queries directly to a specific DNS and prevent the usage. We will investigate. Kind regards
  24. List of Generation 2 servers as of 28th of July, 2018. Total servers: 133 Acamar Achernar Achird Adhara Ain Alamak Alathfar Alchiba Alcyone Alderamin Algieba Alhena Alkaid Alkurhah Almach Alphecca Alshat Aludra Alwaid Alzirr Angetenar Aquila Ara Arkab Asterion Asterope Atria Auriga Baiten Betelgeuse Bootes Caelum Camelopardalis Capricornus Carinae Castor Cebalrai Centaurus Cephei Cervantes Chalawan Chamaeleon Chara Chow Circinus Columba Copernicus Corvus Cursa Cynosura Dabih Delphinus Diadema Diphda Edasich Enif Equuleus Eridanus Errai Fafnir Fornax Gacrux Gianfar Gienah Gomeisa Grumium Hamal Hatysa Helvetios Hercules Heze Horologium Hydra Hydrus Indus Intercrus Jabbah Kajam Kitel Kocab Lepus Libra Lupus Markab Mebsuta Mekbuda Menkab Merope Mesarthim Metallah Minkar Mirach Monoceros Musca Musica Naos Nash Nashira Nunki Ogma Orion Persei Phact Phoenix Pictor Pleione Pollux Porrima Pyxis Rana Regulus Rotanev Sabik Sadalbari Salm Sculptor Serpens Sharatan Sheliak Situla Skat Spica Subra Taurus Triangulum Tucana Turais Ursa Veritate Virgo Volans Zaniah Zuben Kind regards
  25. Hello! You're right, Alkes is still Gen 1. It was wrongly included in a wrong Gen 2 list in this thread. Kind regards
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